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Odd Bug with Ground Attacks

Lord Emares

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I was attacking [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=75972]jgator[/url] and I got this message: [quote]You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: Your battle odds are too high to wage ground war at this time.0[/quote]. Notice the 0 at the end of the message??

When I went back to view the ground attack screen he somehow had 0 soldiers and 0 tanks, despite the fact that when I launched the attack he had 7k troops and I had battle odds of 85% against him. Before any attacks were launched jgator had over 10k troops and 1k tanks. I was only able to launch 1 attack against jgator in which the following were killed:

[quote]To: jgator From: Lord Emares Date: 2/10/2010 3:54:34 AM

Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by Lord Emares. You lost 5,874 soldiers and 1,289 tanks. You killed 5,849 soldiers and 806 tanks. Their forces razed 5.411 miles of your land, stole 6.967 technology, and destroyed 27.869 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. [/quote]

No defeat alert was sent (as the battle odds weren't above 95% and he has had a nuke launched against him) but all of his troops disappeared and I can't attack him now as I've got 100% odds.

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You're saying he had some soldiers, and then he had 0 soldiers. I'm not seeing the problem here?
[spoiler] New Gatorland (jgator) of the Black team of the alliance Poison Clan was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Goldust (Ponster) of the Purple team of the alliance Boards Alliance of Protectorate States on 2/10/2010 3:54:49 AM.[/spoiler]

Edited by thedestro
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Thanks for the research thedestro. The loss of his soldiers does coincide with him being nuked. Looks like between the time that you tried your second attack Goldust got a nuke in on him, hence the error that you received.

The zero in the error code is just for me to help analyze the problem. I don't think it hurts anything to keep it there.

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