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The 'Mirror, Mirror' Doctrine

Policy on Defense and continental security

On acts of war:

The Holy Imperium will consider the following actions a declaration of war upon itself:

-An attack on any asset of the Holy Imperium foreign or domestic.

-Foreign espionage within Holy Imperium borders.

-An attack on any vessel within the Holy Imperium EEZ civilian or military.

-Violation of Holy Imperium territory.

-Violation of the 'Continental Security' clause.

On Weapons of Mass Destruction:

The Holy Imperium will maintain the following policy on Weapons of Mass Destruction:

-The Holy Imperium will only maintain Nuclear Weapons, Chemical Weapons and non-Nuclear EMP devices. Biological Weapons will not be produced nor used. Small samples are authorized to produce possible vaccines.

-The Holy Imperium maintains a No First Strike policy however seeing special circumstances might require it by authorization of the Imperator, Imperial Congress of Governors, and Imperial Praetor any Weapon of Mass Destruction can be used. The exception being non-nuclear EMP due to its limited range and mostly Military effect.

-Any attack by WMDs upon the Holy Imperium or its allies authorize a full counter-strike.

-The Holy Imperium maintains a launch-on-warning policy.

-The Holy Imperium maintains fail-deadly policies during war.

On Continental Security:

The Holy Imperium will maintain the following policy on Continental Security:

-Foreign powers(defined as non-American) establishing a colony on South America will be considered at war with the Holy Imperium

-Foreign powers(defined as non-American) establishing a colony on North America will first receive a warning with economic sanctions should those prove futile they will be considered at war with the Holy Imperium.

-This doctrine will not protect established nation against counter-actions for their own acts. However should a foreign power(defined as non-American) occupy an established nation for a longer period than needed it will equal foreign colonization and be handled as such.

On Former Protectorates:

The Holy Imperium will maintain the following policy on former Protectorates:

-Everything above the Peacecraft line(OOC: Northernmost border of the IU in South America), Caribbean, Mexico, and various islands should be considered protected land.

-Should anarchy appear in any of the protected areas the Holy Imperium is obliged to interfere and restore order.

Signed and Enacted on the 26th of September 2009,

Kevin Holihan, Imperator.

OOC: I see whut you did thar. :wub:

Edited by Shadowsage
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