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Special Request


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Khislav's domestic aircraft design firm, Eagle Air Arsenal, has filed an international proposal:

[quote]An open offer,

We here at the Eagle Air Arsenal have long awaited our opportunity to expand our product line. For over 40 years we have provided militaries abroad with effective weapons platforms in the shape of bombers and fighters alike, and while a handful of our transports have seen civil use, we have yet remained solely a defense contractor. Bringing our dedication and loyalty to the cause of the global market, we hope that the strong work ethic our employees have always displayed will engender fruitful returns, even in the face of competition. The Kv-124 is not the pinnacle of our transportation engineering capabilities, but as a contractor whose stakes have been for so long tied to the military, we lack the facilities and capital to venture forward.

We seek partnership. We seek hands to shake and promises made. We here at Eagle Air Arsenal have bold, ambitious dreams for the future which beg to be fulfilled. We seek assistance in realizing these dreams, and whish to enter into an unlimited contract with other firms in the world to take designs off of paper and turn them into tangible products for our customers and yours. The first on this list is a small, supersonic business jet, based loosely on upscaled fighter technology, and ideal for politicians and the wealthy elite alike. It will be fast, it will be reliable, and it will be cost effective. You have our word, our reliable word, that your corporation will have full rights and full involvement in the design, along with partial ownership upon completion.

Once our dreams are realized, then we can go anywhere. Return correspondence will certainly hasten this realization. Thank you.


Alexei Simonovich
Chairman, Eagle Air Board of Directors[/quote]

An image of a full-size, hand-crafted demonstrator (called the Kv-300) was sent as part of an information packet, but no details were given.


Edited by Canaris
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[quote]The Gosree Aeronautics Limited is interested in the proposal by Eagle Air Arsenal, specifically in the Kv-300 business jet. We invite you to Hyderabad to conduct a flight trial. GAL has been tasked to find suitable aircrafts for the fleet increase of Cochin Airlines, Air Gosree, Royal Cochin Air Force and King's Guards.

Madhavan Pillai,

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[code]Note to Eagle Air Arsenal


Lufthansa would gladly assist Eagle Air Arsenal in achieving their ambitions. As the biggest airline and aircraft designer in the GDR and Europe, we have the facilities to assist you in any endeavour.
We're looking forward to your answer.

Wolfgang Mayrhuber

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[b]Indian Ocean, Cochin Airspace[/b]

The burgeoning Kv-124 lumbered through the sky, miles of ocean in every direction far below. In it's cargo compartment lay the only example of the Kv-300 that existed. Although government contracts made up the majority of the EAA's business, this was the future. It still needed avionics and engines, of course, and the carbon composite airframe itself was beyond his company's ability to mass produce. In the crew cabin, Alexei Simonovich lifted both arms and folded his hands behind his head, dreaming of the future. His future. The company's future. His son's future. Alexei was getting old; his hair was greying and he had crow's feet and smile lines.

"Sir, we'll be on final approach to Hyderabad in half an hour," the pilot said, turning to regard the chairman, who only nodded absently in reply.

His schedule was suddenly looking quite busy. After the large jet touched down, it's heavy gear skidding as the wheels sped to catch up, he headed down into the belly of the 'Condor'. The wings of the Mach 2+ business jet had been removed, and were arrayed parallel to one another, wingtips pointing in opposite directions, alongside the fuselage, and the tail of the was on the other side. A clipboard arrived in his hands upon the insistence of his executive assistant. He leafed through the pages.

"The Marshall Islands?" He said in an uncertain tone, lifting a brow.

"Yes, Alex," the blonde woman with cool blue eyes replied. "The Alvonian government seems to be interested in a partnership."

"What did Lvov have to say?"

"They're skeptical, but are interested in what could become of this," she replied, taking the clipboard back from him.

[b]Classified Communique for Alvonia[/b]

Our representative should arrive in a few days. The EAA has been receiving a great deal of attention lately. We apologize for any inconvenience.

[b]Communique for Lufthansa[/b]

[quote]CEO Mayrhuber,

We would be honored to find ourselves in league with a juggernaut of the world of aeronautics!

Chairman Alexei Simonovich is a busy man as of late and I will be coming to meet you in his stead. I have his blessing. If you wish, I can bring along the sanitized schematics for the Kv-300 for you to review. Unfortunately, corporate and government policy will not allow us to reveal too many specifics before an agreement is reached, but we hope this won't be an inconvenience.

I should arrive in two day's time and look forward to meeting you and yours.


Boris Dashkov
Director of Operations, Eagle Air Arsenal[/quote]

Edited by Canaris
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"Hello Mr. Simonovich, welcome to the Kingdom of Cochin. I am Madhavan Pillai, CEO of Gosree Aeronautics Limited. We are very interested in this Kv-300 and may perhaps look to it to replace the existing executive business jet fleet operated by various Cochin carriers. You had intimated that you are looking for partnership in production. In what ways might we assist you? In which fields of avionics are you seeking GAL input?"

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"Mr. Pillai! A pleasure," shaking the other man's hand tightly and vigorously, he nodded with a smile, being sure not to seem too excited. "While they unload and assemble the demonstrator, let's talk, shall we? I've been told the Germans are interested in helping us as well and I just want to thank you for your offer of collaboration. But I'll get right to the point. We need engines and we need suitable avionics," Alexei Simonovich went on as they walked toward a large hangar, his assistant in tow. "Wind tunnel tests show that the Kv-300 will be unstable in flight. Fly-by-wire will be essential. Here," he handed Madhavan a book, inside which was a lengthy report. "We have detailed the parameters of the engines that will be required. The craft needs at least three, but the nacelles are prepped to receive them at your discretion."

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"For the purposes specified we suppose we could offer you a customized version of the GAL RD932 turbofan engine, which is currently being used in the Jadayu Mk.1 MRCAs of Royal Cochin Air Force. For the design parameters, a two engine design would be optimum and our engineers can sort out the flight instabilities due to design parameters. As regards avionics the aircraft would receive the best civilian technologies that GAL offers some of which are actually used in the Pushpak Space Shuttles of Cochin Space Research Organization. Fly by wire and automation are non issues, GAL no longer manufactures any non fly by wire aircrafts.

Well if you are going for German collaboration we can definitely understand that. GDR is a great friend of the Kingdom and they excel technologically. However we do have expertise in designing a variety of aircrafts for various purposes. Anyway if and when you get ready your working prototypes please do exhibit it to us, as our interest in buying this system still stands."

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"Actually, we rely on the instability for it's excellent handling characteristics, but a bit more stability couldn't hurt," Alexei said, rubbing his chin. "And it depends on the thrust RD932 puts out. Just two might do, but we'd need to test them anyway, of course. Very well. The Germans haven't offered us anything specific yet and have said nothing about the Kv-300, so rest assured that your part in this project is cemented. All we need to do now is talk figures and I don't doubt that we can reach a good deal for the both of us."

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The RD932 delivers a dry thrust of 6570 kgf and an afterburner thrust of 11800 kgf. Used in the JM1 it gives a maximum speed of Mach 2.43 and a thrust to weight ratio of 1.16. For the Kv300 we can customize it to deliver a thrust to weight ratio of 0.98 or any measure that you want. As for testing it can be done at our flight testing facilities here itself.

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[quote name='Canaris' date='05 March 2010 - 03:59 AM' timestamp='1267758198' post='2214454']
CEO Mayrhuber,

We would be honored to find ourselves in league with a juggernaut of the world of aeronautics!

Chairman Alexei Simonovich is a busy man as of late and I will be coming to meet you in his stead. I have his blessing. If you wish, I can bring along the sanitized schematics for the Kv-300 for you to review. Unfortunately, corporate and government policy will not allow us to reveal too many specifics before an agreement is reached, but we hope this won't be an inconvenience.

I should arrive in two day's time and look forward to meeting you and yours.


Boris Dashkov
Director of Operations, Eagle Air Arsenal

[b]Note to Eagle Air Arsenal[/b]

Director Dashkov,

I would appreciate it if you brought the Kv-300 schematics with you. As every company has its policies I will of course not object to only few specifics being revealed.
I am looking forward to the meeting.

Wolfgang Mayrhuber

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='04 March 2010 - 11:30 PM' timestamp='1267763703' post='2214550']
The RD932 delivers a dry thrust of 6570 kgf and an afterburner thrust of 11800 kgf. Used in the JM1 it gives a maximum speed of Mach 2.43 and a thrust to weight ratio of 1.16. For the Kv300 we can customize it to deliver a thrust to weight ratio of 0.98 or any measure that you want. As for testing it can be done at our flight testing facilities here itself.

As the men spoke, the aircraft was plucked from the 'Condor', rolled down the cargo ramp, and onto the tarmac. The wings were bolted on in short order by the competent team of plain-clothes technicians, and everything was squared away. The sleek aircraft looked almost as if it could take off without engines! Having brought a specialized tow truck with them, the tractor was slowly backing up to the nose of the aircraft. When the tow bar was close enough two of the techs rushed in and affixed it with a bolt to the landing gear. The great hangar swallowed it up as it was towed into it's depths. All that was left was to re-install the vertical stabilizer.

"That sounds excellent. With three engines we have calculated the necessary thrust-to-weight ratio to be 0.43 to achieve Mach 1.9. Our goal is Mach 2+ with an ideal top speed of at least Mach 2.5 or 3,062 kilometers per hour. We've done only limited low-level testing with domestic engines, but none were capable enough to give us the results we wanted - but we know it flies true. How long can we expect fitting the engines and preparation for first flight to take?"

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"GAL would need to do extensive wind tunnel testing and simulation testing before customizing the RD932 for this plane. For the customization we would also require additional prototype models and structural fabrication design for the craft. We reiterate the suggestion that we make it two engined for greater stability. With just one RD932 engine Mach+ performance is obtained and second one would be for redundancy. If the required design information are shared we can conduct a full flight test of prototype in nine months time (RL 3 weeks)."

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"I only mentioned three again because it would require three of our engines," Simonovich said with a smile. "If it would only require two of yours, then very well. As far as further prototypes go, we have none, this is the only one. The carbon composite airframe is very expensive for us to produce. I'll ensure you receive the full schematics and our own wind tunnel and flight data for comparison. Oh, and if you like we can ship the engines we used for flight testing to your engineers. The K-93-152f engines we used will let you see how the engines fit in the nacelles. It's a tight squeeze and it will save you some work."

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"If you are interested we offer to use our manufacturing facilities for further production of the prototype and final product. Carbon Composite airframes are used in large scale by GAL and we have also developed our own customized carbon nano tube technology with Varma Institute of Fundamental Research. So from what we have perceived so far, GAL would be willing to be a full and equal partner in the manufacture of the Kv-300 using our proprietary carbon composite technology. We would also offer you our RD932 engines and the unique GAL flight systems and aveonics packages. The Kv-300 could be a joint venture initiative in all aspects. What do you think?"

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OOC: I'm just going to fast-forward to the meeting
IC: "Welcome sirs and madams. Please, help yourself to any delicacies you see as we talk." The AWS CEO and Vice President have spared no expense in a lavish meeting place in the Alvonian Parliament, showing not only German and Greek architectural influence, but even Japanese and Italian as well. "Now, we wish to invest in your new airplane. First thing's first, if you allow us to build specialized machine guns and rockets. The machine guns will be modified Vulcan machine guns, our impressive .408 caliber gun and the rockets will be both HEAT and anti-air. Impressive deal, is it not?"

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