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Melony Star

Acca Dacca

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Melony sat on the traffic light overlooking nothing. She always liked these things. Traffic lights in the moddle of a crossroads where nothing is around. She sat atop of it fiddling with her hair. She enjoyed the dark clouds hovering over just enough to lean back and take a look at them. She hadnt stopped training, then again, she hadnt stopped running either... till now.

The traffic light was red on one side and she would watch it go green the next, and it brought a subject to her mind.

Her legs wrapped around the horizontal metal pole as she hung about looking at the large green circle that meant, "Go."

She smiled at it and said aloud,

"Not every crossroads is going to give you enough time to sit there and think. Its not going to let you stop and decide which way to turn, or even to turn back. The decision is yours and this crossroad lets you decide. Even if its just another stop on the road to nowhere, you always need a time to think."

She went quiet, letting her hair hand as she looked upside down into the light turning yellow.

"Stop or go. Stop or go. Stop or go. Go or stop. Its confusing, and it irritates me. God I want a bacon cheese burger now. "

Her leather jacket rippled through the air as she let go of the traffic light. She free fell to the street, turning herself right side up, and landing on all four. She stood up and let the air rush over her. The night was still empty and silent. She began to talk to herself again,

"Screw it. I'm tired of running. I'm tired of looking for the right path. I'll wait for them to come to me. God help them if they dont have a bacon cheeseburger with them."

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She stood there for some time. The cool breeze was nice to breeze in. She was able to relax for the first time in a long time. As she stood there, she though of the past few months.

Her powers developed to an accelerated rate. Yet, her emotions ran uncotrollably. After freeing some of her targets rather than taking them out, she became a target herself. A tool run astray, and now she herself was hunted. Yet, she put up the fight, and she took her jolly time with ridding any combatants that came at her. Afraid of hurting her loved ones, she stays alone, and for the past 7 months has been alone with noone to love....just people to hate.

Now, she has decided to stop running, and to start taking the fight to them. She simply waits for the openin-

Car brights shined into her eyes. The car was followed by several others, all black with tinted windows. She smirked, knowing this was them, she walked a few paces foward, stopped and closed her eyes.


She felt it. The heat inside of the car. The burning of fuel against the pistons. Not hot enough to control, but thats something she'll have to work on. Her hands glew, and her body hovered over the ground. Her flesh developed a new coat of elemental flames that spouted out of her pores and engulfed her into a massive ball of fire. Through the twisted flames, her figure still showed, her eyes, staring out of the heat began to glow red, and the night lit up with the fire she expelled. She made a fist and had her elemental energy concentrate into a ball, and fired it at the first car. The ball rushed down and smashed the car,engulfing it at first, rushing into the engine, following the trail of gasoline, and exploding the car. The car's explosion lifted it, shooting it several feet in the air, enough to leave the car behind it exposed. She followed suit with the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Each with a new ball of fire that she so angerly produced in her fit of rage. After the last car was taken down, she began to catch her breath, but started walking towards the wreckage of the caravan of destroyed cars. She powered down to only her hands expelling....just in case.


No answer. It saddened her, until a glimps of hope came from the second to last car. Where she heard a moan. She sprung to a sprint and got to the car. It was turned over, on fire, and the roof crushed from the fall. She opened the door and found the source of the moan, a man in full suit attire. She ripped him out and threw him against the car.


"Like you'd want to know."

She let go of the man with her right hand she let her index finger expell a small flame. She made the man look at the finger than look at her.

"I will burn every inch of skin off of your body slowly unless you tell me where the hell the head of this bloody company is..."

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OOC: Hm...perhaps she and Dylan can team up for this? :ph34r:

OOC: Of course.


The girls temper was faked to scare the horribly injured man into believed that he would be suffering more pain. Within seconds his courage was taken down and he gave the location.

"Well, I cant have you going anywhere...how would I be able to come back and hurt you if you are lying?"

After several moments, Melony golf clapped at the naked man who was tied to the scarecrow several miles into a corn field.


And with that, she took several steps foward, turned into a ball of fire and took off towards...

...New York.


The flight was long and harsh and she wasnt looking foward to landing, she hid above the clouds to allow for cover, although at htis point she did not care. Yet, she had to fight exhaustion in the fear of free falling. So she slowly took herself down and touched face in the Hudson.

The cold water was still hard to hit, but the power of her aura gave her somewhat of a smooth landing. Her aura disappeared and her body relaxed at the touch of its chill. It was nice to feel cold for the first time in a long time. She surfaced and began to swim, but the sun was blocked out. She was under the Brooklyn Bridge. It didnt look as pretty as people said it did, the city that is. It was dirty, filthy, and covered in pidgeon @#$%. Upset, she swam to shore. She shook her hair out, and concentrated. She expelled a small amount of heet out of her pores, but it didnt dry her off, just formed an aura around her. Apparently her own heat cant even touch her. She shruged and began to walk in her wet sqweeky sneaked up to the streets.

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OOC: I was actually hoping so. If I plan to take on several hundred men, I'm going to need back up :). Join in anytime you want.


The cars stood still as the traffic kept them in place. The wind cornered itself in the city flying back and forth attempting to find a way out of the tall walls of the city. The sky scrapers glew with the sun shining down upon them. With the light in her eyes, the wind in her face, and the growing distaste for the awful sounds of hundreds of car horns, Melony held her patience on a thin line. She kept herself in line as people began to bump into her, and almost knock her over simply for walking in thier way. Now...she was getting pissed. A man walked by her, and she felt his shoulder, she threw hers first and tossed him into the crowd...

"Excuse me works better."

She was happy again. How it felt to let go of herself every once and awhile. She made her way to time square. She looked at it, and saw she was stepping in spit. The noise was annoying, the color was displeasing, and the city...well...smelt of #$%. It was like everyone thought this greatest city in the world was so astounding. It was just a dunghole. No wonder why the people who attempt to kill her are here. Bunch of dirtbags in this place. She spit on the ground, hoping someone coming to see the sites would find themselves in the sudden realization that they werent in the greatest city in the world, just the biggest dump. She walked off, looking for the address the man had written down. It troubled her that this place was so big and crowded and she couldnt use any of her powers. So to get out of the way, she took the alleyway.

She stepped into the darkness, and made the left to hopefully find a shortcut at the end...But she just found a wall. Needless to say, she was already on the verge of losing it as she turned around to make her way back. Melony, as she turned the other way, found herself face to face with a large man. The man was snorting her smell as if she was a crack pipe. His smell however, was unbearable. She backed off, and said 'excuse me' as she attempted to make her way through. The man put his arm up. Looked her up and down, and licked his lips. His eyes are what got to her. And the fact that she got to him, was horrible for the surrounding area. His hand began to move towards her. She grabbed it.

"Big mistake."

She ripped his arm out of his socket as she threw him at the dumpster. His back crashed into it. She steadily walked towards him. She lit her hands aflame, and opened up the dumpster. She Threw a nice explosive shot into it, lighting it. The heat from it was powerful, the smell was even worse...but she was over both of those. She grabbed the man, picked him up by his disgusting collar. Smiled at him and said,

"Really big mistake."

She tossed him into the flaming dumpster and drowned out his screams with her satisfaction as she made her way around the bend. She walked towards the street when a black car pulled into the alleyway. Four men came out, guns in hand. The lights from the car shined at her. She looked at all of them.

"Do you all shop in the same stores? The matching outfits are so cute, you are just so adorable. I just want to wrap you up and take you home with me."

One of the men looked at her through his sunglasses, gun pointed.

"Come quietly, and maybe you'll live. Also, you have no home... scum."

Her smile became a sarcastic one, a smirk of sorts, but tilted at the edges.

"See....I like those options, but what is stopping me from killing you all?"

"Common Sense. You're outnumbered, and if you do powerup, we will kill you."

"Ahhhh... so a draw of sorts? Bring it."

The four men stood in line, spread apart through the length of the alleyway. Melony stood in the center about 50 feet away from them. She twisted her fingers in an old wild wild west fashion. She still had her smile on.

They simply waited for the other to take the first move.

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OOC: OK, cool... :D

IC: Carl stood on the top of a nearby building, staring down at the confrontation waiting to happen. He barely noticed the wind ruffling his white-streaked red hair, and his mismatched eyes hardly blinked. They showed no emotion at all, though he did approve of her handling of the would-be rapist.

But before he could firmly make up his mind who to support in this matter, he had to seperate them temporarily.

Showing no fear of the hieghts, he jumped off the building, making more of an impact than one would expect with his build--he was tall, but very thin.

The impact threw up a solid, eight-foot wall of concrete and underlying rock between the two parties that hadn't been there before. In addition, it cast even more of a shadow on the already-dark alley. A shadow that was immediately banished by a baseball-sized ball of fire dancing an inch above his right hand, which was held palm-up between the two individuals.

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Dylan's powers since he had last met Melony were now under control - for instance, he now knew how to switch between "normal", "stun" and "firey death to all in a 5-block-radius" mode. He heard the scene, peeked out from a corner, and looked on. He did wince when he saw Melony rip the man's arm from it's socket, but nevertheless he now settled into a quiet debate with himself.

"Hm. This woman attempted to kill me. Now some evil, nasty men (no doubt sent by the equally evil Bunny-man) wish to kill her, for whatever reason other than they are quite evil. Now this question remains: Do I help this crazed fire woman or do I use my voice for good? Of course, if said men are evil and nasty, then this woman must be using her powers for good, correct? I hate arbitrary situations like this. Maybe she is using her powers for evil, along with these evil men. or perhaps the roles are reversed. Perhaps these men are actually undercover police officers, and she has been using her powers for evil recently."

He took another peek at the ongoing scene. "Hmm...a new combatant. I must consider his role in this as well. Perhaps all three are evil...Bah, better now than never. ONWARD!" He then runs in and says in "stun", "Hello, I am Dylan Hackler, your worst nightmare! Prepare to do battle, o evil ones!"

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OOC: Two parts to an ally, correct?

If not, then well crap.

OOC: You could have simply said he was in the alley the whole time, you know... :P

Or behind an unseen door. ;)

OOC: Ah subtle why didn't you use Iron Man Davies so that I could include Valerie?

OOC: because this is an...elemental thing. :D

And I still don't know how the battle with the *gag* rabbits went.

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Confused, stunned, and bewildered all at the same time, Melony was unable to react with one emotion, so she simply attempted to wave it off. Yet, as her words came out, they fell out like a nervous state.

"M-Mind you. I was in the middle of destroying people."

Her hands fell to her sides to be less threatening, and to find the reasoning for this interuption. Her power fell as her anger fell, and her confusion and curiousity raised. Her eyes glared. She concentrated only on the one in front of her. If he appeared a threat she would lash out, if he appeared to save them, she would rid them all, if he meant no harm...well, she'd have to figure it out.

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Dylan's powers since he had last met Melony were now under control - for instance, he now knew how to switch between "normal", "stun" and "firey death to all in a 5-block-radius" mode. He heard the scene, peeked out from a corner, and looked on. He did wince when he saw Melony rip the man's arm from it's socket, but nevertheless he now settled into a quiet debate with himself.

"Hm. This woman attempted to kill me. Now some evil, nasty men (no doubt sent by the equally evil Bunny-man) wish to kill her, for whatever reason other than they are quite evil. Now this question remains: Do I help this crazed fire woman or do I use my voice for good? Of course, if said men are evil and nasty, then this woman must be using her powers for good, correct? I hate arbitrary situations like this. Maybe she is using her powers for evil, along with these evil men. or perhaps the roles are reversed. Perhaps these men are actually undercover police officers, and she has been using her powers for evil recently."

He took another peek at the ongoing scene. "Hmm...a new combatant. I must consider his role in this as well. Perhaps all three are evil...Bah, better now than never. ONWARD!" He then runs in and says in "stun", "Hello, I am Dylan Hackler, your worst nightmare! Prepare to do battle, o evil ones!"

He flinched when Dylan spoke, and the fire in his hand wavered, also affected by whatever sonic vibrations imbued in that boy's voice.

However, his own unique abilities allowed him to discern the very subtle vibrations in the air and ground caused by Dylan's speach. Carl turned his head in the boy's direction, speaking in a flat, emotionless tone. "Don't do that again, or I will be forced to act."

He then turned to the one he'd orifginally confronted...

Confused, stunned, and bewildered all at the same time, Melony was unable to react with one emotion, so she simply attempted to wave it off. Yet, as her words came out, they fell out like a nervous state.

"M-Mind you. I was in the middle of destroying people."

Her hands fell to her sides to be less threatening, and to find the reasoning for this interuption. Her power fell as her anger fell, and her confusion and curiousity raised. Her eyes glared. She concentrated only on the one in front of her. If he appeared a threat she would lash out, if he appeared to save them, she would rid them all, if he meant no harm...well, she'd have to figure it out.

"I apologize," he stated in the same, emotionless tone, one echoed by the lack of expression on his face. "I only had few seconds to assess the situation." He glanced at the dumpster that held her earlier assailant, and nodded once. "That man deserved what he got."

"But why were you trying to destroy them?" he asked, pointing with his free hand at the wall he'd created, but no doubt referring to the men on the other side.

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She put her head down. Her flames withered away. Her voice turned from the sharp, sarcastic tone to something soft, low, and almost whimpering. Without raising her head, she let her red-yellow hair cover her head as she responded.

"It's a long story. One I don't feel like repeating, especially to someone who has no business in what I do. I have my justification, and I plan to continue doing what I'm doing. Will you excuse me, or am I going to have to take you down as well?"

OOC: We could go through a "learn to control your power/anger" phase if you wish. All up to you.

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She put her head down. Her flames withered away. Her voice turned from the sharp, sarcastic tone to something soft, low, and almost whimpering. Without raising her head, she let her red-yellow hair cover her head as she responded.

"It's a long story. One I don't feel like repeating, especially to someone who has no business in what I do. I have my justification, and I plan to continue doing what I'm doing. Will you excuse me, or am I going to have to take you down as well?"

OOC: We could go through a "learn to control your power/anger" phase if you wish. All up to you.

OOC: Sounds good to me. :)

IC: Another small aspect of his power, one that was more subtle than blatant, told him she herself was unsure how she was feeling at this moment, but it felt like she was leaning toward anger. Unstable definitely applied to her. But from what he had heard, she had incredible potential, and he somehow doubted she had displayed everything she could do.

His reply was quick and sure, though it still possessed no emotion. It never would. "We all have our justifications. But it's not my way to see people die for no good reason. Perhaps I should ask them why you are at odds?" The fire in his hand grew brighter.

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She blinked at the fire glowing in his hand. She had no sure idea of what she was up against, and sure wasnt going to back down. She clenched her fist as hard as she could and heat radiated from it, and soon gathered into flames glowing and spiralling around her fist.

"They'd probably take you to a cell, drug you, test you, beat you, bleed you, and slowly let you recover to do it all over again. Thats from personal insight, now..."

She raised her fist to an open hand extending in the direction of the person questioning her. Behind him, was the wall.

"You either move out of the way and let me remove them, or I'll remove you, the wall and them...and possibly the surrounding 4 city blocks."

A helicopter was heard in the distance, she knew it was one of thiers. They were getting backup. She had no time. This person was just ruining her day.

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Dylan returned to his normal voice setting and said "So my assumption was correct! You WERE using your powers for evil things! Well, both of you have made a grave mistake, as I now know how to control my powers!" He looks downward, then says,

"Watch this."

On a setting he diidn't know he even had, (ne that would most likely cause a temporary, or in extreme cases loss of hearing) he begins yelling incoherently while at the same time formulating a battle plan. Hearing the helicopter approaching, he looks skyward then blasts the helicopter with the same incoherent speech.

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She blinked at the fire glowing in his hand. She had no sure idea of what she was up against, and sure wasnt going to back down. She clenched her fist as hard as she could and heat radiated from it, and soon gathered into flames glowing and spiralling around her fist.

"They'd probably take you to a cell, drug you, test you, beat you, bleed you, and slowly let you recover to do it all over again. Thats from personal insight, now..."

She raised her fist to an open hand extending in the direction of the person questioning her. Behind him, was the wall.

"You either move out of the way and let me remove them, or I'll remove you, the wall and them...and possibly the surrounding 4 city blocks."

A helicopter was heard in the distance, she knew it was one of thiers. They were getting backup. She had no time. This person was just ruining her day.

One of his less obvious abilities was a certain amount of empathy--ironic that he could display no emotion himself, but was destined to feel the emotions of others. That, amongst other things, told him she honestly believed what she was saying.

So perhaps the people she'd been confronting deserved whatever they got. The stance of his legs suddenly shifted, and as if that had been the cause, a moment later, the wall he'd raised collapsed outward, on top of any of the assailants foolish enough to be standing so close.

Still, he couldn't let the comment pass completely without remark. "What makes you so certain you could remove me if I had chosen to stand in your way?"

Dylan returned to his normal voice setting and said "So my assumption was correct! You WERE using your powers for evil things! Well, both of you have made a grave mistake, as I now know how to control my powers!" He looks downward, then says,

"Watch this."

On a setting he diidn't know he even had, (ne that would most likely cause a temporary, or in extreme cases loss of hearing) he begins yelling incoherently while at the same time formulating a battle plan. Hearing the helicopter approaching, he looks skyward then blasts the helicopter with the same incoherent speech.

Covering both his ears, Carl stared at Dylan with a look that, could it have shown emotion, would be full of fury. But this boy obviously intended well, so he didn't really want to kill him.

Dylan would soon find that the very air around him was being removed. Sound travelled through vibration, so with nothing to vibrate against, his ability would be useless.

Just enough would be left for Dylan to breathe--at least until Carl noticed he was directing his power at the helicopter, and so replaced the air above him.

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OOC: Yes, freakwars, just make a story and reason why you are in New York City. Dont necessarily have to find us the first post though.

The helicopter she hears begins to free falls and slams into the concrete on the street below it. The alley was more of a circus now. Hey ears were in pain and her head was irritated. She flared on, trying to hold on, she let it out with her voice instead.


Both Dylan, who she has faced before, and the person who saved her the trouble of finishing off the guys herself, turned for a moment to see her literally smoking and steaming. She was red in the face and her fists were clenched. She pulled herself together, calmed herself down and said.

"New York City... Superheroes kinda wanted and targetted. We just shot a helicopter down. Can we get outta here?"

On that note, she began to sprint out of the alley way and turned right. She sprinted for two blocks till the crowded streets became less noisy and moreso calm with a car passing every so often. She breathed heavily, and almost forgot that she had just sprinted awya from the others. She turned and looked to see if the two had followed.

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"Ooooooooh crap" was all Dylan muttered out before he began trying to follow Melody. He tripped once or twice from the helicopter debris, but otherwise he was fine. Weezing and gasping for air, he asked, "So...where do we go now?"

She slowed down her pace, joined by Dylan, she felt a bit safer.

"Find a place to sleep...hide..plan. I once had to hunt you down and kill you for a company I worked in. Now, I'm being hunted. I'm going to fight back, and take them down. Thier headquarters are located somewhere in this city. I plan to destory it, with every last one of them in it."

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OOC: Yes, freakwars, just make a story and reason why you are in New York City. Dont necessarily have to find us the first post though.

The helicopter she hears begins to free falls and slams into the concrete on the street below it. The alley was more of a circus now. Hey ears were in pain and her head was irritated. She flared on, trying to hold on, she let it out with her voice instead.


Both Dylan, who she has faced before, and the person who saved her the trouble of finishing off the guys herself, turned for a moment to see her literally smoking and steaming. She was red in the face and her fists were clenched. She pulled herself together, calmed herself down and said.

"New York City... Superheroes kinda wanted and targetted. We just shot a helicopter down. Can we get outta here?"

On that note, she began to sprint out of the alley way and turned right. She sprinted for two blocks till the crowded streets became less noisy and moreso calm with a car passing every so often. She breathed heavily, and almost forgot that she had just sprinted awya from the others. She turned and looked to see if the two had followed.

"Ooooooooh crap" was all Dylan muttered out before he began trying to follow Melody. He tripped once or twice from the helicopter debris, but otherwise he was fine. Weezing and gasping for air, he asked, "So...where do we go now?"
She slowed down her pace, joined by Dylan, she felt a bit safer.

"Find a place to sleep...hide..plan. I once had to hunt you down and kill you for a company I worked in. Now, I'm being hunted. I'm going to fight back, and take them down. Thier headquarters are located somewhere in this city. I plan to destory it, with every last one of them in it."

Carl's arrival went unnoticed...as he had actually arrived there first.

He had left after they did, but they might have felt a breeze as he raced past them, using the very air itself as an aid to his passage. He had looked around for possible spots they would hide in, then considered--as long as they looked normal, they wouldn't be targetted right away.

He was leaning against the window of a restarraunt at the moment, listening to Melony and Dylan's conversation.

It was proving enlightening, and he actually gleaned more information from it than he had by direct confrontation. But he'd heard enough, and it was time to interject.

"And how do you plan on doing that," he asked in his emotionless tones, "when you can't even completely control your own power?"

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