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Beaneath the Shadows

Sarah Tintagyl

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It wasn't really hard getting into the palace, actually it was a walk in the park for the shadow that passed across the eyes of the Haruhiist guards. Even if they were under their God-Empress, the people of the Haruhist Empire were once faithful citizens of the former Hanseatic Commonwealth and when they saw the shadow walking towards them to even think about doing anything than bowing in respect, they couldn't bring themselves to do anything else. As the phantom walked through the capital of the Haruhiist Empire, she couldn't help but feel a bit of her heart torn out, the architecture was the same, it was the same city, but it wasn't the same feeling in the air, there was a different flag flying on the spires of buildings, there was a different country here. But this had been what she wanted, wasn't it? The Hanseatic Age was ending and she was no longer fit to rule in Brisbane, but that didn't mean that she still missed that red flag with the white feather covering the entirety of the Pacific Rim.

The new ruler of the Northern Provinces, this Haruhi, seemed a bit full of herself, a God-Empress? Indeed such titles were few and far in between and most rulers, even in Europe were more modest than that. Even the Dragon Emperor who sat on a golden throne seemed more modest than to call himself God, but there was a first for everything, perhaps she was just getting old, not that she felt physically old, but maybe the generations were changing. Weeks ago, the God-Empress had had a great meeting of all the leaders in the world to come and grace her land with their presence, the Phantom had arrived during that time, but as usual had kept her face hidden from the press and from the world's elite, preferring the quietness of the capital's fountains and parks to do her thinking. It had been there that she had heard that Haruhi had been compared to another legendary leader that her youth was that of another ruler who had came to power in her youth in Helsinki, and had built one of the most influential nations in the world. That had been the first thing to intrigue the phantom's mind.

Passing the guards, her coat whispering behind her as she entered the throne room to find it abandoned. The walls were painted black with the surroundings that could only belong to a child of some sixteen, seventeen, eighteen odd years. It looked like her room back in Finland and the thought of her childhood made her fists clench. Adjusting the pistol hanging on her waist and the sword on the other side, the phantom walked up to the throne, at least this portion of the room had the trappings of a political center. She sat down on the throne and looked out into the room and smiled.

"So this is what it feels like to be a God-Empress. I never would have guessed."

As she sat, the phantom looked on as the doors opened and the beams of light flooded into the dark room. To the person entering, who the Phantom only knew so well, they could only see two shining sapphire eyes, pale skin running her body, light blonde hair.

"I should welcome you God-Empress, to my Empire." She smiled, her right leg crossed over her left.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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As Haruhi passed the first corridor, she couldn't help but hear the faint voice say her title, and proclaim the Empire as her own. She was a little annoyed at first, close to being pissed. Of course, she didn't formally know this shadow, who now sat on her throne. But this was obvious. She clenched her fists, and let the anger drain. Insulting someone that ruled this realm, especially Haruhi wasn't a smart idea. But she kind of admired the actions this person had taken, they had obviously been let in, so they had to be important. And anyone 'insulting' her Empire certainly had some guts. She could see the shadow's sleek blonde hair, and blue eyes. Haruhi's own brown eyes, radiant as they were glowed back at the blue eyes of the intruder. Her yellow band bounced in her hair for a short second. She had remembered the nostalgia.

Her SOS Brigade Chief band, made so long ago at North High, was now on her arm once more. She couldn't help reliving the past, the simpler times that had passed before. Things were still simple, but they were so much more interesting. Responsibility was a handful, and Haruhi understood this. Of course, despite her eccentric attitude and her love to goof off, she was very smart and always made great grades in school.

As she continued to stare at this phantom, and walked down the corridor ever so slightly more to get a glimpse, she began rethinking her past through her head. The fact of whom this person is bugged her, she couldn't figure it out. No hints or clues were to be found. Then, she began thinking back to her times as a child, and even her middle school days. She lived in the town of Nishinomiya-shi, a small town in Japan, back then. East Middle, North High, all these names came rushing back at her. She remembered the experience when she thought she was special as a child, only to have them shattered when she attended a baseball game as a kid. Her dad had brought her along, when she was only 5. But upon seeing all the people in the stadium, she began to understand that nothing was special. Her life was like everyone elses, the people she thought were interesting at school, the things they did. They were done in every school across Japan. But then she had a flashback, one that sparked a belief that she knew who this was. She remembered life under the Hanseatic Commonwealth, the country that ruled Japan all through her childhood until she recently formed the Empire. Could this person be, no. She remembered the posters, and seeing the person on TV. But this was impossible. She retired from politics, what would she now want with Haruhi, the God-Empress of her own realm?

"Lady Tintagyl, how am i not suprised? Welcome to your former domain."

She snickered to herself, that must have hurt Sarah. But of course, it was all in good fun.

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"Lady Tintagyl, how am i not suprised? Welcome to your former domain."

Sarah smiled, her white teeth glistening in the dark as she uncrossed her legs and stood up from the throne, looking down at the girl. Closing her eyes, she crossed her arms and took a deep breath. "You shouldn't be surprised, I always had a tendency of dropping into the realms that I have interest in and my former holdings in the North were some of my most prized possessions." Looking down at Haruhi's figure and face a grin crawled over her face. She was small, but she was also young, very young. "So you are Haruhi, the God-Empress of the Northern Possession, you know Haruhi, I have to give you credit." Sarah walked closer towards her, her pistol and sword both shifting as her legs moved. "You're have a bravery that I haven't seen in a long time, leaders still move out of the way for me when I come by, just as your guards did. But for you to stand there and declare the Hansa as former holdings." She nodded. "You have a lot of spunk and I like that, I wish I had that when I was your age."

She ran her fingers through her hair and looked around the room. "Though to be honest, I came in here and was a bit disheartened. I've been paying attention to the workings of East Asia and so far I am quite pleased at what's happened. I've even heard that you've been compared to me, so congrats for that as well. But I have to ask, are my previous territories in good hands with you Haruhi? I'm afraid I've been reduced to a ghost in my absence from power, but these lands still touch my heart and I want to make sure they will be forever well defended. I have some prospects for you as well if you're up to hear them and of course tell me a little about this new land of yours."

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Haruhi was beginning to like Lady Tintagyl. She actually seemed interested in what the Empire was now, and was going to become. Haruhi had always thought of making it a bastion of Japanese culture, lives that weren't always so ordinary, and she always wanted to get the citizens involved, whether it be from culture to government. She ran Sarah's words and her questions through her mind. She was suprised Sarah liked her attitude, and she knew that comment would be fun for her to here. It set an impression.

"As for your territories, Miss Tintagyl, they're rather well cared for. The people love me, and they love the government. While they do miss the Hansa, they look forward to the future. I also make a solemn promise to you here, that these lands will not succumb to foreign invasion, or occupation. I refuse to allow that. As for these prospects, tell me more."

Her eyes gleamed, this was getting interesting. Of course, ever since that day in middle school, she'd always tried to differ from the ordinary.

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Sarah smiled and walked over to one of the darkened windows looking over the capital. "Your lands include a great deal of culture and diversity, diversity that I struggled to create from the Japanization efforts of the Neo Japanese and on the Russian Mainland from the Kyoization from Altin Urda, one of the incarnations of the Kyojutushin culture that attempted to eradicate all other cultures from the region." She turned back, sadness across her features. "There is too much war in this world, too much hate, too many struggles for one people to rise up and exploit their neighbors and it has been that philosophy of purism that I have fought against my entire life and that I will continue to fight against even out of power. So my first condition is that you respect the individual cultures that exist in your Empire. Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Siberians, all of them, they are all your citizens and they must all be treated as equals. That is my first proposition, that no culture becomes central to your Empire."

"Second, recently I have seen that you created a bloc to separate yourself from the jaws of the Dragon Empire which is very pleasing. Because you answered a proposition for me. Hegemony is nearly just as bad as purism, limiting the structure of politics across the world, and creating these behemoths that can bully nations in doing what they want out of sheer show of arms. The Dragons have been expanding for years and I was the only thing that questioned them on it. If you want to be a successor, then I would suggest following in my footsteps and doing the same, the bloc is a good start, but there of course is more that can be done as well. But I'll let you handle that."

She cracked her fingers and laid her hand on the girl. "I think that someone that calls herself a God-Empress can handle that. I would hope that you wouldn't disappoint, you haven't yet."

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Haruhi was enjoying this conversation. While it wasn't the most pleasantly unserious thing ever, it was enjoyable. It was a rather serious conversation, but sometimes being serious was a needed thing. You couldn't run around and play all day, without having to sit down once and do something.

"As for culture, i can understand that. Japanese is a language required by all citizens to be fluent in, and is our national language. However, this is primarily for unity, and considering that many Japanese came with me when we proclaimed our independence in your Northern Territories. Other cultures including Ainu, Manchu, Siberian, and otherwise are respected. Newcomers are required to pass a citizenship test that requires them to learn some basic Japanese, and do some research, but not much more. Regional languages, and culture are recognized. People are free to speak their language at home, but Japanese is used professionally. I've also heard much of this destructive regime you speak of from the past. As far as the bloc concerns, we feel sovereignty is deserved of all Asian states, that they shouldn't be forced to join a mega-Empire just to feel safe. It dosen't matter if they were asked, coerced, or otherwise. They're still giving up everything, just for security."

Haruhi hoped that answered some of Sarah's questions.

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"Quite." Sarah sighed as she took her hand off of the girl's shoulder. "I am not as stern as this normally, I assure you. Especially to one as young as your are Haruhi, but considering that you are a ruler and a state official, I'm positive that you can and all ready have dealt with that." She smiled. "Haruhi, every leader that has existed on this earth, they try to do many things. Some seek to conquer, some to spread a message, some to build, and some to destroy. The greatest thing that you can answer to yourself is why you are in command of these people, why did they give you power and why you decided to take up that mantle."

Turning away Sarah touched her own heart. "I failed myself for that and now I am just beginning to pay for it." The Valkyrie of Peace closed her eyes and took a hard deep breath. "Just trying to stave off the darkness...but..." She turned back to Haruhi. "I had a message, I did have a message and a word to spread and I know that if people have compared you to me that that message still exists. I am not asking you to become me Haruhi, anything but, I would not ask that on my death bed, but there is still so much for me as a person to accomplish and for my mind to discover. However, I would ask you to join me as a friend and an ally for whatever trouble might come into our paths." The Valkyrie stuck out her hand to Haruhi. "Friends?"

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Haruhi understood everything Sarah was saying. Everything in those words rung true within her own heart. Sometimes her own motives, and her own reasons were unclear to even herself. But she knew after hearing this. She ruled her people, because they needed her. She ruled them because they needed a compassionate and peaceful leader. Having a dictator or anything as insane would have ruined their lives. They wanted someone like her predecessor. She refused to comment on that to herself, as it'd be a selfish and bland opinion. She figured she'd just answer the question Sarah had lain out before her. Friendship was a grand thing, and she valued Sarah's opinion. They thought alike in alot of ways, and she liked that.

"Friends? Friends it is, Sarah Tintagyl."

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Sarah smiled and took Haruhi's hand in hers. "Yes, friends it is Haruhi." She closed her eyes and let her body relax for a moment, trying the pulsate the energy out of her, perhaps releasing a build-up of stress, but it was to no avail and her eyes opened with the same sadness as they had closed. "I do not want to keep you from ruling what is rightfully yours and you do not need my permission to do such things." Sarah laid a hand on her pistol and walked past Haruhi. "Unless you have a reason to keep me for now." Sarah looked back at the girl, a look of sadness and continuity in her eyes. "My land is in good hands."

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Haruhi could see the sadness in Sarah's eyes. She longed to have power, and territory again. But, no, it wasn't just that. Her life in the shadows must be a stressful one. She obviously had fun doing what she had once done. It was not just a job for her, but a lifestyle. She had to admit, she felt bad for Sarah, a little. But that didn't change the fact that she retired from public office. Haruhi knew though, that she had a position in the Empire for Sarah. And she knew exactly what that position was, after some hard thinking. Sarah wouldn't have to live in the shadows anymore.

"Sarah, I can understand everything coming from your words, even the sorrow. How would you like to serve as my Imperial Chancellor of sorts, or rather, as an Advisor as well? Trust me, there's still so much you can do in the world, and I believe your place may be here. Haruhigrad could be your new home."

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The Valkyrie sighed and looked back at the girl. "It would be a great honor Haruhi, but that is not my road to take at the moment. Somewhere, there is something that still calls for me. I don't know what it is, it was politics, it still is politics, but I have also come to grip that not all changes can come from standing behind a podium and sometimes you have to use your own hands to make changes in this world of ours." She smiled weakly back at her. "I don't know where I am going from here, there are a lot of places really, but as to where I end? No Haruhi, I don't know, but I can't stay here. I do thank you for the offer, I really do, to know that there are still people in this world that respect what I have done touches my heart and I hope, I really hope that I can continue to help out in some small way. But that is not as a Chancellor of your Empire."

She turned from Haruhi and looked and the passageway leading to the halls beyond the throne room. "Just realize that I will always be close and will always keep my eye on your Empire, for good and ill. You have the makings of a great leader Haruhi, I'll always be close by and if danger ever falls on these lands. Count me as one of the first defenders." Sarah placed a strong arm on the girl's shoulder and smiled. "Be strong for whatever the world throws at you, bravery is in the heart of every human, especially a young girl."

Turning, Sarah walked back out into the darkened hall and disappeared into the void, her blonde hair gently waving in the still air.

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Haruhi stood silent, compiling her thoughts. She was expecting a yes from Sarah, figuring she had understood her. Although, she realized, very much like the shadows and the mysteries of the world, Sarah was a mystery all her own. A mystery had come to her doorstep, and she couldn't believe it. All those times she knew the mysterious would come to her in time, it had come once, now.

She accepted Sarah's response, and sat back on her throne. Then, looking up at the black ceiling said one final word to Sarah.

"The stars are bound to reunite in the end, and so I'll see you again."

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