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Rodentia's position on WAPA/kiwi attacks

Michael the Squirrel

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GDA was placed under WAPA and flying kiwi protection as a result of our peace agreement. They attacked as a result of that protection. Considering there was no official DoW for your attack, I assumed you were taking advantage of our alliance being weakened. I apologize if I was mistaken.

we did not get an official dow up but it was part of the anti wolf campaign, as fark or uja will tell you we have been in this from the beginning. As for the wapa and kiwi attacks, we are considering them rouge and open for retaliation for the following reasons, 1 RD gov received no message about your protection, and two they came the same day you peaced, which is way too soon, you need to allow time for people to see you have peaced.

we will allow RD to have one day of attacks on those that have attacked us, i think that is fair, eye for and eye, and after attacks offer peace.

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For WAPA and kiwi nations that have attacked RD, you may declare launch 1 attack, and offer peace, that is is, if a wapa or kiwi nation that has attacked RD allready has an offense war from RD on them, they are off limits for any new attacks.


Michael the Squirrel


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lol basically we hit GDA as part of the anti wolf campaign, those wars ended and WAPA and kiwis were protecting them, they protecting attacks came to early partly as a result of our neglect in posting a DoW, so for any wapa or kiwi nation that has attacked RD, 1 rd nation is permitted to attack them, do those attacks, 1 days worth, and offer peace. Meanwhile we have granted peace to gda and all gda nations.

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we did not get an official dow up but it was part of the anti wolf campaign, as fark or uja will tell you we have been in this from the beginning. As for the wapa and kiwi attacks, we are considering them rouge and open for retaliation for the following reasons, 1 RD gov received no message about your protection, and two they came the same day you peaced, which is way too soon, you need to allow time for people to see you have peaced.

we will allow RD to have one day of attacks on those that have attacked us, i think that is fair, eye for and eye, and after attacks offer peace.

This attack on GA is fail... Hit them after they just got done with a war?!?!? :huh:

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I suppose this seems fair enough (considering this is TE, after all). An honest mistake was made by both sides.

I have requested that all Kiwi nations cease their attacks on RD (though, actually, I'm not gov - my official title is "Odd Job Man" and I do everything gov isn't around to do :P). Although WAPA will have to confirm everything before it is totally final.

Edited by Richard VII
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no dow was my mistake, and anyways if you know what you are talking about original plan was day 7 attacks, but it popped off much sooner.

dude next time just let me post a DoW for you :P It might of been a plan for 7 days... but attacking right as WAPA was leaving... that didn't look right... ;)

Edited by HisK Owns You
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the attack was planned before the peace, and unlike most people i don't have time to troll these forums day and night to look for things, the attack was planned before peace and happened to be carried out at the time of the wapa pull out, it may not look right, but it is all just a consequence of bad timing.

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the attack was planned before the peace, and unlike most people i don't have time to troll these forums day and night to look for things, the attack was planned before peace and happened to be carried out at the time of the wapa pull out, it may not look right, but it is all just a consequence of bad timing.

Can you read? LIKE I SAID... It just looked bad the way it turned out... I have no idea what your plan was or tbh... I don't care... anyway good job with peace. :)

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ok, that is my point, we have no idea what was up with others, as soon as i saw they pulled out we offered peace, and it seems that wapa and kiwi issue should be cooled, all should be fine.

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sorry to interrupt but...

1: Rodentia Dominatus is not a member of Judgement. (just friends with some, and volunteered to help)

2: our attack on GDA was accidentally poorly timed, our apologies.

3: I understand WAPA and flying kiwi's attacking in defense of GDA.. but...

4: we had already ordered withdrawal and peace for GDA...

(it would be good to communicate more with the leadership of alliances to get reason before initiating conflict...)

My recommendation as CO-CEO of RD: White peace now... no retaliation strikes as that only continues the conflict...

I will discuss this with my compatriots and render verdict here within the hour...


Edited by arcticllama
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oh, our bad on the DOW too... this is what TE is about .. learning to play the game better.. making mistakes will happen... learning process and all....

(man, this is too serious for a RD topic)

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Yes lama is the calmer of the two of us, i am the hot head, i have more of a, well lets say, lust for blood when it comes to RD defense, lama's logic is usually the smarter path though.

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Yes lama is the calmer of the two of us, i am the hot head, i have more of a, well lets say, lust for blood when it comes to RD defense, lama's logic is usually the smarter path though.

Yer doin' alright.

As a fellow "hot-head" at times, I feel safe in saying that. ;)

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