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Following chatting to a nice lady on "SECKSLINE" for 46 minutes, The Stig picked up the phone and dialed a number.

In the newly independent PRC, a phone rang at Rorschach's desk.


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Rorschach was getting ready for a meeting with this new lady at the cafe when the stupid phone rang.

He picks up-

"Rorschach here, why the hell are you calling at such odd hours damn it, I'm leaving to a freaking restauraunt for lunch speak fast or I'll get mad. "

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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"Are you looking for cheaper car insurance?! *giggle* haha, sup Rorschach, it's your old choir boy/boy scouts/marching band/towel boy club buddy, Stig! I hope you're not doing anything at the moment because I'm in the PRC! Yeah, just landed an hour ago, anyway, I'll be at your place in half an hour, okay?"

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The Stig pulled up to the restaurant and noticed Rorschach wandering inside. He quickly jogged after him, as Rorschach rolled his eyes.


The couple partners TWO of them walked inside. A glamourous looking lady in a red dress stepped up to greet them both. Both gentlemen were mesmorised. The three way of them sat down at the table. A waiter came over passing around menus. "Any drinks, gentlemen?"

"Let's have some champagne, I'm buying!", replied The Stig.

"Very well." The waiter left.

"Well this is a lovely restaurant, in fact, haven't we eaten here before Rorschach with the marching ba-" The Stig suddenly jolted as Rorschach kicked him in the foot. "...with the er, .... other... national... leaders?"

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Rorschach curtisied to Natalie before sitting down. He hated every moment with Stig since he knew Natalie wont like him thanks to the Stig.

"Yes, quite a while ago infact. "

Rorschach starts chatting with Natalie till the champegne arrives.


A picture of Natalie.

OOC: N Reeki gave me permission to RP Natalie ^_^

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"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Natalie."

"Er, thank you." she replied. "Who are you again?"

"I'm The Stig, Emperor of Top Gear." Natalie resumed talking to Rorschach, who was drinking his juice box that he ordered since he can't handle alcohol.

"Erm, excuse me, we were having a er... conversation... wern't we?" The pair of them continued to ignore Stig. He made several attempts to regain her attention.

Suddenly Stig blurted out, "Oi you stupid !@#$%* listen to me!" Rorschach subsequently began choking on his juice box as Natalie slapped Stig round the face; "You !@#$%^&!" The waiter arrived with the champagne but threw it down to scramble over and assist his leader. The Stig grabbed a glass of champagne and threw it over Natalie merely seconds before the waiter managed to induce vomiting in Rorschach, of which landed across Natalie's face.

As Rorschach gasped for air and Stig rubbed his cheek, Natalie stormed out of the restaurant, damp and covered in vomit.

"Well, she was a peculiar lady. Waiter, I think we're ready to order now." remarked Stig.

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Rorschach got up from his seat and ran behind Natalie. While running he turned around and showed the middle finger to Stig and said, "WHAT IS !@#$@#$ WRONG WITH YOU DUDE."

He finally caught up to Natalie and apoligised before taking of his overcoat and putting it around her, and leading her back into the restaraunt rest rooms.

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OOC: Right.... just your leader is acting quite unproffessional is he always like this?

OOC: Firstly, unless your leader is some sort of pervert, you don't know what is going on here. Secondly, my nation, and my leader, regularly adopt a humourous and quirky style which I am resuming, as it has appeared to have faded away as of late. IC post coming up shortly.

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Rorschach got up from his seat and ran behind Natalie. While running he turned around and showed the middle finger to Stig and said, "WHAT IS !@#$@#$ WRONG WITH YOU DUDE."

He finally caught up to Natalie and apoligised before taking of his overcoat and putting it around her, and leading her back into the restaraunt rest rooms.


The Stig sat back down and began eating his lobster, until he noticed Rorschach had left his wallet at the table. He glanced around and couldn't see him anywhere, so he quickly snatched it and grabbed his own belonging's and ran for the door. Just as he was leaving, Rorschach left the restroom with Natalie, and noticed Stig dashing out of the building. Stig, as he was leaving, flashed the wallet at Rorschach and continued to run towards his Xerox Phantom.

He pushed the attendant out of the way and dived into the vehicle, firing it up and speeding away - with the wallet.

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Seeing the wallet, Rorschach started running and called Natalie along with him. They both ran out to see a single car speeding away towards their right. Rorschach seeing his bicycle still there where he left, called Natalie. They bought sat on the cycle and Rorschach started cycling as fast as he could. He also made a call to the Armed forces, 2 helicopters and 3 Military vehicles where dispatched to catch this car.

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The Stig was cruising along happily, convinced he was safe, until he noticed a helicopter approaching in his rear-view mirror.

"This is a bit much for a !@#$@#$ wallet, isn't it eh Keshy?!" :awesome:

OOC: Just so you all know, Keshav is a nickname Stig has for Rorschach, and Jack is a nickname Rorschach has for Stig. :D

The helicopter was gaining rapidly, so Stig made a sharp turn to the left. With every effort, he failed to evade them.

"Time to use some of my James Bond gadgets they installed, me thinks..."

Suddenly, a large rope fired from a bulky pistol that Stig was aiming at the helicopter outside of his window. The hook at the end of the rope clung onto the helicopter and Stig firmly fixed it to his vehicle. Continuing his thrust on the accelerator, he raced under a low bridge. As the rope chopped against the side of the bridge, the helicopter was pulled violently towards it by the sheer power of the car. Understanding the situation, they cut off all the engines, and it plummeted to the ground reasonably safely, with the engines being reactivated just prior to crash. The helicopter threw itself violently over the bridge, flinging the car backwards and the helicopter to the ground.

The two men stepped out of the helicopter, as did Stig from his car. Before the men could even draw weapons, the Stig whipped out a pistol and fired tranquiliser darts into both men. He wandered over and stepped inside the helicopter, firing it up. As he began to rise into the air, he could see Rorschach approaching on his bicycle. He waved and smiled as he floated into the skies.

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Rorschach called the other helicopter. He made the pilots landed, and said "Get out you idiotic $%&@s" What a waste of an Air force I have he thought, he got in the helicopter with Natalie and fired it up. As he started catching up with Jack he used the helicopter loudspeaker-

"You can run, Jackie, but you can't hide!"

With that Natalie clicked a button that unleashed too ropes which flung at the tail fin of Stig's helicopter to catch it. The ropes caught the helicopter but while landing it snapped and the chase continued

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The Stig flew towards the setting sun, entering the most densely populated area of the nation. As the two chopper's dodged buildings and bridges, Stig swooped upwards into open space and spun round, constantly firing rounds towards the heli, despite missing every single time.

He briefly calculated that at the helicopter's present velocities, they would crash almost directly above the Dong Building - one of the PRC's tallest skyscrapers. He quickly shuffled and put on the parachute, and continued to fly steadily towards Rorschach.

The two helicopters drew closer and closer, Stig clenching the throttle with his foot at the ready to dive out. The two, dark black champions of the sky raced towards one another more and more rapidly, until they inevitably drew so close, even Stig's sweat trickling down his crotch could not distract him, he quickly kicked open the door and launched himself out of the vehicle, however tragically noticed that Rorschach and Natalie had done the same also. All three released their parachutes and floated down the the roof of the tower as the choppers erupted into flames above them.

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Rorschach and Natalie landed and cut lose their parachutes from their back. Rorschach got up and scanned the roof for the Stig and found him in the opposite corner. The only thing between him and his wallet were a couple of pipes and the stig. He walked closer and closer with Natalie holding his arm.

He then screamed- "NEVER MESS WITH MY MONEY. IT SHALL KILL YOU! Mind it!"

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"I should have known you'd bring your !@#$%* with you!" Stig screamed.

Rorschach and Natalie continued to approach slowly, as Stig was cornered at the edge. He slowly stepped backwards onto some unsteady scaffolding. Peering over the edge, all he could see was a very high drop into the Yellow River. He shuffled back carefully. Rorschach and Natalie were now on the edge of the building, looking out at Stig at the very brink of falling off.

The Stig carefully stood himself up, gently balancing himself on the scaffolding. He revealed the wallet from his pocket.

"You want this? Come and get it!"

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