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Terrorist Attack!


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Today at around 5:40 pm the terrorist group known as The Faction struck again as they blew up an elementary school in the town of Mali, in the Fukoka province, killing a total of 70 children. Makeshift explosives seemed to have been placed all through out the building as a tiny portion of it still stands.

Here is a picture of the now destroyed school.


Parliament has ordered an increased military presence in Mali and also may ask the president to take military action in the Easten wilderness.

In other news, people in the provinces of Fukoka, Nugoya, and Busan have become more upset as the federal government made a major land claim, using eminent domain, to make a national wildlife refugee, increase the number of military garrisions, and also make a national zoo. One local said "I am sick and tired of the government always coming and doing as they please. It's time we go and kick their butts, and Idon't mean at the polls!"

Edited by kitex
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Message to Kitex Government

"Do you require any support in finding and neutralising these terrorists? We can despatch a Ghost Team from our special forces to find and destroy any terrorists they find. They would be equipped with weapons not found in your government and they would have no marks to identify them. They would operate as if they were not really there. All you have to do is ask and we shall send them".

From: Colonel Mendez Cort, Islands of Ice military.

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The garrison of Marines in Kitex has been Stepped up to high alert and this is a reuqest from General Applause of the garrison for his troops to impliment the terrorist ROE which are as follows:

*kill on sight.

*execute surviving terrorist gunmen who dont surrender.

*any terrorist who surrender are sent to Kitexian military prisons to face trial for Murder.

he is also reuesting permission to deploy 250 men of the garrison to establish 5 forts with 50 man garrisons spread out across the Major settlements in Kitex for Added Security.


Premier Barney

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The garrison of Marines in Kitex has been Stepped up to high alert and this is a reuqest from General Applause of the garrison for his troops to impliment the terrorist ROE which are as follows:

*kill on sight.

*execute surviving terrorist gunmen who dont surrender.

*any terrorist who surrender are sent to Kitexian military prisons to face trial for Murder.

he is also reuesting permission to deploy 250 men of the garrison to establish 5 forts with 50 man garrisons spread out across the Major settlements in Kitex for Added Security.


Premier Barney

The deployment is granted.

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The deployment is granted.

General Applause is reqeusting the locations the 5 targets most likley to be struck next to establish fortifcations in close proximity, and perhaps make them attack the fort as opposed to a civilian center.

He requests you send it via the secret command channel.

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Premier Barney - President Shiznay

The Malvinian 8th heavy infantry, 12th Engineer company and 1,2,3 Light infantry battaltions are at your disposal.

should you wish to deploy these units, use this command link and they shall be transferred to Kitex via Civilian contracted Airlines and Military Aircraft and should arrive in betwen 7 and 9 hours of the call.
12,300 men could be sent within hours to help

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Dragon Empire expresses its deepest dismay at the tragedy. Murder of innocent lives, especially small children is the most heinous of crimes. We offer you full support in your bid to crush these criminals. If there is anyway we may offer assistance do let us know.

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OOC: If this works I will be very annoyed :mad:

OOC and whys that?.

if Kitex wants to slam an attack near a Fort he can do

IC The 50 man Fort garrisons had been told their ROE and were operating regular local foot patrols of the area with non lethal ammo loaded in the event a firefight broke out in such a densly populated area.

Nos ign of them Faction yet

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OOC and whys that?.

if Kitex wants to slam an attack near a Fort he can do

IC The 50 man Fort garrisons had been told their ROE and were operating regular local foot patrols of the area with non lethal ammo loaded in the event a firefight broke out in such a densly populated area.

Nos ign of them Faction yet

OOC: Of course he can :), just if the terrorists attack the fort instead of a civilian target I will be disappointed as I am expecting a lot from these terrorists.

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OOC: Kitex has allowed me permission to RP as the Faction. Thank you Kitex.

IC: There had been no sign of the Faction as they had quickly realised that they would be soundly defeated in a straight out gun fight. Instead they started to plan effective ways to fight back without getting themselves stuck ina fight they couldn't win, it was for that reason that they began manufacturing IED's ranging from explosives packed into an empty bin bag to nail bombs which could be remotly detonated. Of course whilst this production was going on they continued to watch both the Kitex and Malvinian troop movements by using unarmed Faction members dressed in plain clothes.

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Kitexian soldiers in the 1st Infantry Division were still having little success in finding them, there have been talks in the DoD of replacing them with 5 4-man special forces teams and leaving the 1st through 3rd Brigades them.

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*recording on an answering machine from a malvinian private to his wife.*

Malvinian Soldiers in Fort number 1 had reported seeing shadey civilian types hanging around the fort, keep their distance and then walking off into the crowd.

Garrison commander of fort 1 is adament that its simply curious civilians looking to see a new kind of Soldier from another Nation, but we all know officers dont know jack, the NCOS are convinced its the faction, but we cant just go out arrest suspcious people. Not to Mention down here at Fort 2 its all Quiet no sign of "shadey people" keeping an eye on us.

look love i cant say much with it being all confidential n stuff so i cant tell you anymore.. Gen applause doesnt forsee these "faction" being much a threat now that so many soldiers are out on the street.

*massive explosion in the background*

holy !@#$ i gotta heave too. call to arms just went out.

i Promise ill come home soon.


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A massive IED was set off by The Faction at a Malvinian fort, killing an estimated number of 20 soldiers.

***Secret IC***

The 1st ID has left the Eastern wilderness to be replaced by Spec Ops and help from artillery. Brigades 4 and 5 of the 1st ID are going to all Malvinian forts to check up on them.

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So some young idealist had gone and activated that IED too early and now the armed forces were on alert but the plan was to still go ahead. A short distance away from one of the Malvinian forts that hadn't been hit a number of Faction terrorists stopped a bus full of Kitex citizens, boarded it and took them hostage leaving three armed volunteers and a large amount of explosives onboard before getting off. The bomb ladened bus then drove down the streets and accelerated towards the nearest Malvinian fort using the civilians as a human shield they planned to ram the bus into the fort and detonate the explosives.

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Sam watched as the bus turned the corner, the wrong way, down a one way road, he hit the alarm in his guard tower calling the base to arms.

he watched in horror as the bus sped towards his tower, the driver had a crazed glint and sam saw armed men onboard and a number of civilians including women and children.

"OPEN FIRE ON THAT DAMN BUS NOW!" Staff Sergeant Carrie shouted at full parade ground volume, this sudden noise made Sam jump back into Reality and start shooting at the bus, aiming for the armed men he watched his tracer round slam right into the Drivers right chest cavity and then it occured to him if he can see the driver bleeding its too late.

He braced himself and the world seem calm as it erupted in flame and light and noise all around him.


Private Blackburn who was patrolling the rear walls sprinted to the front gates when the Alarms went off.

As he neared he heard sporadic gunfire Opening up around him, bullets slamming into the palisade around him and richoetting off into the air and into the ground.

"fudge this" he thought and he jumped off the wall into the compound, sprinting to the gates to secure them for a sustained assault.

around 12 feet from the gate the Steel bulged inwards and then sheared off and fractures sending red hot metal and huge steel sheets into the compound. A burning sensation was all he could feel in his chest and he lower left leg.

Blackburn was only 18, fresh out of training not 6 months earlier. Just a kid.

He was on his back around 15 feet from where he was stood, he blinked a few times but blood was creeping into his eyes. he tried sitting up but his broken body wouldnt support him. each time he leaned forwards to situp he screamed. a Solitary scream in the midst of the smoke and rubble.

Blackburn looked around him expecting to see medics, but he saw none. he saw charred corpses. Multilated, burned, bleeding bodies all around the gate and surrounding walls. He cried out for his mother as his eyes grew dim in the midday light.

she never came.

*Offical Statement of General applause*

The attack on our Fort was a cowardly attack.


children used as shields to protect your gunmen.

The attack on Fortress two cost the lives of 14 Malvinian Servicemen, and 10 Soldiers are Critical with several more wounded.

Had the Fortress been at a full garrison casualties would have been much higher that they already are.

The Soldiers Families are being Notified as i Address you all now.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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