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I'm trying to start a new alliance, I have a forum, but the problem I'm having trouble recruiting people to join the alliance. The alliance has a few members, but we're way too small to give out aid to nations who are joining. Does anyone have some suggestions that'd help me recruit more members?

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Option A

I know this sounds rough but quit your alliance and join an alreadly existing alliance that has strong nations. Grow there and get some friends that have a powerful nation strength and them make your alliance with them. A good nation strength to start an alliance is about 25,000.(rough estimate) This strength deters attackers/raiders. You should also have some nukes.

Option B

Keep your alliance. Wait for a strong nation to join. This takes forever and there is little chance that a nation of that size will join your alliance.

Common sense shows that option A is the best pick.

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Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'll try to get a large nation to join my alliance.

Ummm...you say it makes sense, and yet you're trying to do what he said may take an eternity.

Let me ask you this...why do you want to have your own alliance? What can you offer that the thousand other alliances in this game can't offer? If you're only starting it for your own personal reasons (e.g. want to be in charge), and you are just like every other alliance (but with less protection, less experienced leaders, fewer alliancemates, etc.), then why would anyone want to join you? If you can come up with legitimate answers to these questions, then by all means, start an alliance...perhaps you are just what some people will be seeking. But if not, don't waste your time. Join an other alliance (or hop around some to gain some experience and understanding of different styles). Then maybe some time in the future you could better answer these questions.

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I've been in an alliance before. This is my second nation in Cyber nations. I deleted my first nation last year. I thought that this time around I would try starting my own alliance. My goal is to create a successful alliance. And it isn't so I can be in control, I'm not even the leader of the alliance.

I know that starting an alliance is going to be hard, but I've already put a lot of work into it and I want to see it become at least a moderate sized alliance. I guess what I offer to people who join my alliance is a chance to be part of creating a new alliance, instead of joining a big alliance that gives you millions of dollars just for becoming a member, the alliance I'm trying to make would be an alliance where you have to work to become successful.

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instead of joining a big alliance that gives you millions of dollars just for becoming a member, the alliance I'm trying to make would be an alliance where you have to work to become successful.

This is where your going to run into problems. I am without a doubt the SELF PROCLAIMED best recruiter in cybernations. I have succesfully recruited well over 60 people on my own but keeping a new nation in interest of the game is the hardest part. when you have an alliance that only cares about the numbers and not caring about having a nation grow, you have problems. This game starts every new nation out with only a few measly pennies to start out with and expects them to maintain interest in the game. It its a proven fact that this does not work. If you can't support a new nation, don't start your own alliance yet

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Well, that's a deal-breaker, then. But I like your spunk and the cut of your jib. I also like the sound of your town.

You guys interested in selling technology?

But, seriously, if you had a name like "Nueva Vida," you'd attract a lot more attention.

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I'm trying to start a new alliance, I have a forum, but the problem I'm having trouble recruiting people to join the alliance. The alliance has a few members, but we're way too small to give out aid to nations who are joining. Does anyone have some suggestions that'd help me recruit more members?

OK after reading the other post qwhen you said this was your second nation. I'd say that you should get a good protecter first of all. They also usually do tech deals too so that would help your ns growth

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Yeah, I'd say the best way to grow for you is to find a buying technology alliance (which is the easiest things in CN) and make them protect you. We as an alliance are always looking for organized tech selling alliances.

Edited by Earth Shaker
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