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Turning a page, a new chapter.

Shan Revan

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Long time ago in an ocean far far away, there was a great nation that resided in the Pacific known as the Omniscient Empire of Naboo. This nation, being a large artificial island long ago descended under the waves of the pacific and disappeared rather like Atlantis of old. Few know the fate of the island, the last recorded communications told of a baffling and rediculous undersea war between the empire and a coalition of dolphins and the merpeople. Of what lunacy they were speaking no one really knows but what is certain is that the empire has gone.

The hundreds of millions of souls living there were never seen again, that is until now. A very small fleet of surviving refugee ships had somehow ended up in the Black Sea, carrying what seemed to be a handful of people. They landed upon the shores of Crimea, looking for assistance but found it recently abandoned. The land was fertile and the climate agreeable. So here they decided to squat. Having landed and assembled a small town of rough shacks, they plugged in a surviving laptop and connected wirelessly to the internet. The elected representative of this refugee camp emailed the apparant title holders of this land and pleaded for mercy, assistance and that they till this abandoned land and make a new home.

No longer are these people the proud citizens of a world spanning empire, merely wretches, begging for a chance at redemption, to start anew, on solid land. They would hope for the best as they eagerly awaited the long talks between their representatives and the people of the Slavic Federation. If all went well, they would be granted independence in these fair lands, and a new chapter would begin in the history of this people.

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In order to establish a healthy, positive relationship, the Slavic Federation and Omniscient Empire of Naboo, hereon out referred to as the Slavic Federation and Naboo, respectively, do agree to these terms of independence.

Article I. Sovereignty
The Slavic Federation recognizes that Naboo is a sovereign nation.

Article II. Veteran Care
Naboo agrees to help provide healthcare and other assistance for those Crimean soldiers that fought in Operation: Pacific Star.

Article III. Natives
Naboo agrees to treat the Crimean natives with respect, as equals.

Article IV. What If Clause
Should Naboo cease to exist for any reason, their holdings will revert back to Slavic control.

Article V. Protection
The Slavic Federation will protect Naboo for a period of one year. (OOC: one RL month)

Signed for the Slavic Federation,
HRH King James II

Signed for the Omniscient Empire of Naboo,

OOC: off to bed I go

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With the treaty negotiated, all 500 citizens signed the document, as they were yet to elect any form of head of state.
The peeople were free, and new land, a new nation was to be born. First on the agenda would be the name of the new state, and a decision on its governmental style.

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After a long period of debate, the congregation finally settled upon new name for their nation. It was decided their former name, the Omniscient Empire of Naboo was far too arogant, and it was this attitude that in part led to its downfall. Whilst no one would speak of the unmentionable things that happened during their apparent absence from the surface world, they all knew far too well the horrors they had all endured. Long ago, this land was known as Taurica, for it is here that Heracles ploughed the land with a great ox (Taurus). Such a basic and life giving feat greatly appealed to the weary refugees, and so it was decided that this emerging nation should be known as [b]Artūrica[/b], a name derived from their new home's most ancient of names. Further debate decided that the Artūrica would be a democratic republic. Elections were to be held once the population reached a certain threshold. For the time being however, direct democracy would govern as the population was so small.

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OOC: Well I was under the assumption that the land (or at least the land in the area they landed in) was abondoned, seeing as the nation was, but that probably makes more sense. Sounds interesting though, so PM me some ideas and we can come up with something. It should be noted though that my population is about to grow rather rapidly.

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A contest for a flag design was held next, keeping with the theme, a simple flag with geometric patterns won and was shortly raised raised upon a hastily constructed flagpole in the settlement.


The blue represents the old sea home, a heritage they will not lose, the white a new dawn/beginning.

Edited by Shan Revan
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