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Malvinas and kingdom of Cochin meeting

Zoot Zoot

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Premier Barney stepped off the plane onto the warm east asian tarmac, letting the cool late afternoon breeze wash over his body after being trapped in a private airliner for almost 22 hours.

Walking towards the terminal building with his bodyguard, Gustav his eyes locked onto the cool gaze of Cochins representative, too far away to yet makeout who it was though......

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KP Varma, the Minister of External Affairs greeted the Premier and said, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Cochin, Sir. Would you follow me, please. We shall go to the Hill Palace." The Minister led the delegation to a couple of Rolls Royce limousines waiting for them.

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KP Varma, the Minister of External Affairs greeted the Premier and said, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Cochin, Sir. Would you follow me, please. We shall go to the Hill Palace." The Minister led the delegation to a couple of Rolls Royce limousines waiting for them.

Premier Barney and Gustav followed KP Varma to the cars and took a seat inside.

As the cars got rolling to the Hill Palace, Barney took the time to pull out hi notebook and take notes of the area around him, the smells, the colours, the animals... the godaweful stuffy heat.. which wasnt as bad in the car due to the aircon.

turning the page he started doing quick sketches and descriptions of the terrain around the vehicles as they passed.

"this is gonna be a pretty damn good painting to go on my wall" Barney muttered to himself.

Gustav looked over to his slightly eccentric leader and shook his head and went back to his book "fatal terrain" by Dan brown.

Looking up from his notes into KP Varmas face he realised how rude he must seem

"im terribly sorry for that minister, i get easily distracted whens urrounded by such.. natural artwork" stammered Barney nervously....first time to this country and he already made himelf look like a dick.

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KP Varma, a seasoned diplomat, replied in the usual diplomatic fashion, "Ah! That is okay, Premier. The climate can get slightly hot at this time of the year and usually the King moves to his Summer Palace near Mount Kailash."

The limousine gradually drove up to the Hill Palace, the official seat of the King of Cochin. The Malvinian Premier was escorted to the King's office. At that time the Minister said, "Sir, would you mind if your body guard waited here in the waiting room? The King is waiting for us."

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"Of course, i cant see why not, Gustav!"

"yes sir?"

"stay here please, if the Cochin officals and guards let you, can you take some photograpghs of the gardens and mountains for me?"

"yes sir"

Barney wished Gustav good luck in his quest for pictures to put into his portfolio.. and then strolled into the Kings office smiling as he went in, partly out of nerves, and party out of fear... here was a leader who commanded the respect of millions he thought.

"Ah your Majesty, it is a pleasure to finally meet you" Barney said confidently, reaching out with his hand for a handshake.

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The King of Cochin, His Highness Rama Varma was standing at his desk wearing a gray suit and walked over to meet Premier Barney of the Malvinian Republic.

"Greetings Mr. Barney. Welcome to Cochin. I hope you had a pleasant trip? By the way, may I offer you tea or coffee?" The King said leading the Premier to the settee arrangement.

Meanwhile at the waiting room, a King's Guard soldier in suit uniform with sword dangling by his side and shield at back was discretely standing by a side as the Malvinian Premier's body guard would take photographs undisturbed.

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The King of Cochin, His Highness Rama Varma was standing at his desk wearing a gray suit and walked over to meet Premier Barney of the Malvinian Republic.

"Greetings Mr. Barney. Welcome to Cochin. I hope you had a pleasant trip? By the way, may I offer you tea or coffee?" The King said leading the Premier to the settee arrangement.

Meanwhile at the waiting room, a King's Guard soldier in suit uniform with sword dangling by his side and shield at back was discretely standing by a side as the Malvinian Premier's body guard would take photographs undisturbed.

OOC XD that last little bit made me lol... and its Mr Stone.. Barney is his first name lol.

"Ill have a coffee please if you dont mind, two sugars, rather milky your Majesty, i must thankyou also, for allowing these talks to commence, the Malvinas, geograpghicly is close to the Antarctic and South American Nations, and we have no real ties with Asia, so this is a prime opertunity to make some" stated Barney evenly.

Following the King to the settee arrangment Barneys eyes opened in shock, the room was beautiful, majestic, he couldnt help but stand and stare all around the room in wonder.

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OOC XD that little bit made me lol... and its Mr Stone.. Barney is his first name lol.

"Ill have a coffee please if you dont mind, two sugars, rather milky your Majesty, i must thankyou also, for allowing these talks to commence, the Malvinas, geograpghicly is close to the Antarctic and South American Nations, and we have no real ties with Asia, so this is a prime opertunity to make some" stated Barney evenly.

Following the King to the settee arrangment Barneys eyes opened in shock, the room was beautiful, majestic, he couldnt help but stand and stare all around the room in wonder.

The King himself poured the coffee according to the premier's specifications and after handing him his cup, sat down with his own cup of black coffee.

"We are honored that you chose the Kingdom as your first relationship with Asia. As you may know the Kingdom has a territorial establishment in the Queen Mary's Land which we call Station Gangothri. Also we have blossoming relationships with Curristan, a South American neighbor of yours.

So, Mr. Stone, how can the Kingdom help you?"

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The King himself poured the coffee according to the premier's specifications and after handing him his cup, sat down with his own cup of black coffee.

"We are honored that you chose the Kingdom as your first relationship with Asia. As you may know the Kingdom has a territorial establishment in the Queen Mary's Land which we call Station Gangothri. Also we have blossoming relationships with Curristan, a South American neighbor of yours.

So, Mr. Stone, how can the Kingdom help you?"

"Well your Majesty, as a Country, we can offer you little but friendship and good relations." said Barney slowl, thinking his words very carefully.

"As we are a small Nation, we have a small army, no navy and a small airforce, however we pride ourselves on our men, their training makes them.. exceptional in battle, and on the 3 occasions theyve been called on to fight they performed excellently, however people still under estimate us as a country" stated barney, stopping only to take a sip of the coffee before him.

"so as i was *sip* wow damn thats good coffee, anyway as i was saying sir, all we can really offer is friendship and good relations, Malvinian troops could be sent if you needed extra manpower etc, we also have Antarctic bases for Subzero combat tranining, making our men experts in winter warfare and Cochins men could come and use our facilities in the antarctic.

the Antarctic base has a full harbour and facilities for warships etc although we ourselves have none."

"Geograpghicly, the Malvinian homeland and her overseas territories, including our new Protectorate, overlook the pass into the paciific from the atlantic, giving us the option, should we need to, moniter any and all shipping in the area. If Cochin needed a base in the southatlantic we would be more than happy to allow you to use the Antarctic Facilities"

Barney paused to breath, not realising how long he had atually spoken for, leaning back in his chair drinking his coffee, he looked over to the King anxiously to see his response.

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Rama Varma listened to the offer all the while looking at the massive world map covering the entire western side of the room. A ray of sunlight backdropped by the distant Himalayas fell on to the Antarctican territories of Isle de Malvinas.

"Your offer of training facilities do interest us. Our Fourth Infantry Division is permanently based at Gangothri along with some Border Guards Brigades. Those units would truly welcome training with some true Arctic Warfare professionals.

As regards your offer to us of a base in your nation, though it would be of great advantage to us strategically, it would be of great disadvantage to you regionally. We cannot willingly sign your death warrant. As you may know, the Kingdom was belatedly part of the Dragon Empire and it was over ambitiousness on the part of DE that led to its eventual demise. You would be soliciting danger from your South American neighbors if you offered us a base.

We would however welcome your offer of using your naval facilities. We too offer you the use of the harbor we have been developing at Gangothri. Perhaps you could come visit Gangothri sometime? We have established an almost self sufficient system there, with increasing self sufficiency in food production, energy and very soon fuel.

So even though we cannot base any forces in your territory, we could arrange for some regular port visits which would definitely increase our awareness of the region and perhaps your security too?"

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Barney sat quietly during Rama Varmas reply.

"In regards to the training facilities, the details of locations, permission codes etc and landing rights will be sent asap apon my return to the homeland, ofcourse we would also send a detailed map of the local antarctic land so you know the naval bases location.

The Navy base also has limited facilities for trade etc.

Barney sat back again and drank some more coffee to think.

"Well the added security for the territories would be welcomed of course, however being a country with such good ties to the imperial Union, they themselves have said we are under their wing of protection, but maybe an Embassy in City 17, City 1 and in Goose Green once it has been rebuilt after the battle that tore it apart, could be the start to re-ignighting diplomatic talks with south america and sorting out existing problems between the Kingdom and the South American Continant and giving way to a good healthy relationship, sorry to go off topic their your majesty"

"A Kingdom of Cochin embassy in City 17 would be a good start for us as countries and a malvinian embassy here in the Kingdom of course. A trade link would benefit us both economicly and would provide work for any unemployed both nations may have, and the mutual use of Malvinian naval facilities in the Antarctic, and Cochin facilities in Gangothri.

Regular trips between nations and meetings can easily be arranged and the training of your soldiers in Antarctic conditions can also be arranged your majesty"

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"Thank you for the training and port facilities that you have offered. And we would very much welcome your offer for us to set an embassy. We invite you to establish an embassy at the Embassy Row here in Cochin City.

Perhaps a Cruiser from Royal Cochin Navy could visit your nation in the near future? We are indeed glad to have had this meeting.

We also welcome trades from Isle de Malvinas. Cochin markets would welcome competition from Malvinian industries, and that is one sure way for you to establish further relations with the Asian nations. The point of contact would of course be our port city of Ratnagiri on Dragonisian coast. From there we have a rail/road connectivity to our nation."

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"Thank you for the training and port facilities that you have offered. And we would very much welcome your offer for us to set an embassy. We invite you to establish an embassy at the Embassy Row here in Cochin City.

Perhaps a Cruiser from Royal Cochin Navy could visit your nation in the near future? We are indeed glad to have had this meeting.

We also welcome trades from Isle de Malvinas. Cochin markets would welcome competition from Malvinian industries, and that is one sure way for you to establish further relations with the Asian nations. The point of contact would of course be our port city of Ratnagiri on Dragonisian coast. From there we have a rail/road connectivity to our nation."

" We will certainly be establishing an Embassy in Cochin city your majesty, it would be an honour to be established in such a great nation.

and of Course, we would welcome a Cochin Cruiser in our Ports, City 17 has a Dock you can use and you can tour the City and stay in the Citadel.

When i get home i shall be sending out letters to the trade offices in our territories to start sending ships to Ratnagiri for Cochin to get our trade links established"

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