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Are you a new nation trying to find your way?
An old nation continuing your search for an alliance this day?
Then please lend me your ear today
for you have come across wonderful S-N-A-F-U AA

SNAFU is an old stable small alliance on the purple sphere (though we accept any color). Now we may not be able to offer you the isolation and almost utter uselessness you could have in a larger alliance what we can offer you is.


Even for just my short stay so far in SNAFU i can already tell we have one of (if not the most) awesome communities in the game. We have amazingly dedicated core of people to help you on your way to growing your nation and ultimately having fun in CN. I actually look forward to getting onto IRC and chatting with my alliance mates whereas in alot of alliances IRC is mostly for business , not the case in SNAFU! Also SNAFU has tons of friends in other alliances so there is the opportunity to make more friends in a close knit setting than you would in a mega alliance.

Nation Building

Now we don't offer those silly "sign up bonuses" a lot of alliances seem to be offering these days , but when you have proved yourself within the community you gain access to the numerous "boost" programs our Department of Making Nations Rich has to accelerate the growth of your nation , these boost programs even compete with the nation building programs of larger alliances .


While in overall strength is not the highest, our average nation strength is quite respectable at 14,647 for an alliance of our size and proves how effective our numerous boosting programs are. While we may be small we pack a hell of a punch just ask our opponents in the last war they still have bruises. In addition, we have nations from many different ranges of NS, which allows us to provide protection from rogues and d0ucheb@gs. and if we fail to protect you (like that would happen) we have aid to get you back on your feet while we call in our Mutual defense partners to rain fire on the people stupid enough to attack you


So come on and join us at our forums :)

Or on our IRC channel #SNAFU

Do you desire more info?

Check out
[url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/SNAFU"]SNAFU Wiki[/url]

or feel free to PM [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=367909"]My nation[/url]


[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=216336"]Our glorious leader Stetson[/url]

and check out our charter
[u][i][b]SNAFU Charter[/b][/i][/u]
[quote]The SNAFU Accords

The founders of SNAFU recognize that all things in the cyberverse do not go as planned.
As a result, we have come together to embrace these challenges and make them our own.
We hereby announce the creation of SNAFU as a place built on Strength, Honor and Unity with a measured dose of incredulity.

Mission Statement - Prepare for the worst and enjoy the rest of the time
Section A - Government
Operational Statement - As the founders and government of SNAFU recognize that there are going to be situation in which members of the government will not always be around precisely when they are needed it is the policy of SNAFU to take whatever corrective action to any given situation with speed and efficiency. With that in mind, any legislation that is presented and active situations will be resolved by whatever government is active at the time said issue presents itself. No legislation shall be open for vote for longer than 48 hours and no immediate problem shall linger awaiting the arrival of the appropriate department. Our government is comprised of equals who all enjoy the same level of respect and power divided into areas of strength so that when the inevitable out of the ordinary situation arises it can be addressed quickly and properly with the consent of the available government. That all being said, our government structure will be as follows:

The Grand Fubar - The holder of this position shall be solely responsible for the functioning of this alliance as a whole, and the appointment/dismissal and activities of the Directors in their respective positions. The Fubar is a title that shall be held for life unless at super majority of 75% of the active members vote in an organized manner to evict said title holder. Since it is likely that a super majority will be impossible in the time frame needed to make such a momentous and urgent change a vote of at least 80% of the Directors in good standing as well as the Power Behind the Throne will sufficient to remove the Fubar from office. The Fubar shall be the face of the alliance in all matters regarding peace, profit and friendships, but shall not unilaterally engage in any action deemed to be detrimental to the alliance. Should such actions take place the Fubar will be immediately determined to be negligent and the Power Behind the Throne will ascend to the position of Fubar until such time as the negative situation is resolved and punishment/mercy is determined by a meeting of the Directors.

The Power Behind the Throne – Shall be responsible for keeping the Grand Fubar in check and focused on the improvement of the alliance’s position in the larger community. The Power shall be second in command should the Fubar be indisposed with all rights and powers of the Fubar until such time as order is restored and normalcy reigns.

The Director of Illicit Affairs – Is a position tasked with keeping the alliance a clean and orderly place to live. Therefore the maintenance of the alliance forums will be the responsibility of the DoIA. Furthermore as an empty house is not a home the DoIA is responsible for recruiting new members and ensuring they are trained in the ways of this alliance and the world at large. Based on the assumption that some do not learn without the help of a little bit of gentle persuasion the DoIA shall also be tasked with keeping the unruly members in check up to and including running all elections should/when they become necessary to replace the Fubar or passing amendments to this charter, as well as directing corrective action should a member require disciplinary action.

The Director of Damage Control – War is a state of being on this planet and as such the Director of Damage Control shall create a standing army comprised of all nations to defend this alliance against the perditions of mean people. SNAFU believes that the best way to ensure peace is to prepare for war and tasks the DoDC to ensure that it’s fighting forces are well trained, equipped and organized to meet any threat.

The Director of Making Nations Rich – Money is the lifeblood of any alliance and is therefore it is a primary focus of SNAFU to ensure that its nations are both wealthy and well organized to increase that wealth over time. In consideration of this tenet of our belief it shall be the Director of Making Nations Rich’s responsibility to steward the alliance’s finances. This shall include but not be limited to allowing opportunities for nations to earn money, secure stable trades and conduct business in a forthright and honest matter with outside nations. Should a situation occur where a member of SNAFU is unable to meet its financial obligations to the alliance the DoMNR will work with said nation to return it to proper levels of solvency.

The Director of Alliance Relations – Participation in and coexistence of any alliance in the workings of the greater world is a must to ensure both safety and economic prosperity. Therefore the Director of Alliance Relations is placed in a position of making friends, soothing enemies and resolving conflict among the various alliances extant. The DoAR will work closely with the Fubar and Power to enact treaties and build relationships with alliances that will help SNAFU succeed and come to its defense in times of trouble. It shall also be the responsibility of the DoAR to be the main liaison for alliances looking to redress claims against SNAFU in a diplomatic and expeditious manner.

Section B - Membership

Any nation that is not already affiliated with any other existing alliance, can prove that they are not an inherent threat to SNAFU and passes the entrance exam may become a full member of this alliance with all rights and privileges. Including freedom to speak their mind under any and all circumstances as long as that right is not abused by infringing on another’s peaceful existence. Freedom of departure with the understanding that any and all aid paid to the nation outside of business transactions shall be repaid before departure or severe consequences shall arise. The right to propose legislation for consideration by the standing government shall be granted to every member of the alliance. And finally the right to vote in any alliance directed survey, or judicial process including but not limited to amendments to the charter or legislation the government deems suitable for public comment and removal of the Fubar.

Section C - Military Policy

It is the policy of SNAFU to be prepared for every eventuality therefore the military arm of the alliance shall always be at the ready. As nuclear engagements are a reality in war all nations capable of securing nuclear arms are encouraged to do so, but will not be authorized to use them unless a clear and present danger exists as deemed appropriate by the Fubar. SNAFU regrets that war will visit us one day, but states here as a matter of alliance policy that all communication by warring parties on the behalf of SNAFU shall conduct themselves with honor under penalty of censure by the alliance as a whole. SNAFU will not engage in any aggressive wars unless it is deemed by the Fubar and available government that such action is necessary. Should SNAFU find itself in the enviable position of being the winning side of a war, it is our policy to enact reasonable surrender terms on any alliance or individual that requests them. Seeing as how every pendulum swings both ways we would appreciate the same courtesy should our roles be reversed.

Section D - Amendments

This charter and all subsequent legislation shall be amendable by the Fubar at any time, or by an 80% passing vote by the Directors including the Power however, it is encouraged that any such change to the operating guidelines of this alliance will be put to public discussion when possible.

Conclusion - These are the laws and beliefs set down by the founders of SNAFU for all to see. This is the credo we live by and by which we present ourselves to the world. Despite the fickle nature of this world we live in and the certain to be trials and triumphs ahead, we avow that the situation is normal it’s all fine by us!


Stetson, The Grand Fubar
Drall, The Power Behind the Throne
Madam Cavi, The Director of Illicit Affairs
Heheurfunny, The Director of Damage Control
SilverStar, The Director of Making Nations Rich
Adificio Depereo, The Director of Damage Control

Edited by wfbone
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Take it however you want Stets :blink:

We've had other comments from famous people, read what former US President Bill Clinton had to say about us.....

"I was browsing the web with my right hand, when I saw an advert for SNAFU. I immediately took my left hand out of my underpants and typed in the application form"

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[quote name='Joe32320' date='23 April 2010 - 02:29 AM' timestamp='1272004142' post='2271795']
Take it however you want Stets :blink:

We've had other comments from famous people, read what former US President Bill Clinton had to say about us.....

"I was browsing the web with my right hand, when I saw an advert for SNAFU. I immediately took my left hand out of my underpants and typed in the application form"
/me approves this message

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[quote name='Joe32320' date='23 April 2010 - 01:29 AM' timestamp='1272004142' post='2271795']
Take it however you want Stets :blink:

We've had other comments from famous people, read what former US President Bill Clinton had to say about us.....

"I was browsing the web with my right hand, when I saw an advert for SNAFU. I immediately took my left hand out of my underpants and typed in the application form"

i almost fell out of my chair just now XD

Edited by wfbone
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