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The Gauntlet


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OoC: Closed RP for now. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Somewhere in Labrador, Disparu

"The Provincial Parliament of Labrador here in Pastoria has once again been vandalized by people claiming to be part of the Gauntlet, a petty criminal group based here in Pastoria. The vandals responsible for the incident has been detained. In other news..."

Jay sighed as she grabbed the remote and turned the television off, not wanting to hear the rest of the evening news. Even though it had been pretty obvious during the past few months, she still couldn't believe that the Gauntlet had turned from a national-level terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Disparu's previous head of state, to a "petty criminal group" responsible for breaking several windows in the Provincial Parliament and spraying "teh Gauntlet waz hurr" in its walls. The vandalism itself wasn't needed, but it was the only way they could keep the lower levels of the Gauntlet from realizing that they were running out of major plans and money.

Which was the reason why Jay was stuck in her office, brainstorming big plans that could actually work and solve their problems. Even though their big plans looked good on paper, none of them actually worked when applied to real life. Their first plan, which involved the assassination of Disparu's first Monarch, was a successful failure. Yeah, sure, they managed to get rid of her, but the plan itself backfired. Their best sniper was executed, two members were detained and the Government actually used the crisis caused by the assassination to their advantage. Their second plan, which involved allying themselves with TUO during the GLS's crisis and helping them defeat the Disparuean Forces, was a bit too late and never really took effect in real life.

Brainstorming a plan was even harder when you reviewed the Gauntlet's actual goal. It was different depending on how high you were in the organization. The lowest level thought that the Gauntlet was a "get rich quick" scheme, while proven members thought that the Gauntlet's goal was to make Labrador secede from Disparu. Those in High Command, like Jay, knew that the Gauntlet's goal was to influence and corrupt Disparuean politics, society and the Government, eventually toppling it over and taking over. However, things could be entirely different for the Gauntlet's leader, Shrew. Even though Shrew wouldn't admit it, Jay knew that he had a different agenda compared to the rest of the Gauntlet, and he could somehow make the Gauntlet do his agenda without them knowing what it actually is.

Oh well, thought Jay, I'll just assume that Shrew still wants us to influence society. With a sigh, Jay went back to her work, thinking about ways to accomplish whatever their goal was...

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The man on the deck of the ship was bored of the usual movement of the ship the rocking and the sliding of the plates on peoples tables in-doors he just wanted to supply the goods he could and get back back home. He was an arms-dealer and the "goods" he was going to deliver was serious hardware stuff abandoned during the civil war of Sivralia which gave birth to the country now known as Buckshorn. The arms-dealer knew however that border officials were not paid-off and that they would probably not take bribes. This was a far more developed country than Buckshorn and nowhere near as corrupt.

The two bodyguards behind him were both ex-Sivralian commando's and former bodyguards to politicians and celebrities within Buckshorn. They both carried with them hardware provided by the mysterious man, Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistol and an Uzi each. They wore business suits and sun-glasses but nothing too much to make them stand-out.

The hardware they were going to deliver in Disparu to a certain group, was a enough to get the arms-dealer over 30 years in prison at least. M-16's, hand grenades, RPG's, C-4 charges and Landmines. All of which were packed in Land Rovers, three of them in total.

Then the man suddenly smiled he was looking at the coatline, the coastline of Disparu.

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The Gauntlet's headquarters had been an abandoned Canadian fort tucked away in the lush forests and mountains of Labrador. It was rediscovered by Shrew several months ago and, using the funds they originally had, was upgraded and refurbished until it became the structure it currently is. The Base had five levels; two aboveground and three underground, built directly into the bedrock.

Jay had finally thought up some plans to get them back to the national stage and was now bringing them to Shrew for approval. Shrew's office was located at B3F, the lowest level in the base. The halls were empty as she strode towards Shrew's office, save for an occasional guard that was posted at regular intervals. The guards immediately saluted as she passed by, though she never bothered to return the salute. Getting to Shrew's office was more improtant that giving a salute every five minutes.

The halls began to turn more quiet as she reached the lower levels, and the human guards were starting to get replaced by cameras and heat sensors. Finally, her feet stopped in front of two steel doors guarded by two heavily-armoured guards. Jay flashed her ID, and the guards saluted, stepped away from the door, and opened them for her.

Shrew's office, compared to the other offices of High Command, felt more like a normal study than a criminal mastermind's lair. A chandelier illuminated several shelves of books that covered all of the walls, two leather couches, a LCD television, a centre table, and finally, Shrew's desk and chair. Jay could only see the back of Shrew's chair and some of his spiky hair, though she could hear several keys being pressed.

"Ah, Jay, it's just you. Come on in," said Shrew as he spun his chair around, like any villain would do, to face Jay. Jay gasped as Shrew faced her. Despite the fact that she had known Shrew for years, she was still sometimes taken aback by how similar Shrew and someone else looked alike. Jay quickly composed herself, closed the doors behind her, and calmly walked towards the seat beside Shrew's desk.

Shrew chuckled. "Jay, why did you look so surprised? It's just me, Shrew." Jay gave him a look. "Heh. It isn't my fault that you look so much like your..."

Shrew's calm face was instantly transformed into rage. "WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY TO YOU LAST TIME? DO. NOT. TALK. ABOUT. HIM! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR HIS NAME AGAIN!"

Jay sighed. "You should really think about getting anger management courses." Jay took out two documents. "Anyways...here are the plans you told me to make. It's still in its rough form, but the idea's there, so if you want to make any changes, feel free."

Shrew snatched the documents from Jay's hands. "Well...let's see here...Plan Number One..." After skimming through the text, Shrew said, "Really Jay, you want us to bomb the Eterna Stock Exchange? I'm disappointed. I was expecting more imagination from you. But, anyways, this could still be a useful plan, since we can disrupt a large section of Disparu's economy if we bomb it. Hopefully, this won't fail miserably like the other plans."

Shrew tossed Plan #1 into the corner of his desk and picked up the next document. "Let's see...hmm...Plan Number Two..." Shrew's eyes began to widen as he read more of the document. "You're a genius, Jay! A genius! This will work! I know it will!" Shrew recomposed himself. "Contact Saturn and Mars, and tell them about this plan of yours. It's about time that we've done something interesting."

Jay smiled. She trusted Shrew enough that if he says it will work, then it would really work.

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Luckily the Land rovers were never checked by the authorities only the mysterious man and his bodyguards were checked and the bodyguards flashed their fake ID's as official bodyguards. The Mysterious man never carried a gun himself he preferred to go on missions un-armed no-one usually tries to shoot him. The Mysterious has never been shot but he has been stabbed and he had a scar running down the right side of his face and all the way down to his chest. It was an attempt on his life, using a machete. The would-be killer was found two days later riddled with bullets and dumped on his front door.

They were now each driving the Land rovers and the more they went through the country the more The bodyguards and the Mysterious man envied the country. They were used to roadblocks every mile and children holding small SIG-sauer pistols and grown men holding AK-47's and RPG's. But in Disparu they only saw the occasional police officer or every few hours a army truck. But the cargo of weapons the three Land rovers carried could help this country go toward civil-war or anarchy.

The mysterious man started thinking about the Civil war which gave birth to his country Buckshorn. The long and bloody civil war which carried on for 5 years. He remembered marching through a village and seeing the dead villagers who had tried to protest against the soldiers marching through their beloved village. He remembered all the children who had limbs blown off by artillery fire knowing that their were no orphanages or properly trained surgeons. All the surgeons had been sent out to war before the civil war and they never returned they had all been killed or injured.

Then came the end of the war and the split of the old Sivralia, it had split into two. One forming Buckshorn and the other which has since once again been plunged into civil war.

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Gauntlet Headquarters

Labrador, Disparu

Several days later...

Saturn and Mars anxiously paced around the hallway that led to Shrew's office. Shrew preferred to debrief each High Commander individually and privately, only informing them of their part of the mission. No one else but Shrew knew the entire plan. As of now, they were waiting for Shrew to finish debriefing Jay, which was taking longer than usual, which usually translated to "she's more important in this plan".

Finally the double steel doors opened, and out came Shrew and Jay.

"Okay guys, you're the best of your kind in the Gauntlet, hence the reason why you'll be on the field this time. Good luck with your mission, and remember, failure is not an option. Stick to the plan, don't doubt me, and you'll be perfectly fine," said Shrew enthusiastically as he held out his hand. Jay, Mars and Saturn followed suit, putting their hands on top of each other. It was just like old times, when they were the only part of the Gauntlet and were extremely successful. Shrew was the brain, and the rest were field operatives. Nobody could've defeated them at that time.

Mars, Saturn and Jay instantly left the headquarters, shivering as the autumn Labradorian climate met them as soon as they stepped out. A single jeep sat in the pavement, equipped with all the gadgets they would need for their mission. They would take turns driving, with Saturn first in line, until they reached their first destination.

Which, for some odd reason, was Eterna, Disparu's largest and most populated city. They had no idea why Shrew would send them armed into a secure, heavily populated area, but oh well. Shrew told them that it would work, so it would, right?


OoC: @Buckshorn: This is a closed RP, so...

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The city of Eterna, or Ferinh as the Canadians used to call it, shone brightly as the team's jeep crossed one of the several bridges that spanned across Manicouagan Lake, the lake that separated most of the city from Disparu. The team's goal was simple; complete Phase 1 of the plan. It was easy; just set up the wireless bomb at the target location, then they could finally leave the city and continue on to Phase 2.

Despite the fact that it was nighttime, the city was still active with life. Scores of teenagers, businessmen and all sorts of people went in different directions as if it was morning. Jay almost felt a tinge of compassion for the lives that they were going to affect, but she quickly drove it out of her mind. She had to do it for the sake of the Gauntlet.

Following the GPS device mounted on the jeep's windshield, the team managed to navigate through Eterna's intricate maze of roads and found a cheap motel they could stay in. Jay quickly disembarked the jeep and reserved a room for the three of them while Saturn and Mars drove off to complete Phase 1. Jay could've went with them, but she still had work to do.

Jay immediately locked the room's door as she went in, and performed the usual check if the room was bugged. Satisfied with the results, Jay pulled out her laptop and opened it's Internet browser. Fortunately, the motel provided a free Internet connection. Bringing up Google's website, she began to look for helicopter rentals near the location of Phase 2.


It was almost midnight when Jay heard several bangs on the door. A quick glance on the door's peephole revealed that it was Saturn and Mars. Jay immediately opened the door and said, "Get in."

Jay sat down on the room's only chair while Mars and Saturn sat on the bed. "So...how was Phase 1?" asked Jay.

"Phase 1 was successful. We've managed to set up the bomb at ***** and ran a diagnostics test to make sure that it was working," said Saturn.

"You weren't seen, were you?" asked Jay.

"Don't worry, Jay," said Saturn. "Mars here flirted with the guards while I managed to hack through *****'s surveillance system. Them Disparueans don't really know how to secure their own security systems.," he continued.

Jay smiled. "Good. I'll let Shrew know. Get some rest; we're gonna need our energies tomorrow."

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OOC: You do know that if Disparu collapses or its government gets overthrown, or anything like that, New England will intervene, right? :wub:

OOC: And if Great Lakes State's military is fully functional, they will also intervene when the situation calls for it. ;)

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OOC: You do know that if Disparu collapses or its government gets overthrown, or anything like that, New England will intervene, right? :wub:
OOC: And if Great Lakes State's military is fully functional, they will also intervene when the situation calls for it. ;)

OoC: I feel loved. :wub:

Don't worry guys, the Government isn't going to get overthrown...for now. :P

IC post coming soon.

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Somewhere in Coronet, Disparu

The next day...

Jay glanced on the helicopter's windshield as she tinkered with the controls, following the Greyhound bus below that carried Saturn and his "equipment". Phase 2 of the plan called for them getting separated into three. Saturn was on the Greyhound and doing most of the work for Phase 2, Jay was flying the rented helicopter, and Mars was waiting at the rendezvous point with the jeep and the rest of their stuff. It would've been safer if Mars came with Saturn as Phase 2 was riskier than Phase 1, but Shrew had insisted that Saturn should do the job alone. Besides, they needed someone to guard the jeep and Mars was the only one who didn't had anything to do.

Jay tensed as several modern buildings appeared in the horizon. The Gauntlet was about to unleash their terror over Jubilife for the second time.


(OoC: Point of view changes)


At a glance, Max would look just like a normal ninth grader attending a regular high school in Jubilife. But in reality, Max is a member of the House of Pikachurin and is next in line for the Disparuean Throne. Despite the fact that he's the son of King Lance Pikachurin, he studies at a public high school since his dad did not want him to be "mixed with those snobby super-rich kids at private schools". So far, he was grateful that he wasn't in a private school.

His Mathematics class had just ended, and he was now headed for his next class, French, with his best friend Eusine. The day was just like any other day; his math teacher gave more homework, the hallways were full as usual, Maike was still ignoring him even though they've almost bumped into each other, and both Max and Eusine arrived in French class just before the bell rang.

As the teacher took the class attendance, Max couldn't help but wonder if anything interesting was going to happen anytime soon. Was the same thing just going to happen everyday?

As if on cue, alarms began to blare as an announcer came on the PA. "CODE RED, CODE RED. INTRUDER ALERT." The French teacher quickly abandoned his fake French accent and nervously said, "Oh, uh, remember what we practised. Hide!" The students quickly got into position, hiding in places where the intruder couldn't possibly see them, while the teacher locked the door and jumped under his desk.

Max could hear banging and gunshots in the hallway. So it wasn't a drill. Max silently prayed, hoping that the intruder wouldn't hurt or kill any of them.

Max's worst fears came true when he heard two bangs on the door, as if someone was banging their shoulder into it, then a single gunshot that blew out the doorknob and forced the door open. Everyone in the room fell silent.

A person, probably a man, wearing a black cloak and mask entered the room, carrying a rifle on one hand and a piece of paper and a body bag on another. The man held up the piece of paper and scanned the faces of everyone in the room.

The man's eyes stopped as soon as his eyes made contact with Max's.

"Heh, you must be the famous Max Pikachurin. Good to meet ya," said the man, before hitting Max's head with a rifle, knocking him unconscious. Before Max lost consciousness, a single thought appeared in his mind:

"Be careful with what you wish for..."

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"Heh, you must be the famous Max Pikachurin. Good to meet ya," said Saturn as he clubbed Max's head with the edge of his rifle. It would've been easier if he just killed him, but Shrew specifically told him that Max had to be brought back to Labrador alive, even though Shrew never explained why Max needed to stay alive. Oh well, thought Saturn as he stuffed Max into a body bag, Shrew's plans always work, so no worries. He immediately grabbed his walkie-talkie and pressed the "talk" button three times, before leaving the room, leaving a shocked class and a whimpering teacher in his wake...

"Now, where was I..."


Jay and her helicopter lazily hovered over Max's high school when three bursts of static came out of her radio. The signal, finally. Jay guided the helicopter down the school's roof just as Saturn came out of the roof's only door, carrying a large body bag in his back. Jay quickly opened the helicopter's door for him and helped him carry the bag into the helicopter."

"So...I'll assume that you completed Phase 2." said Jay as she dragged the body bag into a corner.

"Yeah, I did, so let's just get the $%&@ outta here before the police come!" said Saturn as he locked the doors and took a seat.

Jay quickly glanced at the window as she prepared for takeoff. "Actually, it seems that they're already here."

Saturn scowled. "Then get the hell outta here!"


Some of the police officers facepalmed when the station's alarms for Max's school began to go off. They were sure that it was another prank - since a similar incident had happened in a nearby school just a couple of days ago. Nevertheless they sent in a police cruiser and two officers to check the alarms out and maybe arrest some rowdy teenagers while they were at it. Those two officers, however, were in for a surprise when they arrived at the scene. A fatal surprise that would cause some of the officers to lose their jobs.

An unidentified helicopter had just taken off the school's roof, while the door looked like as if it got blown off its hinges. Quickly bringing out their guns, the two policemen called for backup and charged inside, thinking that the perpetrator was still inside...

The school was a mess. All classrooms' doors were blown up, the main office was ransacked, and most of the students were in shocked silence. The staff wasn't any help either. The evidence pointed out that a tall person just ran into the school shooting doors down, as if looking for something. Fortunately the school had gone into intruder alert and no lives were lost.

The story at the French wing, however, was different.

"Reports from students and staff say that the gunner abducted one of the students while class was in session." said an officer, who was first day on the job and was trying to make a good impression on his boss and coworkers.

His coworker looked uninterested. "Who was it?" he asked, taking a sip from his McHortons coffee.

"Eh, a grade nine student by the name of Max Pikachurin." the newbie replied.

His coworker instantly spit out the coffee he was sipping. "Max Pikachurin!? Do you know who Max Pikachurin is!?"

The newbie officer looked surprised. "Eh, I don't know, who is he, then?"

"Idiot! Max Pikachurin is the King's son! This is bad!" shouted his coworker.

The newbie officer looked sad, knowing that his chance for a good impression was gone. "So...should I call for backup?"

Edited by Pikachurin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Jubilife Police immediately reacted as soon as they've received reports that Max Pikachurin, heir to the Disparuean Throne, had been abducted by a mysterious team. At first, they tried to fool themselves into thinking that Max was still at school, just hiding somewhere. However, a quick scan of the area showed no trace of Max, which made the Police immediately go into panic mode. Now they had to locate and retrieve Max, while making sure that Lance Pikachurin, the King, doesn't find out about it .

The rogue helicopter that was spotted by the police en route to the scene was their best bet. A message from airspace controllers at Jubilife's Darach International Airport revealed that the rogue helicopter was at the northeast section of the city, almost nearing city limits. Three military helicopters were immediately sent to the area, intent on retrieving Max and detaining the criminals behind Max's abduction.


The operation was easy. Too easy. Unlike the last time, when the city instantly went into lockdown mode when they assassinated Disparu's previous Monarch, he police still haven't responded to the abduction. Even though this was Shrew's plan, and she should've felt relaxed since it seemed to be working properly, Jay couldn't help but be suspicious that something was wrong. Really wrong. Jay glanced at the helicopter's radar, but it only showed clouds and an occasional flock of birds.

Jay glanced towards the back of the helicopter. Saturn was there; making sure that Max remained asleep during the duration of the flight. He didn't look as nervous as she did.

Out of the blue, she suddenly heard what sounded like the rotors of several helicopters. In the horizon, she could see three black dots, which were quickly heading towards their direction. The radar confirmed her fears.

"What the hell are those!?" asked Saturn, who turned towards the back to get a clear view of what was happening.

"The police, probably. Hold on tight, we're almost there." replied Jay. And with that, she urged the helicopter forward, making sure that it was faster than the helicopters pursuing them.


It would've been easier if they just shot the rogue helicopter down and called it an "accident", but unfortunately, the King's son was on board the helicopter, and as a result it wasn't really an option. Their careers would be over for the rest of their life if word ever got out that they were the ones responsible for the death of Max, whether it was accidental or not.

They were running out of ideas. At first, they tried communicating with the rogue pilot, hoping that diplomacy would work, but the rogue pilot seemed to have ignored their message and just went faster. They finally gave up on diplomacy several messages later, and opted for a more aggressive option. They fired warning shots, but the rogue helicopter only went faster.

So they've decided that they'd follow the helicopter until it was forced to land, then detain the criminals and retrieve Max. It was easy enough, and the rogue helicopter obviously wouldn't be able to fly forever. Right?

Sure enough, as if on cue, the rogue helicopter began to land on a forest clearing. They immediately began to land and planned to call for backup, but for some odd reason, the rogue helicopter began to take off again and head for another direction. With a sigh, the lead pilot instructed the two other pilots to continue to follow the helicopter until it actually landed and stayed on the ground.


"Heh, suckers." said Jay as she watched the police's helicopters head for another direction. There was no one inside the helicopter - it was being controlled by an autopilot, headed for a location far away from them. The police wouldn't be bothering them for a while.

"Okay, were heading back as soon as we're out of sight." ordered Jay.

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