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Buryatia requests a meeting with Haruhiist Empire

Imperator Azenquor

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The meeting place selected i the Buryatian Protectorate region bordering Yuktobania. Precise co-ordinates are transmitted to the Haruhist Empire while Buryatia's Foreign Minister is dispatched to the region.

OOC: Razgriz: Yes, Mordor's territory is the same as the territory of Diadochoi

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Within a hour or two, the plane had landed in the Buryatian Kamchatka Protectorate. Itsuki Koizumi stepped out, with a light smile. His face was more serious this time, although he knew his place and his job. Haruhi had made it clear what the objective of this meeting was for her delegation. They wouldn't care if the territory was handed over, as long as the recently met Chernarus delegation was allowed to exist.

As he stepped out of the plane, he waited for Buryatia's minister. The coordinates were correct, he hoped.

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Buryatia’s Foreign Minister Onatopp arrives, and after a brief and polite introduction, they sit and get down to business.

“The government of Buryatia wishes to resolve the situation regarding the fate of the former territory of Mordor. While we acknowledge the fact that the ‘government’ of that state did in fact unilaterally declare that the territory would be transferred to the Haruhiist Empire, we believe that as we did not recognize the government of Mordor and due to the conflict that followed, the Zhukov Doctrine was enacted. The doctrine would have taken effect upon the collapse of the government of Diadochoi.

We understand that this situation held the minute possibility of ending up in a conflict, so we would rather hold discussions regarding this situation sooner rather than later. We also wish to discuss the mechanisms that would result in the area being granted self-government once again.

We therefore ask that the Haruhiist Empire formally recognize the former territory of Diadochoi, with the exception of the Antarctican territory, as being a protectorate of Buryatia. We would also extend an invitation to the Haruhiist Empire to attend negotiations regarding the granting of self-government to the region once a stable government can emerge there. I look forward to your input on these matters.”-FM Onatopp

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Itsuki was a little humbled, although he understood the situation. Violence was best in this matter, averted.

"Yes, you have my solemn word that it is understood. We have no imperialist tensions or such to snag the land of our former ally. As such, I view it's reversion to a protectorate as most acceptable. I thank you also, for resorting to diplomacy in this matter. It's a shame that a foreign government has attempted to stake claim in our antarctic region however. The Zhukov Doctrine shall stand in this matter."

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