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Kingdom of Cochin - DOE

king of cochin

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The Kingdom of Cochin, alternately known as Perumapadappu Swaroopam had grown to great scales of strength during the reign of Veera Kerala Varma and Raja Raja Varma. Veera Kerala Varma built up the administrative organization of Cochin and built a strong army and navy to defeat the marauding pirates and robbers of the region. Under 5 years of brutal law enforcement the robber enclaves in Cochin were thoroughly routed and peace had returned to Cochin.

At this time the Travancore Kingdom had launched an attack against the Kingdom claiming ownership over the Aleppey district which was then a territory of Cochin. As a diversion the Zamorins of Calicut opened a second front against Cochin from the North. Facing overwhelming odds Veera Kerala Varma mobilized the entire Kingdom on a war of survival. Finally after 3 long years of war Cochin had successfully repelled both Zamorins and Travancore, assimilating them to the Kingdom of Cochin.

Veera Kerala Varma's subsequent reign was marked by an age of increased peace and prosperity all over Cochin. The impressive leaps in technology and economy drew ire of jealousy from Madras and Carnatic, the two neighboring Kingdoms.

This resulted in a second war fought between the three nations, the War of South India. During the attack of Coimbatore a fatal arrow struck Veera Kerala Varma in his chest and he attained the Warrior Heaven two days later. He was succeeded by his nephew Raja Raja Varma who ascended the throne of Cochin as the King.

Fighting with the renewed zeal to avenge the death of their beloved King, the grand armies of Cochin battled on against the numerically superior forces of Madras and Carnatic. In a daring maritime battle the naval fleet led by Kunjali Marakkar, the Admiral of Cochin Navy, defeated the vaunted navy of Madras in a massive battle off the coast of Kanyakumari. The fleet then went towards the city of Madras and started a second front against Madras.

This upheaval led to the collapse of the Madras Kingdom which forced them to surrender. The surrender of their allies and a massive push in Mangalore sector caused the Carnatic Kingdom also to lose its zest for war. Both nations signed Instruments of Accession thus recognizing subservience and vassalship under the Kingdom of Cochin.

Thus it came to be that the Kingdom of Cochin became one of the most powerful entities in South Asia.

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Thus under the rule of Raja Raja Varma Cochin entered upon an era of increased prosperity, trade and power. Several universities were established were learned men from all over the world were invited to teach. It was an age of renaissance when scientists and philosophers were given tremendous incentives to push forward the frontiers of science and technology.

Militarily Cochin was at its mightiest yet. Cohorts of well disciplined soldiers, well stocked armories, a very magnificent fleet and mighty cannons.

There were whole cavalry regiments of horses and war elephants whose marching would shake the earth. There were archer units who could unleash a rain of arrows upon their enemy. The cohorts of infantry could trample any army they would face. Mighty cannons who belch fire and death upon their targets. Massive siege equipments which would turn any fortification into a castle of sand. The mighty fleet of Cochin sailed the oceans protecting the burgeoning trade and destroying the vestiges of piracy in these seas. The sight of the flag of Cochin flying from the pennants of these war ships would bring the fear of death upon any pirate unfortunate to find himself in these oceans.

It was in such circumstances that Sakthan Thampuran, the nephew of Raja Raja Varma was crowned the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin.

It is a magnificent ceremony. The Hill Palace in Tripunithura, the capital of the Kingdom of Cochin was shining like the very heaven itself. Thousands of citizens decked in their very best attires had assembled for this gala occasion. Beautifully decorated temple elephants lined the winding streets up the Hill Palace.

Sakthan Thampuran, age 21, had already earned laurels as an able administrator and a fearsome warrior. He had administered the Madras Provinces for the past 2 years restoring the order of Cochin Administration. Faced by the rising incidents or robbery and crime in the eastern provinces, the young prince had personally led an operation to destroy these bandits. Devising a magnificent siege, the prince had corralled these bandits into giving a standing fight. Despite being wounded in his shoulder by a crafty arrow, Sakthan Thampuran had fought on till he killed the leader of the bandits, upon which the entire gang surrendered.

Bleeding profusely the young prince commanded his soldiers to tie these prisoners and march them to the nearby village which they had terrorized and some of whose inhabitants were their accomplices.

The bandits were ordered to march up to the decrepit village well where each one of them was pushed in. The bandits screamed for mercy from inside the dried well. However the prince, now a blood red apparition of death itself ordered the well to be closed from top. His soldiers manhandled a massive slap of stone on top of the well head with assistance from a couple of temple elephants.

This incident became an example and no more crimes had come from the region.

Now on the day of his coronation as Crown Prince prayed at the family temple in Tripunithura and then mounted his battle horse for the ride to the Hill Palace. Selected soldiers from his Regiment were riding beside and behind him and the cavalcade rode slowly as the masses of citizens showered flowers upon the young prince.

The prince's entrance into the Palace walls was marked by the sounding of a thousand trumpets and huge drums. The ranks of soldiers selected from all the regiments of the Royal Cochin Army saluted as one as their Lord and Commander moved past them.

As he descended from his horse, music started from inside the Palace. The National Anthem was being played. Walking inside through the grand hall the glory and prosperity of the Kingdom of Cochin shined upon him. Finally he was announced into the Grand Durbar, the great court where the King of Cochin held court.

He walked sombrely up to his Great Grandmother, Queen Mother Prabhavathy Varma and prostrated at her feet. Then he walked up to his uncle His Highness Raja Raja Varma and prostrated at his feet. His uncle bade him to rise and seated him at the throne of Crown Prince. The Queen Mother then walked up to him and blessed him thus, "Rama Varma Sakthan Thampuran, I hereby announce you Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin. You shall be crowned King after His Highness Raja Raja Varma. From now on you would be known as His Royal Highness Sakthan Thampuran."

His uncle then walked up to him and blessed him by touching his head with the ceremonial sword and staff of the Kingdom of Cochin.

The Grand Durbar which was enthralled in silence at the spectacle rose up in applause and cheers as the entire Kingdom as one celebrated the crowning of the new Crown Prince.

It was the start of a new era.

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OOC: Yeah, but Mughals have more of a Turkish legacy, :D, so in a way they could be considered outsiders!! That is the line I would take mostly! Also in the map KMM2 has pakistan and i have claimed India!!

Edited by king of cochin
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Under stewardship of Crown Prince Sakthan Thampuran, the Kingdom of Cochin embarked on a period of further expansion when more and more nations chose to recognize the overlordship of the King of Cochin and hence the Kingdom of Cochin stretched from the Himalayas to Kanya Kumari. From the Thar Desert to Brahmaputra.

With the capital at Cochin, in the southern part of the country, the Kingdom was truly the greatest power in Asia!

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OOC: No, I just RPd annexation of areas that had already been assigned to me on world map,ie, rest of india except for what claimed by Kaiser Melech Mikhail. Earlier when I was unsure of territories allotted to me I halted expansion at South India.

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