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Revolution is afoot

Emperor Stranger

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So you are the leader of the SDF but don't think they should be involved in stuff that you started?

I can't tell if this is a joke or I've stumbled into a bad movie.

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You can't attack 3 members of an alliance without expecting to be held accountable for your actions. It does however say something about a leader you attacks recklessly and then whines when he's held accountable.

Are you !@#$ting me? Please read the message I sent to the AZTEC members, and note where it says "what will it take?" Also note that every time someone has asked about the war, I have said that it was my fault and that I am responsible for it. Bringing up false accusations isn't going to help you.

I really think SDF can find a much better leader than you, between the threats you made to aztec last round when you were a member of OB and this round as a member of SDF. you really need to work on delaing with things diplomatically as opposed to just outright aggression. But best of luck to you and SDF. I hope for their sake you learn the proper way to lead.

Outright aggression? Where are you getting THIS from? I have been taking the attacks from LE without attacking back. In fact, I keep offering peace back instead. The only aggression this round that I have made was as a rogue, when I had no one else to care for besides myself. At that point in time, I was bored, and was wreckless. Now, I am taking responsibility for my actions. I understand that I probably caused [a little] pain to AZTEC. I am willing to work out a deal with them. I have even stated numerous times that I won't even get SDF involved with it. What else do I have to say to get it through your heads?

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So you are the leader of the SDF but don't think they should be involved in stuff that you started?

I can't tell if this is a joke or I've stumbled into a bad movie.

Why should SDF get involved? That's the question I asked myself.. I started it, not SDF. SDF is still rebuilding after a devastating war against two huge alliances. I won't force them to fight a war because of my mistakes.

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Why should SDF get involved? That's the question I asked myself.. I started it, not SDF. SDF is still rebuilding after a devastating war against two huge alliances. I won't force them to fight a war because of my mistakes.

A leader is responsible for his actions. You are the No. 1 in SDF regardless of what is thought of it. Being a Rogue is a lot different from being a leader of SDF. Learn that soon.

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A leader is responsible for his actions. You are the No. 1 in SDF regardless of what is thought of it. Being a Rogue is a lot different from being a leader of SDF. Learn that soon.

I know that. I wasn't comfortable with becoming leader of SDF in the first place, let alone after the mess I had just caused.. -_-

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first off.. LE didn't step in until after you declared on 3 AZTEC nations. I would consider declaring on 3 nations an outright act of aggression and I'm sure most people would agree with me on that one. Also now that LE has stepped in to help (since none of the nations you attacked were able to defend themselves properly due to the war with LE that just ended) is when you ask for peace. you stepped in $#!& and now you have to deal with it. Next time try not kicking an alliance while their down and you might get farther. Or pay attention to whats going on and you won't find yourself in the same position again.

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first off.. LE didn't step in until after you declared on 3 AZTEC nations. I would consider declaring on 3 nations an outright act of aggression and I'm sure most people would agree with me on that one.

For the lulz, and keep in mind it's TE.

Also now that LE has stepped in to help (since none of the nations you attacked were able to defend themselves properly due to the war with LE that just ended) is when you ask for peace.

It was coincidental, but that same day, Andrew contacted me via MSN to ask if I would run SDF for him. If it weren't for that, I'd probably still be fighting a war. I still have a $300,000 warchest, you know. (Yea, spy on me if you don't believe me.)

you stepped in $#!& and now you have to deal with it. Next time try not kicking an alliance while their down and you might get farther. Or pay attention to whats going on and you won't find yourself in the same position again.

The last part is what happened, and I probably should have checked up on what has been happening. The fact is that I didn't, it's 100% my fault that these wars happened. I accept that. I am trying to get peace right now. If I don't get it, then whatever, I will reroll. I am hoping to at least work out a deal with the three nations.

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I know it's TE but picking on nations that were just in a long war with LE is still wrong. And yea you may have a $300K warchest(which i'm sure our nations as well as LE's natins will enjoy taking from you). But I still don't see why the nations you attacked should offer peace. You knew the position you were in when you were offered the position in SDF and could have said no. I don't see it as a valid reason for peace.

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I know it's TE but picking on nations that were just in a long war with LE is still wrong.

Should I go over this again..? :unsure:

And yea you may have a $300K warchest(which i'm sure our nations as well as LE's natins will enjoy taking from you). But I still don't see why the nations you attacked should offer peace. You knew the position you were in when you were offered the position in SDF and could have said no. I don't see it as a valid reason for peace.

What do you suggest? Are you suggesting that I allow my friend's alliance, the thing he worked hard to create and build, just fade away? No, I won't do that. I am sacrificing my nation right now for the good of SDF. I will just have to remain hopeful that they will peace out. If they don't, whatever. If they do, then that's great.

The only way that SDF would get involved now is if LE or AZTEC declared on it. (And I for some reason doubt that LE is that dishonorable.)

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Well one other member of SDF had declared on us as well. How are we supposed to take that? also i'm sure you are not the only person in all of CN TE that could have taken over SDF. You try to make it sound like you are the end all be all of CN TE players, which you aren't. Try just taking a pill and don't bother posting things in here about couping TPF and such. just makes you look silly. Hard to take someone seriously who says things like that.

Edited by ph83
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Well one other member of SDF had declared on us as well. How are we supposed to take that?

He's a personal friend and technically a rogue. How does one normally deal with rogues in their alliances?

also i'm sure you are not the only person in all of CN TE that could have taken over SDF. You try to make it sound like you are the end all be all of CN TE players, which you aren't.

No? I know for a fact I wasn't the only one asked, just the only one who gave a favorable answer. I found that out when a random member made an announcement proclaiming himself to be the new leader. I thought it was an attempted coup, but he showed a screen shot of the message Andrew sent him.

I honestly didn't doubt at all that I wasn't the first asked. I was the last asked, and I was the first to accept.

Try just taking a pill and don't bother posting things in here about couping TPF and such. just makes you look silly. Hard to take someone seriously who says things like that.

So no fun? Is that what TE has boiled down to? Seriously people, this isn't SE. Get your mind out of Bob! What ever happened to wars without CB's? Whatever happened to the fun days where everyone was worried about having fun, not pissing the wrong person off? That's what I attempted to change. Unfortunately, my plans were halted. Maybe it will happen with SDF; but if it does happen, it will be because the members want it to happen.

Edited by Emperor Stranger
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fun wars are usually between two opponents who are roughly the same size and both agreeable to the war... not attacking nations that can't defend themselves because they were just in a massive war. Now you are starting to realize how it feels now that someone who can fight stepped in. also We dealt with your Rogue friend the same way we are dealing with you. since at thios point you are both guilty of rogue attacks against AZTEC.

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fun wars are usually between two opponents who are roughly the same size and both agreeable to the war... not attacking nations that can't defend themselves because they were just in a massive war.

So a small alliance is not allowed to declare war on a much larger alliance for fun? Stop dictating what is and what is not. You have no authority to say what is a fun fight and what is not. When Fight Club was declared on by an alliance five times our size, I considered it a fun fight.

And they had a defense; that defense is called LE. I enjoyed my time fighting LE. I actually won more ground battles against LE than I did AZTEC (ironically). I considered that a fun fight. Do you know why i consider it a fun fight? Because I was having fun fighting.

Now you are starting to realize how it feels now that someone who can fight stepped in.

No? Once again, I didn't care that LE stepped in. Am I seriously the only one here who has enough logic to realize that you can't fight as a rogue if you are the damned leader of an alliance?

Seriously, just stop arguing. You are making the same failed arguments over and over again. I keep refuting said arguments over and over again. Must this continue going in a circle?

also We dealt with your Rogue friend the same way we are dealing with you. since at thios point you are both guilty of rogue attacks against AZTEC.

Then deal with him the way you would a rogue. I don't care. He's a rogue, deal with him. I am a rogue, deal with me. LE is doing the honorable thing and defending AZTEC. AZTEC doesn't seem to want to end the war. LE is forced to continue fighting on their behalf. Boohoo, my nation dies.

I am sick of the OWF and am going to take Folger's advice and stop posting here for a bit. I spoke with AZTEC's leader earlier, he said it's the three nation's decision to continue attacking or offer peace. Since it's now an a to b conversation, everyone else's opinions are moot. The only other person I will be in contact with is LE's leader after AZTEC has finally stopped warring.

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So no fun? Is that what TE has boiled down to? Seriously people, this isn't SE. Get your mind out of Bob! What ever happened to wars without CB's? Whatever happened to the fun days where everyone was worried about having fun, not pissing the wrong person off? That's what I attempted to change. Unfortunately, my plans were halted. Maybe it will happen with SDF; but if it does happen, it will be because the members want it to happen.

Im sorry mate, how can you claim to be changing TE back to the 'fun days' while stomping two Aztec members to below 50 infra??? with a war chest you specifically saved for that exact purpose?? i bet theyre having fun!! hmmm... i guess funs a perspective thing eh?? and as long as you were having yours, you'd be alright?? and the fact that you hope to change SDF members to this same mindset is ridiculous, youll drag them into the ground like that, cant you see it doesnt work?? :wacko:

you deserve every bit of 'fun' that comes you way mate... FOR AZTEC and FOR MAYZIE!!

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Why would we want to end the war with you? you attack us and we are supposed to just let you off with it? i'll gladly ask LE to step back and have AZTEC nations move in their place would that be better for you? I'm sure that can be arranged if you like.

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Why would we want to end the war with you? you attack us and we are supposed to just let you off with it? i'll gladly ask LE to step back and have AZTEC nations move in their place would that be better for you? I'm sure that can be arranged if you like.

This is my opinion of how politics in CN:TE's OWF work:

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You attack people cos of me, but not me, if you expect niceness, it aint gonna happen.

I thought declaring himself our leader - then hitting YOU guys - was a completely goofy thing to do. That's not something we at TPF would ever do anyways, especially since you guys were just coming out of that war with LE. What a uncool time to pull a move like that. Our alliances have gotten along fairly well anyways, at least as long as I can remember. We were really kind of hoping you guys would kill him flat, we had no plans to bother with him. It was way cool of LE to step in as they did, very honorable of them in this situation.

The worst thing about his attack was the size of nations ES hit. He was an impartial reroll, who still had a bunch of his start-up cash unspent. Not like he was big. The nations ES chose to hit were all around 800ns at most and had just gotten out of a brutal war where they'd been completely outnumbered and taken a huge beating. How many of those three were planning on rerolling, themselves? A fresh full start-up nation is around, what, 1200ns? This was like just another multi-day set-back for their session - just for ES's giggles.

TPF would never pull that crap. If one of our nations does it, for whatever reason (accidents happen, after all), we have them stop - or we let the offended alliance kill them. Ironic that ES declared himself leader of TPF - then acted so completely un-TPF-like.

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I thought declaring himself our leader - then hitting YOU guys - was a completely goofy thing to do. That's not something we at TPF would ever do anyways

Didn't you put up a fake take over of an alliance last round too? lol <3

Why are you guys still going at it. Peace or war, shhh.

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What a uncool time to pull a move like that.

I could have sworn I explained that in about five posts. Either you guys are really trying hard to be ignorant so you can pretend to be on your high horse, or you are purposefully misreading my posts and ignoring what parts don't fit with your agenda. Either way, I am done explaining. You guys need to move on. There was literally no damage done to TPF, I can't sent reparations anyways. Beating this horse to death isn't going to score you points, it's just going to cause the animal rights activists to become pissed off.

Once again, arguing in CN seems to function a lot like this:

. No matter what you say, not matter the logic or evidence you use, the same arguments are still brought up, even if said argument fails on all levels. Edited by Emperor Stranger
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This is the thread that never ends....

It just goes on and on my friends...

Some idiot posted it not knowing what it was...

and we'll be posting here forever just because...

this is the thread that never ends...

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I could have sworn I explained that in about five posts. Either you guys are really trying hard to be ignorant so you can pretend to be on your high horse, or you are purposefully misreading my posts and ignoring what parts don't fit with your agenda. Either way, I am done explaining. You guys need to move on. There was literally no damage done to TPF, I can't sent reparations anyways. Beating this horse to death isn't going to score you points, it's just going to cause the animal rights activists to become pissed off.

Once again, arguing in CN seems to function a lot like this:

. No matter what you say, not matter the logic or evidence you use, the same arguments are still brought up, even if said argument fails on all levels.

You didn't explain anything at all. All you've done is justify your actions as a coward and pretending you're doing something that can be excused by the typical "this is TE" that you seem to tote as your moral compass.

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Didn't you put up a fake take over of an alliance last round too? lol <3

Why are you guys still going at it. Peace or war, shhh.

Actually i think that was 2 rounds ago but no it wasn't us, it was some other cool cats ;)

ES i think you have actually out done yourself or anyone in TE history, you are now looked at as the most childish and idiotic person playing CN.

You have only yourself to blame and i can't say that i feel different than anyone else.

You not only used the Good Name of TPF for your dishonorable acts, you attacked friends of TPF for many rounds- AZTEC.

At that you hit 3 defenseless nations at well under the infra you had and just out of a war.

I don't think you will ever have any peace in TE, regardless of the AA you choose for rounds to come and i for one feel no pity for you

after this stunt.

I think the best course would be to post a public apology to redeem yourself.


Edited by Burning Glory
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ES i think you have actually out done yourself or anyone in TE history, you are now looked at as the most childish and idiotic person playing CN.

Your, and a few other's, opinion. Stop making it sound like your opinion is fact, when it clearly isn't.

You have only yourself to blame and i can't say that i feel different than anyone else.

Myself to blame? See my new poll. I want to see what you think TE is for. I really do.

You not only used the Good Name of TPF for your dishonorable acts, you attacked friends of TPF for many rounds- AZTEC.

Good name.. Who's opinion was this? Once again, you are trying to dissolve the line between fact and opinion.

At that you hit 3 defenseless nations at well under the infra you had and just out of a war.

Strawman. Get off your high horse.

I don't think you will ever have any peace in TE, regardless of the AA you choose for rounds to come and i for one feel no pity for you

after this stunt.

Because no one else in history has ever attacked without a valid CB? Honestly, you make it sound like I was the first to ever do anything radical in this game. To believe that I was the first, you have to completely ignore OB's war on PRI last round, RE's war against small alliances, and the various other wars last round with little to no valid CB. The only reason I don't bring up any other round is because I have only been around since round 5.

I think the best course would be to post a public apology to redeem yourself.


How many times do I have to before you finally take notice of it? Not only have I admitted to starting wars with no other reason than for the lulz (like that's never been done before), but I also admit defeat, offered peace multiple times (because I keep getting attacked), and offered to negotiate. Seriously, what do you want from me?

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