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Is it against the rules.

Tum Yum Phoot

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I'm wondering, since we had this discussion with some people today. Is it against the rules to allow someone to attack you, so you could get enough casualties to build war memorial?

I do realize that someone might argue it's against the spirit of the game, but is it against the rules?

From the rules I find part saying "abusing the war system is against the rules." To my understanding, abusing the war system is to fill the war slots so no one can attack you, or doing something similar to that. Nowhere in the rules does it state that allowing your friend to attack without retaliation is against the rules. However, there are people who claim it is against the rules and so I am in a loss.

Needless to say that I'm way too small nation to even think of such thing, but I would be glad to know for the future, if someone offered me such opportunity.


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As far as I'm aware, the only restriction on war activities is war-slot filling, with few or no attacks taking place. That being said, I don't believe this issue has been brought up before.

And any restriction on this would be a really really tough thing to enforce.

Edited by Gopherbashi
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Just throw two GA's at each other every day and you'll be fine. You can go to war for any reason you want, and as long as you're not slot filling (throwing no attacks or token attacks, like just CM's) you won't be violating the rules.

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