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[size="2"][OOC: This RP is purely to reflect the common events of the turmoil within the United Mechodamian States. This is entirely canon, so some people may come in but this is strictly by request. OOC comments are welcome, but please keep discussions to a minimum. Any and all advice/suggestions/praise are more than welcome.][/size]

[Author's Note: This will be written in a fluid novel-style format. I hope you enjoy the story.]

[size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"][b][center][u]Prelude[/u][/center][/b][/font][/size]

[i]Following the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=76350&view=findpost&p=2054327"]incident[/url] two years ago, the times had changed... the world exists in a unilaterally dangerous place. Peace has become a farce, fractured into opaque fragments. Through that same incident an ultimatum was brought forward, but an end-result not met. So the clock ticks, moment by moment, as the fleeting minutes carefully urge forward hoping to never unearth the quagmire that we all stand upon. The year, the day, the seconds, remain an arbitrary constant as we let ourselves crowd like sheep into our ineffable corners. What would be sweeter than to erase the monotonous brevity we find in order by reigning in a rule created in a chaotic synapse? The cries of man have become heard, and the census has reached a parsimonious ascertainment. The lives in which we live exist in the solemn state of verisimilitude, wandering in the facade of fate. Our succinct success can no longer save us because destiny leads all to one single end: death. The rate in which this end is reached, however, changes. It is without a doubt that life is in a fluent state of death, an inevitably doomed anarchy poisoned by our greed-generated [b]apoptosis[/b].[/i]

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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[size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"][b][center][u]Verisimilitude[/u][/center][/b][/font][/size]

[font="Book Antiqua"]Light drowned the audience as the paramount ceiling lights flashed to life. Hushes filled the air and wandering bodies found their rightful seats. The rouse of the cacophony was quickly palliated further, albeit a few lingering voices were left in their own palaver, by the echoes of a stride. A man dressed up in a black tuxedo and hair slicked back approached a granite podium that stood guard in front of a red velvet curtain. Golden hemp tassels were strewn to the sides of the gray marble stage, complementing the inexorable beauty of its personified color scheme. These tenacious items of romance and grandeur were never a second thought in the audience's mind. Their attention fell solely on the lone silent individual.

His eyes neither roamed nor explored his soon-to-be listeners. They were fixated on the podium before him, clearly content with not even recognizing the obvious existence of the five-hundred member chamber. Extending his right arm he composed himself, found comfort in momentary silence, and pulled the microphone toward his face.

[i]"My fellow Mechodamians, my name is Robert Camus,"[/i] the individual announced, though the smirk of Janus creased at his lips. [i]"Today we begin a new chapter in our nation's history. We had the Mechodamian Research and Development Corps, along with the United Technologies Trust, who paved the way into a brighter future for each and every Mechodamian citizen. Yet where has that future brought us? We have been bereft of famine and destruction, yet we forcibly include ourselves in the misfortune of others. I do not dare say we should partake in mere acts of schadenfreude or frolic in macabre mentalities, but we have overstretched our limits for trivial reasons. But why? We are neither God nor an omnipotent body of people. We are humans and although our great nation has persisted to be the twilight of moral dignity in our sphere of influence, we have neglected our own people. It is time this changes."[/i] Distant claps and outbursts of agreement penetrated the swallowing mass of air hanging over head, though slowly gaining energy from the room.

[i]"For too long have we refereed the individualistic and hegemonic actions of others. There are many evils in this worlds and the acts of hedonism and gluttony are among them. We must remain vigilant and keep our country bereft of the slicing indignity the world brings to us. We now see this change in our grasps, and it will succeed,"[/i] Robert's voice shook as he cleared his throat. The audience was attentively listening on the edge of their seats, awaiting the next seconds of verbatim. Loud cries of agreement and emotions were gaining support. If agreement and nationalism were a religion, those sitting in their cushioned seats were quickly waiting in line to be baptized in its ethereal fashion.

[i]"Today I, along with the support of the Mechodamian government, present Project QUIDNUNC. A quidnunc, a seemingly ugly and hideous word, is someone who wants to know what is going on. A fitting word because we should all be wanting to know what exactly is going on. QUIDNUNC stands for the [b]Quorum for Unilateral Intrepid Defense of the Nation's Unified Necessity for Communication[/b].It is an acronym that seems verbose and unnecessary at first, but within its title it states the very foundation that all Mechodamians must agree with."[/i] Hushing once more the crowd laid back in mild confusion. Some were caught at a loss, not knowing what to think while others were even farther on the edge of their seats waiting for the life-changing sermon to continue.

[i]"Project QUIDNUNC shall be the torch to guide us back to our fate-rested rewards. We deserve much more than we are receiving, and we will fix all of this. Though this may seem like ideal jabber and nonsense, I cannot say this nonchalantly. To be vigilant requires ergomania; we must be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. This is the intent of Project QUIDNUNC. Now what is Project QUIDNUNC?"[/i] [/font]

Robert gazed down at his paper, seeing the two points he was preparing to read aloud. Passionately his left hand balled up into a fist as he felt divine comfort fill his heart and soul. Unknown to his audience, he had an agenda, though whether it was good or evil even he wasn't sure. He wanted change; the world need the liberty of progression so that it may empathize with the Nihilism that exists in every person's heart. However to bring about this change one needed power and Dr. Camus, professor of political studies at the University of Sandoria in the United Mechodamian States capitol, had finally received that power. Project QUIDNUNC was his change.

[i]"First, Project QUIDNUNC will create what will be known as the QUIDNUNC Act. This Act creates the QUIDNUNC Commission which has free law-given rights to attain any and all information. This freedom to information will allow the people of the United Mechodamian States to remain informed and realize the folly of the world outside of our borders. Second, the QUIDNUNC Commission has the law-given right to meet with government officials with utmost priority as a A-class meeting request. And what of this commission? You, the five hundred members in the audience who have proven themselves to be true advocates of the people, are now inaugurated individual members of the QUIDNUNC Commission. This responsibility is not a choice but an assigned duty to your country and you will do best to follow it strictly. If you do not want to be a part of this change then leave the room now. If, however, you are ready to bring about a change in all of our lives, rejoice my Mechodamian brothers and sisters!"[/i]

Seemingly on cue the crowd jumped crying and shouting. Their fervor for liberal change chanted deeply in every confine of the chamber as their response was resoundingly clear. The energy of the room exploded, ripping apart the once calm air and burning it ablaze. Behind Robert the curtains raised with the Mechodamian national flag draped across the entire wall. On it, though, was written: [b]QUIDNUNC COMMISION: The Arbiters of Resolve[/b].

Smiling he raised his chin toward the cheering and excited mass of people. He immediately twisted his body toward the wall behind him and saluted the flag. Holding it there, a tear swelled in the pits of his eyes. [i]Change...[/i] he thought, [i]brother, I finally have the power to do what you could not...[/i]. Turning back again his eyes widened completely baffled. Every single member of the body was saluting the flag, some beginning to single the national anthem. To Robert, the scene was more than beautiful: it was paradise.

Not a single member of that five hundred member audience left after Robert's speech. They were all summoned to the same nationalistic battle cry that lured Professor Robert Camus. After three minutes of absolute Mechodamian pride filling the room, Camus shouted tearfully, [i]"My fellow Mechodamians, today we become great once more!"[/i] His right fist pumped into the air and the crowd instantly followed with a roar of agreement.

[i]The world will tremble in our wake,[/i] Robert assured himself. [i]No force on this planet will stop me from succeeding. My brother... Kilik Torqameda, former and deceased Lord Prefect of the First Order... I will avenge your cry for change... all of Mechodamia will remember our message. This is for you and I promise you your dream will come true.[/i]

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[center][u][b][size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Fealty[/font][/size][/b][/u][/center]
[font="Book Antiqua"]
Back-stepping into the closeted room, Robert wiped sweat off of his forehead. After having answered what seemed to be an infinite number of curious and assertive questions, he was exhausted. A red plaid couch cowered in the corner, sitting alone away from the reach of the lone light against the wall. Sighing he floated over to it. His tensed feeble muscles relaxed as he let his weight pull him backward. Jerking him, gravity threw him onto the cushions. The lights shimmered into his eyes as he reclined back, planting his arms on the edges of the couch.

In the sensuality of the darkness, though, emerged a glimmer of masked cynicism. Camus' smile emerged as he cupped his face in his left hands. Whether through shear mania or contempt a giggle ripped from his mouth. Not holding back, a few more chuckles followed until he was laughing hysterically into the palm of his hand. He quickly leaned his head back to let loose. The pupils in his eyes were completely dilated and bloodshot. A drunken stupor took grasp of his sanity as he filled the room with crazed laughter.

[i]God,[/i] he thought, [i]this is the truest beginning. QUIDNUNC will be the foremost organization in this country. And all will obey or whims or suffer under our divine might.[/i]

A knock ricocheted off of the door and startled Robert. Recovering, he responded, [i]"Come in, come in."[/i]

The door subsequently creaked open and a specter appeared in the opening. [i]"Mr. Camus, that was a momentous speech,"[/i] the image graciously complimented. It took a few more steps forward and its identity became visible as the rays from the light bounced off his flesh.

[i]"Ah, Alex, I thank you for your kind words. If it weren't for your initial criticisms and disagreements, we would not have succeeded today. I presume you are well?"[/i][/font] Robert responded as he erected from his perch. He candidly approached a nearby table that sat underneath the sole light.

Shrugging, Alex scratched the back of his neck. [i]"I've been well, as has Nicholas. We've been working diligently with Operation Senegal, as you are fully aware, so we haven't had any time to spend with our families. I intend to make use of this break the Lord Prefect has given my brother and I..."[/i] he paused for a brief moment and let a blaring smile emerge between his lips, [i]"to go to the shore with my wife and kid. You know the sort of thing."[/i]

Camus looked away, pained by the memory of his ugly divorce with his wife and even worse, the death of his son who was aimlessly killed by terrorists. [i]If only I had stopped him... if only I had been...[/i] he bantered in his mind as he felt his mind depress into a tipping point of sorrow.

Instantly remorseful Alex tried to save the moment. [i]"Mr. Camus, I... I am terribly sorry. I didn't mean..."[/i] his voice trailed off as Robert put his hand up, signaling Alex to stop.

[i]"It's quite alright. My son died trying to protect the former Lord Prefect. I know you did everything in your power to try and save both the Lord Prefect and my son. These terrorists... I can only hope Operation Senegal succeeds. I am not a vengeful man, you know Alex. But every since losing my son those years ago..."[/i] he let a moment pass to reflect, but shook off the temptation and continued. [i]"It leaves many harrowing memories. I know you know these memories personally, you being a veteran of the East African War."[/i]

Perturbed by the images that immediately erupted in his head, he couldn't help but nod in agreement. [i]"The First East African War was a mistake. We lost many brothers and sisters... and I remember every soldier who fought for me. I remember their face, their name, their spouses' name. Nicholas and I did everything we could and despite our blatant superiority over the invading forces, we suffered one casualty too many."[/i] Tension built in Alex's fists as he curled both hands into tight balls.

[i]"We fought for the ideal of preventing blatant imperialism. We tried to prevent a land grab to occur by the current Nation of Nod, much like how we invaded the African shores of the Italian colony in Somalia. Even in our infancy we practically faced devastating war in Europe against the former Nordic hegemony under the pretenses of preserving our moralistic plight. Yet nothing changes. War is a constant. We joined the Aphrike Treaty to help preserve the constitutive connectivity of Africa and it slapped us in the face. We watched countless peaceful colonies in Africa be ripped into shreds. We watched our allies launch a carpet nuclear attack against the nations in which they invaded. We watched our allies once more launch nuclear weapons in a preemptive strike against the Nation of Nod,"[/i] Robert callously, near coldly, stated. He instinctively rubbed his forehead and felt compelled to continue his monologist diatribe.

[i]"I mean no offense Alex, but we have let our morals and ideals fall into a black hole. The goals of Lord Prefect Kilik Torqameda were never accomplished. We sit as a regional superpower in Africa and have nothing to say for ourselves? That is nonsense. With all due respect, Lord Prefect St. George is too much of an idealist. He works for amicable and unilateral peace which is an honorable venture, but it is also useless."[/i] He took a breath and let his voice flare up into a nationalistic tone, [i]"As I said, war is a constant and instead of working to help out the nations of the world, we should be focusing on our own superiority and showing the world what a true Mechodamian is made of."[/i] His eyes glared at Alex, though he wasn't trying to intimidate him. He channeled his intensity into his physical attributes to prove a point: though words can prove a point, if it doesn't have the body language to accompany it, then those words can only prove the point of fallibility.

The now-one-man-audience was taken back and could only feel empathy toward every aspect of the argument. He knew the costs of war and suffered greatly as he had to write letter after letter explaining why someone's loved one was killed by a carefully placed IED or shot down by enemy flak. His eyes began to water as a feeling of remorseful regret filled the pit of his stomach. [i]"I know too well of the world you speak of. It is the world Nicholas and I thrive in. Grand Patriarch Nkailu blessed us with positions in the military when she had learned of our tenacity in war. She has a knack for war herself despite being such a you She complements the Lord Prefect quite well as her duty-bound position as second-in-command. It is fortunate, though, that she had realized our brilliance for death, but that is a fate I have come to terms with."[/i]

He began to laugh halfheartedly as he immediately thought of Nicholas. [i]"We both know full well, though, that Nicholas had no problem with it from the start. He is obsessed with war and as much as I despise that in him, he is still my brother and unlike what people murmur about him, he does have some humanity left in him."[/i]

Robert couldn't help but chuckle at the notion of Nicholas being human. Professor Camus had been a long time friend of Alex's family and knew full well of the circumstances behind Nicholas' macabre and unhealthy strive for killing. He had watched his mother and father killed by a burglar and instead of hide in the basement like Alex, he approached the villainous invaders. He silently entered the kitchen and removed the butcher knife from its proper resting place. The thief, unsuspecting of any retaliation for his murderous deed, began to loot the dining room of its china and other wondrous porcelain from the cabinet. His carefree attitude, though, is what cost him his life. Nicholas leaped at him at a mere age of ten years and stabbed him repeatedly.

He didn't find the circumstances behind Nicholas' insanity to be funny, but rather the very fact that he could have some sanity left after being mentally maimed by such a traumatic instance. [i]"Perhaps once we capture the root of our problems, this endless string of internal madness will finally subside, eh?"[/i] Camus haphazardly spat out, ignoring the spite that he had such a strong desire to spew.

It wasn't hard for the war veteran to see the internal anguish that fell upon the professor. [i]"We will find Shoustin, and I will avenge Thomas my friend. Your son saved too many lives to let his life be ended so abruptly. I even promised Lord Prefect St. George I would find him... Zemunda and Kilik were both lifetime friends,so he holds the same hate for Shoustin as you do."[/i]

[i]"Pelee Shoustin is the root of our problems Alex. He must be stopped!"[/i] the professor tearfully cried out as he slumped against the wall. [i]"I have faith that Lord Prefect Zemunda St. George, my sovereign lord and leader, will find it in his heart to dispatch this evil and vile creature that you have been sent to hunt..."[/i] his voice slowly trembled into incomprehensible muttering as anger vilified his face.

Feeling the pressure of the moment Alex couldn't help but pity Robert. He knew full well that what he said about the Lord Prefect was beyond facetious. It was no secret that Professor Camus had no respect for the current Mechodamian leader, which is what led him to create Project QUIDNUNC. Looking at Robert slump on the floor crying into his hands, he left him to his own devices. No words needed to be said.

[i]Thomas...[/i] Alex's mind whispered as he walked out of the room.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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