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Little Big Charter Update


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Due to much speculation and for ease in the future, LBA's charter has been updated. The Recession has also been promoted to Sack Prince. All hail thee!



We all came from Little Big Planet! Hail unto thee, mother of thy sackpeople!

To Become a Sack Person

Should anyone wish to join Little Big Alliance, they must first resign from any other alliance and post an application upon our forums. If they are denied, that person must wait at least one week before attempting another application. Should their application be accepted, they will be granted full membership into Little Big Alliance as a Sack Person. Members must be on the red team to apply, but may remain on a different color sphere until they find a trade circle on Red. Sack Persons must obey the laws and rules of Little Big Alliance, and the instructions of its leaders.

Sack Death

Should a member of Little Big Alliance have numerable offenses, or a large offense, they will recieve 'Sack Death'. Sack Death is the expulsion of a Sack Person from Little Big Alliance, and they can never come back unless pardoned by the Sack King. The Sack King reserves the right to pardon any offenses.

Sack Government

The Sack Government shall consist of a Sack King or Queen, who shall overall be a Monarch of the alliance. The Sack Prince will oversee the Interior of Little Big Alliance, and also oversee the Little Big Council. The Little Big Council will consist of 4 members, a Sack of Foreign Affairs, Sack of Attack, Sack of Membership, and a Sack of Economics. Each one will manage their department, and appoint deputies as necessary. If it is deemed a Little Big Council member is inactive, or not doing their job correctly the Sack King has the right to remove them from their position.

In times where the Sack King is absent, the Sack Prince will uphold the good name of LBA. The Sack King position is held until resignation, or impeachment, of which a poll is opened and the Sack Public vote. If an 80% majority is reached, the Sack King will be impeached and a new election for Sack King will be opened.

Every six weeks, elections will be held for Little Big Council positions. Immediately after Little Big Council elections are tallied and new Council members are voted in, Sack Prince elections will be held. Whoever has the highest percentage of votes, wins the election.

War Policy

Sack People may not declare war on any aligned nation, unless Little Big Alliance is in an alliance war. Tech Raid licenses will be permitted to those who have proven their trust and loyalty. Even with a Tech Raid License, no Little Big Alliance nation may attack another nation on the Red Sphere, or in an alliance, no matter what size.


Any Sack Person may put forward a proposal to amend the charter, but the Sack King or Queen has the final say in the matter.

Edited by King Alias
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