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Looking for a good Alliance


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I'm an [size="7"]experienced [/size]player here at CN... and Now I'm starting all over again due to some past issues with my nation (anarchy and bill lock)
im looking for a good alliance to join

one that gives start up money (because I really NEED the money).. offers their members to tech raid at their own risk and allows them to start wars... and that defends their members when at war... also an alliance that doesnt make you do "tests" , "Academys", "exams".

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[quote name='anng12' date='30 March 2010 - 10:29 PM' timestamp='1269988129' post='2241457']

I'm an [size="7"]experienced [/size]player here at CN... and Now I'm starting all over again due to some past issues with my nation (anarchy and bill lock)
im looking for a good alliance to join

one that gives start up money (because I really NEED the money).. offers their members to tech raid at their own risk and allows them to start wars... and that defends their members when at war... also an alliance that doesnt make you do "tests" , "Academys", "exams".

Tetris allows tech raids (boo, immoral?), Has no exams and offers tech deals that would benefit you. Unfortunately, we do not offer start up aid. We will however defend you in war.


#tetris on coldfront

Edited by Darth Pollard
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[quote name='Darth Pollard' date='30 March 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1269988493' post='2241465']
Tetris allows tech raids (boo, immoral?), Has no exams and offers tech deals that would benefit you. Unfortunately, we do not offer start up aid. We will however defend you in war.


#tetris on coldfront
Can you show me the rules of your alliance?

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[quote name='Andre27' date='30 March 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1269988546' post='2241469']
**** Phoenix Rising!**** http://s1.zetaboards.com/PhR/index/

Plain and simple.

Are there any specifics you're looking for?

(Let the massive recruiting begin)

Can you link me to your alliance's rules?

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[quote name='anng12' date='30 March 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1269988977' post='2241477']
Can you show me the rules of your alliance?

The charter of Tetris can be found here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Tetris_(2nd)

we don't have rules as such, as we are a small alliance, we just let you know if you are or aren't allowed to do something.

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[quote name='anng12' date='31 March 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1269989018' post='2241478']
Can you link me to your alliance's rules?

Sure can [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/PhR/topic/1623832/"]Phoenix Rising Charter[/url]

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[url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url][/center]

Do you be part of an alliance where you aren't just a number, forgotten in the crowd?

Do you want to be a gov member of an young alliance and helping to shape its destiny?

Do you want to be part of a community where people will give you real help in maximizing your nation, rather than just telling you to go read some guides?

Are you tired of the drama that has recently been overwhelming most CN alliances?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it might be worth it to give the [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url] a look.

We are a new alliance, but created by nations with years of CN experience. We are small enough to be largely free of the CN drama, but connected enough to know what is going on.

We are protected by a large alliance who is further backed up by several other major alliances.

In the [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url], your safety is assured.
You will be valued and respected as a member.
You will have your resource trades and tech deals set up in a timely manner.

Nations of all color teams are welcome, and we will never force any nation to change their color.
The color of your choice also will not limit the assistance you will be given in making your nation the best it can be.

We want you to succeed. When our member nations succeed, then the whole alliance succeeds.

Read this thread for more info: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=83116&st=0&gopid=2243458&#entry2243458

I am Yuurei, Founder and Chancellor Prime of [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/"]Terran Empire[/url] and I look forward to meeting you.

Come visit us at out forums:

Edited by Yuurei
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Hello, I am in the alliance called the Terran Empire and we are looking for good members to join the alliance.

We offer tech trades,protection,and put you in trade circles if you need it. We offer way more but these three things will get your nation growing,and i grantie you that if you join and is active for a month you will gain at least 2,000 Nation Strength.

So if you are looking for good friends or people to talk to then the Terran Empire is for you. If you want to join the Terran Empire all you need is this link to the forums http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire .

Post an application like I did and in a few hours are professionals will look at your application to accept it.

You need to go to this link http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire and post an appliacation to join, remember. Thankyou and hope you join the Terran Empire. Any questions just ask me.


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