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Über Alles

Kaiser Martens

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"Our only questions would be regarding what you may like to drink, and otherwise if there's anything we could do for you..! How unusual however, that we appear to be unaware of your connections. No matter, we'll always be available for anyone who may wish to see us. If you would wish to speak privately, it can also be arranged without delay."

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Generalissimo rarely passed up open invitations, even into the depths of Nordheim, the heart of the adversary.

Procinctia had to make an effort to maintain representation at nearly every major international event, whatever the risk, it was a matter of pride. It wasn’t Generalissimo’s first excursion to this miserable Nordist excuse of a country, but these days he wasn’t likely to be a very popular person in Nordheim. . . a few extra minor percussions might be necessary – some extra security personal, a few body doubles; yet nothing too distracting.

Closely surrounded eight dozen security personal (each in Kevlar Personal Combat Armor and wielding the best available ballistic shields available for international purchase) while personally attired in a Full Bomb Disposal Armored Suit (somewhat resembling an old spacesuit) Generalissimo arrived at the gathering hoping to keep to himself as much as possible.

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Zargathia is... i believe new would be the right word. Overall population density is low, infrastructure is booming and it feels a lot like building a country up from scratch with all the assets the modern world has to offer. As a result, we can afford to keep pollution levels to a minimum. We're building ports on one side of the country and solar plants on the other, preparing to build a railroad in the middle and still allow our forests to remain untouched... i think that sums it up nicely."

"Progress, that's what it's all about isn't it?"

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"Progress, that's what it's all about isn't it?"

"In the end, yes... Though there are different types of progress, and not all of them necessarily beneficial. I for example wish to follow a more ecological path since a lot of our national trade income depends on our forests, whereas the Dragon Empire regrettably does not share my opinion. But if everyone thought the same way then diplomacy would have been a moot point i suppose."

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"In the end, yes... Though there are different types of progress, and not all of them necessarily beneficial. I for example wish to follow a more ecological path since a lot of our national trade income depends on our forests, whereas the Dragon Empire regrettably does not share my opinion. But if everyone thought the same way then diplomacy would have been a moot point i suppose."

"Very enlightened. Ours' is one of national solidarity, to make our nation what the people want, despite the societal stigmas of the foreign world. But times change and so do sometimes the goals of a people."

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"But as time goes by, the more things change, the more they stay the same. They just want food, entertainment and love. That is all. Oh and of course, safety. But the people here are...unusual. They are rather proud, you see? Cultures are quite interesting. In the end our job is to give people what they want, for better or worse. We are their tool. They are pleased with us right now, and normally are."

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- "'Give the people bread and games' eh? A Roman Emperor said that during his day and he has yet to be proved wrong. We rule the people in their name, but in the end it will all last until someone rises to take our place in the cycle, and all we can do is try to be remembered when our time has passed."

Amyante blinked, shaking her head softly as she snapped herself out of it. The jetlag was starting to get to her it seemed, and she made a mental note to spend a couple of days in her own country somewhere next week or so. She turned to the Greater Germanic representative.

- "Umm... Anyway, i was wondering. With the current uprising of groups all over Europe, calling themselves Nords even though their ideology seems drastically different from one another, would you please be able to tell me what makes a Nord a Nord? Is it cultural, ethnical, political... Forgive my ignorance, but half the reports i've read seem to contradict one another in the greater picture, and i'd rather hear it from someone who knows the difference from personal experience."

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"Them Romans knew what they were doing." He nods. Then he listens to the question and smiles,

"Well. It is complicated. We do not consider ourselves to be Nords, but Nordlanders. However, those who consider themselves to be Nords, do not distinguish a difference between Nordlanders, and the world identifies the Nordlanders as Nords as well. The majority of the people who identify themselves as Nords, are Nordic-Socialist, which is a very right wing ideology, only National Socialism is further right than that. It is a concept that mixes both Poltics and Culture. But "Nordlander" is normally something ment to be more detached from politics. Nordlander in itself is a fancy word for "Germanic mutt", that is someone who has mixed Germanic heritage. This ethnicity was created due to the immigration laws of the Old German Reich. Soon enough people had family that was German, Dutch, Prussian, Southern German, Low German, Swedish, Norweigan, Icelandic, so the "German" reich was no longer exclusively German. Additionally, mixing all of those languages, common Nordlandic informally arose, taking the common elements of all the tongues...and they also returned to Germanic Religion, or otherwise became atheists over time."

"So that's how Nordlanders and Nordlandic came to be. The Ideology under which this happened, was Martencist, which is one "Notch" less right-wing than Nordic Socialism. Nordic Socialism can be described also as some sort of Extremist Martencism. But there are key points such as Education versus Indoctrination. To be honest most Martencists have a dislike for Nordic Socialism, much like a Trotskyist would dislike a Stalinist, you know what I mean?"

"Either way, the Nords are also Nordlanders. But they're confused about their own identity. And the world makes it all harder. The world hates Nordlanders...because they do not understand us. We barely survived the Übersteinian Campaign of mass murder. But we haven't heard the last of the world, I think, I'm not sure they'll let us be."

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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. . . We barely survived the Übersteinian Campaign of mass murder. . ."
It was an interesting, but mostly untrue perspective. . . Generalissimo decided now was the time to speak up, truth did not know restraints of courtesy and several corrections were now in order.

“Übersteinian Campaign of mass murder? News to me, care to elaborate? I hope you’re not talking about Central Nordheim's recent widespread famine, I’ll have everyone here know it wasn’t due to the blockades, not that Procinctia participated in or supported said blockades.

Whoever was running Nordheim at the time could have called for international assistance before Asgaard's reserves had less than two days of supplies, before people were eating rats, before people were starving in the streets, before people were abandoning their children to death, before people were trying to eat each other, before thousands died . . . The world would have come to Nordheim’s aide, because when called upon the world did come to Nordheim’s aide, all Nordheim had to do was ask.”

Behind the wall security personal, ballistics shields, and all encompassing protective suit Generalissimo’s expression was unreadable.

Edited by Generalissimo
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Amyante turned to the one joining in on their conversation. From what she could tell the man wore some sort of spacesuit, making it quite hard to recognize himn even if his voice had sounded familiar. She was fairly positive she hadn't though, but stioll felt the need to reply.

- "Though a message had indeed been sent out, and the nations did come to Nordheim's aid after a little diplomatic encouragement, one would need to take the culture into account. Almost all civilians are armed here, and judging from what i've seen they place a great amount of value in being able to take care of their own problems. As such, a message asking what are effectively outsiders for help could be considered a sign of weakness, which in turn would classify the Übersteinian blockades as a siege of nationwide attrition from their point of view. Now, personally i'd have to agree that the Übersteinians likely weren't expecting this to happen, but you'd have to admit that it would depend on the viewer's perspective. I cannot claim to know Nordlandic culture and society, but that is my first impression of them. My opinion, if you will."

Realizing something, she turned back to the Nordlandic representative. Great, acting like i've learned their culture in an hour. Next thing you know i'll be claiming citizenship. Good going, big mouth.

- "Ah, sorry. My apologies if i have offended you."

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Regretfully, as Generalissimo was behind such protective measures and relatively far away as others spoke, not only he had not been heard but his prescence hadn't even been noted, being confused for just another batch of guards. Cluelessly he replies to Amyante,

"That is an interesting concept. You speak of the great hunger, correct? Though, it was more complicated than just that. Our enemy, the Democratic Faction, was being defeated. In the last moments of they war, knowing this, they turned to scorched earth policies. The famine happened overnight. We did not think it'd even worked as we were ready to ship from our other lands. But then the blockade was there. Things weren't that easy. We couldn't just call out for help there and then. Things were a war zone, and we didn't want third parties using the opportunity to claim our formerly indefensible country using anarchy as an excuse. Our mistake was not believing the enemy would do what they did. We did not think they could possibly destroy their own food sources overnight. Either way in order to bring food, another country would have needed to first go on a full scale military invasion - to produce even more kills - and then give food...no, it was hell."

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James straightened his jacket and walked over to the slowly growing group. He stopped a few feet from Generalissimo's entourage and said, in a butler-like voice, "Excuse me, sir, but do you own the heavily armored militaristic convoy complete with heavy machine guns and such? Your cars are being towed."

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Amyante thought a moment, processing the information that offered her an inside view of the events that led to the 'great hunger' as she crosschecked it with the reports that she had managed to get her hands on.

- "I see... Speaking of food, the main reason i came here was to discuss the presence of my forces. I sent three thousand men here under the banner of the White Cross to distribute food and blankets, and engineers to assist in getting power and water back up if necessary. After looking at the city i'd have to admit you're doing better than i expected, but... Would their presence still be required for the smaller villages further inland? I feel it is better to ask than to assume."

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"Well I am glad that someone is interested in hearing it out. Oh, the food situation. Things are under control now, since the merger. The former Prussian territories had no such problems, on the contrary, we used the surplus resources to assist central Nordheim - We had sent a memo regarding the fact that the operations are no longer needed, plus a package of medals ment to be issued to all those who helped physically or in the decision-making aspects. Surely your Government must have processed it while you were still on the way, or you'd have seen it."

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Amyante nodded, taking a deep breath as she remembered how long it had taken her advisers to stop trying to talk her into simply booking a flight.

- "Probably, I... don't really enjoy flying, so i do as much as i can by boat or train. Though it takes far longer for me to get where i need to be, i find that that still outweighs having to spend most of the day recovering."

She bit her lip again, contemplating something. The neighboring countries of what was now Greater Germany weren't all too happy to see this country becoming active again, fearing an attack, especially the Übersteinians. She didn't quite know the details of what went on between them, and knew it was probably none of her business to tear open old wounds talking about it, but still...

- "...What, may i ask, is your country's policy concerning other nations?"

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The Reichsmarschall glanced at Amyante, seeming to guess the motivations behind her question. Indeed he pondered it himself. He was perhaps the only bordering nation to not be worried by the formation of Großdeutschland, but that would be for a discussion in private with the leaders of the new state.

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He points at a large mirror nearby.

"That's our FA. Meet our new minister of foreign affairs. The Mirror Doctrine. We give what we get. To friendship, friendship, to respect, respect, if ignored we ignore, and...well, you can guess the rest." He grins.

"Our policies are their policies. So you should go and ask others how they intend to deal with us, then you'll know how we intend on dealing with them."

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Amyante looked at the mirror, and fixed something she now noticed about her hair. Still, the point the representative was trying to make had not been missed by her, and she decided to act on her instincts.

- "Hmm... Would you be interested in a NAP, by any chance? Of course, due to the distance between our countries it would only hold symbolic value, but perhaps it would lessen the treshold for other nations to consider opening up diplomatic channels with you as well."

She waited for the reply, not really sure what the answer would be. Distance made an MDP impossible to maintain, and if her reports were right Greater Germany produced the same type of goods Zargathia was, making economical treaties all but useless. A symbolic NAP was the best -- and only -- treaty she believed she could offer, but at least it would be something. Something to show the bridge didn't collapse under someone's weight when it would be crossed, inviting more to follow. Greater Germany might have the Mirror Doctrine, but every mirror needed polishing every once in a while.

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"Hmm...I see. Please allow me to consult the others. It'll be but a second."

He turns away and heads over to an important looking General woman and Tanzband himself, who were not far. They exchange words, but unusually it is neither Nordlandic nor German, but Old Norse, as if not wishing to be understood. They nod. Tambarskjelve turns back to Amyante and moves closer again,

"Saying no would be to underestimate the power of symbollism. A NAP can sometimes be stronger than a MDP. We'd be pleased to have it arrange as soon as you can, for your convenience since you have come from so far away just to help us out."

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Amyante nodded, a somewhat relieved smile forming on her face. She knew of the negative feedback the nation had been getting from its neighbors, and knew this might very well be the first step to a lasting peace in Europe as well. Though her nation was located in Manchuria, she was Proxian by birth after all, and as such had certain ties to the continent she'd rather not cut.

- "Very well. As i do not have access to my templates here i must request your government to set up the treaty. I have no objections to signing it during this meeting."

She turned to look at the Reichsmarschall next to her, probing for a reaction. Like herself, Wareheim did not seem overly concerned by the nation he was in, and signing this treaty openly might spark him into signing something as well. She was aware though that news of this would likely raise a few eyebrows... Being an absolute monarch had its advantages at times.

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Amyante nodded, a somewhat relieved smile forming on her face. She knew of the negative feedback the nation had been getting from its neighbors, and knew this might very well be the first step to a lasting peace in Europe as well. Though her nation was located in Manchuria, she was Proxian by birth after all, and as such had certain ties to the continent she'd rather not cut.

- "Very well. As i do not have access to my templates here i must request your government to set up the treaty. I have no objections to signing it during this meeting."

She turned to look at the Reichsmarschall next to her, probing for a reaction. Like herself, Wareheim did not seem overly concerned by the nation he was in, and signing this treaty openly might spark him into signing something as well. She was aware though that news of this would likely raise a few eyebrows... Being an absolute monarch had its advantages at times.

Wareheim didn't have much reaction at all, but that message would send volumes of information. If anything, his slight reaction was positive. This would tell Amyante that he found this place and situation perfectly normal, he being one of the few.

"Congratulations to both parties, hopefully this can open the eyes of some others, though I doubt it. Cheers," he raised a small glass of scotch that he had acquired while the others had been talking and took a small drink.

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