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"Try contacting anyone who can contact your commander, such as a lower ranking general or something. I think your head commander is blocking you."


That is not how things work in the New Englander Armed Forces. All military positions are subordinate to the Supreme Commander and in turn to the President himself, since he is the Commander-in-Chief. The High Commander is one of the subordinate positions, for he reports to the High Command (and thus the President himself), and thus, he cannot block us. If he did that, he'd be fired before he even knew he was fired.

However, because the High Commander hasn't been responsive lately, we are treating this as a high-risk situation. If needed, we will help to assist the GLS against the threat that is taking place inside its borders.


The borders between the GLS and Ohio, the Protectorate of Wisconsin, and New York were sealed off by the Border Patrol as Army troopers began filing into the area from their bases in Fort Hayes, Ohio, and Fort Miller, Maine; any adjacent military bases in northern Ohio and New York State, as well as Wisconsin, were placed in a state of high alert.

In airbases, squadrons of interceptors, fighters, and bombers (F-40 Thunders, F-50 Screaming Banshees, F/A 47 Sino Fighters, and U-8s) were being prepared for action.

However, following the GLS's advice, the Department of Defense contacted any low-ranking generals or commanders that could have access to the High Commander. However, these efforts would be nil.

The GLS F-22 retaliated with another overwhelming swarm of their Revealer and Smart AA missiles while firing off their chaff and flares, attempting to evade the New England aircraft's missiles. Below ground, the MIM-104 Patriots also fired a massive wave of the Revealer and Smart AA missiles.

"WE WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN WITH OUR GOO!" a GLS fighter pilot yelled in his radio as the Revealer missiles exploded everywhere in front of the New England aircraft soon followed by a wave of Smart AA missiles. However, his aircraft was blown to bits by the enemy missiles. A large chunk of the GLS F-22 aircraft were damaged to the point where they needed to return back to base for repairs or reloading, crash landed, or exploded.

The New Englander fighters and interceptors, once again, reacted by taking evasive measures and retaliated by firing an overwhelming volley of missiles at the unfortunate GLS aircrafts. However, more and more aircrafts were affected by the black goo and several more aircrafts were downed or shot down or were damaged (and had to be booted out). But still, despite their numerical inferiority, the New Englander rogue aircrafts still had the technological advantage and prowess.

As for the U-8 bombers, again they came under fire by Revealer missiles fired by the MIM-104 Patriots ground AA vehicles. The anti-bomb/missile turrets ignited most of the bombs mid-air. Lucky for the U-8 pilots, the GLS's Demolisher tanks that took the most amount of beating were stunned...

The U-8s, indeed, found themselves under fire from both the air and ground, and a couple were successfully shot down; their pilots ejected out of the burning aircrafts as they crashed into the ground below. But thanks to the efforts of the accompanying fighters and interceptors, the U-8s were able to commence their mission relatively unharmed. They continued to drop their bombs on the tanks.

Only for a few seconds before they resumed firing and movements.

Again and again the shells landed on the Rapid demolisher tanks, but again and again no effects other than giving the tanks' crews a harsh massage and pissing them off. They backed up again when the gate failed to crash down, and then charged into the gates again a full speed with. No way can any gates can survive a force of over 600 tons hurtling at a high 40's mph.

The Rapid demolisher tank crews were surprised when they noticed those two wanna-be ninja soldiers survived the napalm, but ignored them knowing that grenades and bullets can't hurt them.

The rocket launcher soldiers and artillery crews watched in horror as the tanks continued to hurtle toward the base's gate relentlessly. "Retreat! Retreat back! RETREAT, I SAY! THAT TANK IS ABOUT TO CRASH INTO THE BASE!" Harris roared as he, foolishly, fired his pistol at the tanks as he retreated, along with his soldiers and the rocket launching soldiers. Some of the crews abandoned their guns.

Meanwhile, two certain soldiers continued to sprint toward the tanks, their grenades in their hands...

OOC: To be honest, I find it a bit unbelievable that your supertanks could withstand so much damage... :mellow:

Edited by JEDCJT
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The New Englander fighters and interceptors, once again, reacted by taking evasive measures and retaliated by firing an overwhelming volley of missiles at the unfortunate GLS aircrafts. However, more and more aircrafts were affected by the black goo and several more aircrafts were downed or shot down or were damaged (and had to be booted out). But still, despite their numerical inferiority, the New Englander rogue aircrafts still had the technological advantage and prowess.

The U-8s, indeed, found themselves under fire from both the air and ground, and a couple were successfully shot down; their pilots ejected out of the burning aircrafts as they crashed into the ground below. But thanks to the efforts of the accompanying fighters and interceptors, the U-8s were able to commence their mission relatively unharmed. They continued to drop their bombs on the tanks.

The rocket launcher soldiers and artillery crews watched in horror as the tanks continued to hurtle toward the base's gate relentlessly. "Retreat! Retreat back! RETREAT, I SAY! THAT TANK IS ABOUT TO CRASH INTO THE BASE!" Harris roared as he, foolishly, fired his pistol at the tanks as he retreated, along with his soldiers and the rocket launching soldiers. Some of the crews abandoned their guns.

Meanwhile, two certain soldiers continued to sprint toward the tanks, their grenades in their hands...

OOC: To be honest, I find it a bit unbelievable that your supertanks could withstand so much damage... :mellow:

OOC: Your just using the wrong kind of weapons. :P

High powered and extremely dense anti-armor weapons would defeat their fairly low density armoring (light weight bullet proof shock absorbing gel, carbon fiber mesh, carbon nanotubes, and an extremely thin layer of depleted uranium mesh). Bunker busters would be instant killers for them, you just have to hope they hit one of the GLS super tanks since I don't think those kind of missiles are designed to hit mobile targets. Rapid demolishers would require bunker buster missile showering over a larger area than the slower Demolishers due to their speed. Anti-ship missiles would also work well as long as they are overall denser than the GLS super tanks' armoring and won't shatter from the impact.

Remember, those tanks were only designed to withstand heavy explosions and a few anti-tank shells, but not large high density rocket propelled anti-armor weapons. It's kinda like trying to destroy an enemy battleship. You don't spray fire hoses of millions of hot bullets at it (all you would do is create bullet impact craters everywhere), you pound it to death with carpet bombing, torpedoes, or anti-ship missiles.



The GLS F-22 aircraft unleashed all of the missiles they had and then flew back to their base, leaving behind multiple waves of Revealer, Smart, and standard AA missiles for the New England aircraft to eat. They knew it was over for them, they would have to wait for reinforcements and hold out until the GLS invasion force arrives back home and help. At least their ground forces finally broke into their enemy's base.

On the ground, it was a different case. The GLS super tanks finally smashed into the base, first firing HEAT shells at their artillery guns and then firing their napalm shells at the base's buildings to light up the entire base. They would soon be joined with GLS M-1 Abrams and infantry to finish off any New England resistance, but they had to do it quickly before the enemy bombers finish them off. Additional anti bomb/missile turrets were attached to the MIM-104 Patriots.

As for the two New England soldiers, they were spotted by GLS snipers and were fired upon as the Regular infantry units and M-1 Abrams rapidly approached, shooting on sight.

When more and more bombs started landing on the GLS super tanks, they were kind of taking a toll. The New England ground forces would notice all of the tanks stunned for a few seconds after being hit with a cluster of bombs before resuming movements and firing.


Throughout GLS:

It was a different story though for the rest of the GLS units. They did manage to inflict massive damages to New England military bases but were forced to retreat and scatter due to ammunition shortages or lacking fighter jets to defend the GLS ground units.



That is not how things work in the New Englander Armed Forces. All military positions are subordinate to the Supreme Commander and in turn to the President himself, since he is the Commander-in-Chief. The High Commander is one of the subordinate positions, for he reports to the High Command (and thus the President himself), and thus, he cannot block us. If he did that, he'd be fired before he even knew he was fired.

However, because the High Commander hasn't been responsive lately, we are treating this as a high-risk situation. If needed, we will help to assist the GLS against the threat that is taking place inside its borders.


Keep the rouge air force at bay, don't even let them take off from their airfields. Our ground forces will be able to hold the rouge ground forces off long enough for our invasion force that is about 22 hours away from Hudson Bay to help. Then we should have no problem defeating the rouge military force.

Also, if contacting everyone fails, then send in someone directly to your high commander for a face-to-face discussion.

Edited by HHAYD
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Throughout GLS:

Various GLS military ground units were retreating left and right after running short on ammunition, carpet bombed to death, or were simply unprepared for the fighting. All of them knew New England would go after New City first and immediately retreated all the way back to New City. A few units stayed hidden and attack from the rear when the New England military is distracted. The unit that was overrunning their enemy's base sent a large portion of their soldiers to start building makeshift defenses on the outskirts of New City and Mackinaw City for the incoming enemy ground forces. Mackinaw City would have lighter defenses, but the bridge that connects both cities and buildings within six blocks away from the front line defenses were rigged with explosives. They were going to shower New England soldiers with "gifts" and drown them.


New City:

A new steady wave of GLS F-22 fighters came screaming toward the New England air force from all directions (they came from other parts of the nation after being defeated) and unleashed waves after waves of their Revealer missiles. A couple of the F-22 aircraft charged into the New England aircraft groups to take advantage of the chaos caused by the goo flying everywhere. After the reinforcements finished launching their missiles (and took damages/losses), the first group of F-22 aircraft that retreated came back and launched more Revealer missiles at the New England aircraft. The reinforcement and the main F-22 aircraft units took turns restocking and engaging while keeping watch for any enemy aircraft reinforcements.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the retreating units haven't arrived yet to help out with the curbstomping of their enemy's base. The military unit that was attacking the base ran into problems...

Most of their super tanks ran out of ammunition and would require driving all the way back to a makeshift base for restocking and fueling (which is about five miles away, a long drive for the slower Demolisher tanks). Worse, a few of the tanks were suffering from suspension system damages and needed to be repaired or they would be crippled and unable to move at all.

Nevertheless, the GLS military was going to fight tooth-and-nail to prevent New City from falling into New England's hands and to hold out until their invasion force arrives home and attack New England military from the rear.

It would soon become the bloodiest battle ever fought in the GLS-New England war and both sides were bound to take severe damages.

Edited by HHAYD
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The GLS F-22 aircraft unleashed all of the missiles they had and then flew back to their base, leaving behind multiple waves of Revealer, Smart, and standard AA missiles for the New England aircraft to eat. They knew it was over for them, they would have to wait for reinforcements and hold out until the GLS invasion force arrives back home and help. At least their ground forces finally broke into their enemy's base.

On the ground, it was a different case. The GLS super tanks finally smashed into the base, first firing HEAT shells at their artillery guns and then firing their napalm shells at the base's buildings to light up the entire base. They would soon be joined with GLS M-1 Abrams and infantry to finish off any New England resistance, but they had to do it quickly before the enemy bombers finish them off. Additional anti bomb/missile turrets were attached to the MIM-104 Patriots.

As for the two New England soldiers, they were spotted by GLS snipers and were fired upon as the Regular infantry units and M-1 Abrams rapidly approached, shooting on sight.

When more and more bombs started landing on the GLS super tanks, they were kind of taking a toll. The New England ground forces would notice all of the tanks stunned for a few seconds after being hit with a cluster of bombs before resuming movements and firing.

There were further chaos and destruction as more New Englander aircrafts were shot down, destroyed, or affected by the black goo, effectively putting them out of commission. However, the remaining fighters and interceptors, still as many as there were, continued to inflict as much casaulties upon the GLS aircrafts as possible. A few more U-8s were lost by the incessant GLS attacks, but they continued to target the GLS tanks, dropping precision bombs upon them as fighters and interceptors fought to protect them [the U-8s].

Anyways, on the ground, the rogues (OOC: I'll be referring to them from this time now on. ;)) noticed the tanks 'pause' for a few seconds, and empowered by this sight, continued to keep up their rocket and artillery attacks from inside the base.

Throughout GLS:

It was a different story though for the rest of the GLS units. They did manage to inflict massive damages to New England military bases but were forced to retreat and scatter due to ammunition shortages or lacking fighter jets to defend the GLS ground units.

Indeed, the rogue forces had sustained heavy casualties, much heavier than they'd expected, but their persistance and effort finally paid off. The GLS forces were now on the retreat, and the rogue now went on the offensive, launching aircrafts to harry the GLS forces and mounting infantry assaults to do likewise.


Keep the rouge air force at bay, don't even let them take off from their airfields. Our ground forces will be able to hold the rouge ground forces off long enough for our invasion force that is about 22 hours away from Hudson Bay to help. Then we should have no problem defeating the rouge military force.

Also, if contacting everyone fails, then send in someone directly to your high commander for a face-to-face discussion.


Affirmative, we will be sending support over to the GLS right now. Notice, the forces (soldiers and aircraft) that we are planning in sending over there will be marked and identified in a way that they will be known as legitimate New Englander. As for the Head Commander, we will continue on trying to contact him, but should that come to little effort, then we will do something else.


From their airbases in northern Ohio and New York, fighters, interceptors, and bombers flew off in the direction of southern GLS. Squadrons of S-22 Hawkeyes lifted off the runways and flew in the same direction. They were carrying some 20,000 Special Forces and regular troops.

At the border between Ohio and the GLS, as well as New York and the GLS, some 40,000 troops, after informing GLS officials and soldiers about this, prepared to cross into the GLS. They were to prop up GLS positions and to help them to overcome and defeat the rogues.

(OOC: More will come up.)

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Affirmative, we will be sending support over to the GLS right now. Notice, the forces (soldiers and aircraft) that we are planning in sending over there will be marked and identified in a way that they will be known as legitimate New Englander. As for the Head Commander, we will continue on trying to contact him, but should that come to little effort, then we will do something else.


Most of us will hold out in New City, I think that is the first target of the rouges. The rest of our military scattered and plan on attacking from the rear. I have alerted the Department of Defense about this so none of my soldier would mistaken your soldiers as rouges.

There were further chaos and destruction as more New Englander aircrafts were shot down, destroyed, or affected by the black goo, effectively putting them out of commission. However, the remaining fighters and interceptors, still as many as there were, continued to inflict as much casaulties upon the GLS aircrafts as possible. A few more U-8s were lost by the incessant GLS attacks, but they continued to target the GLS tanks, dropping precision bombs upon them as fighters and interceptors fought to protect them [the U-8s].

Anyways, on the ground, the rogues (OOC: I'll be referring to them from this time now on. ;)) noticed the tanks 'pause' for a few seconds, and empowered by this sight, continued to keep up their rocket and artillery attacks from inside the base.

Indeed, the rogue forces had sustained heavy casualties, much heavier than they'd expected, but their persistance and effort finally paid off. The GLS forces were now on the retreat, and the rogue now went on the offensive, launching aircrafts to harry the GLS forces and mounting infantry assaults to do likewise.

Occasionally they would find stray Rapid demolisher tanks hiding and popping up to say hi by ramming into the rouge soldiers with their circular saws activated and blow up their tanks. Yet at the same time, purposely stick as close as possible with their enemies to avoid being hit with bombs from the sky. The Rapid demolisher operators knew it was a suicidal mission, so if they failed, then there are piles of explosive packages that occupied most of the space inside the tank would be ignited to make sure New England never gets a chance to reverse engineer and copy Great Lakes State's super tanks.

The GLS aircraft repeatedly launched missiles after missiles from a far distance, avoiding dogfights. As for the bombs, less of them made it to the ground thanks to the additional anti-bomb/missile turrets installed. They still inflicted damages on the ground forces, but the ground forces were stubborn and wanted to blow out the nearest rouges' base so they would have even a harder time attacking their city.

The M-1 Abrams also used napalm shells on the base's buildings. The tanks were ordered to burn down or demolish every last building and then the ground force can retreat. For the super tanks though, it would require multiple shells in order to achieve a stun and that just enraged the operators even more. The Rapid demolisher tanks often fired HESH shells at any buildings that there are rocket coming from to crush the rouges and charged straight toward the artillery guns from all directions, blowing them up with high explosive anti-tank shells.

Back in New City and Mackinaw City:

The targeted buildings in Mackinaw City and the Mackinaw bridge was finished being rigged with explosives. The defenses in Mackinaw City and New City was completed after they placed the tanks, artillery guns, self propelled artillery guns, AA vehicles, anti-bomb/missile turrets, -bleep-load of other turrets such as 20mm anti-infantry, and of course lots of soldiers. However, the GLS military felt they would use more barbed wires and land mines on their newly created No-Mans land (north of New City's defenses, south of Mackinaw City defenses). They even started on rigging some of the New City's outskirt buildings with explosives so in case if their defense lines fail, they can retreat and prepare while the exploding buildings distract the rouges.

Edited by HHAYD
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Throughout GLS:

Various GLS military ground units were retreating left and right after running short on ammunition, carpet bombed to death, or were simply unprepared for the fighting. All of them knew New England would go after New City first and immediately retreated all the way back to New City. A few units stayed hidden and attack from the rear when the New England military is distracted. The unit that was overrunning their enemy's base sent a large portion of their soldiers to start building makeshift defenses on the outskirts of New City and Mackinaw City for the incoming enemy ground forces. Mackinaw City would have lighter defenses, but the bridge that connects both cities and buildings within six blocks away from the front line defenses were rigged with explosives. They were going to shower New England soldiers with "gifts" and drown them.

The rogues took full advantage of the GLS's retreat. Tens of thousands of troops, supported by Humvees, IFVs, fighters, interceptors, and bombers, began to chase the retreating forces, harrying and harassing them as much as possible. As the rogues advanced toward New City, they dealt with any hidden units that attacked them on their rear, often shooting captured GLS soldiers right on the spot or hanging them in plain view. "This will be the fate of anyone who dare oppose us!" A rogue commander roared over a microphone near New City as his soldiers mowed ten captured GLS soldiers with machine-gun fire. Incidentally, some of the soldiers brought along extremely vicious German Shepherd dogs and they set them off upon captured GLS prisoners. To say the least, the sight was not pretty.

Everything else seemed to be going according to the plan.

New City:

A new steady wave of GLS F-22 fighters came screaming toward the New England air force from all directions (they came from other parts of the nation after being defeated) and unleashed waves after waves of their Revealer missiles. A couple of the F-22 aircraft charged into the New England aircraft groups to take advantage of the chaos caused by the goo flying everywhere. After the reinforcements finished launching their missiles (and took damages/losses), the first group of F-22 aircraft that retreated came back and launched more Revealer missiles at the New England aircraft. The reinforcement and the main F-22 aircraft units took turns restocking and engaging while keeping watch for any enemy aircraft reinforcements.

The rogue aircrafts reacted to the renewed attacks as usual: they employed classic evasive measures and counterattacked with missiles of their own, but not without sustaining some losses due to the black goo and the GLS charge attacks. Several more squadrons of rogue fighters and interceptors joined the fray and launched overwhelming rounds of missiles at the GLS aircrafts.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the retreating units haven't arrived yet to help out with the curbstomping of their enemy's base. The military unit that was attacking the base ran into problems...

Most of their super tanks ran out of ammunition and would require driving all the way back to a makeshift base for restocking and fueling (which is about five miles away, a long drive for the slower Demolisher tanks). Worse, a few of the tanks were suffering from suspension system damages and needed to be repaired or they would be crippled and unable to move at all.

Nevertheless, the GLS military was going to fight tooth-and-nail to prevent New City from falling into New England's hands and to hold out until their invasion force arrives home and attack New England military from the rear.

It would soon become the bloodiest battle ever fought in the GLS-New England war and both sides were bound to take severe damages.

The rogue forces in the besieged base noticed the momentum of the GLS attack begin to lessen up, and with renewed effort, the soldiers intensified their attacks on the GLS tanks. Nearly every soldier was issued with detonation charges and ordered to charge at the tanks and place them on them (the two 'ninja-wannabe' soldiers joined in into the effort). Several soldiers and artillery crews provided suppressing fire as the soldiers carrying the detonation charges ran toward the tanks, taking care to avoid casualties and obstacles along the way.


Most of us will hold out in New City, I think that is the first target of the rouges. The rest of our military scattered and plan on attacking from the rear. I have alerted the Department of Defense about this so none of my soldier would mistaken your soldiers as rouges.


That is good. Our forces will be there shortly.


Indeed, the legitimate New Englander forces arrived at southern GLS. It was there that they had the first engagement with the rogues. Squadrons of New Englander fighters and interceptors flew at the rogues, and a fierce battle ensued. Both sides were roughly equal in terms of technology and prowess, so it was a hard battle as several aircrafts, on both sides, were shot down or destroyed during the battle lasting several hours.

On the ground, New Englander troops got out of their Humvees and IFVs and began to contact with GLS troops, planning and preparing for an offensive against the rogues.

Occasionally they would find stray Rapid demolisher tanks hiding and popping up to say hi by ramming into the rouge soldiers with their circular saws activated and blow up their tanks. Yet at the same time, purposely stick as close as possible with their enemies to avoid being hit with bombs from the sky. The Rapid demolisher operators knew it was a suicidal mission, so if they failed, then there are piles of explosive packages that occupied most of the space inside the tank would be ignited to make sure New England never gets a chance to reverse engineer and copy Great Lakes State's super tanks.

The GLS aircraft repeatedly launched missiles after missiles from a far distance, avoiding dogfights. As for the bombs, less of them made it to the ground thanks to the additional anti-bomb/missile turrets installed. They still inflicted damages on the ground forces, but the ground forces were stubborn and wanted to blow out the nearest rouges' base so they would have even a harder time attacking their city.

The M-1 Abrams also used napalm shells on the base's buildings. The tanks were ordered to burn down or demolish every last building and then the ground force can retreat. For the super tanks though, it would require multiple shells in order to achieve a stun and that just enraged the operators even more. The Rapid demolisher tanks often fired HESH shells at any buildings that there are rocket coming from to crush the rouges and charged straight toward the artillery guns from all directions, blowing them up with high explosive anti-tank shells.

Unaware of the battle raging between New Englander and rogue forces in southern GLS, the rogues at the base in New City had to contend with GLS ambush attacks as some soldiers were caught into the tanks' saws and were sliced in half. However, the soldiers continued to charge right at the tanks, with detonation charges in hand.

Up in the air, the rogue aircrafts, after avoiding the missiles attacks (but losing one fighter after it was hit by the missiles), retaliated with renewed missile attacks of their own. The missiles, with superior technology, would be able to hit the GLS aircrafts from long distances. The U-8 bombers continued their relentless bombing attacks, but they now began targeting anti-bomb/missile turrets on the ground as well.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The GLS military reached New City and camped behind their defenses after leaving large amount of ultra slippery liquid, aka Mobility Denial System ( http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...nitions/mds.htm ) to force their enemies to take large detours or crawl through the liquid. There were also large amount of civilians attempting to flee that were between the GLS and rouge New England army, firing on fleeing civilians and their vehicles on the roads to get them out of the way would be a bad idea.

The rouge New England air force would have to deal with nearly 4,400 MIM-104 Patriots and over 10,000 anti-bomb/missile turrets. In front of the defenses, various hidden landmines, bear traps, and remote controlled bombs scattered everywhere. Plus, there was even Mobility Denial System covering the entire area, making it pure hell to even crawl through thanks to the ultra slipper liquid coating the area and made the traps/landmines/bombs even more dangerous.

In the distance, GLS artillery guns opened fire, first using timed shells filled with the ultra slippery liquid so if any of them explode over equipments, those equipments would become difficult to use. Once the rouges got close enough, the artillery guns would switch to flechettes to slice up soldiers, HEAT shells on lightly armored vehicles, and depleted uranium AT shells on enemy tanks. The GLS aircraft retreated behind the defense line backed up with the ground AA defenses.

As for the nearby New England base, the rouges might had successfully defended their base, but they were soon showered with HESH and napalm shells from GLS's long range artillery guns.

The night time was soon lighted up with neon green goo as Revealer missiles were fired in overwhelming waves at the rouges' aircraft mixed with Smart AA missiles to blast any goo covered enemy aircraft out of the air.


Meanwhile, for the scattered GLS military in the southern part of GLS, they joined the legit New England forces. They used their Demolisher and Rapid demolisher tanks to shred the rouges' tanks into burning wreckage while letting the legit forces deal with the rouges' air craft.

The rogues took full advantage of the GLS's retreat. Tens of thousands of troops, supported by Humvees, IFVs, fighters, interceptors, and bombers, began to chase the retreating forces, harrying and harassing them as much as possible. As the rogues advanced toward New City, they dealt with any hidden units that attacked them on their rear, often shooting captured GLS soldiers right on the spot or hanging them in plain view. "This will be the fate of anyone who dare oppose us!" A rogue commander roared over a microphone near New City as his soldiers mowed ten captured GLS soldiers with machine-gun fire. Incidentally, some of the soldiers brought along extremely vicious German Shepherd dogs and they set them off upon captured GLS prisoners. To say the least, the sight was not pretty.

Everything else seemed to be going according to the plan.

Not really, since there was an unarmed news crew hidden in the woods with their satellite connected news recording cameras, uploading the video to the GLS National News live. The videos that were being recorded would further enrage the GLS soldiers that were watching the news along with civilians.

Unaware of the battle raging between New Englander and rogue forces in southern GLS, the rogues at the base in New City had to contend with GLS ambush attacks as some soldiers were caught into the tanks' saws and were sliced in half. However, the soldiers continued to charge right at the tanks, with detonation charges in hand.

Up in the air, the rogue aircrafts, after avoiding the missiles attacks (but losing one fighter after it was hit by the missiles), retaliated with renewed missile attacks of their own. The missiles, with superior technology, would be able to hit the GLS aircrafts from long distances. The U-8 bombers continued their relentless bombing attacks, but they now began targeting anti-bomb/missile turrets on the ground as well.

The Rapid Demolisher tanks simply sped around and avoided the suicidal enemies while sticking close to their vehicles, ramming them into other vehicles and blowing their tanks. The demolition charges had no effects unless if there were a dozen on the tanks, which only managed to stun them for a few seconds.

As for the turrets, they set any bombs or missiles targeting them as their top priority. A few dozen of the turrets were destroyed but they kept on firing.

Edited by HHAYD
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The GLS military reached New City and camped behind their defenses after leaving large amount of ultra slippery liquid, aka Mobility Denial System ( http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...nitions/mds.htm ) to force their enemies to take large detours or crawl through the liquid. There were also large amount of civilians attempting to flee that were between the GLS and rouge New England army, firing on fleeing civilians and their vehicles on the roads to get them out of the way would be a bad idea.

The rogues, on their advance toward New City, indeed did have to deal with obstacles in their way, often these that they did not expect. The roads to New City quickly became tangled as several Humvees and IFVs slipped away and crashed into each other, creating various tangles of vehicles and infurating rogue soldiers/commanders.

"Clear the way!" A furious rogue commander shouted as his soldiers tried, in vain, to maintain order, often slipping on the slippery liquid on the roads. Due to this, the rogues were forced to try to find detours, delaying their advance on New City. It would take time...wasted time. If that weren't bad enough, the rogues had to contend with fleeing civilians in the way on their pursuit of the retreating GLS forces. The rogues tried to traverse through, treating the civilians they captured with care, but a few units fired upon the civilians. Manicial laughter could be heard as few rogue soldiers turned their machine-guns upon the screaming GLS civilians. They also resorted to burning down any GLS towns and villages they encountered in their crawl to New City, often taking out their rage and frustration upon the unfortunate GLS civilians.

The rouge New England air force would have to deal with nearly 4,400 MIM-104 Patriots and over 10,000 anti-bomb/missile turrets. In front of the defenses, various hidden landmines, bear traps, and remote controlled bombs scattered everywhere. Plus, there was even Mobility Denial System covering the entire area, making it pure hell to even crawl through thanks to the ultra slipper liquid coating the area and made the traps/landmines/bombs even more dangerous.

In the distance, GLS artillery guns opened fire, first using timed shells filled with the ultra slippery liquid so if any of them explode over equipments, those equipments would become difficult to use. Once the rouges got close enough, the artillery guns would switch to flechettes to slice up soldiers, HEAT shells on lightly armored vehicles, and depleted uranium AT shells on enemy tanks. The GLS aircraft retreated behind the defense line backed up with the ground AA defenses.

The rogue fighters and interceptors had to contend with various missiles that were being fired from the turrets (OOC: I presume that's the case. If not, correct me) as well as the GLS aircrafts. But the crews in the U-8 bombers were unaware of the Mobility Denial System liquid that were covering the ground in front of the rogue forces and as such continued to try to drop bombs on the GLS turrets, tanks, and infantry.

The rogue soldiers on the ground soon came under fire as they pursued the retreating GLS forces, and they scattered for a short time to try to avoid the artillery blasts. Bringing in their own artillery guns, the rogues returned fire with even greater intensity (owing to the soldiers' increasing rage, anger, exhaustion, and frustration). However, they soon found that their equipment/guns soon became unusable when some of the GLS artillery shells impacted at them or near their positions, splashing the liquid over them. "AHH! MY EYES!" An unfortunate rogue soldier screamed in agony after the liquid splashed over his face, especially his eyes.

As for the nearby New England base, the rouges might had successfully defended their base, but they were soon showered with HESH and napalm shells from GLS's long range artillery guns.

The night time was soon lighted up with neon green goo as Revealer missiles were fired in overwhelming waves at the rouges' aircraft mixed with Smart AA missiles to blast any goo covered enemy aircraft out of the air.

The Rapid Demolisher tanks simply sped around and avoided the suicidal enemies while sticking close to their vehicles, ramming them into other vehicles and blowing their tanks. The demolition charges had no effects unless if there were a dozen on the tanks, which only managed to stun them for a few seconds.

As for the turrets, they set any bombs or missiles targeting them as their top priority. A few dozen of the turrets were destroyed but they kept on firing.

The base was, indeed, bombarded with more shells from the GLS's artillery guns. In consequences, the rogues brought some of their own long-range artillery guns and began to fire back. Several of the U-8 bombers were given the task of eliminating the GLS artillery guns, and they changed direction to deal with these annoying artillery guns.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the rogues continued to pursue the fleeing tanks, to no avail. A few, however, managed to get on the side of one of the tanks, managing to evade everything the GLS forces had to throw, and to place four detonation charges. However, when the rogues activated them and after the dust cleared, they were pretty disappointed to see the tanks still standing and functioning.

"Are these tanks invicible, or what?" A rogue soldier muttered.

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The rogues, on their advance toward New City, indeed did have to deal with obstacles in their way, often these that they did not expect. The roads to New City quickly became tangled as several Humvees and IFVs slipped away and crashed into each other, creating various tangles of vehicles and infurating rogue soldiers/commanders.

"Clear the way!" A furious rogue commander shouted as his soldiers tried, in vain, to maintain order, often slipping on the slippery liquid on the roads. Due to this, the rogues were forced to try to find detours, delaying their advance on New City. It would take time...wasted time. If that weren't bad enough, the rogues had to contend with fleeing civilians in the way on their pursuit of the retreating GLS forces. The rogues tried to traverse through, treating the civilians they captured with care, but a few units fired upon the civilians. Manicial laughter could be heard as few rogue soldiers turned their machine-guns upon the screaming GLS civilians. They also resorted to burning down any GLS towns and villages they encountered in their crawl to New City, often taking out their rage and frustration upon the unfortunate GLS civilians.

The civilian killers would frequently encounter police officers, S.W.A.T, riot control police officers, and NPA (National Police Agency) officers trying to buy as much time as possible for the civilians to flee and in some cities, even weaker police versions of M-1 Abrams tanks. They knew they would be quickly defeated, but the more innocent people's lives saved, the better. They also frequently shouted in their megaphones, "You stop killing civilians and destruction of our buildings and we will surrender."

Meanwhile, various news agencies, including Royal News Agency and GLS National News secretly recorded and broadcasted the videos live, showing the rouges slaughtering innocent civilians and burning down buildings.


The rogue fighters and interceptors had to contend with various missiles that were being fired from the turrets (OOC: I presume that's the case. If not, correct me) as well as the GLS aircrafts. But the crews in the U-8 bombers were unaware of the Mobility Denial System liquid that were covering the ground in front of the rogue forces and as such continued to try to drop bombs on the GLS turrets, tanks, and infantry.

The rogue soldiers on the ground soon came under fire as they pursued the retreating GLS forces, and they scattered for a short time to try to avoid the artillery blasts. Bringing in their own artillery guns, the rogues returned fire with even greater intensity (owing to the soldiers' increasing rage, anger, exhaustion, and frustration). However, they soon found that their equipment/guns soon became unusable when some of the GLS artillery shells impacted at them or near their positions, splashing the liquid over them. "AHH! MY EYES!" An unfortunate rogue soldier screamed in agony after the liquid splashed over his face, especially his eyes.

The base was, indeed, bombarded with more shells from the GLS's artillery guns. In consequences, the rogues brought some of their own long-range artillery guns and began to fire back. Several of the U-8 bombers were given the task of eliminating the GLS artillery guns, and they changed direction to deal with these annoying artillery guns.

OOC: The automated turrets are simply shooting down bombs and missiles fired from your aircraft. The GLS's MIM-104 Patriots are the one firing the anti-aircraft missiles from the ground. Keep in mind that the Revealer missiles will light up any affected aircraft with a bright neon night, effectively killing their stealth and making them stand out in the dark night. Plus, if any gets in the aircraft's engines, then expect engine failures from the intake fans being clogged up.



GLS military's artillery guns were computerized. They could pinpoint where the enemy shells were fired last from using radar data from the MIM-104 Patriots and fire back shells, often using napalm shells to burn any enemies hanging around there. They weren't 100% accurate and nearly useless if the enemy moved their artillery guns around after a few shots, but it still gave the GLS military a chance to shred a chunk of the rouges' firepower.

As for the nearby base, their own artillery guns came under fire from mostly accurate napalm shells, preventing the rouges from using their artillery guns.

The MIM-104 Patriots and F-22 jets begin to fire SFB (Sticky Flash Bang) and FB (Flash Bang) AA missiles at any rouges' air craft that were far away as the sky begin to darken from the rapidly approaching night time, stunning any affected pilots and blinding them with the bright flashes of lights. (OOC: Link to info here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73021 :OOC)


Back at New City Eastern Military Base:

12 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers took off from their base. Their first mission? Fly to enemy airfields and drop high explosive bombs onto their landing/take off paths to hamper the rouges' air force.


Hudson Bay:

The GLS invasion fleet had finally arrived and unleashed their 12 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers to do the same thing, bomb the rouge bases' take off and landing paths. 5 squadrons of F-22 jets were deployed to escort the more vulnerable cargo ships that carried the GLS ground forces so the cargo ships can safely dock and unload their cargo in a harbor (probably guarded by the rouges). If any rouge ground forces wanted to greet the GLS reinforcements, they would first had to endure the bombardment from a GLS battleship, cruiser, and dozens of cargo ships who had a few artillery guns on their decks.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the rogues continued to pursue the fleeing tanks, to no avail. A few, however, managed to get on the side of one of the tanks, managing to evade everything the GLS forces had to throw, and to place four detonation charges. However, when the rogues activated them and after the dust cleared, they were pretty disappointed to see the tanks still standing and functioning.

After a while of fighting, eventually the Rapid demolisher tanks were forced to flee one by one when their suspension systems were taking a toll from the constant explosions or were running low on ammunition. Besides, their operators were getting tired of the constant shaking and their tanks being stunned repeatedly.


Classified message to New England:

Our elite tanks will shred any rouges' armored vehicles, then our separated military and yours will cleanup anything our elite tanks left behind. Our invasion fleet had finally arrived in the Hudson Bay and are attempting to dock to unload the ground forces that were used to invade Yuktobania. We might need some air support since the rouges might attempt to sink the cargo ships.

Edited by HHAYD
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The civilian killers would frequently encounter police officers, S.W.A.T, riot control police officers, and NPA (National Police Agency) officers trying to buy as much time as possible for the civilians to flee and in some cities, even weaker police versions of M-1 Abrams tanks. They knew they would be quickly defeated, but the more innocent people's lives saved, the better. They also frequently shouted in their megaphones, "You stop killing civilians and destruction of our buildings and we will surrender."

"Do it! Surrender!" One of the rogue commanders yelled at the GLS police officers through a microphone. "Any funny action and it won't be pretty!"

Meanwhile, various news agencies, including Royal News Agency and GLS National News secretly recorded and broadcasted the videos live, showing the rouges slaughtering innocent civilians and burning down buildings.

Several rogue soldiers saw one of the helicopters and reported it to their respective officers. After brief deliberations, the officers gave the order to shoot the helicopter down. Immediately, one of the soldiers got a rocket launcher. Getting on one knee and propping the launcher on his shoulder, the rogue soldier aimed the rocket launcher at one of the helicopters. "Eat this, (insert expletive)!" He cackled as he pressed the trigger and the rocket hurtled out of the launcher and flew toward the helicopter.

"I never liked reporters, anyways." Another rogue soldier said with a smirk.

GLS military's artillery guns were computerized. They could pinpoint where the enemy shells were fired last from using radar data from the MIM-104 Patriots and fire back shells, often using napalm shells to burn any enemies hanging around there. They weren't 100% accurate and nearly useless if the enemy moved their artillery guns around after a few shots, but it still gave the GLS military a chance to shred a chunk of the rouges' firepower.

As for the nearby base, their own artillery guns came under fire from mostly accurate napalm shells, preventing the rouges from using their artillery guns.

The MIM-104 Patriots and F-22 jets begin to fire SFB (Sticky Flash Bang) and FB (Flash Bang) AA missiles at any rouges' air craft that were far away as the sky begin to darken from the rapidly approaching night time, stunning any affected pilots and blinding them with the bright flashes of lights. (OOC: Link to info here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73021 :OOC)

With most of their artillery guns in the base destroyed, the rogues called for further aerial reinforcements. Shortly, more squadrons of fighters, interceptors, and bombers were called down to the area to target the artillery guns. The remaining aircrafts in the air were also increasingly diverted to target the artillery guns, using laser-precision to bomb them.

However, the fighters and interceptors' difficulties were compounded when the pilots were confronted with blinding flashes of light. Luckily, most of them were equipped with state-of-the-art helmet that provided advanced shades to protect their eyes. The fighters and bombers continued to fight on, but their fuel and ammunition were beginning to run out...

Back at New City Eastern Military Base:

12 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers took off from their base. Their first mission? Fly to enemy airfields and drop high explosive bombs onto their landing/take off paths to hamper the rouges' air force.


Hudson Bay:

The GLS invasion fleet had finally arrived and unleashed their 12 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers to do the same thing, bomb the rouge bases' take off and landing paths. 5 squadrons of F-22 jets were deployed to escort the more vulnerable cargo ships that carried the GLS ground forces so the cargo ships can safely dock and unload their cargo in a harbor (probably guarded by the rouges). If any rouge ground forces wanted to greet the GLS reinforcements, they would first had to endure the bombardment from a GLS battleship, cruiser, and dozens of cargo ships who had a few artillery guns on their decks.

After a while of fighting, eventually the Rapid demolisher tanks were forced to flee one by one when their suspension systems were taking a toll from the constant explosions or were running low on ammunition. Besides, their operators were getting tired of the constant shaking and their tanks being stunned repeatedly.

The rogue airfields, however, knew through advanced radar technology that something was coming, and they were completely prepared for the GLS attacks. More and more squadrons of fighters and interceptors lifted off the runways of the bases to confront the GLS fighters at night. Some aircrafts tried to 'greet' the GLS reinforcements, but were greeted with nearly-overwhelming fire from all directions and forced to turn back.

On the ground, the rogues continued their relentless attacks, shooting rockets at the fleeing tanks whenever they could, if they were not caught into the traps or ran into ambushes and the like.

Classified message to New England:

Our elite tanks will shred any rouges' armored vehicles, then our separated military and yours will cleanup anything our elite tanks left behind. Our invasion fleet had finally arrived in the Hudson Bay and are attempting to dock to unload the ground forces that were used to invade Yuktobania. We might need some air support since the rouges might attempt to sink the cargo ships.


Affirmative. We will provide air support.


From airbases in northern Wisconsin, three squadrons of fighters and interceptors of the New Englander Air Force lifted off into the air and flew in the direction of Hudson Bay. They were to provide air support to the GLS forces against the rogues.

In southern GLS, the New Englanders, though battle of attrition, prowess, and superiority in numbers, had largely achieved air superiority of the skies above the southern part of the country. The New Englander aircrafts flew toward Detroit to help bomb the rogues that were attempting to take over the city and provide support to GLS forces in the regions. However, casualties were heavy on both sides: about 18 rogues aircrafts were destroyed or damaged, and 12 New Englander aircrafts.

In southern GLS, approximately 30,000 New Englanders now stood poised to launch an offensive against the rogue forces in southern GLS. Working in conjunction with GLS forces, they were to sweep north and capture Detroit (more like destroy rogue positions thoughout the city). New Englander bombers were to target any rogue airfields and strategic defense installations.

On an unrelated note, after attempts to contact the High Commander came to nothing, SecDef Robert M. Gates formally declared the rogue forces in the GLS to be rebels and in effect traitors to the country. He issued a statement calling the rogues to give up their arms in exchange for more leniency. However, he warned, if they refused, they will be "utterly and completely decimated" by the combination of the New Englander and GLS military. President Johnson stated basically the same thing, promising pardons for the rebels if they surrendered but promising retribution if they refused to do so.

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"Do it! Surrender!" One of the rogue commanders yelled at the GLS police officers through a microphone. "Any funny action and it won't be pretty!"

With most of their artillery guns in the base destroyed, the rogues called for further aerial reinforcements. Shortly, more squadrons of fighters, interceptors, and bombers were called down to the area to target the artillery guns. The remaining aircrafts in the air were also increasingly diverted to target the artillery guns, using laser-precision to bomb them.

However, the fighters and interceptors' difficulties were compounded when the pilots were confronted with blinding flashes of light. Luckily, most of them were equipped with state-of-the-art helmet that provided advanced shades to protect their eyes. The fighters and bombers continued to fight on, but their fuel and ammunition were beginning to run out...

"You promise us you stop attacking civilians and burning down buildings first!" was a police officer's reply using a megaphone.


The GLS military was even in a worse state. Their fighter jets were decimated to the point where only about three squadrons are still operational and were forced to be grounded. Many of their artillery guns were destroyed and they were taking heavy casualties from the enemy's bombing runs. If they were attacked by the rouge ground forces while being pounded, their defenses would crumble like potato chips and would be forced to retreat.

For Mackniaw City, their defenses were expected to be the first one to crumble since they were weaker.

The rogue airfields, however, knew through advanced radar technology that something was coming, and they were completely prepared for the GLS attacks. More and more squadrons of fighters and interceptors lifted off the runways of the bases to confront the GLS fighters at night. Some aircrafts tried to 'greet' the GLS reinforcements, but were greeted with nearly-overwhelming fire from all directions and forced to turn back.

On the ground, the rogues continued their relentless attacks, shooting rockets at the fleeing tanks whenever they could, if they were not caught into the traps or ran into ambushes and the like.

The GLS invasion force's cargo ships found themselves in deep trouble due to boat-traffic jams in the harbors, making them a bunch of sitting ducks for heavy carpet bombings. The ground forces were being unloaded at a slow rate due to the cargo ship traffic jams.

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"You promise us you stop attacking civilians and burning down buildings first!" was a police officer's reply using a megaphone.

"We promise! Now surrender!" came the reply though a megaphone.

The GLS military was even in a worse state. Their fighter jets were decimated to the point where only about three squadrons are still operational and were forced to be grounded. Many of their artillery guns were destroyed and they were taking heavy casualties from the enemy's bombing runs. If they were attacked by the rouge ground forces while being pounded, their defenses would crumble like potato chips and would be forced to retreat.

For Mackniaw City, their defenses were expected to be the first one to crumble since they were weaker.

The GLS military was all but beaten, and the rogues could see that. However, their advance on New City was still hemmed in by the traps, and the vehicles crawled forward at a snail's place as soldiers tried to advance forward without slipping on the liquid. Several vehicles and soldiers lost more and more time in the large detours to the GLS capital, though they slowed their advance in apprehension of any potential traps/ambushes ahead.

The U-8s, seeing their devastating work being done, diverted their directions and continued on pounding any GLS positions on land. Any GLS airbases, installations, and buildings were targeted. But where the rogues were successful in northern and central GLS, they were taking a terrible thrashing from the New Englander forces that had entered and were entrenched in southern GLS. New Englander aircrafts, when they weren't fighting the rogues, dropped leaflets throughout southern GLS calling for the rogues to surrender. Several New Englander commanders broadcasted President Johnson's message to the rogue forces. Surprisingly, most of the rogue forces surrendered and most of southern GLS was now in New Englander and GLS hands. Detroit was only a short distance away, and the New Englanders surged toward the city with the intent of forcing the rogues to surrender.

However, few rogue divisions disregarded the call to surrender and effectively became traitors. They fought on in vain against the larger New Englander army, and were obliterated in several small, but fierce firefights. It didn't help that most rogue aircrafts in southern GLS were shot down or damaged.

The GLS invasion force's cargo ships found themselves in deep trouble due to boat-traffic jams in the harbors, making them a bunch of sitting ducks for heavy carpet bombings. The ground forces were being unloaded at a slow rate due to the cargo ship traffic jams.

Fortunate for the GLS invasion force, the New Englander fighters and interceptors arrived in the skies above the harbors. They were to defend the GLS forces against any rogue aerial attacks. Indeed, when the rogues did try to target the GLS force, the New Englanders shot them right out of the sky.

OOC: Before I forget, most of the fighting's taking place in RL Michigan, meaning your forces in parts of Canada are untouched. The rogues are trying to take over RL Michigan and annex it to New England. They will try to contact the federal government, but by then, it's far too late. Their choices are to either fight on and become traitors or give up and relinquish their dreams of Michigan as a New Englander state. Speak of being caught between a rock and a hard place. ;)

Edited by JEDCJT
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"We promise! Now surrender!" came the reply though a megaphone.

The GLS military was all but beaten, and the rogues could see that. However, their advance on New City was still hemmed in by the traps, and the vehicles crawled forward at a snail's place as soldiers tried to advance forward without slipping on the liquid. Several vehicles and soldiers lost more and more time in the large detours to the GLS capital, though they slowed their advance in apprehension of any potential traps/ambushes ahead.

The U-8s, seeing their devastating work being done, diverted their directions and continued on pounding any GLS positions on land. Any GLS airbases, installations, and buildings were targeted. But where the rogues were successful in northern and central GLS, they were taking a terrible thrashing from the New Englander forces that had entered and were entrenched in southern GLS. New Englander aircrafts, when they weren't fighting the rogues, dropped leaflets throughout southern GLS calling for the rogues to surrender. Several New Englander commanders broadcasted President Johnson's message to the rogue forces. Surprisingly, most of the rogue forces surrendered and most of southern GLS was now in New Englander and GLS hands. Detroit was only a short distance away, and the New Englanders surged toward the city with the intent of forcing the rogues to surrender.

However, few rogue divisions disregarded the call to surrender and effectively became traitors. They fought on in vain against the larger New Englander army, and were obliterated in several small, but fierce firefights. It didn't help that most rogue aircrafts in southern GLS were shot down or damaged.

Some of the police officers decided to not surrender, hide, and see if the rouges kept their words. The rest surrendered.


The rouge aircraft would quickly discovered that the GLS military had another trick up their sleeves. Almost all of the government owned buildings' hidden anti-aircraft/bomb/missile systems came online, revealing themselves (such as schools and hospitals) and opened fire. Plus, even a few large privately owned buildings (such as ExIm Corporation's headquarter skyscraper) had their own anti-aircraft/bomb/missile systems that also came online. Most of those buildings were structurally designed to resist high explosive (not HESH) bomb/missile impacts.

The GLS ground forces defending Mackniaw City and New City stopped firing due to ammunition shortages. They retreated, letting their enemies to march through the explosive rigged buildings, blow up the buildings, and then engage in a fierce building to building and room to room fighting.

Edited by HHAYD
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Some of the police officers decided to not surrender, hide, and see if the rouges kept their words. The rest surrendered.


The rouge aircraft would quickly discovered that the GLS military had another trick up their sleeves. Almost all of the government owned buildings' hidden anti-aircraft/bomb/missile systems came online, revealing themselves (such as schools and hospitals) and opened fire. Plus, even a few large privately owned buildings (such as ExIm Corporation's headquarter skyscraper) had their own anti-aircraft/bomb/missile systems that also came online. Most of those buildings were structurally designed to resist high explosive (not HESH) bomb/missile impacts.

The GLS ground forces defending Mackniaw City and New City stopped firing due to ammunition shortages. They retreated, letting their enemies to march through the explosive rigged buildings, blow up the buildings, and then engage in a fierce building to building and room to room fighting.

The rogues, surprisingly, kept their promise, bringing the new prisoners to the rear. The rogues, meanwhile, continued to advance forward to New City.

As if they had taken a battering from the GLS aircrafts, the rogues were in for a nasty surprise once they had reached New City. The pilots of the fighters and interceptors reported seeing anti-aircraft fire come from the buildings of New City itself. Employing classical evasion techniques, the rogues tried to target New City's buildings, launching many missiles at where they'd assumed the anti-aircraft fire have come from.

But soon, the rogues would face a new threat from their rear: their own New Englander counterparts! Several squadrons of New Englander aircrafts had reached New City (and were identifiable as such) and embarked into an assault against the rogues, launching missiles at them. A fierce dogfight ensued as the New Englanders traded fire (and missiles) with the rogues, successfully shooting a good number of them down (but not without sustaining some casualties of their own).

By the time, the New Englanders had reached Detroit, where they employed 'carrot and stick' tactic, persuading the rogues to surrender, and whenever unsuccessful in this, utilizing overwhelming firepower and airpower to induce the rogues around and inside Detroit to surrender. Heavy fighting ensued as New Englander soldier took the field against their rogue brothers in Detroit. New Englander aircrafts, by then, had effectively neutralized the rogue airforce as a fighting force and had full control of Detroit's skies.

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The rogues, surprisingly, kept their promise, bringing the new prisoners to the rear. The rogues, meanwhile, continued to advance forward to New City.

As if they had taken a battering from the GLS aircrafts, the rogues were in for a nasty surprise once they had reached New City. The pilots of the fighters and interceptors reported seeing anti-aircraft fire come from the buildings of New City itself. Employing classical evasion techniques, the rogues tried to target New City's buildings, launching many missiles at where they'd assumed the anti-aircraft fire have come from.

But soon, the rogues would face a new threat from their rear: their own New Englander counterparts! Several squadrons of New Englander aircrafts had reached New City (and were identifiable as such) and embarked into an assault against the rogues, launching missiles at them. A fierce dogfight ensued as the New Englanders traded fire (and missiles) with the rogues, successfully shooting a good number of them down (but not without sustaining some casualties of their own).

By the time, the New Englanders had reached Detroit, where they employed 'carrot and stick' tactic, persuading the rogues to surrender, and whenever unsuccessful in this, utilizing overwhelming firepower and airpower to induce the rogues around and inside Detroit to surrender. Heavy fighting ensued as New Englander soldier took the field against their rogue brothers in Detroit. New Englander aircrafts, by then, had effectively neutralized the rogue airforce as a fighting force and had full control of Detroit's skies.

The GLS military defending New City patiently waited for the rouges to enter the city. Remaining GLS fighter jets took off from New City Eastern Military Base and also engaged the rouge aircraft.


Classified, inside TUO's HQ underneath Detroit:

The masked leader typed a single word in his e-mail and set it to "send all" before clicking on send.


Soon, massive waves of TUO military forces poured out of their underground bases from their recently opened hidden exits.


Background information about TUO after being defeated:

It reformed, built another HQ base, sneaked agents into GLS government to copy GLS military technology, and managed to develop it faster than Great Lakes States' government. Its technology was ahead of GLS and its military had the raw firepower and armoring to defeat GLS, but New England military's size and technology could present an issue.

Edited by HHAYD
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The GLS military defending New City patiently waited for the rouges to enter the city. Remaining GLS fighter jets took off from New City Eastern Military Base and also engaged the rouge aircraft.

The rogues, after such efforts and wasted time, managed to reach rhw outskirts of New City. However, to be safe, they brought in their artillery guns to the fore and unleashed a massive, sustained bombardment of the GLS capital to 'soften' it up for the final assault. But as soon as they charged toward New City, the rogues were attacked from the sky; the New Englander aircrafts (including bombers) had reached New City and were picking off the rogue fighters and interceptors one by one. Some aircrafts even flew close toward the ground and strafed the rogue ground forces.

In retaliation, the rogues, frustrated, turned their artillery guns to the sky and attempted to shoot the New Englander airforce down, to little success. The New Englanders undertook evasive measures to avoid the oncoming attacks, and retaliated against the rogue ground forces and the rogue aircrafts. The battle above New City continued.

However, some rogue units, undaunted, decided to march into New City, bringing in their vehicles, guns, and equipment for them. Little did they know what lay in wait for them ahead...

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The rogues, after such efforts and wasted time, managed to reach rhw outskirts of New City. However, to be safe, they brought in their artillery guns to the fore and unleashed a massive, sustained bombardment of the GLS capital to 'soften' it up for the final assault. But as soon as they charged toward New City, the rogues were attacked from the sky; the New Englander aircrafts (including bombers) had reached New City and were picking off the rogue fighters and interceptors one by one. Some aircrafts even flew close toward the ground and strafed the rogue ground forces.

In retaliation, the rogues, frustrated, turned their artillery guns to the sky and attempted to shoot the New Englander airforce down, to little success. The New Englanders undertook evasive measures to avoid the oncoming attacks, and retaliated against the rogue ground forces and the rogue aircrafts. The battle above New City continued.

However, some rogue units, undaunted, decided to march into New City, bringing in their vehicles, guns, and equipment for them. Little did they know what lay in wait for them ahead...

It seemed too quiet in New City, TOO QUIET. All there was were occasional stray civilians trying to find another path to flee, but failed. As soon as they passed through the first two rows of buildings, those two rows of buildings exploded instantly, spraying rubble onto the rouges. Immediately, the GLS military attacked in full force. Over a total of 100 super tanks charged forward to attack the rouges, followed by their M-1 Abrams, IFVs, and infantry.



Ever since the war started, TUO started plotting their new plans. Same goal, different strategies.

They had copied GLS military technology and improved them. They even had missile launcher tanks that could defeat GLS Demolisher tanks with one hit using miniature versions of bunker busters.

Their aircraft was much different than GLS or New England aircraft. Instead of relying on maneuverability and speed, they used armoring and firepower to defeat their enemies. Their fastest aircraft, a heavily modified and a giant version of F-22, top speed was a little less than mach 1, but had a thick carbon nanotube/fiber and shock absorbing bullet proof gel armoring which allowed TUO's fighter jets to withstand multiple hits with anti-aircraft missiles. Their fighter jets also could hold up to 100 Smart AA missiles and fire all of them at once.

Their bomber jets? They have double the amount of payload as GLS's Tu-160 bomber jets and also thick armoring (at the cost of a reduced speed, down to mach 0.5). TUO also had super fighters, which has even higher firepower and armoring at the cost of reduced maneuverability and speed (top speed is 400 mph). They could hold up to (and fire all at once) 400 Smart AA missiles and can take more brutal punishments. They are basically large airborne multiple missile launcher tanks.

Their infantry's body armor were similar, but much more advanced than GLS's infantry body armors (carbon nanotube/fiber, bullet proof shock absorbing gel, and electrical charged carbon nanotubes that can repel one or two bullets at a time). TUO's body armors could withstand multiple standard (not semi-armor piercing explosive) 7.62x39mm bullets' impacts. Plus, they even had powered exoskeleton underneath the armoring to increase strength and speed, allowing TUO's soldiers to carry light machine guns (can only be fired in small burst for accuracy, automatic for mob control) as their primary weapon instead of assault rifles. However, due to the massive cost to produce such body armors, only a portion of their soldiers received the powered suits, the rest received the same kind of body armoring without the powered exoskeleton. Another issue was if the electrical system goes dead, then the wearer would have to bear the full weight, including the extra 60 pounds from the power suit and another one was if one hydraulic cylinder goes dead, then the area it controls goes dead. Plus, the power suits were prone to occasional lockups due to excessive stress.

Their helicopters were much different than New England's or GLS's, but they are advanced versions of GLS's prototype triple rotors helicopters. TUO's helicopters had dual rotors that spun in opposite directions stacked on the same engine and a smaller rotor facing away from the helicopter attached to the tail. Their top speed? A little over 300 mph, 200 mph for the heavier helicopters.

TUO's military:

25,000 regular troops

5,000 elite troops (ones who have the power suits)

200 multiple missile launcher tanks (aka tank destroyers)

1,028 modified Rapid Demolisher tanks (different armoring and cannon size is 140mm)

300 heavy fighter helicopters armed with 40mm cannons and multiple missile launchers (hold up to anti-helicopter 100 missiles and can fire all of them at once)

300 light fighter helicopters armed with 40mm cannons and multiple missile launchers (hold up to anti-helicopter 50 missiles and can fire all at once)

200 anti-ground force helicopters armed with dual miniguns, 40mm cannons, 80mm cannons, and single missile launchers (hold up to 50 wire guided anti-tank missiles)

400 transport helicopters

29 squadrons of regular fighter jets

1 squadron of super fighter jets

5 squadrons of bomber jets

1 squadron of B-2 Spirit stealth bomber jets

15,000 modified IFV M2 Bradley

20,000 MIM-104 Patriot (modified to have additional armoring and higher firepower)

3,000 modified Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled artillery guns

TUO forces that emerged from their hidden bases attacked New England military forces. In the north, GLS invasion force came under fire from TUO's military and were emotionally devastated when they lost about 20 of their super tanks to TUO's tank destroyer multiple missile launcher tanks within less than a minute after the attack started.

TUO's plan:

Win the war with sheer firepower and armoring. Stealth is for babies.


Classified message to New England:

"It seems that some unknown military force had emerged all over the nation and I had gotten reports of them attacking us. I suspect it is TUO."


OOC: Edited to fix some mistakes.

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Northern part of GLS, bordering Hudson Bay:

TUO military force waltzed toward the massive GLS reinforcements that were still unloading from the cargo ships. The GLS's Rapid demolishers were blown up left and right by TUO's multiple missile launchers tanks that were using carbon-nanotube/depleted uranium/explosive computerized shells that explode if it no longer sensed any pressures, and none of GLS's super tanks had spaced armoring. Their tougher Demolisher tanks had it even worse. They could not shoot TUO's multiple missile launcher tanks fast enough if they came from the side or rear, which they frequently did. GLS's M-1 Abrams were being chewed up by TUO's lighter but tougher versions of GLS's super tanks and were helpless to stop them. In fact, GLS's super tanks couldn't deal with TUO's main battle tanks since they lacked the correct shells to punch through TUO's MBTs' armoring.

Meanwhile, TUO's MIM-104 Patriots camped close to the fighting and opened fire on New England aircraft as TUO soldiers quickly worked to attach anti-bomb/missile turrets to the vehicles. TUO's soldiers presented an issue to the GLS ground forces, not only they had better body armoring that could shrug off more bullets and impacts, but TUO's elite soldiers were mowing down GLS soldiers by charging toward them with their machine guns blazing.

When TUO's military got close enough, they came under fire from GLS naval ships' bombardment. They returned favor by deploying escorted bomber jets to rain anti-ship missiles onto GLS ships.

New England was about to experience their first hand experience of TUO's fighter jets' massive firepower and armoring...


Classified message to New England from President Roger:

You might need to bring additional reinforcements, looks like TUO isn't screwing around and has shown that they have exceeded our military technology. Oh, I would suggest try showering bunker busters on their tanks, I get this feeling they might had copied our military technology before they launched their attack. TUO's multiple missile launcher tanks should be our priority target since they are rapidly decimating our super tanks with the missiles they are using.

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It seemed too quiet in New City, TOO QUIET. All there was were occasional stray civilians trying to find another path to flee, but failed. As soon as they passed through the first two rows of buildings, those two rows of buildings exploded instantly, spraying rubble onto the rouges. Immediately, the GLS military attacked in full force. Over a total of 100 super tanks charged forward to attack the rouges, followed by their M-1 Abrams, IFVs, and infantry.

The rogues were clearly taken aback by this attack, and they sustained fairly heavy casualties as they were forced to retreat back slightly. However, the remaining aircrafts, when not under attack by the New Englander aircrafts, attempted to attack the GLS tanks and vehicles. Rogue ground units brought forth anti-tank guns and unleashed a furious barrage at the GLS forces in New City.

TUO forces that emerged from their hidden bases attacked New England military forces. In the north, GLS invasion force came under fire from TUO's military and were emotionally devastated when they lost about 20 of their super tanks to TUO's tank destroyer multiple missile launcher tanks within less than a minute after the attack started.

The New Englanders suddenly found themselves under attack from all sides. They assumed it was the rogues, but they were surprised when they saw the advanced quality of the new enemy’s battle suits and firepower from their weapons. They were too advanced for the GLS’s level. Several units, through heavy fighting, managed to stand their ground and to radio for reinforcements. “We have a situation here! The enemy is attacking us with everything they’ve got. I repeat, they are attacking us with everything they’ve got!” General Ian Sedgwick of the Tenth Brigade, near Detroit, radioed the Army High Command in Boston.

The rogues, on the other hands, were unable to muster much resistance. After brief but ferocious fighting, most of the rogue forces inside and around Detroit were all but wiped out. They were unable to put much resistance because much of their equipment and weaponry had been destroyed or damaged by the New Englanders. Ironically, in face of the TUO onslaught, several, scattered rogue units made their way to their New Englander counterparts, either to surrender or to make a truce and fight alongside them against the new enemy.

Classified message to New England:

"It seems that some unknown military force had emerged all over the nation and I had gotten reports of them attacking us. I suspect it is TUO."

Shock. Disbelief. Fear. Anger. These were but one of the emotions that were coursing through SecDef Robert M. Gates as he read the message that had been transmitted to him by SecSta Roosevelt (the Secretary sounded shocked and stunned when he‘d called Gates).

You’ve got to (insert expletive) me.” Gates muttered as he grabbed his telephone on his desk and dialed the Military High Command. When Joint Chief of Staffs head, Admiral Michael Mullen picked up the telephone, Gates gave only one response:

Initiate Order 141.

Immediately, Mullen knew. For such an order to be initiated, it meant New England’s security was now immediately threatened. As he set about to issue the order to the generals and commanders under his command, Mullen had this sinking feeling that it was related to the Great Lakes State. If his instincts were correct, then New England faced a severe danger, one that menaced the peace not only in North America, but the world.


Series of orders poured from the Department of Defense and the Military High Command to all facets of the Armed Forces, especially Army units stationed in Fort Hayes, Ohio. The base, located in central Ohio, near the state capital of Columbus, was placed in a state of high alert as its soldiers were prepared for action. All bases and installations alongside the southern coast of Lakes Erie and Ontario (in northern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and southwestern New York), as well as these alongside the coast of Lake Michigan (in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin) were also placed on high alert. At the border between Wisconsin and western GLS, Border Patrol agents and guards, as well as Army troopers began sealing off all checkpoints; similar things occurred at all the other borders New England shared with the GLS at Ohio, Indiana, and New York. Work on the Wisconsin Line and the Southeast Line was suspended for “as long as the situation lasts.”

All artillery guns, anti-aircraft guns, and coastal batteries in coastal Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York were fully online and functional. The Army was expanded to well over 500,000 soldiers, possibly more, as tens of thousands of soldiers were mobilized and deployed to Ohio, New York, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, to the New Englander-GLS border. In airbases, squadrons of F-40s, F-50s, and F/A-47s fighters, interceptors as well as U-8 bombers, were being scrambled into action.

New England was now on DEFCON 2, for the time being.


SecSta Roosevelt sent a classified message to the Disparuean Government through the New Englander Embassy in Jubilife. The memo, passed on to the Disparuean Government by Ambassador Kirk Sweeney, was brief and to the point:

The TUO has resurfaced in the GLS. Undertake necessary preparations.

Northern part of GLS, bordering Hudson Bay:

TUO military force waltzed toward the massive GLS reinforcements that were still unloading from the cargo ships. The GLS's Rapid demolishers were blown up left and right by TUO's multiple missile launchers tanks that were using carbon-nanotube/depleted uranium/explosive computerized shells that explode if it no longer sensed any pressures, and none of GLS's super tanks had spaced armoring. Their tougher Demolisher tanks had it even worse. They could not shoot TUO's multiple missile launcher tanks fast enough if they came from the side or rear, which they frequently did. GLS's M-1 Abrams were being chewed up by TUO's lighter but tougher versions of GLS's super tanks and were helpless to stop them. In fact, GLS's super tanks couldn't deal with TUO's main battle tanks since they lacked the correct shells to punch through TUO's MBTs' armoring.

New Englander pilots flying the interceptors and fighters above northern GS reported seeing “wanton destruction of GLS tanks and heavy smokes billowing into the air.” Everything, one pilot reported, has now become ‘chaotic’.

Meanwhile, TUO's MIM-104 Patriots camped close to the fighting and opened fire on New England aircraft as TUO soldiers quickly worked to attach anti-bomb/missile turrets to the vehicles. TUO's soldiers presented an issue to the GLS ground forces, not only they had better body armoring that could shrug off more bullets and impacts, but TUO's elite soldiers were mowing down GLS soldiers by charging toward them with their machine guns blazing.

When TUO's military got close enough, they came under fire from GLS naval ships' bombardment. They returned favor by deploying escorted bomber jets to rain anti-ship missiles onto GLS ships.

New England was about to experience their first hand experience of TUO's fighter jets' massive firepower and armoring…

The New Englander aircrafts sustained some casualties as they came under the TUO’s attack. Near the border between Wisconsin and the GLS, a couple of squadrons were scrambled into action and flew in the direction of northern GLS to relieve their brothers then under fire. But still, the New Englanders fought back hard, shooting many missiles at the enemy as possible. This was reinforced by a series of new orders issued by the Military High Command through secure communication lines. The pilots, the orders stated, were to hold back the assault as much as possible for as long as possible while reinforcements come.

This, the pilots heeded, and they performed the best as they could. The fighters and interceptors fought as valiantly and heroic as they could against the TUO aerial onslaught.

Classified message to New England from President Roger:

You might need to bring additional reinforcements, looks like TUO isn't screwing around and has shown that they have exceeded our military technology. Oh, I would suggest try showering bunker busters on their tanks, I get this feeling they might had copied our military technology before they launched their attack. TUO's multiple missile launcher tanks should be our priority target since they are rapidly decimating our super tanks with the missiles they are using.


Roger’s message was duly forwarded by Roosevelt to Admiral Mullen, who then relayed it to all appropriate commands in the Armed Forces. Roosevelt also sent the message, through secure channels, to President Johnson, who was currently meeting with the President of the Federal Republic of America in Washington City…

Edited by JEDCJT
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The rogues were clearly taken aback by this attack, and they sustained fairly heavy casualties as they were forced to retreat back slightly. However, the remaining aircrafts, when not under attack by the New Englander aircrafts, attempted to attack the GLS tanks and vehicles. Rogue ground units brought forth anti-tank guns and unleashed a furious barrage at the GLS forces in New City.

The New Englanders suddenly found themselves under attack from all sides. They assumed it was the rogues, but they were surprised when they saw the advanced quality of the new enemy’s battle suits and firepower from their weapons. They were too advanced for the GLS’s level. Several units, through heavy fighting, managed to stand their ground and to radio for reinforcements. “We have a situation here! The enemy is attacking us with everything they’ve got. I repeat, they are attacking us with everything they’ve got!” General Ian Sedgwick of the Tenth Brigade, near Detroit, radioed the Army High Command in Boston.

The rogues, on the other hands, were unable to muster much resistance. After brief but ferocious fighting, most of the rogue forces inside and around Detroit were all but wiped out. They were unable to put much resistance because much of their equipment and weaponry had been destroyed or damaged by the New Englanders. Ironically, in face of the TUO onslaught, several, scattered rogue units made their way to their New Englander counterparts, either to surrender or to make a truce and fight alongside them against the new enemy.

The New Englander aircrafts sustained some casualties as they came under the TUO’s attack. Near the border between Wisconsin and the GLS, a couple of squadrons were scrambled into action and flew in the direction of northern GLS to relieve their brothers then under fire. But still, the New Englanders fought back hard, shooting many missiles at the enemy as possible. This was reinforced by a series of new orders issued by the Military High Command through secure communication lines. The pilots, the orders stated, were to hold back the assault as much as possible for as long as possible while reinforcements come.

This, the pilots heeded, and they performed the best as they could. The fighters and interceptors fought as valiantly and heroic as they could against the TUO aerial onslaught.

In New City:

As usual, the super tanks who took most of the hits were stunned while the ones in the rear section fired back, but when they received reports of an unknown military force approaching rapidly toward New City, this was shouted through dozens of megaphones.

"TUO is coming back! You know how much they hate Great Lakes States and New England and what their goals were! Side with us now or else we will all be dead!"

A few seconds later, TUO light attack helicopters flew overhead, firing on New England, the rouges, and Great Lakes States military, soon followed by heavy attack and anti-ground force helicopters, and the anti-ground helicopters chewed up GLS's super tanks with their advanced AT wire-guided missiles. Far up in the air, TUO bomber jets flew overhead and rained bunker buster missiles on any buildings that had anti-aircraft defense systems in them, instantly demolishing the buildings. Some of the bomber jets targeted the legitimate New England ground forces. Meanwhile, TUO fighter jets tagged along to escort their bomber jets.

Behind rouge's line was TUO's ground force that was rapidly approaching. They open fired as their MBTs charged straight ahead into their enemy's lines.


On ground:

TUO military continued to attack New England military from all sides as their fast helicopters attacked them and TUO's bomber jets flew overhead, attempting to drop bombs while being escorted.


Above in air:

TUO's aircraft opened up all of their missile storage, and fired all of them at once, totaling over thousands of advanced versions of Smart AA missiles and Revealer missiles (their goo were chemically altered to be lighter, allowing them to stay in the air longer) before another group of TUO fighter jets came. A single TUO super fighter could devastate a squadron with its volley of 400 missiles, a squadron of the super fighters would be an overkill (though there is only one squadron of them and they are kinda spread out and are pretty darn slow for a jet fighter, allowing enemy aircraft to prepare for the attack).

TUO's bomber jets also came out to drop missiles and bombs on New England ground forces. In fact, they were even targeting civilian evacuation area.


In TUO's HQ:

The hackers were at work, they had send viruses that could bypass/hijack any OS, BIO, or anti-virus software that were in the market to New England and GLS. Anything that was connected to the internet was affected by the viruses. The viruses display a rick-roll video on loophole, infect the BIO/hard drive files, and if any attempts to remove the video, virus, or rebooting the computer would cause the BIO and hard drive files to be corrupted. Plus, they viruses would attempt to fry the computers by instructing the BIO to repeatedly send deadly electrical surges throughout the computer.


Classified message from President Roger to New England:

Our civilian evacuation centers are being bombed, open up your border and rescue as many civilians as possible from Great Lakes States. Rescuing civilians should be our top priority, remember the previous war with TUO?

Right after that message was sent, communication connections went down. TUO had sucessfully hijacked GLS government's satellites


OOC: Link to spy odds: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2095740



EDIT: Corrected some mistakes.

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In New City:

As usual, the super tanks who took most of the hits were stunned while the ones in the rear section fired back, but when they received reports of an unknown military force approaching rapidly toward New City, this was shouted through dozens of megaphones.

"TUO is coming back! You know how much they hate Great Lakes States and New England and what their goals were! Side with us now or else we will all be dead!"

A few seconds later, TUO light attack helicopters flew overhead, firing on New England, the rouges, and Great Lakes States military, soon followed by heavy attack and anti-ground force helicopters, and the anti-ground helicopters chewed up GLS's super tanks with their advanced AT wire-guided missiles. Far up in the air, TUO bomber jets flew overhead and rained bunker buster missiles on any buildings that had anti-aircraft defense systems in them, instantly demolishing the buildings. Some of the bomber jets targeted the legitimate New England ground forces. Meanwhile, TUO fighter jets tagged along to escort their bomber jets.

Behind New England's line was TUO's ground force that was rapidly approaching. They open fired as their MBTs charged straight ahead into their enemy's lines despite being outnumbered.

Interestingly, the rogues paused for a moment. Choosing to believe the GLS soldiers, the rogues turned their weapons against the advancing TUO forces, mustering fierce resistance and trying to inflict heavy casualties as possible. Up in the air, both rogue and New Englander fighters and interceptors, which had been shooting at each other, now teamed up together to combat the TUO.

OOC: Uh, the legitimate New Englander forces haven’t reached New City yet. The latest extent of their advance is Detroit.

And you’re a bit vague on that last sentence. What New England line? In southern GLS and Detroit, or what?


On ground:

TUO military continued to attack New England military from all sides as their fast helicopters attacked them and TUO's bomber jets flew overhead, attempting to drop bombs while being escorted.

Above in air:

TUO's aircraft opened up all of their missile storage, and fired all of them at once, totaling over thousands of advanced versions of Smart AA missiles and Revealer missiles (their goo were chemically altered to be lighter, allowing them to stay in the air longer) before another group of TUO fighter jets came. A single TUO super fighter could devastate a squadron with its volley of 400 missiles, a squadron of the super fighters would be an overkill.

TUO's bomber jets also came out to drop missiles and bombs on New England ground forces. In fact, they were even targeting civilian evacuation area.

The New Englanders (now both the rogues and the legitimate New Englanders) fought back ferociously, firing overwhelming salvos of missiles at the TUO fighters. Employing evasive measures, the New Englanders were able to minimize their losses and to try to inflict heavier casualties on their own. The interceptors, obviously, targeted the TUO bombers that were trying to inflict bombs on the infantry (and civilians) on the ground below. Ten additional squadrons (240 aircrafts) joined into the fray from Wisconsin and immediately engaged the TUO aircrafts. The New Englanders now fired an overwhelmingly vast number of missiles at the TUO.

On the ground, in New City and everywhere in central GLS, the New Englanders (the rogues) mounted a desperate resistance against the TUO forces, employing everything else in their arsenal to inflict as much damage to the TUO as possible. They utilized artillery guns and grenade launchers against the TUO forces; a few units even mounted ‘suicidal charges’, where the soldiers would charge at the TUO soldiers, pulling the pins on their grenades while doing so.

OOC: I feel that the bolded part of the sentence may be a bit of a overkill.


In TUO's HQ:

The hackers were at work, they had send viruses that could bypass/hijack any OS, BIO, or anti-virus software that were in the market to New England and GLS. Anything that was connected to the internet was affected by the viruses. The viruses display a rick-roll video on loophole, infect the BIO/hard drive files, and if any attempts to remove the video, virus, or rebooting the computer would cause the BIO and hard drive files to be corrupted. Plus, they viruses would attempt to fry the computers by instructing the BIO to repeatedly send deadly electrical surges throughout the computer.

If the TUO thought they could disable New England’s vastly advanced systems, they were sorely mistaken. Vigilant intelligence services throughout New England, especially these maintaining the satellites and the Internet network systems, worked to prevent the TUO cyber attacks, succeeding in this in some instances, failing in others (luckily, New England had a back-up system, where electric, intelligence, and communication systems were diverted to ‘back-up systems’. Any affected networks were simply isolated and cut off from the overall network).

Classified message from President Roger to New England:

Our civilian evacuation centers are being bombed, open up your border and rescue as many civilians as possible from Great Lakes States. Rescuing civilians should be our top priority, remember the previous war with TUO?

Right after that message was sent, communication connections went down. TUO had sucessfully hijacked GLS government's satellites

As soon as the message from President Roger was received, Gates issued a series of orders to Mullen to relay to the Border Patrol and the Army; the New Englander-GLS border at Indiana, Wisconsin, and New York was opened, and the Army began handling the wave of GLS refugees that crossed into the country, trying to maintain peace and order. Anti-aircraft and artillery guns and flaks were on hand to deflect any TUO forces from attacking the border areas. Squadrons of fighters and interceptors were also waiting for orders at a moment’s notice.

Edited by JEDCJT
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OOC: Going to edit some of my posts after rereading them and noticing minor god-modding (The amount of super fighters will be reduced to one squadron). Sorry.

EDIT: As for the TUO attacking, I thought the legit New England forces were close to New City.

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Interestingly, the rogues paused for a moment. Choosing to believe the GLS soldiers, the rogues turned their weapons against the advancing TUO forces, mustering fierce resistance and trying to inflict heavy casualties as possible. Up in the air, both rogue and New Englander fighters and interceptors, which had been shooting at each other, now teamed up together to combat the TUO.

The New Englanders (now both the rogues and the legitimate New Englanders) fought back ferociously, firing overwhelming salvos of missiles at the TUO fighters. Employing evasive measures, the New Englanders were able to minimize their losses and to try to inflict heavier casualties on their own. The interceptors, obviously, targeted the TUO bombers that were trying to inflict bombs on the infantry (and civilians) on the ground below. Ten additional squadrons (240 aircrafts) joined into the fray from Wisconsin and immediately engaged the TUO aircrafts. The New Englanders now fired an overwhelmingly vast number of missiles at the TUO.

On the ground, in New City and everywhere in central GLS, the New Englanders (the rogues) mounted a desperate resistance against the TUO forces, employing everything else in their arsenal to inflict as much damage to the TUO as possible. They utilized artillery guns and grenade launchers against the TUO forces; a few units even mounted ‘suicidal charges’, where the soldiers would charge at the TUO soldiers, pulling the pins on their grenades while doing so.

As soon as the message from President Roger was received, Gates issued a series of orders to Mullen to relay to the Border Patrol and the Army; the New Englander-GLS border at Indiana, Wisconsin, and New York was opened, and the Army began handling the wave of GLS refugees that crossed into the country, trying to maintain peace and order. Anti-aircraft and artillery guns and flaks were on hand to deflect any TUO forces from attacking the border areas. Squadrons of fighters and interceptors were also waiting for orders at a moment’s notice.

In New City

"Get your rear end behind our defense lines! We'll cover you!" was broadcasted using megaphones from the GLS military as they purposely ignited some of their landmines and bombs remotely to clear a safe path for the rouges to use to get behind the defense lines. Meanwhile, TUO's military noticed that GLS had used the ultra slippery liquid and mined the entire area. Choosing to play it safe, they decided to retreat and come up with plans.

About two hours later, a thick line of TUO's MBTs charged straight toward New City's defense lines, sliding across the slippery ground and igniting most of the mines and setting off the traps. After that, a U-shaped cluster also charged/skidded toward New City's defense lines (setting off most of the remaining traps/mines), with glued/taped sheets of "borrowed" plywood sheets in the empty space that carried soldiers, forming an square. Some TUO soldiers were thrown off their ride and killed from stray mines weren't ignited before. Others got their rear ends chomped by previous untouched powerful bear traps (except for the elite soldiers).

The GLS soldiers were horrified when they realized their weapons are useless against TUO's rapidly approaching tanks, except for depleted uranium wire-guided AT missiles but those were in short in supply.

South of New City, the GLS's battleship Thumper was sunken from TUO bomber jets' showers of bunker busters and anti-ship missiles. Now New City Eastern Military Base was vulnerable from an attack from the water.


Throughout GLS:

TUO's air force was kinda outnumbered, but the New England pilots would soon realize that TUO's armored fighter jets could take brutal punishments. TUO's regular fighter jets returned fire with massive waves of missiles but a few dozens of them were shot down or had to fly back to their underground base for repairs.

Close to the GLS invasion force location, a squadron of super fighters were unleashing one massive wave of missiles after the next and could take even more brutal punishments unless if kinetic energy missiles were used (1-2 hits in a small spot for the super fighters to explode). Of course, TUO's fighter jets overall were at a disadvantage when it came to speed, maneuverability, and stealth, especially with their epically slow super fighters that fly slower than most commercial jetliners. That could mean trouble if New England's aircraft attempted hit-and-fly like hell tactics.


On the ground, TUO's military took casualties from New England's military, but most of them continued their offensive by having their explosive resistant tanks charge toward their enemy. As for the suicidal bombers, many of them were mowed down before reaching close enough, but a few of them were lucky and some TUO soldiers were injured, or killed (the elite soldiers' power suits were simply damaged beyond use and the wears took minor injuries).

At the northern part of Great Lakes States, they had driven the GLS invasion force back into their cargo ships after destroying most of GLS's super tanks, a few of the cargo ships, and all of their naval ships (except for an anti-aircraft/missile frigate). The cargo ships and the last naval ship sailed away while taking heavy fire from TUO's victorious military units.

At the borders though, there wouldn't be any TUO military forces, they didn't want to threaten a massive chunk of enemies into attacking prematurely. However, TUO did attempt to stop civilians from fleeing from the nation by blocking roads, railroads, and highways about 50-60 miles away from the GLS-New England borders.


Back in New City, in the Legislative building (Similar to the U.S. Senate's meeting room layoud):

President Roger had gathered all of the Legislative members that were still in New City for an "emergency" meeting and some of the media people came along to report what was going on. When they all sat down, four masked men armed with light machine guns entered the room and all of the doors and windows were locked remotely.

The four masked men fired on everyone except for President Roger, who simply smiled coldly. One news reporter managed to avoid being shot at, whipped out her cellphone, and started recording what was going on after her camera was shot and smeared blood on herself to make herself look dead if they came close to her. When everyone seemed to be dead, President Roger slipped on his own ski mask over his face and said, "You -bleep- didn't realize that I wasn't truly on Great Lakes States government's side. Guards, follow me, we got plenty of tasks to accomplish."

President Roger, aka TUO's masked leader pressed a button on his remote, unlocking all of the doors, and he and his masked armed men left the room, leaving everyone but a woman dead.


OOC: President Roger was actually TUO's leader, ironic isn't it? :P

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In New City

"Get your rear end behind our defense lines! We'll cover you!" was broadcasted using megaphones from the GLS military as they purposely ignited some of their landmines and bombs remotely to clear a safe path for the rouges to use to get behind the defense lines. Meanwhile, TUO's military noticed that GLS had used the ultra slippery liquid and mined the entire area. Choosing to play it safe, they decided to retreat and come up with plans.

About two hours later, a thick line of TUO's MBTs charged straight toward New City's defense lines, sliding across the slippery ground and igniting most of the mines and setting off the traps. After that, a U-shaped cluster also charged/skidded toward New City's defense lines (setting off most of the remaining traps/mines), with glued/taped sheets of "borrowed" plywood sheets in the empty space that carried soldiers, forming an square. Some TUO soldiers were thrown off their ride and killed from stray mines weren't ignited before. Others got their rear ends chomped by previous untouched powerful bear traps (except for the elite soldiers).

The GLS soldiers were horrified when they realized their weapons are useless against TUO's rapidly approaching tanks, except for depleted uranium wire-guided AT missiles but those were in short in supply.

South of New City, the GLS's battleship Thumper was sunken from TUO bomber jets' showers of bunker busters and anti-ship missiles. Now New City Eastern Military Base was vulnerable from an attack from the water.

The remaining New Englander forces in New City (the former rogues) continued to put up fierce resistance against the TUO forces. They heeded the GLS military's orders and promptly moved to the rear to provide defense.

Throughout GLS:

TUO's air force was kinda outnumbered, but the New England pilots would soon realize that TUO's armored fighter jets could take brutal punishments. TUO's regular fighter jets returned fire with massive waves of missiles but a few dozens of them were shot down or had to fly back to their underground base for repairs.

Close to the GLS invasion force location, a squadron of super fighters were unleashing one massive wave of missiles after the next and could take even more brutal punishments unless if kinetic energy missiles were used (1-2 hits in a small spot for the super fighters to explode). Of course, TUO's fighter jets overall were at a disadvantage when it came to speed, maneuverability, and stealth, especially with their epically slow super fighters that fly slower than most commercial jetliners. That could mean trouble if New England's aircraft attempted hit-and-fly like hell tactics.

On the ground, TUO's military took casualties from New England's military, but most of them continued their offensive by having their explosive resistant tanks charge toward their enemy. As for the suicidal bombers, many of them were mowed down before reaching close enough, but a few of them were lucky and some TUO soldiers were injured, or killed (the elite soldiers' power suits were simply damaged beyond use and the wears took minor injuries).

The New Englander pilots did realize this, yes, and they radioed their respective air force commanders on the ground regarding this. Using evasive manuevers, the pilots were able to avoid the missile attacks and to retaliate with missiles of their own. In bases near the Wisconsin-GLS border, a couple more squadrons of fighters/interceptors lifted off into the air and headed in the direction of central GLS. In northern Indiana and Ohio, three squadrons of fighters/interceptors and bombers headed for southern GLS. This was to augment the already overwhelming numbers of the New Englander Air Force. After hours of fierce combat, and especially after some slow progress into eliminating the TUO aircrafts (they were HARD to destroy!), the pilots adopted hit-and-run tactics, where the fighters and interceptors would fly straight at the TUO aircrafts, fire, and then evade. They would then do this again and again, until the TUO aircrafts were destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

The New Englander forces in southern GLS, upon coming under fire from the TUO forces, brought forth their artillery and anti-tank guns to the fore. But these were not the standard guns the New Englander armed forces used; these were bunker-busters. The New Englanders unleashed a hail of fire a shells cruised through the air at the TUO tanks. U-8 bombers flying overhead assisted in this, dropping laser-precision bombs upon TUO positions.

In New City, the remaining New Englander soldiers continued to charge recklessly at TUO soldiers, chucking grenades as they did so. A few soldiers, however, opted to take a more stealth route, sneaking toward and behind the TUO soldiers whenever possible and then throwing grenades at them whenever the opportunity arose.

At the northern part of Great Lakes States, they had driven the GLS invasion force back into their cargo ships after destroying most of GLS's super tanks, a few of the cargo ships, and all of their naval ships (except for an anti-aircraft/missile frigate). The cargo ships and the last naval ship sailed away while taking heavy fire from TUO's victorious military units.

At the borders though, there wouldn't be any TUO military forces, they didn't want to threaten a massive chunk of enemies into attacking prematurely. However, TUO did attempt to stop civilians from fleeing from the nation by blocking roads, railroads, and highways about 50-60 miles away from the GLS-New England borders.

In the skies above northern GLS, New Englander fighters and interceptors continued to fight the TUO aircrafts, shooting missiles and spewing machine-gun fire as they did so. Accompanied by the fighters and interceptors, squadrons of U-8 bombers dropped large payloads of bombs on TUO positions in an attempt to dislodge them.

New Englander soldiers occupying southern GLS promptly went to remove and dismantle the obstacles to clear the roads. They diverted the GLS civilians to more safer roads leading into New England.

OOC: President Roger was actually TUO's leader, ironic isn't it? :P

OOC: No way! :awesome:

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The remaining New Englander forces in New City (the former rogues) continued to put up fierce resistance against the TUO forces. They heeded the GLS military's orders and promptly moved to the rear to provide defense.

The New Englander pilots did realize this, yes, and they radioed their respective air force commanders on the ground regarding this. Using evasive manuevers, the pilots were able to avoid the missile attacks and to retaliate with missiles of their own. In bases near the Wisconsin-GLS border, a couple more squadrons of fighters/interceptors lifted off into the air and headed in the direction of central GLS. In northern Indiana and Ohio, three squadrons of fighters/interceptors and bombers headed for southern GLS. This was to augment the already overwhelming numbers of the New Englander Air Force. After hours of fierce combat, and especially after some slow progress into eliminating the TUO aircrafts (they were HARD to destroy!), the pilots adopted hit-and-run tactics, where the fighters and interceptors would fly straight at the TUO aircrafts, fire, and then evade. They would then do this again and again, until the TUO aircrafts were destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

The New Englander forces in southern GLS, upon coming under fire from the TUO forces, brought forth their artillery and anti-tank guns to the fore. But these were not the standard guns the New Englander armed forces used; these were bunker-busters. The New Englanders unleashed a hail of fire a shells cruised through the air at the TUO tanks. U-8 bombers flying overhead assisted in this, dropping laser-precision bombs upon TUO positions.

In New City, the remaining New Englander soldiers continued to charge recklessly at TUO soldiers, chucking grenades as they did so. A few soldiers, however, opted to take a more stealth route, sneaking toward and behind the TUO soldiers whenever possible and then throwing grenades at them whenever the opportunity arose.

In the skies above northern GLS, New Englander fighters and interceptors continued to fight the TUO aircrafts, shooting missiles and spewing machine-gun fire as they did so. Accompanied by the fighters and interceptors, squadrons of U-8 bombers dropped large payloads of bombs on TUO positions in an attempt to dislodge them.

New Englander soldiers occupying southern GLS promptly went to remove and dismantle the obstacles to clear the roads. They diverted the GLS civilians to more safer roads leading into New England.

At New City:

A thick line of TUO tanks smashed into GLS's sandbag walls, knocking them over. Soon, more U-shaped groups charged in as the first groups begin to wreck chaos in the defense lines. While GLS soldiers were fleeing, thousands of TUO soldiers poured from the second groups into the defense lines. "Fall back to the second defense lines everyone!" was yelled throughout all of GLS solders' radio, and some of the soldiers informed the former rouges what they were going to do. Meanwhile, their super tanks were being ripped to shreds by TUO's missile launcher tanks and their M-1 Abrams were flanked and also ripped to shreds by TUO's regular tanks. The surviving GLS tanks retreated.

As for the suicidal New England soldiers, they received hails of machine gun fires from clustered TUO tanks that were rumbling into the city and TUO soldiers. The stealthy soldiers were kinda lucky in killing/injuring TUO soldiers, but not when they are out in the open and relying on rubble as cover.


In the air:

Seeing that New England aircraft had finally found a way to destroy their air force, many of them retreated and loitered around their captured territory. Their massive fleet of anti-aircraft MIM-104 Patriots would take over the job of shooting down New England's aircraft. The loitering TUO aircraft would shoot down any enemy aircraft that survived the waves of Smart and Revealer AA missiles. In fact, TUO's loitering fighter jets flew back to their base for "upgrades" squadron by squadron and returned back to action with radio jammers (what's the point of needing radios if your only task is to defend an area?).

What about GLS air force's surviving fighter jets?



Throughout GLS, on ground:

To lessen the brutal punishments from New England's military, retreating TUO ground forces covered the ground they were retreating from with Mobility Denial System, aka, the same ultra slippery liquid the defending GLS military used against the rouges. Their tanks simply scattered and avoided being caught in clumps to reduce their chance of being destroyed by bunker busters while purposely staying as close as possible to their enemies so they won't get bombed (unless if New England is willing to take serious friendly-fire attacks on their own ground forces). Less than a hundred tanks received emergency armor plating consisting mostly depleted uranium on their top parts to protect them from stray bunker buster or anti-ship missiles at the cost of reduced speed (their only job is to support TUO infantry).

In fact, they even used large radio jamming devices to hamper their enemy's fighting efficiency.

Edited by HHAYD
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