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[i]Dratius, Drakoria
11:43 AM
January 3, 1989[/i]

Drake Friedrich, direct descendant of the great king Drakon Hannibal, sat in his suburban home, watching the local news. Another dispute between the states had erupted, regarding travel rights between them. He poured himself some whiskey, sighing. The states could find naught to agree on, and the national government could do naught to arbitrate between them. This Confederation was but a shell of what the Drakorian people should have, of what Drakoria once was. It was a disgrace to the hard work of Drakon Hannibal, and of the warriors of the Dratii and Torenau tribes before him. It was sickening. Drakoria was rightfully his, Drake thought. He was the heir of Drakon Hannibal, after all.

Drake had spent the last six years working in law. He'd graduated from Dratius University and Dratius School of Law, and created his own law firm, from his inheritance. The firm quickly grew into Drakoria's largest, defending whoever could pay them. The national and state governments came to Friedrich Law and Advice for defense, and had even been on both sides of a case at some times. The middle and upper classes sought the advice of FLA attorneys, paying vast amounts of money for defense and advice. These transactions had made Drake rich, and he was the owner of several billion of each state currency, plus the national currency. He had, until recently, been the second richest man in Drakoria. But when he sued the Mayor of Dratius for bias and damages, the Mayor, then the richest man, had to pay a huge fee to Drake, thus making him the #1 richest man in all of Drakoria.

Wealth, in almost all cases, brings influence. 'Gifts' to key politicians had caused more than half of the states to lean favorably towards him and his firm. This didn't help his popularity with the masses, however. What did were the victorious cases FLA constantly came up with...sometimes ill-gotten.

In a national poll, Drake was found to be the fourth most loved man in Drakoria. The three before him: Governor Wolf Ethans of Toren, golfer Lion Forest, and actor Jack Brack. The Governor, having been viewed the best by 37% of the population, was an immediate threat, as he was an opponent to Drake and his law firm. When records of child molestation were found under Ethans's name, and heroin found in his office, he was imprisoned, and public opinion shifted towards Forest, Brack, and Drake.

Forest was the best golfer in Drakoria, and had won the past five Drakorian Golf Association tournaments. He traditionally donated half of his salary to charity, which was publicized much by the media. Shortly after Ethans went to jail, the Paparazzi discovered evidence of Lion cheating on his wife with several women. Drakorian opinion shifted against him, and Forest's career nearly died.

Brack was found guilty of rape by a plaintiff supported by an FLA lawyer. He was now in prison for thirty years.

Now, Drake thought as he took a shot of whiskey, the poll for 'most popular person in Drakoria' would be held tomorrow. His stances had earned him the love of many Drakorians, even though none knew his heritage, and no other person had been as publicized as he. The Paparazzi had tried to dig up dirt on him, but found nothing. The Drakorian people found this very encouraging, and many expressed happiness with Drake and the FLA in general.

The Heir of Drakon Hannibal smiled, satisfied. Tomorrow's results would see if his plan would happen, or if it would remain a dream.

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[i]Dratius, Drakoria
DCNN Headquarters
7:12 PM
January 4, 1989[/i]

DCNN News Anchor Gerald Franz shuffled his papers, saying, "And that concludes this week's sport overview. We now go to the results of our annual polls with Richard Fox."
"Thank you, Gerald. As you know, every year, DCNN polls every citizen in Drakoria on five different questions, and bring them to you as soon as the counting is done.
Here are the results."
[b]Are you willing to die for the Confederation of Drakoria?
No: 73%
Yes: 27%

Are you willing to die for your state?
Yes: 86%
No: 14%

What religion do you follow?
Agnosticism: 46%
Drakorian Paganism: 23%
Drakorian Monotheism: 21%
Atheism: 6%
Christianity: 4%

What public figure in Drakoria do you support most?
Chairman Drake Friedrich, Friedrich Law and Advice: 68%
President Hanns Gregor: 11%
Vocalist Daniel Moyer: 10%
Other: 11%

Annual Wildcard Poll: Do you support the measures taken against Great Britain?
Yes: 88%
No: 9%
Don't Care: 3%[/b]

"If you wish to see the results later, you can go to our website at www.dcnn.dra. Back to you, Gerald."
"Thank you, Richard."

[i]Dratius, Drakoria
7:16 PM
January 4, 1989[/i]

Drake smiled softly. 68% of Drakorians preferred him over all other Drakorian political leaders, and more supported him.

He picked up a phone and dialed a number a deep voice answered on the other end.
"Uh huh."
"Begin perfection tomorrow."
"Alright. See you later."

[u]Dratius, Drakoria
Presidential Palace
5:17 AM
January 5, 1989[/u]

"Mr. President?" a secretary asked tentatively, looking in the door.
President Gregor and Governor Johnson of Dratius State turned to look at the secretary. "Yes?" Gregor asked.
"Chairman Friedrich is here to see you."
"Send him in," Gregor said. "I hope you don't mind, Governor."
"No, no, not at all," Johnson said.
Drake entered the room, carrying a briefcase, and what was apparently one of his aides tagging along behind him. "Thank you for seeing me, Mr. President," he said, shaking hands with Gregor. "Sorry to intrude on your meeting, Governor." He shook hands with the governor.
"It's nothing," Gregor said.
"No apology necessary," Johnson said.
"What do you require, Mr. Friedrich?" Gregor asked, sitting down. Johnson copied him, but Drake and his aide didn't sit.
"I wish to talk about the current state of affairs of Drakoria."
"I feel that Drakoria is...in a rut. We can't work together, and the Confederation is failing. I'm here to get us out of the rut."
"How so?" Gregor and Johnson said at the same time.
Drake opened his briefcase, took out some papers, then grasped something. "With a little bit of steel and ink. Maybe, but hopefully not, with a little lead, too."
"What?" Gregor asked, frowning.
Drake withdrew a Desert Eagle handgun from his briefcase at the same time his aide took a Model 4506 semi-auto from his back pocket. The President and Governor found themselves in the sights of these two weapons.
"What the hell?" Johnson said, standing up, but not moving.
"Governor. Mr. President. I'd like for you to sign this," Drake said, pushing the papers towards them with his free hand.
"What is this?" Gregor asked warily.
"A document where you, Mr. President, suspend the legislature of Drakoria, declaring martial law, creating the position of High Chancellor, appointing myself as high chancellor. This will allow me full control over the federal government of Drakoria. The second paper you sign is your resignation. The paper the government will sign renounces the state of Dratius's sovereignty, and declares itself to be under the management of the Drakorian National government."

Gregor snorted. "Preposterous. Guards!"
No one came.
Still nothing.
Drake chuckled. "I would like to inform you that the Presidential Guard has sworn allegiance to the Heir of Drakon Hannibal and is currently securing the area to prevent your escape or assistance."
"What the $%&@? Heir of Drakon Hannibal? Who...?"It then dawned on the president. "By Donner's axe," he whispered. "You?"
"Precisely," Drake said softly. "I am the heir to the kings of old, and I am here to bring Drakoria back to its former glory. This 'Confederation' is a mockery, unfit to bear the name Drakoria. We once ruled most of the continent, now we bicker over ten square feet of land at state borders."
"You realize there are sixteen other states, right?" Johnson said. "I doubt the governors will be happy with this."
"I agree, Governor. They won't be happy. But they're going to agree."
"How? You're here, not in the other sixteen states."
"True. But FLA has several locations around Drakoria."

The secretary poked his head in again. "Chairman, the states of Toren, Brakz, and the islands have been secured."
"Oh, god damn, even Jeremy is in on this?"
"Yeah. He helped me get through my divorce without losing all of my stuff to my !@#$%* of an ex-wife. Mr. Friedrich is a great man."
"For the love of Donner..."
Drake laughed. "Would you like to sign this now?"
"Guess we don't have much choice," Gregor sighed, taking the papers and signing them. Johnson did likewise.
"Good. You're under arrest until this deal is finished." Four of the Presidential Guardsmen entered the room and, in a greatly ironic move, arrested the President and the Governor. The two were cuffed and detained in the president's office.

A very similar occurrence had happened almost simultaneously in the other sixteen states. The Gubernatorial Guards, who had been under the influence of Drake and his firm for over a year, supported one representative per state from FLA, and arrested the governor and legislators of each state. As this happened, the spread of Drake's influence and wealth became apparent. His supporters were in the Chiefs of Staff of the military, the police, the government, and the Presidential and Gubernatorial Guards. The media, also filled with his supporters, remained silent, and did not broadcast the situation as it happened. The world would not know what was going on until Chancellor Drake Friedrich decided to let them know.

The transition was peaceful; 87% of Drakorians liked the idea of Drake ascending to power, and about 7% really didn't give a $%&@. The other 6% were generally governors, legislators, other government officials that hadn't been swayed by Drake and his wealth or charm. Not a single gunshot was fired. Not a single person died. Not a single outburst.

For the first time in many years...unity.

OOC: Still not public.

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The transition was peaceful, quick, and efficient. Every upper-level FLA attorney coordinated with Drake on creating a new Drakorian constitution, and since Drake chose his higher ups by political views and skill, there were few disputes. It took only two days to write, check, double check, and finalize the constitution.

[i]Dratius, Drakoria
11:00 AM
January 7, 1989[/i]

Chancellor Drake Friedrich approached the podium, calm in both looks and mind. He'd prided himself on his abilities as a public speaker; while many politicians were nervous before a speech, and had to prepare themselves mentally beforehand, Drake could just arrive three minutes beforehand, get through the press, and give his speech. He'd nearly been late to this one for oversleeping.

Drake shuffled his index cards, looked at them for a split second, and put them down, folding his hands together.

"Good morning, Drakorians and the world. I come to you today with news of change. While many Drakorians are aware of this, the world has had no idea what has gone on in Drakoria the past few days.

Two days ago, I approached President Gregor, bringing a proposition for reforming the Confederation for the better. My suggestions were fairly simple; one currency, a few social programs. Gregor liked the idea, and appointed me Chancellor of Drakoria so I could put them into effect. I left to get my affairs at FLA in order, and was called there by Gregor, informing me of a plot to attack the palace. Mr. Gregor, while a great man in many aspects, is indecisive, and asked that I return to make security arrangements. He resigned, placing me in control of the national government, with emergency powers. I declared a state of emergency, and was granted access to the internal workings of the nation. The disunity appalled me, and I started thinking less of the threat of bombs, and more of the threat of Drakoria to Drakoria.

I have, as such, spent the last two days with my top political scientists, uncovering the faults of Drakoria, and writing a new constitution to fix them. And today, I unveil it to you."

He raised his right arm towards the screen behind him, where a flag was now shown.


At the same time, a similar flag replaced the old Confederate flag on the flag pole.

"In the interest of saving time, I won't read the entire constitution to you. Instead, I'll tell you the changes.

As of now, the Confederation of Drakoria has been dissolved, and in it's place stands the Empire of Drakoria. The Heir of the Old Kings has stepped forward. I, Drake Friedrich, direct descendant and heir of Drakon Hannibal, now stands before you as the Emperor of Drakoria.

The old states have temporarily been dissolved in the interest of unity, but will be brought back, with new governments democratically elected, but with less power. The eighteen different currencies we had before are to be replaced gradually by the Drakorian Mark. Value of each currency in exchanging shall be decided by relative value of the currency before reforming the nation. The national government shall own the banks and national reserve; the presses will not be a plaything of states and individuals anymore.

With this new government, the old departments of the national government are being suspended, pending investigation into their members, and will be brought back online. In addition, I hereby establish the Imperial Intelligence Agency, charged with the security of Drakoria, with Yuri Norwood as the chairman. The Department of War is, for the time being, under my direct jurisdiction. We will have to reorganize from individual state militaries to an overall national military.

All former rights of individual citizens still exist. The Legislative Branch of the old Confederation is dissolved indefinitely. The policies against Great Britain and other threats remain in place. Our treaty obligations continue to hold value.

I hope to lead Drakoria to a new age of prosperity and unity, a peaceful successor of Drakon Hannibal's Greater Drakorian Empire. I hope Drakoria shall remain a beacon of hope and peace that shines throughout the world."

With final waves, Drake walked off of the stage, smiling broadly. It'd taken three years to think of this plan, but only three days to execute it. How peculiar.

OOC: Public nao

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[quote name='Mergerberger II' date='09 March 2010 - 03:21 AM' timestamp='1268105228' post='2218756']
Alba is unsure of what to think of this new regime.

We assume there is far more government control than in the Confederation?

"Vastly. The Confederation was less of a nation than a coalition. The Empire has a solid government at the forefront."

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Great Britain congratulates its eastern bretherin and their new King.
May King Drake Friedrich live long and lead his people wisely.
Whilst we are concerned that your sanctions are still in place, it doesnt affect us, however, our doors are always open if you wish to re open negotiation.

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