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Operation Rick-Roll


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The Disparuean soldiers began to charge towards the forest, unaware of the danger they were about to face. They occasionally saw a human-looking shadow or two, and they would immediately fire at it's direction.

While the traps were being set, the main force of the TUO ran toward the other side of the forest to reach the town when they noticed Disparuean soldiers firing at their position.

The first line of defense are bear traps, over sized rat traps, piano wires tied to trees and explosives, and land mines. The second line is made up of few machine gunners and snipers ordered to fire when the enemies are starting to swarm over the first defense line.

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The tank's cannon pointed toward Brody and a loud blast of hissing was heard. Yep, the cannon was broken from the shock waves and unable to fire. Shortly afterward, an operator was trying to climb out of the nest's small, destroyed window, covered with blood and bruises.

With a mighty roar, Brody pounced on the tank and grabbed the operator. “THIS IS FOR KENNEDY!” He screamed in the operator’s face as he headbutted the man, of which he followed up with a powerful punch to the jaw that threw the man down to the ground. Brady spit at the man, muttering to himself.

Pulling the pin from the grenade, Brody threw the grenade through the tank’s window. He then leaped from the tank and ran back to his troops…

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With a mighty roar, Brody pounced on the tank and grabbed the operator. “THIS IS FOR KENNEDY!” He screamed in the operator’s face as he headbutted the man, of which he followed up with a powerful punch to the jaw that threw the man down to the ground. Brady spit at the man, muttering to himself.

Pulling the pin from the grenade, Brody threw the grenade through the tank’s window. He then leaped from the tank and ran back to his troops…

A loud scream from another operator inside the tank was heard just as the grenade exploded. Then a small trail of smoke from the grenade slowly trailed from the nest.

OOC: You can RP the New England military seizing the tank and using it for their own use, but bewared that almost all of the components inside of the tank are damaged or destroyed. Repairing and replacing isn't easy since the tank's armor is basically a giant solid cast of the alloy instead of layers of bolted sheet metal, making it hard to take apart the tank and install the new parts. Towing the tank isn't easy either, its weight is about 90 tons.

Also, the GLS military force and the future government will wonder where did their extremely expensive toy go.

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A few weeks ago from the current events:

"Take cover!" one of the guards shouted. Ryan attempted to turn 90 degrees to the right and fly rapidly up as an attempt to flee, but it failed. The two hostile helicopters fired again and the surviviors' helicopter engine was splintered from the bullets, forcing the helicopter to take a nose dive toward the ground rapidly. "Look for parachutes and open that slide door!" Ryan screamed while looking underneath his seats.

He pulled out what appeared to be a parachute pack. "I can't find any!" yelled one of the security guards. "Under the seats!" Ryan replied as unbuckled and attempted to climb out of his seat toward the exit. He pulled open the lever and the door slide open, while he latches the parachute onto his back with the straps.

Right after finishing that, he jumps out, not realizing that he made a fatal mistake.

The "parachute" pack was actually a backpack full of Playboys magazine since the previous pilot was a pervert.

"What the heck?" he mumbled as he looks for the string to pull on to open up the parachute. "Parachute packs don't have zippers." he thought to himself when he notices that there were zippers. He pulled it open, and a large clump of the magazines flew out. "(insert inappropriate word). All of those parachute trainings didn't help, nor does those semi-pornographic Playboys magazines either." was the last thing he said as he crashed into a pond.

A few weeks ago from now:

"Ugh, am I still alive?" Ryan asked himself as he wakes up, realizing that he floated into the shallower part of the pond where grass and algae was growing in. "Gross, I wished I never took biology class." he mumbled as he struggled to haul himself out of the pond. As he tries to walk toward the shore, he notices a wreaked, still smoking helicopter that crash landed vertically.

"Hey Bob! There's Playboy magazines all over the place!" shouted someone in the forest. "We only have like 20 minutes to check out what is emitting the smoke up ahead before having to report what we saw." replied another person. Footsteps rustled closer and closer toward the pond.

Ryan slowly sank back into the pond, hiding behind a large branch in the cluster of grass and algae. Two armed soldiers with uniforms looking like the GLS military's uniforms marched out of the woods, with one of them picking up and stuffing any Playboy magazines he saw in a ragged duffel bag. "A helicopter that crash landed vertically, I never seen something like that." said the other soldier as he peers inside the helicopter while avoid stepping on a dead body.

Meanwhile, the perverted soldier continued to look around and pick up Playboy magazines. He then noticed there was a magazine lying on top of a sheet of metal floating in the pond, right next to Ryan. "That magazine better not be wet." he said as he dropped the duffel bag onto the ground and wadded into the pond. "Hey, get out of there! We aren't here to find those magazines!" the other soldier shouted. "Just give me a minute and I will be done!" the perverted soldier replied as he got closer to the magazine.

"If he sees me, I am screwed." Ryan thought to himself as he held his breath. The perverted soldier was an arm's reach from the magazine, unaware that somebody was hiding right next to him. As he grabs the magazine, Ryan head bunted the soldier and grabbed his M-16 assault rifle. Ryan then pointed the assault rifle toward the other soldier just as he turned around with his M-16 assault rifle ready to see what is going on.

A short burst of an assault rifle echos through the forest and a body collapse...

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While the traps were being set, the main force of the TUO ran toward the other side of the forest to reach the town when they noticed Disparuean soldiers firing at their position.

The first line of defense are bear traps, over sized rat traps, piano wires tied to trees and explosives, and land mines. The second line is made up of few machine gunners and snipers ordered to fire when the enemies are starting to swarm over the first defense line.

The brave Disparuean soldiers continued to advance through the woods, unaware of the major problem ahead of them. They continue to do what they were doing - shooting random shadows - when one of the soldiers accidentally stepped on a bear trap.

"Ow! <bleep>! My leg! My <bleep> leg!", shouted the soldier as he lay down in agony.

Meanwhile other soldiers would accidentally activated the other traps, stepping into rat traps, making trees drop, and stepping on explosives. Those that managed to survive were picked off by TUO snipers. All of the soldiers were killed.

Back at the Command Centre, controllers would lose contact with the team.

"Do you read me, I repeat, do you read me? Over," broadcasted a controller before giving up.

"We've lost them, sir."

The Commander slammed his fist. "This is worse than I thought. Blast the damn forest with bombers. NOW!"

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The brave Disparuean soldiers continued to advance through the woods, unaware of the major problem ahead of them. They continue to do what they were doing - shooting random shadows - when one of the soldiers accidentally stepped on a bear trap.

"Ow! <bleep>! My leg! My <bleep> leg!", shouted the soldier as he lay down in agony.

Meanwhile other soldiers would accidentally activated the other traps, stepping into rat traps, making trees drop, and stepping on explosives. Those that managed to survive were picked off by TUO snipers. All of the soldiers were killed.

Back at the Command Centre, controllers would lose contact with the team.

"Do you read me, I repeat, do you read me? Over," broadcasted a controller before giving up.

"We've lost them, sir."

The Commander slammed his fist. "This is worse than I thought. Blast the damn forest with bombers. NOW!"

Meanwhile, the TUO soldiers stationed in the forest noticed something was odd, no enemies were coming.

From their past experiences, whenever their enemy finds it too dangerous to advance, they carpet bomb...

And the TUO soldiers scattered, some of them hauling their machine guns or sniper rifles along.


Throughout GLS:

Even though scattered, crumbling, and disorganized, the some of the TUO military units switched to guerrilla tactics and looted their enemy's abandoned equipments/supplies or "borrowed" civilian clothing to avoid being caught and shot.

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A few weeks ago from now:

"Ugh, am I still alive?" Ryan asked himself as he wakes up, realizing that he floated into the shallower part of the pond where grass and algae was growing in. "Gross, I wished I never took biology class." he mumbled as he struggled to haul himself out of the pond. As he tries to walk toward the shore, he notices a wreaked, still smoking helicopter that crash landed vertically.

"Hey Bob! There's Playboy magazines all over the place!" shouted someone in the forest. "We only have like 20 minutes to check out what is emitting the smoke up ahead before having to report what we saw." replied another person. Footsteps rustled closer and closer toward the pond.

Ryan slowly sank back into the pond, hiding behind a large branch in the cluster of grass and algae. Two armed soldiers with uniforms looking like the GLS military's uniforms marched out of the woods, with one of them picking up and stuffing any Playboy magazines he saw in a ragged duffel bag. "A helicopter that crash landed vertically, I never seen something like that." said the other soldier as he peers inside the helicopter while avoid stepping on a dead body.

Meanwhile, the perverted soldier continued to look around and pick up Playboy magazines. He then noticed there was a magazine lying on top of a sheet of metal floating in the pond, right next to Ryan. "That magazine better not be wet." he said as he dropped the duffel bag onto the ground and wadded into the pond. "Hey, get out of there! We aren't here to find those magazines!" the other soldier shouted. "Just give me a minute and I will be done!" the perverted soldier replied as he got closer to the magazine.

"If he sees me, I am screwed." Ryan thought to himself as he held his breath. The perverted soldier was an arm's reach from the magazine, unaware that somebody was hiding right next to him. As he grabs the magazine, Ryan head bunted the soldier and grabbed his M-16 assault rifle. Ryan then pointed the assault rifle toward the other soldier just as he turned around with his M-16 assault rifle ready to see what is going on.

A short burst of an assault rifle echos through the forest and a body collapse...

The the TUO soldier slumped to the ground, with a chunk of his head blown out from the bullets. The perverted soldier who wasn't fully knocked out tackled Ryan, sending both of them into the pond. After a brief struggling, the perverted soldier pulled the assault rifle from Ryan's hands, stood up, and blindly fired into the water in hopes of killing the teenage boy.

"Eat bullets you -bleep-!" he screamed.

"Next time, look behind you!" Ryan replied as he punched the soldier's neck, resulting in a loud snap. He then yanked the assault rifle out of the dead soldier's hands and slogged toward the shore. "All I need is a compass or find a highway and I should be able to flee from this living hell." Ryan mumbled to himself as he fished ammo out of the other dead soldier's pockets and assault rifle, and marched through the woods.

A few hours later...

"Where am I?" Ryan asked himself as he notices something black up ahead.

A road.

"Lucky me..."

He quicken his pace and before getting 5 meters close to the road, he noticed something painted in dark brown about 3 meters away, not blending in with a poison ivy growing next to it. After scanning the area in front of him, he noticed that there were landmines all over the place. Walking past them would be dangerous, especially with branches scattered around.

"Closely placed landmines, interesting." he said to himself as he turned around, and begin walking away when he accidentally pulled the trigger. The assault rifle fired a short burst of bullets, igniting one of the landmines. "Oh -bleep-! I forgot to switch the safety switch!" he cursed himself as he ran for it while other landmines, placed a bit too close together, ignited.

A deafening roar of explosion behind him blew Ryan off his feet and threw him into the ground...


In Detriot, downtown area:

The weaken, real GLS soldiers opened up their bunkers' doors and stepped outside. Their entire base was filled with craters, but for some reason, there were no signs of the enemy forces around the base except for slight rumbling of vehicles in the distance.

Five soldiers were ordered to scout the area and look for any enemies.


The entire forest instantly turned into a gigantic fireball, consuming everything within it.

And so did the fleeing defensive unit and the main army of TUO except for one person who managed to avoid the fireball...

The masked leader, and he isn't finished yet.



The only resistance from the almost non-existent TUO army are shoot-and-run snipers, guerrilla soldiers, and loads of traps. Just pretend that you had secured the entire GLS once your military force finds the real GLS army and meet the original GLS Destroyer tank that was brought back into operation in the GLS Civil War museum.

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In Detriot, downtown area:

The weaken, real GLS soldiers opened up their bunkers' doors and stepped outside. Their entire base was filled with craters, but for some reason, there were no signs of the enemy forces around the base except for slight rumbling of vehicles in the distance.

Five soldiers were ordered to scout the area and look for any enemies.


And so did the fleeing defensive unit and the main army of TUO except for one person who managed to avoid the fireball...

The masked leader, and he isn't finished yet.



The only resistance from the almost non-existent TUO army are shoot-and-run snipers, guerrilla soldiers, and loads of traps. Just pretend that you had secured the entire GLS once your military force finds the real GLS army and meet the original GLS Destroyer tank that was brought back into operation in the GLS Civil War museum.

Downtown Detroit, GLS

A clearly-marked Disparuean squadron would encounter one of the GLS scouts. Due to their previous experience with TUO soldiers disguising themselves as battered GLS military soldiers, the squadron instantly went into position, pointing their rifles at the scout.

"Identify yourself!" ordered one of the Disparueans.

New City, GLS

Some of the Disparuean soldiers would notice something happening in a glass dome marked as the "GLS Civil War Museum". A tank was being reactivated, looking exactly like the one that attacked New Englander soldiers back in Detroit.

The Disparueans immediately secured the area, and cautiously approached the tank.


A camera aboard the bomber that blew up the forest displayed a man running away from the fireball. Controllers would identify him as not being a New Englander or a Disparuean.

"Chase him down. He's probably a TUO soldier." ordered the Commander.

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Downtown Detroit, GLS

A clearly-marked Disparuean squadron would encounter one of the GLS scouts. Due to their previous experience with TUO soldiers disguising themselves as battered GLS military soldiers, the squadron instantly went into position, pointing their rifles at the scout.

"Identify yourself!" ordered one of the Disparueans.

New City, GLS

Some of the Disparuean soldiers would notice something happening in a glass dome marked as the "GLS Civil War Museum". A tank was being reactivated, looking exactly like the one that attacked New Englander soldiers back in Detroit.

The Disparueans immediately secured the area, and cautiously approached the tank.


A camera aboard the bomber that blew up the forest displayed a man running away from the fireball. Controllers would identify him as not being a New Englander or a Disparuean.

"Chase him down. He's probably a TUO soldier." ordered the Commander.

OOC: The original super tank is parking in the vehicle display room. You wouldn't notice that something odd happen to the tank until you are in the display room and see that a glass panel facing away from the windows was removed.

Don't kill the masked man though.




"GLS military soldiers. I am assuming that the -bleep- terrorists tried to pull the disguise trick on you guys? Or are you the same -bleep- terrorists that tried to pretend they were New England or Disparu military force to doom us?" the lead scout replied.

New City:

The tank simply parked in the vehicle room in the memorial/museum, seemingly silent and non-operational.

TUO base:

The masked leader continued to run until he reached a abandoned shack. He pushed open the door, entered the shack, and checked for anyone else who is in it. After scanning, he searched for civilian clothing, found some, imminently changed into the civilian clothing and then hiding his clothing in a box.

He then climbed up into the tiny attic while carrying the box, placed it there, and then exited it.

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Following the destruction of the tank, the New Englanders ‘seized’ it for military use—though they had difficulty moving the tank. But this didn’t matter, as Detroit was now fully under New Englander control. The New Englanders would meet up with real GLS soldiers in the city, as well everywhere—though they would treat them with suspicion as the TUO had the tendency to dress up as GLS soldiers.

In Detriot, downtown area:

The weaken, real GLS soldiers opened up their bunkers' doors and stepped outside. Their entire base was filled with craters, but for some reason, there were no signs of the enemy forces around the base except for slight rumbling of vehicles in the distance.

Five soldiers were ordered to scout the area and look for any enemies.

Identify yourself!” A New Englander private shouted as he and his buddies raised their weapons at the real GLS soldiers.


The New Englanders surged toward Marquette, engulfing the city in a hail of fury and lead. Any and all resistance was swiftly and relentlessly crushed. Soon, the New Englanders had occupied the Upper Peninsula and the entire GLS was under New Englander and Disparuean military control.


As much of the GLS capital was under New Englander and Disparuean occupation, the New Englanders would notice that a tank similar to the one that their counterparts had faced in Detroit was being reactivated. Maintaining communication with their Disparuean brothers, the GLS-SEF and Army troopers advanced toward the dome that was the ‘GLS Civil War Museum'...

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Following the destruction of the tank, the New Englanders ‘seized’ it for military use—though they had difficulty moving the tank. But this didn’t matter, as Detroit was now fully under New Englander control. The New Englanders would meet up with real GLS soldiers in the city, as well everywhere—though they would treat them with suspicion as the TUO had the tendency to dress up as GLS soldiers.

Identify yourself!” A New Englander private shouted as he and his buddies raised their weapons at the real GLS soldiers.


The New Englanders surged toward Marquette, engulfing the city in a hail of fury and lead. Any and all resistance was swiftly and relentlessly crushed. Soon, the New Englanders had occupied the Upper Peninsula and the entire GLS was under New Englander and Disparuean military control.


As much of the GLS capital was under New Englander and Disparuean occupation, the New Englanders would notice that a tank similar to the one that their counterparts had faced in Detroit was being reactivated. Maintaining communication with their Disparuean brothers, the GLS-SEF and Army troopers advanced toward the dome that was the ‘GLS Civil War Museum'...

OOC: The tank was already reactivated but silent. You wouldn't know if it is operational or not until you get close to the tank.

Also, carpet bombing the museum/memorial would anger many GLS citizens. Its like carpet bombing JFK's memorial just because there is an enemy tank parking inside it.



In Detriot:

"Oh hey guys, are you those same -bleep- terrorists that tried to doom us by pretending they were the New England or the Disparu military soldiers?" the lead scout replied when he heard another person yell at his group.

All of the GLS scouts raised their dented and taped weapons, pointing at the Disparu and the New England soldiers while the lead scout stayed calm.

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OOC: The tank was already reactivated but silent. You wouldn't know if it is operational or not until you get close to the tank.

Also, carpet bombing the museum/memorial would anger many GLS citizens. Its like carpet bombing JFK's memorial just because there is an enemy tank parking inside it.

OOC: I didnt see your post until after I posted. :blush:


In Detriot:

"Oh hey guys, are you those same -bleep- terrorists that tried to doom us by pretending they were the New England or the Disparu military soldiers?" the lead scout replied when he heard another person yell at his group.

All of the GLS scouts raised their dented and taped weapons, pointing at the Disparu and the New England soldiers while the lead scout stayed calm.



The lead soldier raised an eyebrow as he lowered his weapon. "Ah...so you are the actual GLS troops?" He gestured for the other soldiers to lower their weapons also.

"And to answer your question, no, we are not terrorists, we are the real New Englander soldiers. The same goes for the Disparueans." The lead soldier said, gesturing toward the Disparuean soldiers nearby.

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OOC: I didnt see your post until after I posted. :blush:


The lead soldier raised an eyebrow as he lowered his weapon. "Ah...so you are the actual GLS troops?" He gestured for the other soldiers to lower their weapons also.

"And to answer your question, no, we are not terrorists, we are the real New Englander soldiers. The same goes for the Disparueans." The lead soldier said, gesturing toward the Disparuean soldiers nearby.

"Can you prove you are the real soldiers?" the lead scout replied.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away...

"-bleep-! We are out of fuel for this super tank! Lets just look for fuel or help!" one of the tank operators shouted. "If we abandon this thing, what if the enemy finds and uses it for their own use?!" the other operator shouted back.

"Well I don't feel like waiting here forever!" the first operator shouted back and accidentally tripped, pressing a fire button. A smoking round was fired and it landed about half of block away from the group of GLS, Disparu, and New England soldiers.

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"Can you prove you are the real soldiers?" the lead scout replied.

The lead soldier carefully approached the GLS lead scout, and showed him this weapon. "See this? This weapon is known as the X-M8 Combat Rifle, and it incorporates what you might call fingerprint recognition system. Only New Englander troops, or any personnel of the Armed Forces can use this rifle. For others, it wouldn't fire."

To demonstrate this, the lead soldier fired a few rounds into the air. "See? If the terrorists disguised as ourselves and tried to use this weapon, it would not fire at all. And that's not considering the fact that they may not know how to use it."

"Now...do you believe us?"

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The lead soldier carefully approached the GLS lead scout, and showed him this weapon. "See this? This weapon is known as the X-M8 Combat Rifle, and it incorporates what you might call fingerprint recognition system. Only New Englander troops, or any personnel of the Armed Forces can use this rifle. For others, it wouldn't fire."

To demonstrate this, the lead soldier fired a few rounds into the air. "See? If the terrorists disguised as ourselves and tried to use this weapon, it would not fire at all. And that's not considering the fact that they may not know how to use it."

"Now...do you believe us?"

"Kind of. We might need to see what your tanks look like. The terrorists' tanks looked like giant tin boxes that light up on fire when their armor are punctured." the lead scout replied when the smoking shell landed about half of block away from them.

"A smoking round?" the lead scout asked himself when he turned around and noticed a cloud of smoke expanding.

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"Kind of. We might need to see what your tanks look like. The terrorists' tanks looked like giant tin boxes that light up on fire when their armor are punctured." the lead scout replied when the smoking shell landed about half of block away from them.

"A smoking round?" the lead scout asked himself when he turned around and noticed a cloud of smoke expanding.

"Sure." The lead soldier turned around to call in one of the Abrams tanks when a smoking shell landed nearby and clouds of smoke began to expand. "What the (expletive)?" The lead soldier muttered to himself.

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"Sure." The lead soldier turned around to call in one of the Abrams tanks when a smoking shell landed nearby and clouds of smoke began to expand. "What the (expletive)?" The lead soldier muttered to himself.

"I think I heard a shell being fired down that direction." the lead scout pointed toward the street where the smoking round landed.

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"Uh...sir...we've lost him. The guy who was wearing the mask," reported one of the field agents who was pursuing TUO's leader.

New City, GLS

The Disparueans, along with their New Englander brothers, had finally reached the Memorial's "Vehicle Room". The super tank occupied most of the room, but it oddly looked silent and non-operational. They could've sworn that it was moving a minute ago...

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"Uh...sir...we've lost him. The guy who was wearing the mask," reported one of the field agents who was pursuing TUO's leader.

New City, GLS

The Disparueans, along with their New Englander brothers, had finally reached the Memorial's "Vehicle Room". The super tank occupied most of the room, but it oddly looked silent and non-operational. They could've sworn that it was moving a minute ago...

In the memorial:

The tank coughed to life as it backed up toward the soldiers, smashing through the reinforced bullet-proof glass display box it was in while the cannon was turning toward them. The armored nest on top of the cannon turret (similar to the Heavy Destroyer tank, except all of the windows are weaker and don't have video cameras behind them) open fired at the soldiers using .50 caliber bullets and 20mm shells filled with napalm.

The tank's average thickness of the armor is about 25 cm of titanium alloy that is 2x stronger than steel, the main turret size is 90 mm, 5 meters long, it can fire a shell per 3 seconds, and is as known as the "destructive telephone pole". It had hardly any weak spots, it was 9 meters long and 5 meters wide, the area between the turret and the body is covered with extra armoring with rollers in the inside to reduce friction, the bottom side is designed to funnel mine explosions outward, all sides, including the rear sides have the same amount of armoring, the tank trends were covered with titanium alloy armoring to protect the trends from explosions, and the machine gun nest on top of the turret is covered with a domed shape armoring with a thick bullet proof glass viewer to protect the machine gunner. The machine gun nest had a heavy machine gun that can fire up to 15 bullets per second, equipped with dual 20 mm cannons, and can turn 360 degree.

However, due to it's massive weight (76 tons), the engine used by the TUO wasn't powerful enough to haul the weight, so the tank's top speed is an amazing 8 mph. Another problem with the tank, the same problem that is with the newer versions of this tank, is it can be disabled or destroyed by constant rattling. Throw enough explosives at it and it will stop firing eventually when most of the parts (such as the engine) have been rattled to pieces.


OOC: I don't think fleeing from a tank that has a top speed of 8 mph is going to be hard.

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GLS Civil War Memorial, New City, GLS

Everyone who was at the tank's display room instantly retreated, hiding behind anything that could protect them. The tank kept on firing at them, injuring or killing several soldiers.

One of the Disparueans threw a grenade towards the tank, but was disappointed when there was no visible effect on it. He instantly faced one of the New Englanders. "So...any idea on how to wreck this tank?"

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"I think I heard a shell being fired down that direction." the lead scout pointed toward the street where the smoking round landed.

The lead soldier raised an eyebrow. "(expletive) this." He muttered as he got out a packet of cigarettes and placed one in his mouth. Lighting it up, the lead soldier and his squad began to advance toward the location of the shell cautiously.

In the memorial:

The tank coughed to life as it backed up toward the soldiers, smashing through the reinforced bullet-proof glass display box it was in while the cannon was turning toward them. The armored nest on top of the cannon turret (similar to the Heavy Destroyer tank, except all of the windows are weaker and don't have video cameras behind them) open fired at the soldiers using .50 caliber bullets and 20mm shells filled with napalm.

The tank's average thickness of the armor is about 25 cm of titanium alloy that is 2x stronger than steel, the main turret size is 90 mm, 5 meters long, it can fire a shell per 3 seconds, and is as known as the "destructive telephone pole". It had hardly any weak spots, it was 9 meters long and 5 meters wide, the area between the turret and the body is covered with extra armoring with rollers in the inside to reduce friction, the bottom side is designed to funnel mine explosions outward, all sides, including the rear sides have the same amount of armoring, the tank trends were covered with titanium alloy armoring to protect the trends from explosions, and the machine gun nest on top of the turret is covered with a domed shape armoring with a thick bullet proof glass viewer to protect the machine gunner. The machine gun nest had a heavy machine gun that can fire up to 15 bullets per second, equipped with dual 20 mm cannons, and can turn 360 degree.

However, due to it's massive weight (76 tons), the engine used by the TUO wasn't powerful enough to haul the weight, so the tank's top speed is an amazing 8 mph. Another problem with the tank, the same problem that is with the newer versions of this tank, is it can be disabled or destroyed by constant rattling. Throw enough explosives at it and it will stop firing eventually when most of the parts (such as the engine) have been rattled to pieces.

"LOOK OUT! GET TO POSITION!" A sergaent roared as he and his soldiers leapt for cover behind anything they could take cover behind of. However, several soldiers weren't so lucky: several were killed and dozens wounded.

GLS Civil War Memorial, New City, GLS

Everyone who was at the tank's display room instantly retreated, hiding behind anything that could protect them. The tank kept on firing at them, injuring or killing several soldiers.

One of the Disparueans threw a grenade towards the tank, but was disappointed when there was no visible effect on it. He instantly faced one of the New Englanders. "So...any idea on how to wreck this tank?"

One of the soldiers nodded. "I'd suggest you have enough grenade. As they say, no tank, no matter how well-armored it is, can withstand the power of grenades for so long. There is another way, however a lot riskier: you can run up to the tank and drop a couple of grenades down the hatch or window you find."

With that, the soldier activated and threw a grenade at the tank while others either provided covering fire or threw their own grenades too.

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The lead soldier raised an eyebrow. "(expletive) this." He muttered as he got out a packet of cigarettes and placed one in his mouth. Lighting it up, the lead soldier and his squad began to advance toward the location of the shell cautiously.

Meanwhile, back in the GLS super tank:

"I am going to open up that hatch now!" the operator roared. "Oh no you don't!" screamed the other operator as they fought over the hatch open/close switch. The tank operator that didn't want to open the hatch accidentally pushed the "increase" button to the max for the compressed air control and then the fire button when the tank was out of ammo.

A large amount of compressed out blasted out of the tank's cannon, generating a loud whoosh noise.


"That sounds like our super tank trying to fire without ammo, the Heavy Destroyer V1 tank. It's the only type of tank that uses compressed air to add extra punch to its shells in our military." the lead scouted said when he also decided to walk toward the direction of the noise.

"LOOK OUT! GET TO POSITION!" A sergaent roared as he and his soldiers leapt for cover behind anything they could take cover behind of. However, several soldiers weren't so lucky: several were killed and dozens wounded.

One of the soldiers nodded. "I'd suggest you have enough grenade. As they say, no tank, no matter how well-armored it is, can withstand the power of grenades for so long. There is another way, however a lot riskier: you can run up to the tank and drop a couple of grenades down the hatch or window you find."

With that, the soldier activated and threw a grenade at the tank while others either provided covering fire or threw their own grenades too.

The only problem is that all of the windows are covered with thick glass. It would take more than a dozen of grenades to completely shatter the windows and even more to open a hole in the glass. The entrance hatch is also covered with a thick sheet of the metal and can only be opened using the slow moving hydraulic gears, and the the hatch where the tank's secondary guns are placed on are completely covered with the armoring and a window.

The tank continued to fire, spraying napalm all around in the room and lighting large parts of the room on fire.

OOC: The tank is using shells and bullets filled with napalm. ;)

Edited by HHAYD
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One of the soldiers nodded. "I'd suggest you have enough grenade. As they say, no tank, no matter how well-armored it is, can withstand the power of grenades for so long. There is another way, however a lot riskier: you can run up to the tank and drop a couple of grenades down the hatch or window you find."

With that, the soldier activated and threw a grenade at the tank while others either provided covering fire or threw their own grenades too.

"Eh, meh. The first one is better," replied the Disparuean, and began throwing grenades toward the super tank. The tank was starting to set things on fire, and their grenades seemed to have no effect on the tank.

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"Eh, meh. The first one is better," replied the Disparuean, and began throwing grenades toward the super tank. The tank was starting to set things on fire, and their grenades seemed to have no effect on the tank.

The tank operators had enough. Just blow up the entire room with their 90mm cannon using HE shells. The tank cannon started rotating slowing in a circle, firing high explosive shells at any parts of the room unaffected while the nest on top of the tank guarded the exit so none of the enemy soldiers can flee.

After the entire room was blown up decently, the tank operators decided to take a shortcut of fleeing. They rammed their tank through the damaged wall, rammed through the dome's glass that was protecting the building and out onto the massive glass floor area that surrounded the GLS Civil War memorial.

There was a problem though. The glass flooring was only designed to support light vehicles and large amount of people, not super heavy tanks. The Destroyer V1 Tank crashed through the glass flooring while crushing an artifact, an ancient Humvee underneath the glass flooring. The super tank was stuck in a 30 degree position, with the main cannon jammed by the steel support beams and the tracks damaged by the torn steel support beams.

"-bleep- We are so -bleep-!" one of the tank's operators cursed.

Edited by HHAYD
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