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Camp Quest Nedland Opens!

Ned the Great

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OOC: Also a good movie to watch on this subject is the Documentary "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" hosted by Ben Stein.

OOC: I saw that movie. I fell asleep in the middle of it.

IC: We in Marscurian Pakistan do not approve of this camp. We consider it a form of missionary work designed towards converting children to Atheism, and all forms of missionary work are banned in our country.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The support for the Heidelburg man consists of one jaw, the lower jaw at that. yet Scientists assume from that one and only find that this is a 'missing link?' do we need to say how ridiculous that sounds?

The Archaeopteryx also has something unique to birds, and birds alone. A wishbone.

Also, there are not "hundreds of thousands' of fossils that support evolution. At most there are a few thousand that seem to support the theory.

OOC: Also a good movie to watch on this subject is the Documentary "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" hosted by Ben Stein.

Although the camp has been over for several weeks now, Amanda Page has replied (with help from some biologists) to this Christian Coalition statement (after someone brought it to her attention):

"The jaw is not the only remains that have been found for the Heidelburg Man. See this Wikipedia page for details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_heidelbergensis As for the missing link, many fossils have been found that link modern humans to primates. For an examples, see Lucy; who had small skull capacity similar to apes, yet had a bipedial upright walk similar to that of humans. If the Christian Coalition has any more questions, then they should see this video by a fellow Australian:

"That the Archaeopteryx has a furcula, or wishbone, is yet another peice of evidence for evolution. Many theropod fossils, including the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, have been found to contain furcula."

"The theory of Evolution suggests that all species are transitional forms. Therefore, all fossils are transitional fossils, and all fossils discovered so far confirm what is currently believed about evolution. This means that there are indeed hundreds of peices of evidence for evolution. I also think that you in the Christian Coalition should note that I am not trying to convince you to leave your religion, meerly trying to show you the evidence. Believing in evolution does not mean you have to leave your religion; you should simply look at the evidence and make up your own mind about religion."

OOC: I've seen a few clips of Expelled; to be honest I wasn't all that impressed. Most of the claims the film makes have already been disproved a long time ago (you might want to check out this page: http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/Expelled:Leader%27s_Guide ). If you're interested in documentaries about evolution, might I suggest The Genius of Charles Darwin, a British documentary which, while heavily opinionated, does contain a lot of factual information.

Also, I'd like to clairify that my characters I am RPing do not necessarily share my RL views on everything (although they usually do reflect at least some aspects of my beliefs). I just try to make my characters interesting B) .

OOC: I saw that movie. I fell asleep in the middle of it.

IC: We in Marscurian Pakistan do not approve of this camp. We consider it a form of missionary work designed towards converting children to Atheism, and all forms of missionary work are banned in our country.

IC: Amanda Page facepalmed upon hearing of this...

In the meantime, she has confirmed new Camp Quest Nedland sessions will occur over the Holiday Break and next summer.

Edited by Ned the Great
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OOC: this could probably be considered a gravedig...

So where were you, anyway?

OOC: I thought gravedigs were allowed on the RP boards as long as it was still on topic and it wasn't extreme (as in, gravedigging a thread several months old).

As for replying to this topic, I was busy for the last few weeks :mellow: .

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