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Invitation to Tokyo


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Foreign Minister KP Varma arrived at Furon in a GV from Executive Fleet and is waiting to be escorted to meet with representatives of Furon Govt. He is accompanied by a diplomatic team of 5.

"Ahh, welcome, welcome! Always a pleasure to invite new guests to our capitol conference room. Tell me, Mr... Varma? Is that correct? What brings you to Tokyo?" said Takeo.

"I agree." said Ms. Reznov. "Is their anything else you would like to discuss, such as the situation with the Haruhiist Empire?"

OOC: Although I already know Elrich had renamed the country.

"We'll only say that we aren't on the best of terms with the Haruhiist Empire. However, we trust you, so, if you have any questions, please, feel free to ask," said Takeo.

Amyante nodded, having also adopted a more neutral look at this time. While failing to forge a treaty between the Haruhiists and the Furon was a small setback, there were still other ways for her to drag something out of this. She knew Furon to have an MADP with the PRC, and with the current situation in Borneo that might even come in handy in trying to prevent war. Taking a deep breath, she started speaking her mind.

- "Well... Concerning Borneo there is some degree of difficulty involved in signing a treaty. As you are no doubt aware, a conflict is threatening to break out between your ally the PRC and Minilla Island, to whom we are allied through the AUP. Now, most of our economical treaties involve the PRC, and those that do not would be severely hindered if not canceled in the event a war might break out between us. Having said that, we would be more than willing to sign an MDP with Furon along with some economical treaties."

She leaned forward, folding her hands on the desk as she allowed what she had said so far to sink in before arriving to the second part of what she had wanted to say. She smiled apologetically, knowing that this was the bad part, and as much as she hated to break the news to Furon, she knew she had to. There was no use in signing a treaty only to possibly be forced to break it a few days later.

- "However, the threat of potential war between the PRC, Minilla Island and indirectly our respective nations severely hinders this goal. Needless to say we would greatly appreciate your assistance in seeing this conflict reach a diplomatic solution, which would in turn allow our nations to sign anything beyond a... classified NAP at best."

She leaned back again, the facts now on the table. There was no use in signing a treaty only to possibly be forced to break it a few days later, and she knew Takeo was aware this as well due to his likely knowledge of who the AUP member nations were. As much as she hated to shoot his enthusiasm down, this really was the best she could afford to offer at this point.

Takeo was stunned. He hadn't expected this in the least. He said, albeit rather blunt and rudely, "Then I see no reason for us to continue the discussion of treaties, your majesty," emphasizing your majesty, bitterly. "I apologize for wasting your time. If you would be so kind as to let me get the door for you, I will have our security teams escort you back, and if you wish, schedule a private plane for you to arrive back in Zargathia. Once more, I apologize for wasting your time," said Takeo, his features turning stoic, as he got up from his chair and opened up the door for the Queen.

Edited by Biohazard
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"Ahh, welcome, welcome! Always a pleasure to invite new guests to our capitol conference room. Tell me, Mr... Varma? Is that correct? What brings you to Tokyo?" said Takeo.

"Thank You, Mr Takeo. I guess I shall delve straight into the matter.

As you may know the Kingdom of Cochin has a military base in Vladivostok or perhaps Urajiosukotu to you. So far we have been using the La Perouse Strait for transit into the Pacific Ocean. But earlier when Japanese islands were under Hanseatic Commonwealth we were granted transit rights to use the Tsugaru Strait.

We would like to know if we could renew that agreement with Furon. It would greatly reduce our transit time."

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Takeo paused, mulling things over, before saying, "Mr. Varma. Let me make something clear, first off. The name of that is Vladistok. It has a culture, a heritage of it's own. To think that the Haruhiist Empire, and yes, I am well aware of their name change, would bend the culture, that heritage to theirs, is unthinkable to us. So, please, Vladistok, if you will."

He took a breath before pressing forward. "Now, Furon is willing to give any nation recognition, respect, and so forth, on the basis that they've done nothing to lose it. While we certainly respect the Dragon Empire, even though we may not agree wholly with them, I'm going to have to say, no.

We're not allies, we've never sat down and had a nice chat, we know nothing of each other, other than the the DE is in Mainland Asia, and Furon is in Japan. So, the answer is no. I'm sorry if this disrupts your shipping times, but it's the way it is at the moment."

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Takeo paused, mulling things over, before saying, "Mr. Varma. Let me make something clear, first off. The name of that is Vladistok. It has a culture, a heritage of it's own. To think that the Haruhiist Empire, and yes, I am well aware of their name change, would bend the culture, that heritage to theirs, is unthinkable to us. So, please, Vladistok, if you will."

He took a breath before pressing forward. "Now, Furon is willing to give any nation recognition, respect, and so forth, on the basis that they've done nothing to lose it. While we certainly respect the Dragon Empire, even though we may not agree wholly with them, I'm going to have to say, no.

We're not allies, we've never sat down and had a nice chat, we know nothing of each other, other than the the DE is in Mainland Asia, and Furon is in Japan. So, the answer is no. I'm sorry if this disrupts your shipping times, but it's the way it is at the moment."

"We understand your position and we respect that. However it was the wisest move to ask you directly and be assured we take no offense from your stand. We believe in straight forward diplomacy and hence this visit from us.

As to the part about allies, we see no reason why we should not indeed be allies. We have common friends in the People's Republic of China after all.

As to the part about Urajiosutoku, that we believe is not a name coined by the Haruhiist Empire, rather it is the old Japanese name for Vladivostok. It was truly out of our respect for the ancient Japanese culture that we used that name in this meeting with the rulers of the Japanese archipelago."

Edited by king of cochin
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"I thank you for your honor of the Japanese culture, but nonetheless, we honor other cultures as well. In today's time, one nation is no longer made up of a single ethnicity. Japan has a multitude of ethnicities, and we honor all of them.

Nonetheless, I believe I've said this before: We do not agree with the DE on many levels, and while you may have our respect, for now, we do not believe an alliance would be the best course, in our eyes. Once more, I apologize, but we cannot knowingly ally with the DE when we do not agree with them. I hope you understand," said Takeo, catching his breath.

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"I thank you for your honor of the Japanese culture, but nonetheless, we honor other cultures as well. In today's time, one nation is no longer made up of a single ethnicity. Japan has a multitude of ethnicities, and we honor all of them.

Nonetheless, I believe I've said this before: We do not agree with the DE on many levels, and while you may have our respect, for now, we do not believe an alliance would be the best course, in our eyes. Once more, I apologize, but we cannot knowingly ally with the DE when we do not agree with them. I hope you understand," said Takeo, catching his breath.

"Yes , we understand perfectly. Now that the matter is settled, I believe it is time for me to make my leave. Thank you for consenting to meet us. We shall pray for a day when our relations are more cordial."

KP Varma would then return to Cochin.

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Takeo was stunned. He hadn't expected this in the least. He said, albeit rather blunt and rudely, "Then I see no reason for us to continue the discussion of treaties, your majesty," emphasizing your majesty, bitterly. "I apologize for wasting your time. If you would be so kind as to let me get the door for you, I will have our security teams escort you back, and if you wish, schedule a private plane for you to arrive back in Zargathia. Once more, I apologize for wasting your time," said Takeo, his features turning stoic, as he got up from his chair and opened up the door for the Queen.

Amyante took a deep breath, getting up from the chair. Though she knew she couldn't win everything, this was definitely not how she thought this meeting would have ended.

- "Indeed. It is a pity, really, when all i was asking was your assistance in getting the PRC and Minilla Island at a conference table to prevent hostilities breaking out in the first place. Sayonara, Takeo-san. The plane will not be necessary."

Though she didn't bother to suppress a slight tone of disappointment in her voice, her overall tone was still soft and quite polite, further emphasized by the bow she gave the Furon representative before walking out the door. With a little luck she'd manage to make the return trip on the same boat as she arrived with, and though a plane would be faster she still preferred a boat over trying to stave off her fear of flying. She really needed to do something about that some day...

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Well, at this point, outside of relations with the Haruhiists, The only other matter is the Borneo situation that may threaten to pull all of Asia into war, do you think a diplomatic situation can arise out of this?

"Personally, I don't think that the PRC has done anything wrong. They moved in to save the nation, before any other nation, and to me, personally, it sounds as if the others are just whining that they did not notice the anarchy first - something that is saddening, in my eyes. However, I do not believe that it will come to war. Only if the AUP/PRC is ignorant, in all forms, will it come to war. The PRC has proven that it is willing to cooperate and to give stability to an unstable region. From the perspective that we have, it seems as if the AUP is simply trying to destabilize it once more.

Once more, only if both parties are ignorant, will it lead to war. I do not think either of them are that ignorant, though Minilla is rather trigger happy." said Takeo.

OOC: I'll post the ODP/Eco. treaty in the next one. Been kind of busy today. :/

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