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Red Bear II

Il Terra Di Agea

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"Touch it," Eskil muttered to his friend.

"Eww, gross," Yasin muttered back, "We don't even know what it is."

"I think it's a whale... Come on!"

"No! We should tell our parents."

"What'll they do? Clean it up themselves?"

"No, they'll tell the base commander, duh!"


"So what?"

"Touch it!"

"Why don't you touch it?"


Eskil walked over, and grabbed a stick from the side of the shore, and walked towards the heaping pile of slimy flesh. He paused for a moment and winched before stabbing it in to the creature.

"Eww!" Yasin yelled as the creature's flesh gave way to the stick, and began to collapse inward.

"Oh Awesome!" Eskil said, beginning to poke it again.

"Stop it!"

"No, this is so cool!"


"Wait, I wanna do it one more time," As he just touched the slime on the flesh, the creature's gargantuan jaw fell open, releasing a slew of decomposion gasses, and the stink of rotting fish.

The boys ran off screaming as creature's dead corpse leaned sideways, and settled finally on the sand.


"Well, that is putrid," Colonel Claes Jonsson said in a matter-of-fact tone, "What do we have doctor..."

"Lindström, Caisa Lindström. And what we have, is certainly... something."

"I don't follow."

"Well, to put it bluntly, I have no idea what we have..."

"Well, it's a whale, probably just gave up swimming or something. It's the first time I've seen a whale down here, but I know it happens sometimes."

"Well, I wish it was that simple, but this creature, though showing signs of whalesque appearance, has coloration patterns, and physical formations that I have quite simply never seen before."

"That's no big problem though, right? I've never seen this before, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"No, you don't seem to understand. I am a biologist. I wrote my Thesis on the Evolution of Whales from land dwelling mammals, I know whales, and I know that this is not a whale that anyone has ever seen before."

"So, what does that mean?"

"Well, at first I though that we may have just found a new species, but then I began to look more carefully. See these incisions around the face, and down the creatures sides? I have been finding thick glass shards in them, like the whale broke through some sort of glass paneling. Then, there are smaller punctures all down the spine, as it it has been sedated and studied for years, and judging by the stretching of some of the scar tissue, I would think that this has been going on for years."

"I don't really understand, are you saying that this thing here has been studied, that it isn't a new species?"

"No, I' saying that I think it's not a naturally new species. I think that this creature was engineered, in a laboratory. And if this is what I think it is, it's from a lab dating back to Russany."

"How do you know that?"

"Well," Dr. Lindström said, lifting up the whale's fin, "I think they branded it."


"Hell," Col. Jonsson muttered, "I need to make a call."


Baggs slammed the phone into the receiver and called a meeting.

"We've got some fun stuff going on over in the Solovetskies," Baggs said, "Apparently, some kids found some sort of beached whale... monster. Lahye, are we working on something like that?"

"No," Lahye muttered, "Not to my knowledge."

"Good... good. Well then, we have another lead, seems that there was a Barcode on it's fin, leading back to Russany."

"Who would we talk to about that? Russany has been gone for a good thirty years. Most of their government has probably died or been blacklisted for ages," Hummel said.

"Well, I know one that hasn't," Baggs said, picking up the phone.

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"Very good, in fact, I may just have the men for the job. Always good to have an heir when you leave a clause specifically granting you the right to have one."

With this, Erwin Uberstein, President of Finland, turns his chair towards the others in his office.


"I called you four here today..."

The man with the ears and tail speaks up, "Um, there's 5 of us here uncle..."

"Fester, nobody said you could talk. And Richard, the next time you decide to bring him along, you WARN me. I would have had time to hide and pretend I wasn't here."

Fester sighs, deciding not to respond. Uberstein claps his hands together, "Good, at least you know when to shut your mouth, now where was I? Yes. You're all MASSIVE disappointments, I haven't seen a single one of you not mocked by the media, except you Richard...but you're a real-estate agent, that's just shameful."

Richard, the man in the red vest, begins to protest, but Uberstein holds up his hand, "No, you don't get to speak either, so rude, interrupting me when I'm trying to talk. Anyway, I've decided that you all need to prove yourselves, originally I was going to see who could resist the jingling of the keys and fight the kraken, but seeing how the kraken doesn't exist, you're going to have to fight something else." Sally, the man in the dress, started to speak, but Uberstein doesn't let him start, "Yes Sally, I know you've killed somebody already, but that doesn't count. Besides, a purse with a brick in it is hardly an acceptable weapon. Now, I left a little festering pit of biological horrors in Russia when I left, and sadly, just like all of you, it decided to stop staying hidden and flamboyantly present itself to the world with the escape of some hideous whale-monster-stein."

At this, Hans, who oddly had a wine glass, spoke up, "You promised that there would be food."

"Hans, for the last time, that was a lie to get you here. And no leaving early, I rigged the door to explode...or something like that. It's just a bad idea to leave early." At this, everyone just stared at their madman of an uncle.

"Now..here's the gist of it. The Red Bear II complex is filled with horrible creatures, you get to go inside and kill them to prove your worth. Whoever survives gets to be the next president when I die or retire. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" He pulls a level, and the Ubersteinian nephews fell into a chamber below Uberstein's office, where members of the Finnish airborne were ready to start their short training.

Uberstein turned and started to dial for ADI, he would need to hire some extra help.

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The message would be routed through the usual telephone systems, and directly to Baggs.

"Good to here back from you Mr. Uberstein. Before we do anything though, we need to be debriefed on what exactly is happening. All we know is that some stinky whale-monster washed up on an island, and the Government has us working on it."

Baggs smashed the phone into the receiver out of habit.

"Wait, why did I do that?"

Baggs reached down, and hit redial.

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Uberstein picks up the phone...again. "Yes? Oh, you again, you really need to work on your manners. Anyway, let's just say that the Red Bear II was the secret weapons research facility of Russany, run by an AI. Chances are it's just breaking apart, so it's a good idea to clean it up before more things get out and this becomes something the media is interested in. Infact...let me get my checkbook and an envelope, I'm sure ADI could be very useful dealing with this insane problem. I'll be right back."

Uberstein turns to an intern, "You, contact whomever I put in charge of my nephews on the long-range instantaneous recording phonograph!"

"Sir?" Came the reply from the now-confused intern.

"Oh what do you youngsters call it...the phone! Call the !@#$%^& on the phone and tell him I need him to have a team of some competent people alongside my nephews, and that he needs to be LEGALLY in Norway within a few days so that he can work with ADI."

"R..right! Yes sir."

"Oh, and this is classified, so keep quiet about it or you're charged with treason."

The intern runs off, and Uberstein goes back to the phone, "Okay, I'm going to send some members of the Finnish special forces, and some absolute failures, over to help, what do you say?"

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Baggs paused for a moment. What the hell sort of weapons research involves making giant whales? He though as Uberstein went away from the phone.

"That certainly sounds... interesting Mr. Uberstein," Baggs said, "We could certainly help out, esspecially if payment is involved. The fifth floor money pool has been getting a bit low lately. And as for those failures, have no fear, we'll make sure they stay safe down there."

Baggs paused again.

"About the security in the facility, what are we looking at. Even if it is falling apart, it'll be good to know if we'll need bolt cutters, explosives, Key cards and the like."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Baggs paused for a moment. What the hell sort of weapons research involves making giant whales? He though as Uberstein went away from the phone.

"That certainly sounds... interesting Mr. Uberstein," Baggs said, "We could certainly help out, esspecially if payment is involved. The fifth floor money pool has been getting a bit low lately. And as for those failures, have no fear, we'll make sure they stay safe down there."

Baggs paused again.

"About the security in the facility, what are we looking at. Even if it is falling apart, it'll be good to know if we'll need bolt cutters, explosives, Key cards and the like."

"I'll have a list sent. Where should I send my teams for preparation?"

OOC: Sorry for the long time and short reply, brain fart.

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Baggs slammed the thick list of security measures onto the meeting table, and slouched down into his chair.

"Not going to be the easiest break in," Baggs muttered, "They really seemed to cover all the bases."

"Really," Lahye muttered, "The place closed down in the seventies. How the hell hard could it be? Even the best locks at the time would be nothing compared to what we have now, right?"

"No. Russany was... a bit backwards, but they knew what they were doing. We've got biometrics, security cards, weight sensors. BLOODY WEIGHT SENSORS! IT LETS YOU BASED ON HOW MUCH YOU WEIGHT WHEN YOU GO THROUGH YOUR DECONTAMINATION SHOWER! Plus, we have computerized locks, heavy deadbolts, electromagnets, some of the offices have bloody glass re-lockers on the doors. The place is built to resist anyone coming in."

"Now how the hell could they get through?" Hummel asked, picking at a scratch in the table with his pen, "They can't be memorizing a hundred codes each, so they have some sort of master key, right?"

"The key cards," Baggs said, exasperated, "But they are custom to individuals, plus, you have to be in the system for them to work."

"Then put us in the system. Lahye can do his computer crap, put us in the security system, and make our cards work."

"Where to we get personal, customized cards? Or do you not have an answer?" Baggs said, clearly a bit annoyed.

"Make them. Uberstein raided some old Rusan labs before, that sort of machine seems like one of the first things I'd grab if it could speed up getting into the rest."

"So, just waltz down to some old, Ubersteinian records room, take some old machine, and make the pass cards to let us in without a problem? That's your idea? Sounds like a load of crap Hummel."

"I'll bet you it works. 2000 Kr."

"You're on," Baggs said, "Hope you like being a poorer man."

In front of everyone, Baggs picked up the phone, and hit a large button with a Finnish flag that flanked the side, "Hello, Mr. Uberstein, I need to settle a bet. What is the chance that there is some old, hidden, Ubersteinian records room, buried in one of your old Underground cities that would somehow hold a machine that we could use to manufacture the pass-cards needed to get through Red Bear II? I know it sounds silly, but one of my men insists that I ask you."

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Uberstein was annoyed, he didn't know why he put a phone in the garden shed, it seemed reasonable at the time, though now it seemed much less reasonable. He puts down the bucket of fertilizer and answers the phone, "Yes?"

Hello, Mr. Uberstein, I need to settle a bet. What is the chance that there is some old, hidden, Ubersteinian records room, buried in one of your old Underground cities that would somehow hold a machine that we could use to manufacture the pass-cards needed to get through Red Bear II? I know it sounds silly, but one of my men insists that I ask you."

"Oh, yes, we never had a reason to update from the old pass card system. You just need to find a card number that was used for both Russany and Ubersteinia, and it will work fine. One of our largest security holes, but who the hell carries a Russan security card anymore? I'm sure you can print new ones as long as you can convince the system to accept it. Now, I have some petunias that need to be planted, is there anything else you need to know?"

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"Yes, there is. The second half of my earlier question. Is there some machine that we could use to manufacture the pass-cards. Would that still exist somewhere. Hummle here says you may have take one out of one of the earlier raided Rusan labs or bases."

"Well of course, who uses a pass-card system and doesn't build a machine for making them? Chances are there are several in old Ubersteinian warehouses. I'm sure I have a map of all of those damn places somewhere in my desk." He starts to look through drawers. A good hour later, all of which he kept the phone on, he found a map. "Well then, it seems I DO have one. Ever hear of a town called Hammerfest? Well, good news, it isn't there, or near any town that is easily accessible. It seems you'll have to voyage into the deep, festering heart of Norway, past the rocky slopes of it's rather cold mountains, into the uncomfortably friendly areas that dare not be named, finally into the deep smelly cracks of Sulitjelma, not actually calling the town smelly, but sometimes a fishy smell blows into the tunnels."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Wait, Sulitjelma?" Baggs said, pushing Hummle away, "Old mining town, tiny place? Only a few hundred people? Seems like a... You know what, I'm not going to question it."

Baggs over the phone and yelled, "Miriam, Get out guys in Fauske out to Sulitjelma, and searching the old Ubersteinian mines, tell them too look for machinery and to bring everything the find back."

Hummle leaned in, "2000 kr Baggs, Pay up."

"Mr. Uberstein, we must thank you or the information. We'll need one more thing though; Fax over the information on the men you want to send down so we can prepare key-cards for everyone. Thank you for your time."

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Soon, information about his nephews and a Fireteam of 5 soldiers from the 12th Airborne was faxed over on encrypted phone lines.

Name: Lalli Lehkosuo

Age: 30

Rank: Major

Desc: Grizzled special forces officer, has an absurd mustash and an eyepatch. Carries a machete.

Name: Robin "Rookie" Mantila

Age: 22

Rank: Private

Desc: Newest member to the team, passed the written test with flying colors.

Name: Aulis "Brick" Tiilikainen

Age: 27

Rank: Private

Desc: Squad machine gunner, known for a short temper and being a weightlifter. Was a fast-food cook before service in the military.

Name: Jonne "Quack" Poutiainen

Age: 24

Rank: Private

Desc: The medic, wears glasses, considered scrawny.

Name: Eero "Girly-Man" Kiri

Age: 29

Rank: Private

Desc: Standard infantryman, enjoys knitting.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The second the machines were found in the mines near Sulitjelma, they were hurriedly brought back to ADI for repairs. Thirty years without so much as a tune up left the machines filthy, rusted, and essentially useless. It took nearly a week working around the clock, but the machines were finally left in semi-working order, at least for the time being. After the exhaustive repairs, it took only moments to print out security papers for all 30 who were planed to go down.

The second the Finns arrived, their were whisked off to one of the few remaining entrances of the complex, a tiny island off the southern coast of the Solovetskys, where Lahye was already working on the door.

"Well," He said, now with an audience behind him, "Front door was rusted shut, three solid decades in salty air have a way of doing that. I got inside last night, and have jump started the backup security computers. Inside, it's dirty, but the base still thinks that it is in working order; the valves on the sanitation showers still open and close, wight sensors seem to still do their job, and at least the first door after the entry way opens with the current generator. It would seem that the entryway is on its own circuit, as to not allow a shutdown of the srcurity systems in a power outage, so I have no clue i we have power further in."

"Excellent," Baggs said halfheartedly, "For you Finns, Here are your ID cards. You will carry them with you at all times, or you will get killed. You will be taking the western wings of the facility, taking out the oceanic experimentation tanks, a few of the larger labs, the West wing Personnel quarters, and the AI storage in the basement. In the mean time, we will be taking the offices, hard copy storage, East wing Personnel quarters and the testing fields. We enter the complex in a few minutes, at twelve o'clock, midnight, and we meet back up right here, twelve midnight tomorrow, in 24 hours," Baggs stepped back to address the group, "This should be a good, clean extraction everyone. The place has been down for thirty years. As you all know, we do have reason to believe that there may be some experiments left alive down there, anything you find, is to be euthanized immediately, without hesitation. The tunnels will likely be suffering minor collapse, so l suggest that you pay attention and think ahead down there, you never know what will happen. Lahye here will be giving support over his radio from the storage rooms to update you all on what is supposed to be where, and what to do when you get lost. Any questions?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Yes, I posted, sorry it took so long.


The Finns were an odd group, there were Uberstein's nephews, dressed in ill-fitting body armor and uniforms, and the 5 men of the 12th Airborne, standing in their own group. One absurdly mustachioed man walks up to Baggs, "Now listen here paper-face, my men have seen things that would make that bag of yours only good for holding the contents of your stomach, because they would be thrown up. I'll get my team in and out of there in TWELVE hours, with every god-damned abomination inside this place wishing it hasn't met me. Because I'm going to shove this in their face, violently." He pats the machete tied to his leg. After a few minutes of akward silence, he holds out a hand to take the ID's, and Eero raises his hand, "I have a question, what happens if we don't get back in 24 hours?"

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"Now listen here paper-face, my men have seen things that would make that bag of yours only good for holding the contents of your stomach, because they would be thrown up. I'll get my team in and out of there in TWELVE hours, with every god-damned abomination inside this place wishing it hasn't met me. Because I'm going to shove this in their face, violently." He pats the machete tied to his leg. After a few minutes of akward silence, he holds out a hand to take the ID's,

Baggs didn't have the heart to tell the man what he had seen in his life. Demoralizing the men would make the whole mission go much, much rougher.

and Eero raises his hand, "I have a question, what happens if we don't get back in 24 hours?"

"Well," Baggs cheerfully said, "You will be left inside when we set off the explosives, caving the whole hellhole in. So yes, make sure that you get out in time."

Lahye walked over and whispered to Baggs, "Well men," Baggs said, "Door's open, let's hit it."

Baggs led the rather large group through the door, swiping his pass card as he went. A faint red light came on from the roof, and a bar rose out of the ground with a heavy creak.

"Biometrics... Engage" A pleasant, mechanical voice said from a nearby speaker, "Weight... Check. Please place your hand onto the provided scanner."

Baggs silently complied, and a bright red light shined from the antiquated, but functional device.

"Scanning finished... Thank you Mr. Headington... Please proceed to the clean room."

With a faint hiss, the large, heavy, steel door up ahead released its locks and opened for Baggs to continue. The room was stark white, and completely empty save for several nozzles on the walls. As the door clamped shut, the sound of creaking motors and electronics rung from the walls. A terrible, green sludge started to drip out of the nozzles.

"Please remain still for the cleaning solution. It will remove bacteria from your body, as to not interfere with the rather delicate experiments."

After a minute passed, the next door lifted open, and Baggs stepped out, the green sludge had only left a dark streak down the wall.

"Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy your visit to Red Bear Two!"

Baggs took out his radio and called Lahye, "Systems are working... sort of. Start sending everybody through."

It took well over thirty minutes to process everyone, but by the end, they were all ready and cleared.

Baggs led everyone forward through the clean, untouched hall. "You see," He said, "Nothing to worry about. Place even seems structurally stable."

He swiped his card again when the reached the final door, and he was immediately bombarded with an awful stench.

"Ahh..." He said, wincing, "!@#$..."

"No..." Komeil said, "Smell more like rotting... with distinct scent of... dirt..."

"Alright, sure Komeil," Baggs said, holding his nose, "Alright, might not be as clean as we though... A lot of the experiments are probably locked up around here. Hell, they have probably been locked up for the last thirty years. Lahye, when you're getting the Generator up, see if you can get some sot of... air filter going."

"Sure," Lahye whimpered, turning green from the stink, "I'll see what I can do..."


As the men finally reached the fork in the hallway, the said their final goodbyes. Despite the stink, everything looked clean and solid. The mission was still looking good.

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