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Adi:I feel that I, SNAFU's most crazed fanatic has to weigh in on this very interesting thread that my deluded mind now perceives as a debate. First of all, I think there is nothing wrong with...

Wait what? Yeah? Mhmm...? Oh! Ohhhhh!! Recruiting? Yes. Yes. Yes sir, I'll get that done right now.

Ummm...hey guys! Sorry, I was thinking again but the voices in my head told me to stop and let them do all the talking! So here we go!!

[b]Act I scene i[/b]

Adi: Hello out there falks!

Voice in Adi's head that manifests itself through Adi's voice: That's [i]folks[/i] Adi."

*Adi Shoots self (in an attempt to shoot the voice) in the head*

VIAHTMITAV: Aieeeee!!!

Adi:Hello out there falks!! You should join SNAFU to see what kind of fun we have here! I get kept in a cage for 22 hours a day and am let out for the comedy hour television special for two hours! What a bargain! Last place I was at didn't let me stay but one hour on their alliance television. I <3 SNAFU! So come join is falks! Now if you'll excuse me I have to tend to this very minor and very very...bloody wound...g'night everybody!

*Adificio collapses to the ground dying slowly of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.*


Edited by Adificio Depereo
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