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What do I do?


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Ok, first off:

- Join a fairly powerful (but peaceful) alliance

- Use alot of your starting money to buy infrastructure, try and get over 150 levels

- Dont buy tech, it is worthless for you at this stage

- Aim to get trades that involve fish, wheat, aluminium and cattle. Look out for them

- Buy land but not large amounts, only so much so your nation doesnt get crowded

- When in an alliance, look out for tech buyers. You should get buyers who will pay 3 million for 100 tech (like me :P ), which means you will get a good profit. A less tighter buyer may give you 3 million for 50 tech, which will give you a very handsome profit

- Dont attack any random nations, EXPECIALLY IN AN ALLIANCE.

- Finally, keep to Defcon 5 unless you have a reason that you will get attacked (if your new, you shouldnt)

Edited by Jack Grist
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Good advice but I think that he can find plenty of tech buyers who pay 3m for 50 tech. It has become almost standard in many alliances.

Haha yeah I know, I was just saying when I buy tech I get 100 tech. Thats the buyers best interest though, which when he does start buying tech thats the interest hes going to be looking for (unless its a friend or a close alliance member). But yes, as the seller, Chuckles will be looking for the his best interest (3 million/50 tech) :)

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Ok, first off:

- Join a fairly powerful (but peaceful) alliance

I know you're from TDO which likely had a large influence on that decision, but if he isn't solely interested in growing his nation then he would have access to a lot more alliances. Personally, I find war is what makes this game fun and limiting yourself to peaceful alliances from the beginning isn't utilizing all of what this game has to offer.

Besides, how often is there a big war, once every 8 months?

Edited by Drai
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I know you're from TDO which likely had a large influence on that decision, but if he isn't solely interested in growing his nation then he would have access to a lot more alliances. Personally, I find war is what makes this game fun and limiting yourself to peaceful alliances from the beginning isn't utilizing all of what this game has to offer.

Besides, how often is there a big war, once every 8 months?

Oh no I wasnt trying to say the TDO is his greatest option, though, If he is trying to grow his nation without having to deal with a defensive war every 3 weeks (a small 15 member alliance will get raided frequently), then a bigger alliance that is more on the neutral side of things would be a better option, not necessarily The Democratic Order :D.

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