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The Yuktobanian Civil War

Razgriz 2K9

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The Yukotbanian Army had set up their front line in the Southern Jilachi Desert, with 2 distinctive Battlegroups, north and south of the River Semya. The Northern battlegroup is in charge of an airfields, assisted by the Yuke Air Force. The Southern Battlegroup, south of the River is the sole defense of the oil fields, one of the last in the region.

The Field Commader, Commander Ivan Ajinovich had already sent in battle tanks as close to the where the enemy would attack. They would serve as early listening units, which would give them ample time to strengthen the Yuktobanian defenses. The air forces would provide cover, using newer lightweight 4th gen aircraft such as the F-16C and the MiG-29A. The height of command from the skies was tasked to the Dune Leader, Cap. Kristof Fariss, who flew a EA-6B and provided jamming to any enemy air cover that the Eagles of Dawn Army could bring up. Now more than ever now that they control Murska Air Base, a strategic base guarding the Eastern Yuktobanian coastline.

The Eagles of Dawn, who annouanced themselves almost 2 weeks ago, was able to build up their resources and recruit enough men. It was made worse when mercenaries were employed to assist, what started out as a guerilla force of 250 terrorists grew exponentally, with about 55,000 troops, and 450 tanks, almost half of the Yuke military. The majority of them were defectors from the Yuke Military seeing that Makarov had a better cause, this of course led to the aformented capture of Murska Air Base. It was indeed going to grind down into a war of attrition.


The Eagles of Dawn was no longer a single terror cell, now it is an army, capable of overturning the government. Now the goal would be to fight their way to Cinigrad and control what was left of the government. Makarov sent in 7500 troops and 75 tanks to combat the 10,000-strong Yuke Army at the Jilachi Desert, he knew that if the Eagles of Dawn won a strategic victory here, they would show to the world that they are more capable than any combat force in the far east.

OOC: This is the current battle map:

Sorry, I really suck at making pictures on Paint, at least on scratch.

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OOC: Sorry for the delay, I shall continue:


Northern Front:

The EoD battlegroup of 35 tanks and 3700 men engaged a small contingent of 20 Tanks from the Yuke Army. Although both sides used similar tactics, the EoD forces already have their birds in the air (in the form of Su-24 Fencers).

The commander of the EoD North Battlegroup, Cap. Lomav called out on the field, "Looks like those !@#$%^&* are greeting us with their tanks, could you show them how we greet them back?" The Su-24 pilot responded, "This is Zvyezda 1, roger, let's take care of this." Zvyezda 1 dropped a pair of cluster bombs on top of 2 clusters of enemy targets. This was followed with the exploding bomblets that destroyed half the tanks in the group. Another member of the squad dropped a second pair of targets from the group, which destroyed the another set of 5. The EoD tanks then launched a barrage of shells at the enemy. Though the EoD suffered some losses (3 tanks lost and 50 dead), it was only superficial.

Before the EoD was able to destroy the targets, the Yuke Army was able to warn the respective bases in time to get ready for their defense.

Southern Front:

The second Battlegroup of 40 tanks and 3800 men advanced forward towards a large Communication Post. The guards knew they were coming and saw there advance. The commander ordered their pillboxes to fire at the enemy force. The EoD was now bogged down in the attack, with already a quarter of the battlegroups tanks being destroyed, as well as a third of their men dead.

A call was made to silence those guns, and it was only an airstrike by Zyvezda 3 and 4 on the pillboxes and watch towers using rockets was able to alleviate the situation. The Yuke troops already on station was now being called up to make their last stand for their government.

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EoD Northern Battlegroup:

They continued their advance unopposed. After they were within about 20 miles from there objective, the EoD soldiers saw 2 C-130's dropping something, One soldier said, "Heh, they must be dropping wine as a gift for our arrival." By the time they hit the ground, the soldiers then realized, "Man, what wine!?! They're dropping TANKS!!!" The soldier who shouted that was blown right off the hill by the Yuke Army's PT-76 and their guns. The Yuke Light Tanks were few in number, about 15. But there was no air support, therefore the EoD battlegroup were on their own.

EoD Southern Battlegroup:

Building by building fighting continued to sap the morale and resources of the EoD Army. Building by building, the EoD engaged the Yuke Army, suffering horrendous casualties using booby traps. In all, 200 soldiers were killed in that attack alone. The tank group continued forward, until they were attacked by F-16's of Komyeta Squadron. Using Unguided Bombs, the Yuke Komyeta team systematically weakened the enemy forces further.

EoD North: 28 tanks, 3550 men

EoD South: 15 tanks, >1800 men

Yuke Military: 135 tanks, 8000 men

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OOC: It's funny though, cause at one point I used to be Belka. :D

OOC: (I don't technically have a nation for roleplay atm anyhow) All the radiation and cold was too much eh? I'm likeing the updates btw, even though I can't respond right now.

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The Haruhiist Empire echoes the call of Diaodochi, and shall send soldiers under an AUP banner if neccessary.

To protect security of the Yuktobanian Government, we could manage to send 5,000 troops at max as of the moment.

OOC: I actually made a suggestion about that in the DoE.

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We are thankful for the assistance.

EoD Northern Battlegroup:

The Battlegroup engaged the PT-76's, dropped by the Yuke Army, moments later, Mi-24 Hind Choppers had also entered the fray. Despite the curageous skill of the soldiers, the EoD didn't stand half a chance. By the time the Air force came, all of the light tanks were destroyed, but being hounded by choppers cut the offensive capability of the Battlegroup to 30% from the initial force. By the time the exhausted battlegroup arrived at the airfield, they were encountered by Yuke Air Force pilots, Yuke Army Tanks and Kitexian soldiers.

OOC: Kitex, I give you permission to RP your forces against the EoD army.

EoD Southern Battlegroup:

Despite the Air raid, The EoD battlegroup was still capable of attacking the Oil Field, defended completely by Yuktobanian Military Forces. The Tanks opened fire on the larger enemy forces, and was able to defeat a quarter of their tanks. It would be perceived that the EoD would secure a victory, until the Chuda-class Corvette YNS Dub appeared along the coast of the Semyna River, launching a broadside on enemy forces on their left. With attacks coming from the front, the sides and over their heads, the EoD was battered to the point that it was time to retreat.

The retreat was dreadful, as they were being pursued relentlessly by the Yuke military.

EoD North: 15 tanks, <2000 men

EoD South (retreating): 4 tanks, <300 men

Yuke Military: 90 tanks, 7000 men

Kitex Military: 6000 troops

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As of this moment 5,000 troops are being deployed from their bases in the Kurils.

Due to our lack of a real navy, our merchant marine and cargo ships shall take care of this.

These troops should arrive in approximately 6 hours, at the Yuktobanian port-of-choice.

OOC: About 10 minutes, literally.

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The Kitexian soldiers split up into their respective brigades of 2,000 each. 1st Brigade went with Yuke tanks and went straight forward to meet the EoD force while 2nd and 3rd Brigades flanked the EoD. They made a serious gain and cut down the EoD force by 10% while losing only 50 soldiers. They then dug in and held their ground, firing at EoD forces while waiting for AUP troops to arrive.

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OOC: Now that the soldiers are now being RP'd, It is safe to say that I can speed up the process a little. Victory in the southern part of the desert will lead to focus on the Northern Front.

IC: Yuke Tanks encircled the EoD brigade and trapped the military forces of Captain Lomav. In the open desert, it made target aquisition much easier, as all of the enemy tanks were destroyed in short order. Lomav was killed by a stray bullet from a Yuke Army's AK-74, and his XO, Lt. Fujiara (A soldier emigrated from the Japanese Islands during the days of Yamato.) carried out the surrender delegations.

Victory was delcared at 1300 hrs.

<Private Message to the Haruhiist Empire.>>

We want you to disembark at Tiger Naval Port. We have already sent in 200 Humvees to transport your forces eastward. (Towards Sonza's Manufacturing Plant.) We need your forces to assist in defending the area. The Yuke Air Force is able to assist you.

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"As a member of the AUP, Zargathia would be willing to send eight thousand troops and three hundred tanks to Yuktobania. We could either land at Tiger Naval Port or make a landing behind enemy lines in Beringovsky. Our intention would be to make the EoD believe we mean to raid the nearby Murska Air Force Base, and engage the enemy supply lines with hit and run tactics to force their forces to spread themselves thin. Tactical Command is yours however, and so we will leave the decision up to you."

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<<Classified Message to Zargathia High Command>>

We approve of your plan. Be careful, Murska is their primary air base in the region, and they will be very dangerous.

The allied forces will engage them from the Lake Lyibar Defense Line.

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With troops from the Haruhiist and Zargathian forces helping Yuke forces engage the enemy in the southern front. Yuke and Kitex forces continue with their momentum and engage the enemy at Glubina, where the old prison yards has been converted into a fortress.


Glubina, a cold desolate place seperate from Siberia. It was a place where Yuke Prisoners, usually POW's were held. When the EoD launched their attack on the camp 2 weeks ago, they were able to gain more troops to their cause. Now, a special forces team, one, a Yuke Spetsnaz team, the other a Kitex special forces unit, entered the area in 2 seperate C-130's. Their objective was to capture the Field Command in the field of operations.

The EoD, suffering from their losses, transferred a part of their air force to Darina International Airport. As far as they were concerned, it was imperative to hold on to their territory until they can mount a counterattack.


Another objective took place in the Northern Sonza Pass, near lake Dama, the battle would be between the EoD, and a Yuke-Haruhiist alliance with the objective of recapturing Murska Air Force Base.


In order to get to Murska, ground forces must go through the treacherous Sonza Pass, however, apart from the treacherous mountainious terrain the EoD had set up a large force consisting of 150 vehicles, almost half their entire armored force, and 15,000 men.

The allied battlegroup was to be dually led by the Haruhiist Army Commander (of which Elrich will post as to whom his/her identity is)and Gen. Voychek, and is in command of 10,000 men, but only 75 vehicles.



Zargathia will launch a decisive attack on the Yuke Port city of Beringovsky, capturing it would force the EoD into a 2 front position.

Due to the fact that the tanks are guarding the front line, with little expectation of conflict from the coast, the town is lightly defended, with only 4,000 men defending the village and the castle.

OOC: Whew, that's a lot of typing. :)

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<<News from the Yuke Provisional Government>>

We are pleased and happy to annouance that Prime Minister Catherine Reznov has come out of her coma and is recovering remarkably well. Once she is cleared of medical leave and is brought up to speed of the current situation, all presidential powers will be shared with between Reznov and the military provisional government for the duration of the Civil War.

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General Yelena Muromets stood in the Command Center with her hands crossed, as one of her staff officers arrived with a couple of maps. The burn scar covering most of the right side of her face was clearly visible, but she was too used to it to notice even if she cared.

- "According to the data provided to us, we have devised the following battle plan. First, we shall take a look at the location of the two main objectives, being Beringovsky even though it's on the wrong side of the peninsula and the Murska Air Force Base."


Enemy Forces:

Red Block: Beringovsky

Red Dot: Murska AFB

- "Now, our landing fleet will be split up into three groups, which we have originally named A, B and C for easy reference. A will be carrying Attack Group Green, C will carry Attack Group Blue and the main force will be in B, called Attack Group Yellow."


Enemy Forces:

Red Block: Beringovsky

Red Dot: Murska AFB

Allied Forces:

Purple: Transport groups A, B and C

Green: 2,500 soldiers, 100 tanks.

Yellow: 4,000 soldiers, 150 tanks.

Blue: 1,500 soldiers, 50 tanks.

- "As visible on this map, Green and Blue will mostly see to cutting off the peninsula from enemy communications and reinforcements, while Yellow (with minor fire support from 1,000 soldiers from Green) will surround and take Beringovsky from the one angle they will not expect: By land. As a naval city, their forces will expect a sea landing, and a land battle would negate their coastal fortifications. Once the city has fallen from this three-pronged attack a group of 1,000 soldiers and 25 tanks will remain to keep the city occupied."


Enemy Forces:

Orange: New front.

Red Dot: Murska AFB

Allied Forces:

Yellow Block: Beringovsky (occupied)

Green: Attack Group Green.

Yellow: Attack Group Yellow.

Blue: Attack Group Blue.

- "Now, this is where things will start getting interesting. We will take the Beringovsky area completely by surprise using Blitzkrieg tactics, and form up a front before they know what happened. Once the allied assault in the Sonza Pass has started, keeping the large EoD force occupied, our forces will push on to blindside the Air Force Base, shelling the runway and fuel depots to make their aircraft grounded and attack supply lines. With an encirclement in process, the EoD force in the Pass should be thrown into disarray trying to reinforce Murska, further exposing them to a counterattack by the Yuke-Haruhiist forces as they fall back. We shall crush them all in a pincer movement."

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OOC: While I'm waiting for Kitex, I'll begin the battle for Sonza Plains

IC: General Voychek began the offensive the smaller Haruhiist and Yuke forces brgan their advance towards Murska Air base. The EoD military was expecting the Yuke army and had set up defense positions on the opposite side of the Pass, supported with F-4 and MiG-21bis aircraft.

The battle of Sonza was about to begin.

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OOC: And that would be my cue as well.


On several locations, Zargathian Marines made a landing, scouting ahead for small patrols while the three Attack Groups made their way to the Yuktobanian mainland. Remaining unseen was vital to the success of their mission, and given that the area they would be landing in would have a population density of seven people per ten miles or so, no real trouble was expected. The Marines would give the borrowed landing craft the green light, after which the tanks and infantry would start to disembark. Though there were only a few places where the tanks could get on land, the infantry faced no such restriction by using small boats that ferried them on the cold terrain.

As the Marines followed the patrols to their checkpoints before 'pacifying' them, taking their uniforms and moving further inland, the Attack Groups were forming up into Divisions, and once completed, followed the infantry that had gone ahead to save time. General Muromets would be in charge of Group Yellow herself, wanting to make sure the job would actually get done.

As the tank columns started to advance, she knew surprise would be on her side. Now all that was needed was the speed to make full advantage of it. The tanks actually made up the rear guard of the Attack Groups due to the sound the engines made, as until their first objective would be reached they couldn't afford to be overheard. The Special Forces in Blue and Green would be cutting off communications between Murska and the Beringovsky area, whereas Yellow would focus more on overrunning the guard posts so that they would not be able to regroup and hit them from behind, the tanks mopping up any stragglers that attempted to anyway.

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