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GLS National News, 2:00 PM:

At 10:47 AM, President Swater was wounded while discussing the spy attack's situation with Catherine Reznov, the Prime Minister of Yuktobania. Video footage recorded inside the car revealed that her guards shot her, then Swater. Catherine and Swater were rushed to Mercy Hospital for emergency treatment. Currently, both of them are in critical condition. (OOC: link to attack http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2052750 )

Vice President Roger Wern was temporarily sworn in as the president. Shortly after his brief inauguration, he demanded Dimitri Petrenko, who was the Deputy Prime Minister of Yuktobania, to turn himself in for ordering a spy to steal GLS military files and to pay for the $10 billion dollar worth of damages his spy caused. He also ordered GLS to be placed in DEFCON 1.

Video footage from the interrogation shows the spy stating that Dimitri Petrenko ordered him to carry out the stealing operation so Dimitri can use them to overthrow the government

Second video footage from inside of the President Swater's car shows Swater and Catherine discussing what to do with Dimitri, and were fired upon by Catherine's two body guards.


OOC: Waiting for Razgriz 2K9 to RP Dimitri Petrenko's temporarily being give the Prime Minister positon.

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OOC: And to think, I would be having more fun on this RP rhan me playing Modern Warfare 2 :P

IC: Due to an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister, caused by two treacherous guards now in custody by the Great Lakes State, Demetri Petrenko, the Deputy Prime Minister of Yuktobania, assumed the Prime Minister spot.

He demanded in his speech that the GLS is spreading lies about the spying and the 10 Billion Dollars in damages and demands that all Yuktobanians held in GLS territory, including Alex and the Prime Minister, to be sent back to Yuktobania for treatment or for justice.

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After the stunt your spy pulled, Alex will NOT be returned to your custody, especially when YOU were the one who ordered him to steal our files. About your Prime Minister? If she openly stated that she wanted YOU to be brought to justice, then if we were to turn her over to you, then you would kill her.

Turn yourself in and no harm done, or we can bring bloodshed to show that no criminals deserve to escape from his or her punishments.

-President Roger


Classified message from President Roger to the Department of Defense:

Start preparing as many cargo vessels as possible to transport supplies, soldiers, equipments, and vehicles. It appears that the monkey doesn't want to be punished for his crimes.

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If your soldiers dare set foot on Yuktobanian soil, then we will ensure that you will drown in your own pool of blood.

-Demitri Petrenko

Yuktobanian Border Defense Forces have been put to DEFCON 1. The Yuktobanian coastal borders have been sealed off to any and all trade. All other Yuke forces have been put to DEFCON 2.

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ORLY? How about telling your soldiers that they will die for a greedy, naughty criminal who refused to accept his punishments and attempted to overthrow the government? Oh wait, you would do the exact opposite.

-President Roger

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Military forces that had been prepared for the invasion:

65,000 soldiers

1,150 M1 Abrams tanks

240 Demolisher tanks

4,070 M2 Bradley IFV

1,500 Panzerhaubitze 2000

MIM-104 Patriot: 4,450

3,500 AH-64 Apache

3,000 CH-47F Chinook

900 UH-60 Black Hawk

15 squadrons of F-22 fighter jets

5 squadrons of F-35A bomber jets

5 squadrons of F-35C long distance heavy bomber jets

1/2 squadron of B-2 Spirit stealth bomber jets

4 squadrons of A400M heavy cargo planes (Can not be carried on ships due to their massive size. Fly them to the designated location instead.)

2 aircraft carriers

2 battleships

2 anti-aircraft frigates

1 cruiser

enough cargo ships to transport supplies, equipments, and all of the ground forces

Sail through Blue Heaven's water to reach Yuktobania. When we invade them, distract as many of their military as possible since we are going to send in a special operation unit to capture Demitri Petrenko. After that has been accomplished, we leave.

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***Public Statement from the Foreign Ministry of Vauleyo-Buryatia***

"We watch the developments with extreme concern, given our ties to Yuktobania and their proximity to our nation."


2,000 additional soldiers are deployed to the B.S.N., bringing the total number of soldiers there to 2900. 1,000 soldiers near the Yuktobanian border are moved to DEFCON 3, the Vauleyo-Buryatian National Border Guard are placed on a heightened alert status.

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ORLY? How about telling your soldiers that they will die for a greedy, naughty criminal who refused to accept his punishments and attempted to overthrow the government? Oh wait, you would do the exact opposite.

-President Roger

It is always said that victory is always written by the victors. Catherine Reznov was attacked by our security forces and their homeland security just...f&%$ing...watched.

OOC: Sorry, MW2 moment.

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It is always said that victory is always written by the victors. Catherine Reznov was attacked by our security forces and their homeland security just...f&%$ing...watched.

OOC: Sorry, MW2 moment.

Who, our homeland security? Your saying that it was our fault that Catherine got attacked? Ridiculous.



At New City Eastern Military Base, B14 Interrogation room, one of the rouge bodyguards being questioned:

"Why did you shoot Catherine Reznov and Frank Swater?" the interrogator asked.

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Who, our homeland security? Your saying that it was our fault that Catherine got attacked? Ridiculous.



At New City Eastern Military Base, B14 Interrogation room, one of the rouge bodyguards being questioned:

"Why did you shoot Catherine Reznov and Frank Swater?" the interrogator asked.

To you maybe, but that is what the people of the world will know.



The rouge bodyguard said, "Why don't you go f$%# yourself, nimrod!!!



30,000 troops have been prepped for the defense of Bastok Fortress.

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To you maybe, but that is what the people of the world will know.



The rouge bodyguard said, "Why don't you go f$%# yourself, nimrod!!!

To you, you just don't want to accept the fact that there are evidences that prove that you are not innocent or the responsibility of the consequences from a naughty action. Stop lying already, there is no way President Swater's driver could have shot Catherine without getting shot by her bodyguards, which was proven by a recorded tape of the inside of Swater's car.



"Want some fresh cries with that? Or how about the waaabulence?" was the interrogator's reply before pressing the call button and ordering "Send the suspect to the party room."

A few seconds later, two guards entered the interrogation room, picked up the rouge bodyguard, and dragged him to the "party" room. Another guard unlocked the thick steel door door and the two guards threw the rouge into the room. The door was then slammed shut and locked.

The entire room was padded, even the floor and the door. A single light bulb dangling from the high ceiling lit the room. It seemed that the GLS interrogators drove their suspects insane by simply locking them up, but...

Parts of the walls opened up, revealing four loudspeakers that quickly started blaring for the next good 24 hours, "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World..." in a loophole.

(OOC: Link to that song:

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OOC: I really hated that song <_<

IC: Your so called evidence is manufactured, that is why I will not accept it. If you want to attack me, then by god go ahead, leave us or fight us, but do not waste my time with talk!!!



The guard was sent to the "party" room, the only thing he can hear was a terrible song, and as such, tried to no avail, to block it out.



A Yuktobanian F-16 equipped with a TARPS pod and fuel tanks took off from Murska AFB to scan the coast, as far off as the Bering Sea without violating Procinta's, Tahoe's or Vinland's airspace.

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The guard was sent to the "party" room, the only thing he can hear was a terrible song, and as such, tried to no avail, to block it out.

24 hours later, the speakers fell silent as the door opened. "Come with us, or you can stay in there and enjoy more of our music collections." a guard said.



The military knew Yuktobania will have aircraft and ships patrolling the water, so they decided to throw in some decoys. A fleet of marked GLS cargo ships would sail through St. Lawrence River out into the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Panama Canal, and approach toward the southern side of Yuktobania from the Pacific Ocean while the actual invasion fleet approach toward the northern side from the Arctic ocean.

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24 hours later, the speakers fell silent as the door opened. "Come with us, or you can stay in there and enjoy more of our music collections." a guard said.



The military knew Yuktobania will have aircraft and ships patrolling the water, so they decided to throw in some decoys. A fleet of marked GLS cargo ships would sail through St. Lawrence River out into the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Panama Canal, and approach toward the southern side of Yuktobania from the Pacific Ocean while the actual invasion fleet approach toward the northern side from the Arctic ocean.

"Okay, Okay, I'll talk, I'll talk!!!" the guard cried.

OOC: Edited

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OOC: Those cargo ships haven't even sailed out of the Great Lakes yet. ;)


IC: The guards brought the rouge to the interrogation room, where the same interrogator was sitting in his chair. "Lets try this again, why did you shoot Catherine Reznov and Frank Swater?" he asked while grinning.

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"I was on orders by Mr. Petrenko, with Catherine out of the way, he could take control of Yuktobania and rebuild his forces. His goal is to bring all of Russia under his control. As for Swater, he was trying to send a clear message to all the governments of America not to f$#& with him. I swear."

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"I was on orders by Mr. Petrenko, with Catherine out of the way, he could take control of Yuktobania and rebuild his forces. His goal is to bring all of Russia under his control. As for Swater, he was trying to send a clear message to all the governments of America not to f$#& with him. I swear."

The interrogator wrote down the rouge's answers, then pressed the call button, and said "Take the suspect to his holding cell." Two security guards entered the room to take the rouge bodyguard away...


GLS National News:

After the shootout incident, interrogation of both of the rouge Yuktobania bodyguards revealed that they were ordered by Demitri Petrenko to kill Catherine so he can have a solid foothold on his nation and eventually take over the northern part of Asia. For Swater, they were suppose to show other governments in America to not mess with Demitri Petrenko.

Video tapes of the interrogation of both of the guards are shown

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It appears that GLS continues to spread lies against the the Prime Minister and his government, these claims are baseless and they only serve to alienate our neighbors.

It appears that someone simply can't handle the truth and continues to accuse our hard evidences of being lies.

Oh, we are only directing the accusation at your Prime Minister.



The fleet of marked GLS cargo ships had set sail. Their captains do not expect any trouble until they are spotted by the Yuktobanian military. Meanwhile, the actual invasion fleet also set sail starting from the Hudson Bay.

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Our decoys are close to the enemy's water and our invasion fleet had just left Blue Heaven's waters. To check for any enemy aircraft, our decoys will split up and sail in different directions but right next to our enemy's territorial water. Meanwhile, we had launched an B-12 Spirit stealth bomber to survey our designated invasion site to see what we are up against.

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Yuke planes discover a series of GLS Cargo ships. The Yuke planes, both F-16's equipped with AGM-88 LAGM's, fired all (4) of them and sunk 4 of their cargo ships.


"YOU ARE FIRING ON CIVILIAN CARGO SHIPS, WE WERE IN THE INTERNATIONAL WATERS!" one of the captains roared in his radio before his ship was sunken.



Apparently Yuktobania decided it was okay to fire upon on civilian cargo ships that belonged to various GLS companies and operated by mostly GLS citizens. Where were the cargo ships located? In the international waters. We discovered what was going on when dozens of those ships' crew members called for help through their cell phones. We tracked the location of their cell phones and discovered where they were.

First you indirectly wreak $10 billion worth of damages, then you decided to order two people to kill our president, and now you sunk civilian cargo ships outside of your territorial water zone?! Shame on you!

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