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Invitation to Buckingham Palace


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Sent: 28th December 2012

To: American Confederation; Canada; New Australia; Republic of Spain; Germany; Brazil


To whoever it may concern,

I am inviting you all to Buckingham Palace for a private conference tomorrow. I think you can all guess the topic on our agenda. You can see the list of names that I have sent this message to. Despite this, I would still appreciate it if you would arrive, even if you explicitly dislike the idea of befriending any of them nations.

I shall see you soon.

King Charles.

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King Charles was waiting at Heathrow Airport beside a fleet of police cars, limousines and dozens of bulky gentlemen dressed in black.

"Welcome, Mr. Delphiki. It appears you are the first to arrive, although I believe the Spanish flight is just arriving now."

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King Charles was waiting at Heathrow Airport beside a fleet of police cars, limousines and dozens of bulky gentlemen dressed in black.

"Welcome, Mr. Delphiki. It appears you are the first to arrive, although I believe the Spanish flight is just arriving now."

Hello, King Charles. Let us get this over with, shall we.

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Hello, King Charles. Let us get this over with, shall we.

The gentlemen shook hands firmly, both blatantly noticing the slight awkwardness of the moment. Silence ensued, until the Spanish representative arrived.

"Good evening your majesty."

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An invitation was also sent to the Grecian Empire.

Back in London...

"Looks like the other planes have been slightly delayed. Very well, we shall withdraw to Windsor Castle and have some tea and a crumpet."

The leaders stepped into the limos and headed to the castle. The others yet to arrive were informed of where to meet.

"Once everyone gets here, we can head to the Palace to discuss more formally."

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"That is fine. Do you have any other topics to discuss, personally?"

"Well, in terms of individual relations, I would be interested in such matters once we have settled on this international collaboration first. But in terms of personal matters, let me just say that those trousers are divine your majesty."

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The King greeted the President and King of Greece as they entered the Castle.

"Good evening gentlemen. I hope you had a pleasant journey."

"Hm," Jefferson grunted, scanning the others assembled and gathering his first impression. The Brazilian looked fine, the Spaniard a bit dodgy, but not too much. The Greek looked a bit less trustworthy, but he dismissed it-mostly-as paranoia. He took his seat where marked.

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OOC: The Union wasn't invited because they are pursuing an isolationist approach, to my knowledge. Otherwise they would be here.

Alexandros sat down further into his chair, attempting to get more comfortable and work the kinks out of his muscles.

"May I smoke my pipe" he asked with a twinkle in his eyes

"Yes, you may."

"Welcome Mr. President, we are just waiting on Canada and Australia. In the meantime, please gentlemen, make yourselves at home and enjoy Windsor's fine hospitality. Oh, I believe the tea is ready."

A middle aged lady tidily dressed wandered into the room with cups and two teapots emitting steam. Another lady, rather similar other than a minute variation of hair colour followed with a tray of crumpets and finally a third, bringing the leaders a plate of Fox's biscuits.

"Enjoy." the King smiled.


(only joking btw, in case you took that srsly.)

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OOC: The Union wasn't invited because they are pursuing an isolationist approach, to my knowledge. Otherwise they would be here.

"Yes, you may."

"Welcome Mr. President, we are just waiting on Canada and Australia. In the meantime, please gentlemen, make yourselves at home and enjoy Windsor's fine hospitality. Oh, I believe the tea is ready."

A middle aged lady tidily dressed wandered into the room with cups and two teapots emitting steam. Another lady, rather similar other than a minute variation of hair colour followed with a tray of crumpets and finally a third, bringing the leaders a plate of Fox's biscuits.

"Enjoy." the King smiled.


(only joking btw, in case you took that srsly.)

The Brazillian Emperor took one look at the tray and pulled a flask out of his coat. He took a swig, then pulled out an energy bar.

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: The Union wasn't invited because they are pursuing an isolationist approach, to my knowledge. Otherwise they would be here.

"Yes, you may."

"Welcome Mr. President, we are just waiting on Canada and Australia. In the meantime, please gentlemen, make yourselves at home and enjoy Windsor's fine hospitality. Oh, I believe the tea is ready."

A middle aged lady tidily dressed wandered into the room with cups and two teapots emitting steam. Another lady, rather similar other than a minute variation of hair colour followed with a tray of crumpets and finally a third, bringing the leaders a plate of Fox's biscuits.

"Enjoy." the King smiled.


(only joking btw, in case you took that srsly.)

"I didn't eat lunch today, so you don't mind me having something a bit heavier, would you?" Jefferson asked. His secretary, who had flown to Britain with him, entered and handed him a paper bag with 'BRAUM'S' printed on it. "I might be a politician, but it doesn't mean I don't like a burger every once in awhile," he smiled, opening the bag and extracting a double third pound cheeseburger and fries. He cleared everything of importance out of the way and took a plate from the crumpet tray and laid the burger on it whenever he put it down.

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