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Aggressive Rioting Rampant in Furon


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So you say it is okay to government members who had nothing to do with anything and damage the environment for hundreds of years to come? Were you not the same people decrying the execution of a family in government because they had nothing to do with oppression?

As we said...if only the government could be targeted...that does not include children. It refers only to the ones with the power to make decisions on their nation's behalf. Unfortunately, no single weapon is that selective.

OOC: This is IC, Bio... :P But I doubt this discussion was going much further anyway. And you still said nothing about food/medical supplies being given you.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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As we said...if only the government could be targeted...that does not include children. It refers only to the ones with the power to make decisions on their nation's behalf. Unfortunately, no single weapon is that selective.

OOC: Keep the bickering out, please. I'd like to keep this thread relatively IC, as far as IC can go, at least.

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OOC: Public


Sendai is falling increasingly into more chaos, as the riots continue to go on, with law enforcement and military officials unwilling to do much for fear of hurting civilians. With most of the city on the gang's payroll, a message was released from a high-jacked TV Station.

"...We know what you did. You think because you saved two of your men, that you're better? You think that, because you managed to escape, that you're superior! You're no better than the worms in the dirt, or the maggots on the dead. You are nothing.

Museifujoutai no A!@#$a
take action now. Every day, a government building will be stormed. Every day, the entire staff of the government building will be killed, until you admit to sabotaging us, to kidnapping one of our men, and to attempting to end our righteous and glorious cause!

We will continue to do this, so long as you continue to oppose our rise to power. You have been warned - prepare to reap what you have sowed..."

OOC: Subtle, I un-recognized you ...two days ago I think? ICly, I would have just ignored you.

Edited by Biohazard
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OOC: Ah, but you responded to me elsewhere even after you un-recognized me--in Generalissimo's thread. And the offer of aid was from before you un-recognized me...so nice try, but no... :P

IC: ***Classified***

"I just wish there was something we could do to help."

"Not much you can do when they fanatically hate youfor no good reason."

"Yeah, but still..."

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OOC: Because I want to keep the thread moving, due to my procrastination and only being able to post longer posts on weekends...

This is public, as well.

@Subtle: Lies! Besides, I can converse with a rogue state, but why would I accept supplies from them? They're probably full of poison or something. :P


Two Hours After the High-jacked TV Station Broadcast:

A state hospital came into view of a camera - obviously being held by someone, as the screen was moving rapidly as the person ran. Even though the camera is shaking, several men, possibly a dozen or more, all wearing masks and carrying assaults can be seen moving with the unknown-camera man. They are speaking in rapid Japanese, as they prepare.

"This is what happens to those that support the government!" shouted one of them in Japanese, as he kicked the door in. The other gunmen swept into the room with him, raising their assault rifles, and opening fire. The entire lobby is turned into a hail of gunfire, civilians dying, and others attempting to flee only to be shot.

The gunmen proceed to go through small state hospital, room by room, for an entire floor, killing all those who attempt to flee, or those that attempt to help downed people. The smell of death is high in the air, as the massacre continues - all of it, being recorded by the unknown cameraman. Upon reaching the second floor, they station a single sentry on each staircase leading down to the first floor.

The cameraman continues to follow the group around, as they round up several civilians and place them in a mess hall, posting a sentry on each door. The group of gunmen, now six, still being followed by the cameraman began to apply what appeared to be C4 on the pillars of the second floor mess hall, and in various points within the hospital. As the cameraman walks with them, they continue to gun down the innocents, slaughtering them brutally. Many Furion citizens who were watching this on live TV, after being given an explicit warning that the events were graphic, began to weep, as the gunmen continued to end the lives of the citizens, citizens who had done nothing to them.

Finally, as if they were satisfied, the gunmen returned to the mess hall, and order the cameraman to point the camera at himself, and to take off his mask. Showing only the face, it becomes apparent as the mask comes off that the cameraman is in fact, a camerawoman, Yasuka Uchiumi, the reporter who was last seen covering the story of the two men being burned at the stake, when her pilot and cameraman was killed. Her entire visage looks depressed, as she's been gagged so she wouldn't make noises. It becomes painstakingly evident that throughout the whole ordeal, she was held at gunpoint, she was crying and sobbing profusely, evident from her eyes being puffy from so many tears.


Outside, Law Enforcement has finally begun to take action, this single incident allowing them to pin down culprits instead of attempting to fight an entire civilian population. They set up a perimeter, and attempt to contact the gunmen for negotiations, as they prepare SWAT units off to the side, out of sight. A lone police officer steps forward, holding a microphone in his hand, raising his hands in the air, signifying that he is unarmed.

Speaking in Japanese, the man begins to talk: "Unknown Gunmen - we do not want to further escalate the situation. All that we ask, is that the civilians are allowed to leave - they have no reason to be treated like this. If you turn yourselves over peacefully, I promise you, no one else will get hurt."

A voice comes out, from a man standing behind a wall near a window - it is unknown which window, as he does not show his body or face at all. "The only way these civilians are leaving, is when they are dead! There shall be no negotiating, not so long as the government continues to oppress the Museifujoutai no Ashita!" Gunfire is heard, and a civilian's body is thrown out the window. The entire crowd that has gathered gasps, as police units are allowed to escort the man away. Later, it is found out that both his legs were broken in the fall, and that his arm was shot.

So far, the entire shooting has claimed the lives of over 140 civilians, many being patients, and one third of the medical and hospital staff - it is unknown if the death toll will continue to rise, or if law enforcement will be able to handle the situation, rescuing the civilians.

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OOC: @Subtle: Lies! Besides, I can converse with a rogue state, but why would I accept supplies from them? They're probably full of poison or something. :P

OOC: Oh really? Care for me to go back and find the quote? :P

You're grasping at straws here...because the supplies offered weren't fromt he government itself. The White Crosss is an INTERNATIONAL organization. :P

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OOC: Oh really? Care for me to go back and find the quote? :P

You're grasping at straws here...because the supplies offered weren't fromt he government itself. The White Crosss is an INTERNATIONAL organization. :P

OOC: The white cross is a rogue state too. <_<

Anyways, comment on the thread, not my IC dislike for Promised Land. :P

By IC, I meant IC relating directly to the events taking place in the thread - not IC regarding an IC statement of another nation.

Edited by Biohazard
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OOC: The white cross is a rogue state too. <_<

Anyways, comment on the thread, not my IC dislike for Promised Land. :P

By IC, I meant IC relating directly to the events taking place in the thread - not IC regarding an IC statement of another nation.

OOC: The White Cross isn't a state... :P

And I'm not sure what you mean by what you want...you mean get involved somehow?

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OOC: The White Cross isn't a state... :P

And I'm not sure what you mean by what you want...you mean get involved somehow?

OOC: IC Commenting on the public news that's being given. Either a public, or private comment. Or an OOC Comment, if you can't think of anything for IC.

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OOC: Ah, OK, that makes sense. So, IC like what my last IC comment was like is acceptable. Gotcha. ;)

IC: "This is a level of chaos we would not wish on a state of insects, much less human beings. If Furon can bring themselves to look beyond their xenophobia, they would realize that even their so-called enemies are not rejoicing at this state of affairs, but rather offering to alleviate the problem."

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OOC: Public as well.

Three Hours After The Gunmen Stormed The Hospital

For nearly three hours, the police attempted to negotiate with the gunmen. Little was said between each other, as the gunmen had refused to compromise. A SWAT team had attempted to infiltrate the building, but a C4 charge planted on the top of a doorway went off, killing three, wounding another, forcing the team to abandon the attempt.

The video feed from Yasuka Uchiumi's camera was still live. The gunmen had allowed her to do a report, albeit with much sobbing and tears being shed. Furon watched helpless as the gunmen began to execute civilians with Yasuka not being able to do anything except sit there and cry.

Outside, the crowd was growing increasingly larger, as they waited to see the outcome. Inside, however, things were calm, for the gunmen. One of them walked out into the hallway and pulled out his radio, saying, "Begin."

Ten Snipers from the Museifujoutai no Ashita posted on buildings across the streets, threw grenades down into the streets, causing the crowd to panic. They began to shoot into the crowd, reloading. The crowd, in their panic to get away, inadvertently ran closer to the hospital. Within the hospital, the gunmen pushed a hand-held detonator into Yasuka's hand. The camera showed her, as she began to cry, as the men forced her to push the button at gunpoint. The screen flared brightly, before going out.

The C4 detonated, causing the hospital to begin to collapse on itself, with explosions rippling to the outside, harming civilians. The debris from the explosion landed in and near the crowd, causing more fatalities. The Museifujoutai had made their promise a reality.

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OOC: Public

As things begin to grow increasingly bad within Sendai, The Museifujoutai have begun to take drastic measures. Armed with assault rifles, sub-machine guns, and various explosive elements, they have begun raiding civilian houses, executing them. The day after the explosion of the hospital, police stations within Sendai came under brutal attack, almost simultaneously.

Armed with RPGs, SMGs, Assault Rifles, and a myriad of other weaponry, the police stations began to fold in, many of the officers only carrying pistols at the time of the attacks. SWAT units fared much better, able to even repel some of the attacks. However, under the weight of crushing numbers, the teams began to falter. Soon, Sendai was without a coherent police force, and the city was under Museifujoutai control, and over 400 Police Officers, SWAT, and Staff were executed in the attacks, prompting a military response - The Samurai Brigade.

<\Classified\Military\Operation Purple Cobra>

A group of 5,000, consisting of National Guard and Infantry, are now setting up a blockade around Sendai. An additional 5,000 NG & Infantry are expected to arrive, to put the entire city on lockdown. Anyone attempting to enter or leave, forcefully or otherwise, will be shot. A Dozen Type-90 MBTs are being supplied to run patrols on key roads and such, to ensure the blockade.

Samurai Brigade

Seven helicopters full of Samurai Squads were deployed to Sendai. The house of the Sendai-regional leader of the Museifujoutai was to be infiltrated, and the Sendai-Regional Leader taken alive, if possible. The term hostile applied to all non-military leaders - civilians included.

The teams rappelled down, hitting the sentries with helicopter gunfire. As soon as Jun's foot touched the ground, the helicopters sped away - The Samurai squads were alone now. "Move in - go in fast, take them by surprise. Anyone you see is a hostile - including civilians," said Jun. He hated giving that order, but it was an order - and you don't disobey orders.

The teams moved in with shocking speed, infiltrating in three different locations. There was little resistance, as the teams expertly dealt with all they came across, utilizing the MP5SSDs. Epsilon squad had landed on the roof, and had begun working their way down towards the basement, to link up with Samurai-3 and Samurai-2, comprised of 3 Samurai Squads each.

A group of civilians crossed into Jun's view, two kids, a mother, and their obvious father. "Jun, orders?" asked Hisato. "Orders are orders. Open fire." The group opened fire, cutting down the four people. "Hostile applies to everyone, Hisato," said Jun. They continued on.

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Kachiyuri looks down to the floor as he sigh's after seeing the complete Anarchy in Furon.

"This is not funny to me anymore, seeing this chaos in Japan angers me as I am ruling a Japanese form of government and seeing this.....seeing this is just awful dammit! I must find something to let me and probably Mother Haruhi to come in and reform Japan our selve's."

*private to SST*

" Michuraza's Emporer Kachiyuri Michuraza' wish's to have a urgent meeting with the Empress of SST this is important!!!!!"

Edited by lutai
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Kachiyuri looks down to the floor as he sigh's after seeing the complete Anarchy in Furon.

"This is not funny to me anymore, seeing this chaos in Japan angers me as I am ruling a Japanese form of government and seeing this.....seeing this is just awful dammit! I must find something to let me and probably Mother Haruhi to come in and reform Japan our selve's."

*private to SST*

" Michuraza's Emporer Kachiyuri Michuraza' wish's to have a urgent meeting with the Empress of SST this is important!!!!!"

OOC: Oh god, that made me lol. Even if the spelling and grammar made it almost unreadable. <_<


<\Classified\Military\Operation Purple Cobra>

"Samurai-One to Samurai-Two and Samurai-Three: We've secured ground floor. Proceeding to prepare for breach upon your arrival," said Gamma-One. "Roger that," said Beta-One and Epsilon-One.

Jun's team was on it's own, as it continued to press deeper into the Museifujoutai stronghold. Samurai-Two secured the second floor a few minutes later, and after performing a quick second sweep, to ensure they didn't miss anything, Epsilon Squad had secured the third floor. "Samurai-Three to Samurai-One: We're proceeding to the third floor. Samurai-Three out."

Epsilon squad moved down, linking up with Samurai-Two, and their two respective squads. "Let's move," said Jun, nodding to Beta-One. Upon entering the ground, first, floor, and turned towards Gamma-One. "Thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Jun.

Gamma-One, Naohiko Kamuta, turned to him, saying, "That it was a little bit too easy? Yeah, I was actually."

"Well, so far the informant's information has been kind of ... useless. We haven't encountered half the things that we thought we would. Press on to the basement?" asked Jun.

Naohiko nodded. "After you," he said, a small chuckle following through the comm.

"!@#$%^&," thought Jun. He chuckled, before moving Epsilon squadron in. The team set up a breaching charge on the basement door, waited three seconds, and set it off. They moved in expertly, seeing no hostiles. "The hell?" said Jun, pulling off his mask. The basement was a single, small room - it was almost empty, aside from a few crates at the back. "Where the hell is everything, the guards, the damn drugs?" he asked.

"Don't know," said Naohiko. "Gamma-Two, check those crates. See what's in them, ASAP. Careful though - don't know what will be in them."

Gamma-Two moved towards the crates, checking them out.


Meanwhile, at the Samurai Brigade HQ:

"Sir, the informant has requested a meeting with you," said one of Hirotaka's aides.

"Bring him to me," said Hirotaka, laying his pistol out on the table, near him so that the man couldn't grab it.

"Yes, sir," said the aide, radioing to the guards to extract the prisoner from his cell.

The man was dragged into the room, his kneecaps bandaged, but still broken - he was in obvious pain, the loud groans of pain he was publicizing to everyone in the base. "Far enough, leave him there," said Hirotaka. The guards dropped the man, letting him slump to the floor as he tried to get himself into a sitting position without causing too much pain - something that he was failing incredibly.

"What do you want?" spat Hirotaka, sitting down in his chair.

"You sent in your ... your Special Ops teams, the ones who captured me, didn't you?" asked the man, his eyes closing in agony.

"Not that it matter to you, or that you'll be able to tell anyone otherwise, but yes. Why?" asked Hirotaka, his face forming into a frown.

"You have sentenced the Furion government to death then! Soon, all of Furon will be under Museifujoutai control, and there will be nothing you can do to stop them!" shouted the man, cackling manically. "Soon, all of you, including you, General Hirotaka, will be dead!"

A gunshot rang out through the room, as the man's eyes widened. He looked down, an 'O' forming upon his lips, as Hirotaka fired again into the man's heart. "After you, scum," said Hirotaka. "Take him away. Radio the Samurai Squads, tell them to get out ASAP - the entire thing was a trap!" shouted Hirotaka, to his aide.


Back at the Museifujoutai Stronghold...

"Sir, it's full of weapons! Assault rifles...SMGs...munitions, the works," said Gamma-Two.

"Samurai Squads: Get out of there, now! Extract yourselves to the rooftop, you have 2 minutes to get there. Warning: Large amounts of hostiles heading toward you. Do whatever it takes, get to the roof!" came through the comm, General Hirotaka speaking to them.

Jun turned to his brothers: "You heard the General! Get your @#$% moving to the rooftop, before the Museifujoutai get here!" shouted Jun. The squads began to file out of the basement as fast as they could. The front doors burst open on the first floor, as Samurai-Three and Samurai-Two made it to the second floor. "Keep going!" shouted Gamma-Three. An RPG shot whizzed through the hair, hitting the staircase directly - the staircase exploded, killing multiple Samurai. The stairway was gone, and about one and a half Samurai squads were still standing.

"Naohiko!" shouted Jun.

"Don't worry, we'll keep them busy, just get to the helicopters, now! Haul $@!, Jun!" shouted Naohiko, as multiple Museifujoutai members moved into the building. Jun thought for a moment, before shutting the second floor door behind him. The sounds of a firefight filled his ears - both him and Naohiko knew the situation was hopeless. They'd be overwhelmed in a matter of minutes, just from the sheer amount of gang members rushing into the room. "Keep moving!" shouted Jun, as the last three Samurai squads raced towards the stairway to the third floor, the rooftop a few meters after it.

As the Samurai squads neared the large glass windows on the east end, needing to pass them to get to the third floor, a helicopter rose into view - a Museifujoutai one. "!@#$, get down!" yelled Jun, throwing himself out of the line of fire as the chaingun on the nose of the helicopter swiveled to face the windows. It opened up, sending shattered glass throughout the entire room. In seconds, an entire squad was down, with the last two jumping for cover.

"Beta-One, have your squad distract it. Everyone else, open up on the pilot as it turns away," ordered Jun. Beta-One's squad sprinted from cover. The helicopter had been waiting for this: As the squad hopped from cover to cover, the helicopter followed them, mirroring their movements. Two of Beta squad went down, before the rest of the Samurai could even fire - and fire they did. The helicopter window smashed, the pilot having taken multiple hits. The helicopter plummeted down, smoke trailing, an explosion rocking the entire foundation. "Leave them, there's no time!" shouted Jun, as the Samurai ran towards the staircase.

"Be ready, Helicopters: We're coming in hot, multiple Museifujoutai hot on our tail, possible enemy gunship attack! Be at the LZ!" shouted Jun into his comm, as they raced up the staircases. As they came out into the cool dark night, there it was, a godsend: The helicopters were there, waiting for them.

"Everyone on, go go go!" shouted Jun, the last few Samurai squads sprinting towards them. "Take us up and get us the hell away from here!" ordered Jun to the pilots. "Yes, sir," said the pilots, as the sounds of firefight filled the air still - Naohiko's squad was still alive. Jun peered over the side of the helicopter, looking down - there was tens of Museifujoutai outside the building, with an unknown amount inside - going back to rescue them would be suicide...

The helicopters gained enough altitude, and began to fly away, leaving Samurai-One stranded...

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<\Classified\Military\Active Service Records>

Name: Naohiko Kamuta

Rank: Staff Sergeant


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-One

Status: KIA

Name: Tatsuhiko Ogino

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Two

Status: KIA

Name: Keisei Arakaki

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Three

Status: KIA

Name: Junichi Sugimoto

Rank: Private First Class


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Four

Status: KIA

Name: Rikiya Miura

Rank: Private First Class


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Four

Status: KIA

Name: Kayato Kunai

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Five

Status: KIA

Name: Ryousuke Ageda

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Gamma-Six

Status: KIA

Name: Heima Morita

Rank: Sergeant


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-One

Status: KIA

Name: Hiroyasu Yamazaki

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-Two

Status: KIA

Name: Araki Shimasaki

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-Three

Status: KIA

Name: Masaharu Kitahara

Rank: Private First Class


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-Four

Status: KIA

Name: Riku Nagai

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-Five

Status: KIA

Name: Taira Shimada

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Charlie-Six

Status: KIA

Name: Takajin Fujimoto

Rank: Sergeant


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-One

Status: KIA

Name: Kyousuke Iitsuka

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-Two

Status: KIA

Name: Riichi Oomori

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-Three

Status: KIA

Name: Shintarou Iwasaki

Rank: Private


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-Four

Status: KIA

Name: Binya Yoshioka

Rank: Private First Class


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-Five

Status: KIA

Name: Yokuya Tomita

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Zeta-Six

Status: KIA

Name: Idomu Arai

Rank: Corporal


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Beta-Four

Status: KIA

Name: Kenjirou Ootsuka

Rank: Private First Class


Samurai Brigade

Callsign: Beta-Two

Status: KIA

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OOC: Public

Captured Museifujoutai News Station

A masked man walks into camera-view, an assault rifle slung around his shoulder. "We warned the Furion government not to interfere. We warned them, that if their actions continued, we would continue to end the hegemony that they hold over Sendai. Further evidence of their intervention is obvious," said the man.

The camera-view changed, to the stronghold that was raided the night before by the Samurai Brigades - things were different though. There was blood over the wall, and the helicopter was still outside, but all of the Samurai spec ops had been redressed in Furion Military fatigues, and all the weapons from the gang members had been taken.

The masked man's voice came through the speakers, as the camera continued to show the carnage. "Late last night, the Furion military raided a home of innocent civilians. They shot them down, in cold blood - it was only after we got there that we were able to put down the military squad, and to destroy their means of transportation. Know this, Furion Government: Your end is coming. Your feeble attempts to squash us have bolstered us, and we are stronger, we are powerful, we are superior.

You have set a fire ablaze, and there is no way for it to be put out."


OOC: Public as well.

The civilians of the city of Sendai were blood thirsty. They cried out for revenge for what the military had done to them - they wanted the blockade gone, and they were willing to do whatever it took to force them to leave. The Museifujoutai were only too happy to arm the civilians, inducting them into their ranks, and preparing to attack.

The attack came the following night after the Samurai Brigade raid, in early morning, about three hours from dawn. An immense battle cry came seemingly out of no where, as the civilians-turned-militia who had been sneaking towards the military positions leapt from the ground, and charged them. "Open fire, open fire!" came through the Military units' comms. The MBTs, Machine Gun Emplacements, and the soldiers began firing into the oncoming rush, the civilians dropping rapidly.

The attack lasted for two hours, and into the early rays of dawn. The civilians just kept coming, getting so close as to actually engage the soldiers in hand-to-hand combat, using knives, pitchforks, axes, bayonets, guns, anything that they could use to inflict pain upon the soldiers. RPGs whizzed past constantly, hitting armored trucks with machine guns on them, and before long, almost half of the MBTs were out of commission from the tenacity of the attack.

As dawn crept onto the battleground, the civilians finally faltered - either their numbers running out, or their morality sapping far enough for them to retreat. As the soldiers who survived the onslaught looked at the battleground, the entire area was littered with civilians - the battleground was a blood bath, and people were dead and dying, everywhere. For the first time, the Furion government began to worry that the Museifujoutai had the power to take over, completely.

An estimated 700 some causalities had taken place for the military, ~500 KIAs and ~200 WIAs.

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OOC: Public to those with satellites

With the recent failure of Operation Purple Cobra, the military has taken drastic measures. More deployments are being made to Sendai - within the next hour, the total forces surrounding Sendai shot up from 5,000, to about 15,000, with accompanying Gunships and MBTs. F-1 Shadows streaked past the city, releasing their payloads, consisting of hundreds of thousands of pamphlets. The pamphlets detailed the military's plan to put Sendai under martial law. Anyone resisting would be shot, as the military went house by house to execute Museifujoutai.

Internet bloggers all within Sendai began to post furiously, citing the military as invading the metropolis and gunning down civilians in broad daylight, using conventional military weaponry, as gunfire began to erupt all over Sendai. The military began to press into the streets, shooting all who wore the Museifujoutai colors and anyone who was fighting back. A cleansing began, all over Sendai, to remove the Museifujoutai presence.

The Museifujoutai, knowing that if the Military was able to get to the police-stations-turned-HQs, they would find a comprehensive list of known Museifujoutai leaders and members. The men at the police stations began to erase the lists on their computers, and all file records as fast as possible, as the Military taskforce began to close in.

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With the situation growing more and more tense with the day Imperial Command had authorized the deployment of an additional 5,000 forces to move to Miyako, in addition to 1 Battleship, 2 corvettes and 2 Squadrons of the F-1 Shadow. These forces would be deployed to ensure the safety of those on the base and just outside. Unfortunately they couldn't do much more, Imperial Command was clear do not get involved with the residents of Miyako until engaged.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<\Public\Military Operations\Sendai "Cleansing">

Fierce fighting raged all within Sendai. The tenacity that the Museifujoutai were defending their territory was amazing, as they used guerrilla tactics to attempt to keep the military at bay. An additional 20,000 infantry were called in and positioned around Sendai, to bolster the damaged Task Force.

The Task Force nonetheless, with superior technology and tactics, steadily, inch by bloody inch, pressed into the city, going city block by city block. Urban fighting was proving to be tedious, with more reinforcements being called in to assist. The Museifujoutai were staunch defenders, and casualties continued to rise. Civilian attacks were not uncommon either, although they succeeded in little aside from ending their lives all the quicker.

The infantry began to round up civilians from captured and cleared areas, forcing them from their houses, and pushing them into designated areas - anyone with even the hint of supporting or being apart of the Museifujoutai was being ordered to the designated areas.. Firing squads were positioned all around the designated areas. Their use was obvious, as Task Force soldiers began to pile up the dead in recently dug landfills, the amount of people just devastating in sheer numbers.

It has been estimated, that, thus far, the amount of native-civilians of Sendai being killed has peaked at 250,000, a quarter of the city's population, with the number rising daily.

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"The New Chinese Empire offers their condolences, and will admit refugees if necessary. We wish our neighbors in Furon the best in dealing with this internal strife. However we wish they would try to limit civilian casualties if possible."

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