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The Queendom of Australia

Sarah Tintagyl

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"Greetings your majesty, my name is John Black and I am here to represent the now ex-members of the Helzan military currently located within your territory. After a short but important discussion we have decided to rely on ourselves and become a mercenary compnay and organisation. We had hoped to do so in Promised Land as they knew we were reliable however, your movements have that impossible. That is why I ask for your permission for us to set up a location within your land to build our own city"

"Mr. Black, while I see sincerity in your request I will have to tell you that various problems stem from having an independent mercenary company inside my country. First, there is the problem that you have some degree of autonomy which while you yourself many not see as a problem, or even the Royal Government at the time, the threat of rebellion is very real and building your own town as a company, no I cannot allow that. Furthermore, hosting a company that has any ties to the Helzan would be extremely detrimental to Australia's foreign affairs, so soon after the nuclear incident that threw a greater portion of the world into chaos. I'm sorry, but at this time, Australia is not looking to host a mercenary company. My apologies."

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"Mr. Black, while I see sincerity in your request I will have to tell you that various problems stem from having an independent mercenary company inside my country. First, there is the problem that you have some degree of autonomy which while you yourself many not see as a problem, or even the Royal Government at the time, the threat of rebellion is very real and building your own town as a company, no I cannot allow that. Furthermore, hosting a company that has any ties to the Helzan would be extremely detrimental to Australia's foreign affairs, so soon after the nuclear incident that threw a greater portion of the world into chaos. I'm sorry, but at this time, Australia is not looking to host a mercenary company. My apologies."

Mr Black sighed and shook his head before turning his gaze on Anthony stood to the Queen's side which said without words "So this is how you treat your past allies". "I see your highness that is unfortunate but I am sure we can survive. We shall remove ourselves as soon a spossible from your territory as I am sure you don't want ten thousand armed men on your land" and with the Mr Black and his group turned and left as quickly as they had come.

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After meeting with the newly crowned Queen, Catherine decided to meet the new Grand Duke of Australia. Passing through the large crowds and multiple nobles, political and business leaders and other citizens. She finally came across the Grand Duke. Extending her hand, she said, "It is a pleasure to see you. But I don't think we have met, my name is Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of Yuktobania, and you are?"

Anthony offered a hint of a smile as he took the offered hand in his firm grasp and shook it. "Anthony Harlem," he replied. "You obviously know what my position is, so that kind of puts paid to the need for that part of the introduction, doesn't it?" He chuckled lightly.

He studied her carefully for any sign of her reaction to his appearance--his remarkable similarity in appearance to Uberstein rarely went uncommented on when meeting someone for the first time.

Mr Black sighed and shook his head before turning his gaze on Anthony stood to the Queen's side which said without words "So this is how you treat your past allies". "I see your highness that is unfortunate but I am sure we can survive. We shall remove ourselves as soon a spossible from your territory as I am sure you don't want ten thousand armed men on your land" and with the Mr Black and his group turned and left as quickly as they had come.

Anthony privately made a note to at least ensure that they had enough money and fuel to go where they wished. He understood the Queen's reasoning, though he could also have made a case for allowing them to stay. They hadn't, after all, been a part of the decision that had led to the nuclear exchange.

When they later began enbarking their ships to leave, they would find the harbormasters more than accomodating. And those who sold food, fuel, and other necessities would not be charging them a penny for the supplies they needed.

If any of them asked why, the only message in response they would get was passed on from Subtleknifewielder. 'Not all of us forget our allies.'

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Since Queen Cybil's disappearance, the government of Cyneriice Northan had not left the country, and had not planned to, except for the most dire of reasons. Paranoia ran rampant among the Grand Council, and had found its way into the heart of the temporary queen; after all, nobody really knew how or why Cybil had vanished. All that was known was that there had been some suspicious circumstances and a freak storm, and that it wasn't enough to soothe any concerns of a possible terrorist threat. However, they knew their allies in the world, and were not afraid to send their blessings - that was nothing but foolish.

Sent via plane borrowed from the Venezuelans, a large - as in, a diameter of four metres large - gift basket would be flown to the new Queendom of Australia. Not only did it contain the official statement of Northanic recognition of the new country, but it would be decorated in sinew ribbon and lace, dyed in black and silver and gold. Amongst soft pelts of caribou and musk oxen, a variety of gifts would be found, including:

- A dress made entirely out of sea bird feathers

- Five pounds of cured reindeer meat

- Five pounds of pemmican

- A pair of ravens tamed as pets and trained to carry messages

- A dress made out of caribou skin, decorated with bone and glass beads

- Two caribou antlers carved with scenes of mythology (one Norse, the other Inuit)

- And finally, a soapstone figure of the queen herself.

Overkill? Perhaps. But the Northanics were a kindly people, and grateful for all Hannah had done in helping them find their lost queen.

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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Taking Kintobor by the arm, she led him quietly up the stone stairs of the cathedral bringing two Lillians with her as guards. Reaching the dressing room, they walked inside, the two alone, as Hannah sat down in a chair opposite the window and sighed. "Thank God I don't have to wear this every day." She said looking down at her gown. "I'm dying of heat exhaustion in this." Hannah undid her collar and wiped her sweating neck with a piece of cloth before she looked up to the Emperor again. "So, before I spill probably the strangest thing that's ever happened to me, what's your story?"

Kintober bit his lip looked apprehensive. He turned away from the queen for a moment, and spun back around, a small snub-nosed pistol in his hand. "I'm...I'm terribly sorry about this, but I have to take precautions." He murmured. The man looked sick about having to do things this way. None-the-less, he continued. "I've been visited by Loki again. He said another god, Fenrir, has chosen an avatar of his own. Loki did not say, and merely hinted the country of the person in question had been nuked. Given his previous relations with you, and the fact that Hansa was attacked with nuclear weapons, you were a possible, although unlikely, candidate. Please, please prove to me your not a pawn of another god who wants the world to end." Kintober begged, which was a first for Hannah to hear.

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"I assure you that you have no-" Hannah stopped for a moment as she clutched her fists and groaned. "Uh...I'm sorry...I just..." Kintobor would watch as a glow would almost emit from Hannah's forehead and even her finger tips seemed to shine brighter than before, seemingly almost controlled, but still very much like herself. The Queen lept up from the chair and smacked Kintobor across the face sending him to the floor. "You would mock me and call me a pawn to destroy the world? If anything I am here to keep their vile dark hands from accomplishing their horrid goals. I have watched this world descend into chaos for far too long to sit idle and do nothing, mind you there is no real hope for this miserable planet, but people do what they can." Hannah smiled, walking over to him and helping him back up to his feet. "They will be defeated in time. You have information do you not?"

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Kintober eyed her warily, dusting himself off and smoothing out the wrinkles in his suit. "Well, first on the agenda is Hank. My people who've been trailing him have reported he's gone back to Eggman Empire. He was last spotted headed towards a, get this, Tintagylist cell camp. I was trying to figure out what they were up to, as they just arrived recently. But I suppose now all I'll need is a platoon or two to clean up the mess Hank will undoubtedly make. And I've figured out what Loki is up to. He was using me to create Ãœbermensch so he could gain control of them, 'purify' the world of the rest of humanity, and then use said Ãœbermensch to repopulate. He'd train them all to worship him too." Kintober sighed and thought for a second.

"If his end goals weren't so horrific and petty, I might have accepted his offer at being his avatar. I mean, in a twisted way, he would've advanced humanity as a species...the man's a genius when it comes to tweaking the human genome." Kintober muttered. "As for Fenrir, all I got on him is what I just told you. Speaking of which, you've obviously accepted an offer from a different god to be their avatar. Which one was it?" He asked curiously.

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A request by Weyland-Yutani, a international civilian company that owns several chains of major stores and fast food restraunts, was sent in for their CEO Charles Bishop Weyland to join in the ceremony and talk about possible business relations.

EDIT: OOC: I would like to have Weyland-Yutani in as many countries as possible, so could you please PM me if you are interested in it. Its completly harmless (really!). Please PM me and I'll give additional details.

Edited by JerreyRough
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Anthony offered a hint of a smile as he took the offered hand in his firm grasp and shook it. "Anthony Harlem," he replied. "You obviously know what my position is, so that kind of puts paid to the need for that part of the introduction, doesn't it?" He chuckled lightly.

He studied her carefully for any sign of her reaction to his appearance--his remarkable similarity in appearance to Uberstein rarely went uncommented on when meeting someone for the first time.

"I suppose." Catherine chuckled with Anthony Harlem. She then said, "I've heard from many other people that you look similar to Uberstein. While I've never met with Uberstein, I would like to find out myself when I do get a chance to meet.

He seemed to be a nice enough person, his accent hinted that he was from the former Promised Land, so at least she could understand. "I do know what your position is, and I hope to increase relations with Australia, now that it is united once again."

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"I suppose." Catherine chuckled with Anthony Harlem. She then said, "I've heard from many other people that you look similar to Uberstein. While I've never met with Uberstein, I would like to find out myself when I do get a chance to meet.

He seemed to be a nice enough person, his accent hinted that he was from the former Promised Land, so at least she could understand. "I do know what your position is, and I hope to increase relations with Australia, now that it is united once again."

"Thank you. Too many nations have either mocked, condemned, or downright ignored the nations that once were two, here. It is nice to know yours is not one of them."

His smile grew a little as he continued. "I've actually met with Uberstein myself. He may be a bit eccentic, and outspoken on some issues (not unlike several people here I could point out), but I think you'll like him well enough."

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Catherine said, "Well, I hope so." She finally said, "I pray to your success Mr. Harlem and I hope to see you again soon." She then moved on to enjoy the festivities some more, after which she would go ahead and meet with Sarah about a project she wanted her to see.

"Thank you," he replied before she turned to leave. "I look forward to meeting you again myself."

If no one else looked like they wished to discuss anything with him, he decided he would retire for the day.

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Kintober eyed her warily, dusting himself off and smoothing out the wrinkles in his suit. "Well, first on the agenda is Hank. My people who've been trailing him have reported he's gone back to Eggman Empire. He was last spotted headed towards a, get this, Tintagylist cell camp. I was trying to figure out what they were up to, as they just arrived recently. But I suppose now all I'll need is a platoon or two to clean up the mess Hank will undoubtedly make. And I've figured out what Loki is up to. He was using me to create Ãœbermensch so he could gain control of them, 'purify' the world of the rest of humanity, and then use said Ãœbermensch to repopulate. He'd train them all to worship him too." Kintober sighed and thought for a second.

"If his end goals weren't so horrific and petty, I might have accepted his offer at being his avatar. I mean, in a twisted way, he would've advanced humanity as a species...the man's a genius when it comes to tweaking the human genome." Kintober muttered. "As for Fenrir, all I got on him is what I just told you. Speaking of which, you've obviously accepted an offer from a different god to be their avatar. Which one was it?" He asked curiously.

"Idun, the goddess of youth and life, if you must know Kintobor. However, he did visit me before and I can tell you that I have no intention of serving him, I hadn't then and I don't plan to do so now. With a new prerogative, shall we say, I have every intention of bringing Hank down. Unfortunately, I can't do this alone Sammy, to be honest, I have no clue where to even begin looking for them and I know we're losing time, time that we cannot afford to waste. Please, if you know anything, you have to tell me now." Hannah smiled at him. "Things are happening beyond our control, but its up to us to stop them."

A request by Weyland-Yutani, a international civilian company that owns several chains of major stores and fast food restraunts, was sent in for their CEO Charles Bishop Weyland to join in the ceremony and talk about possible business relations.

A Lillian Guard seeing the CEO walked over and bowed. "Sir, if you'll excuse me. Her Majesty is entertaining a guest upstairs in her dressing room. The Eggman Emperor, after that audience is over, if you wish to speak with her personally I can take you up there." The girl smiled and extended her hand.

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A Lillian Guard seeing the CEO walked over and bowed. "Sir, if you'll excuse me. Her Majesty is entertaining a guest upstairs in her dressing room. The Eggman Emperor, after that audience is over, if you wish to speak with her personally I can take you up there." The girl smiled and extended her hand.

Smiling, Charles gently takes her hand, quickly studying the Guard then nodding in approval. "Why thank you miss." He respectfully kisses her hand. "I will wait for as long as I have the energy to, or if my stock broker calls to say I'm broke." A thin yet unfailingly enlightening smile takes shape. He was not the most of men, but he hand good manners and did what he thought was right.

He followed the guard to where he would wait, and waited there. He thought of the great honor he was about to have in meeting the famed Sarah, wondering how he could convey his wish to construct dozens upon dozens of chain stores within Australia.

OOC: Picture of character.

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Sammyace mused over her confession. "Idun...Idun..." The name fell into place and he gave her a incredulous look. "Are you serious? Loki's already gotten one over her already! She'll be completely-" He stopped himself before he said stupid and changed the subject. "-ah, well, help is help." He sighed. "I have two men trailing Hank right now. I trust both their abilities, and while I'm uncertain if they can catch him, I know they'll stay hot on his trail. So we'll know were Hank is for the most part. I also believe that Hank had something to do with the disappearance of Queen Cybil de Blanc. I'm not quite sure what though. I'm not positive, but I believe Loki may be trying to turn her into his avatar. Outside of that, I've told you everything I know. Fenrir's already selected his avatar, who's from a nuked country. Seeing how these gods only go after influential people, we can narrow the search down a bit. That still leaves a sizable group, however..." Kintober muttered.

He shrugged. "Well, what can we do but our best, hmm?" He asked. The Emperor reached into his pocket and rustled around about before pulling of a cell phone. "Take this." Kintober said, handing Hannah the phone. "It has my personal number on it. Keep it with you at all times. It will my first means of communicating with you The password to unlock it is '78435'. Letter wise, it's 'stick.' And Hannah..." She looked at him "...I'm glad there's finally someone on our side now." He said, a shadow of a grin on his face.

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Hannah touched his shoulder and smiled. "Sammy, please. You have done so much for me in the past, hell you made me into what I am now. From that day in the prison when he shoved my head into the dirt and stone, when I was bleeding everywhere and when I took that shadow thing to shove off. I've always been on your side. I know I'm a girl and I know I'm not this figure of imposing dread and power, but I do what I can, all right? We'll be okay, we just have to hang in there for awhile." Suddenly there was a knock on the door as Hannah's head turned towards the doorway. "Come."

It opened and the Lillian who had been escorting Charles upstairs walked in. "Your Highness, there is a man, a business man who wishes for an audience with you. Shall I send him in?"

"Yes Adele, you may." Hannah turned back to Kintobor. "I'm afraid this is where we have to part ways for now Sammy. Do drop by again though, its always a pleasure speaking with you." At that, the Emperor and the Queen said their farewells and he was escorted out by the Lillian as Charles was escorted in. Hannah rose and stuck her hand out to greet him. "And who do I have the pleasure of audience?"

Catherine said, "Well, I hope so." She finally said, "I pray to your success Mr. Harlem and I hope to see you again soon." She then moved on to enjoy the festivities some more, after which she would go ahead and meet with Sarah about a project she wanted her to see.

It was not Sarah that would move up to where Catherine Renzov stood, but a much taller woman. She wore a long white coat of the Lillian Guards, with gold epaulets on her shoulders. She had blonde hair and green eyes much like Hannah's own, but with a much firmer look to her features. "Catherine Renzov?" She woman held out her hand. "My name is Valeria Sangral, Her Majesty is busy at the moment with another guest, however there was a project that she wanted to talk to you about and it concerns more myself than anything, if you're willing to come with me, we can talk in private."

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Kintober chuckled. "You may not look like a strong-armed psycho dictator, but don't sell yourself short. You are anything But weak. You proved that during the time you spent under my care. Trust me when I say I'd rather have no other ally. Now, like you said, I must make my leave. Good day Queen, and I hope you're rule is blessed. Farewell, until we meet again." Kintober gave her a sloppy salute, bowed, and left.


Back on a Hammerhead gunship that would bring him to a waiting E.I.N destroyer, Kintober sighed and rested his head on the back of the troop seat. "Well what was that all about?" A voice in his head demanded.

"Private business with the new ruler of Queensland." Kintober mentally answered.

"Oh, are your really going to keep secrets from an old chum?" Loki sarcastically pleaded.


"You're no fun. No fun at all." Loki pouted. "Well, it's not like I needed to be there to know what was going on. I could sense the weakness that oozed from that spot."

"Could you now?" Kintober thought, bored.

"I just can't believe it! Idun?! I mean, Really? I offer that ungrateful wench a chance to rule the world her predecessor wanted, and what does she do? Allow that pansy goddess of 'spring' to hitch a ride! It's like turning down delicious candy for a pile of dirt." Loki groused.

"Maybe if your candy wasn't laced with poison people would accept it." Kintober muttered cheekily.

"Regardless, whatever plan you're scheming up with queenie and Idumb, it won't stop me. I suggest giving up and start building shrines to me." Loki said tauntingly. This made Kintober laugh.

"My dear Loki, I'd have thought you would've learned by now...I love impossible problems." He told Loki before pushing him out of his mind.

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It was not Sarah that would move up to where Catherine Renzov stood, but a much taller woman. She wore a long white coat of the Lillian Guards, with gold epaulets on her shoulders. She had blonde hair and green eyes much like Hannah's own, but with a much firmer look to her features. "Catherine Renzov?" She woman held out her hand. "My name is Valeria Sangral, Her Majesty is busy at the moment with another guest, however there was a project that she wanted to talk to you about and it concerns more myself than anything, if you're willing to come with me, we can talk in private."

Catherine Reznov looked at the tall woman. She recognized the white coats from her last visit to Australia when the lands were still divided. They were of Lillian, the Hansa's elite guard. She shook Valeria's hand, saying "Alright then Mrs. Sangral, lead the way." This was concerning the project that the Queen was talking about earlier, and she wanted to know personally what it is.

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Catherine Reznov looked at the tall woman. She recognized the white coats from her last visit to Australia when the lands were still divided. They were of Lillian, the Hansa's elite guard. She shook Valeria's hand, saying "Alright then Mrs. Sangral, lead the way." This was concerning the project that the Queen was talking about earlier, and she wanted to know personally what it is.

Valeria took Catherine out from the cathedral to a limousine outside and put her inside. Valeria climbed in as well and tapped the driver on the shoulder, she too was a Lillian. "Forgive the privacy of this Miss Renzov, but I'm afraid that we can't be too careful nowadays, the reputation of the Lillian Guard and the Queendom is never to be put in jeopardy so I'm sure you understand." They began to drive from the Cathedral and towards the airport in Darwin as the sun began to set in the western sky. "Yuktobania and the Hanseatic Commonwealth have always been good friends. You have protected us during the Valkyrie War by deploying defense to Japan, you were our friends during the Hanseatic Economic Union, and as such even before Lady Hannah became Queen, she wanted to present something as a gift."

The Lillian Commander reached into her coat and pulled out a vial, inside was a blue liquid. "I would like to present to you Raging Nostrum, the premier life-saving drug used by the Lillian Guard that I hope that Yuktobania will accept as a gift for their own special forces as to being our allies for so long. Essentially it is an adrenaline booster, thing of having that feeling you get when your young child is stuck under a car and you have to get them released, this is that in liquid form. We call this, the Type 'A', just a bit of pure adrenaline that's all." Valeria smiled. "As a token of our gratitude."

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"We are honored to be friends with the Hansa, and I know it will continue as Australia now." Catherine said.

After hearing what the Lillian had to say about 'Raging Nostrum', she said as she received the blue vial from Valeria. "Ah, so it is an adrenaline booster. It is very interesting how science has gotten to the point it is now." She smiled at Valeria, "Our elite forces will surely use the Hansa's gift to our advantage in the defense of the Yuktobanian nation. I wish to give my thanks to the Queen of Australia, and I will wish her the best of luck."

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OOC: Osnap I meant Hannah before, not Sarah Tintagyl. /end confused

Hannah rose and stuck her hand out to greet him. "And who do I have the pleasure of audience?"

Charles shook Hannah's hand firmly. "Charles Bishop Weyland, CEO of Weyland-Yutani Corporation. Its a great honor to meet you, Lady Hannah, and I hope for the best for your Queendom." He bows. "May your reign be long and propersous." {insert Hannah's responce here}

Mr. Weyland puts on a more serious face. "I would like to talk about Weyland-Yutani having potential business in the Queendom, and perhaps setting up some of our chains of stores thoughtout the major centers in your country, as well as the possibility of factories to product goods and materials. I see a bright future for the Queendom, one that brings good to the world and is a beacon of stability, and I would like Weyland-Yutani to be somehow a part of that.

"What do you have to say about this before I continue?"

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"Charles Bishop Weyland, CEO of Weyland-Yutani Corporation. Its a great honor to meet you, Lady Hannah, and I hope for the best for your Queendom." He said bowing. "May your reign be long and propersous."

Hannah smiled back as she shook his hand tightly in her own. "No, please Mr. Weyland, you do me too much honor. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, here right as the Queendom is coming into being. But I'm sure you could have congratulated me on my reign beginning down in the crowning ceremony. I trust you have a more official business suited for my ears."

"I would like to talk about Weyland-Yutani having potential business in the Queendom, and perhaps setting up some of our chains of stores thoughtout the major centers in your country, as well as the possibility of factories to product goods and materials. I see a bright future for the Queendom, one that brings good to the world and is a beacon of stability, and I would like Weyland-Yutani to be somehow a part of that. What do you have to say about this before I continue?"

"To be honest Mr. Weyland, anything that would help continue to boost Australian infrastructure would be something I would be approving of. Production is extremely important to the prosperity of this Queendom and as a center of a diverse people and a diverse economy, the bringing in of different corporations and businesses would be ideal. I would say that your chains and factories would be able to construct in Brisbane, Darwin, Perth, Adelaide, and all the major cities. We have a few problems with consolidation at the moment, but nothing that can't be solved with a bit of...aggressive negotiation...." Hannah smiled. "Whatever help Weyland-Yutani needs, consider myself to help us as much as I can."

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