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Operation Rick-Roll


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The S-22 Hawkeyes descended to the ground in many points in the GLS capital, and tens of thousands of GLS-SEF troopers filed out, taking defensive positions as they were briefed by their respective squad leaders.

Okay, this is it, men. Time to get rid of these terrorists for once and for all!” Sergeant Brick Wall stated to his troops in the northern portion of New City as he readied his weapons. “Move out!” They duly did so, moving toward the downtown portion of the city. They were to utilize GPS technology to try to locate the terrorist base—and high-powered weaponry to eliminate anyone in the way. They were also to neutralize terrorist strongholds and take over strategic buildings, such as communication centers, post offices, government buildings, etc. A couple of squadrons headed off toward the Capitol building.

Tens of thousands of GLS-SEF troops were now in the GLS capital, and it seems the days of the terrorists were now numbered…

There would be something odd though, the entire city seemed empty. No signs of recent TUO activites, except in one place...

The GLS Civil War memorial, and there is a tank that was recently brought back operational waiting for visitors.

OOC: You can RP a few squadrons entering the memorial building. Most of them won't make it out at the end. ;)

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It was a devastating weapon, indeed, to some soldiers unfortunate to be near the blast when it occurred. ‘Swarms’ of shrapnel suddenly struck the soldiers, hitting their arms and legs.

MY ARMS AND LEGS! I’M HIT!” One of the soldiers howled out in pain as several shrapnel pierced his arms and hands (they narrowly missed his face). Several more soldiers were also hit, falling to the ground in pain. “Men, take them to safety! I’ll cover you!” Colonel Price shouted as he readied his weapon. The unharmed soldiers nodded and made their way to their wounded buddies, midst covering fire, and brought them to safety.

By this time, the shelling and bombing was a lot closer now; billows of smoke could now be seen in the distance as several buildings either shook or collapsed from the New Englander artillery and aerial bombardment. New Englander troops were now blocks away…


The TUO was in tatters. The New Englanders could see that. The interceptors and fighters had done their job wonderfully, shooting down the last of the remaining TUO air force. New England had attained complete superiority of the air above mainland GLS. The New Englanders could now move about with impunity—save for any remaining anti-aircraft defenses—and this was to be catastrophic for the terrorists.

After crushing the TUO forces in open battle, the New Englanders flooded into Kalamazoo, flushing out all resistance along the way. The bombed out cities of Flint and Lansing fell in turn as New Englander soldiers marched through their streets. The troops and tanks were now converging upon Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Sarnia, and Grand Haven with overwhelming force. By this time, the New Englanders controlled well over ninety percent of Detroit and had entered Windsor.


The ground shook as New Englander tanks and self-propelled artillery rumbled on toward Chatham as troops rushed forward, crushing any and all opposition in the way. After fierce fighting, the town was in New Englander hands, and the New Englanders were now rushing westward toward Detroit and Windsor to finally link up with their counterparts and the Disparueans. At the same time, they concluded their operations in Toronto, fully occupying the city and instituting law and order.

As the TUO forces rapidly dissolved, the invading forces would find many of the cities and towns empty, though some of them have a few dozen stubborn TUO soldiers.

However, they would continue to run into labor camps. Some of them were completely empty, others had civilians streaming from the camps. They would also find something disturbing...

Mass grave pits all around the labor camps, including ones that haven't been covered with dirt yet or not full yet.

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"We know our way around here. You want us to step outside, fine." the "GLS" soldier replied as they climbed back out, just as a building toward their left exploded into debris, dust, and concrete chunks. An unusual looking GLS tank rumbled from the dust cloud just as it was struck by a 90 mm anti-armor shell while turning it's turret toward the direction of the dust cloud. The explosion slightly rattled the tank, but nothing more.

Another unusual looking GLS tank appeared from the dust cloud just as the first strange tank fired a 90 mm anti-tank shell at it. But the same result occurred. The tanks had extremely thick armoring, heavy weight, were equipped with 90 mm guns that can destroy weaker armored tanks a long distance away, and their turrets' armoring and reinforced bullet/shatter-resistant glass was even thicker than the rest of the tank' armoring. Their turrets were armed with a 30 mm gun and two .50 caliber machine guns. However, the tanks' max speed is 20 mph and can only travel around a max distance of 49 miles before needing to be refueled.

Both tanks parked in front of each other while continuing to fire. The "GLS" soldiers shouted, "Back into the sewers!" and jumped into the sewer.

"GLS Heavy Destroyer V1 tanks, they are nearly invincible if there are no bunker buster missiles laying around." the "GLS" soldier mumbled.

"Well...uh...if that's the case, then were going to the sewers. Avance, soldats! (Advance, soldiers!)", said General Ortega, jumping into the crater and following the "GLS" soldiers. "Lead the way!"

As the TUO forces rapidly dissolved, the invading forces would find many of the cities and towns empty, though some of them have a few dozen stubborn TUO soldiers.

However, they would continue to run into labor camps. Some of them were completely empty, others had civilians streaming from the camps. They would also find something disturbing...

Mass grave pits all around the labor camps, including ones that haven't been covered with dirt yet or not full yet.

Operation Enigma would indeed find the cities and towns strangely unoccupied, their residents probably killed, used as meat shields or forced into labour camps.

The labour camps were a disturbing and horrible sight. Truly the person behind this must not be human. He deserved the worst punishments during and after his lifetime. The reporters and photographers that reluctantly went with the Operation took pictures of the horrific scenes. Those images would be use for historical references and propaganda later on. Disparuean soldiers did their best to ease the suffering of anyone in the camps who were still alive.

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"Well...uh...if that's the case, then were going to the sewers. Avance, soldats! (Advance, soldiers!)", said General Ortega, jumping into the crater and following the "GLS" soldiers. "Lead the way!"

The "GLS" unit quickly walked down the sewers, pausing for short while at each tunnel intersection to check for enemies.

After about 5 minutes of walking, the "GLS" soldiers climbed onto a metal ladder bolted into the wall and the first soldier popped open the sewer cap, checking for any enemies.

They all climbed out of the sewers and surveyed the area.

"This is odd, why is our base empty when we were away for 3 hours?" asked one of the "GLS" soldiers. "They were either forced to be retreated or captured. I smell freshly ignited explosives and bullets, and smoke, lots of them. Plus, look around, notice all of those dried blood puddles and pieces of what seem like flesh. Intense hand to hand fighting probably occurred." replied the other "GLS" soldier.

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The "GLS" unit quickly walked down the sewers, pausing for short while at each tunnel intersection to check for enemies.

After about 5 minutes of walking, the "GLS" soldiers climbed onto a metal ladder bolted into the wall and the first soldier popped open the sewer cap, checking for any enemies.

They all climbed out of the sewers and surveyed the area.

"This is odd, why is our base empty when we were away for 3 hours?" asked one of the "GLS" soldiers. "They were either forced to be retreated or captured. I smell freshly ignited explosives and bullets, and smoke, lots of them. Plus, look around, notice all of those dried blood puddles and pieces of what seem like flesh. Intense hand to hand fighting probably occurred." replied the other "GLS" soldier.

"We're too late then?", asked General Ortega, kicking another pebble into the sewer, accidentally hitting one of the Disparueans.

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As the TUO forces rapidly dissolved, the invading forces would find many of the cities and towns empty, though some of them have a few dozen stubborn TUO soldiers.

However, they would continue to run into labor camps. Some of them were completely empty, others had civilians streaming from the camps. They would also find something disturbing...

Mass grave pits all around the labor camps, including ones that haven't been covered with dirt yet or not full yet.

As they approached Grand Rapids, Saginaw, and Grand Haven, the New Englanders did indeed find many cities and towns they encountered to be empty. Emptied because of TUO atrocities, no doubt…

Along the way, they continued to run into more labor camps, of which some was found to be abandoned. In other camps, they found disoriented civilians streaming from the camps, where they promptly took them in for medical treatment behind the front lines.

To the horror and anger of New Englander commanders and soldiers, they found pits of mass graves, of which some was partially uncovered. Some soldiers threw up at the terrible sight while some shot captured TUO soldiers out of disgust. This only served to fuel the New Englanders’ resolve as they marched on forward.

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Classified to New England and Disparu:

My apologies. We are no longer able to assist you in fighting the war with TUO for the time being. As you know, the Reich has made a claim to our land, and we fear that they plan to back their claim with a war. Because of this, we must pull back our troops until this conflict is resolved.

Pres. Chris Nguyen

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As they approached Grand Rapids, Saginaw, and Grand Haven, the New Englanders did indeed find many cities and towns they encountered to be empty. Emptied because of TUO atrocities, no doubt…

Along the way, they continued to run into more labor camps, of which some was found to be abandoned. In other camps, they found disoriented civilians streaming from the camps, where they promptly took them in for medical treatment behind the front lines.

To the horror and anger of New Englander commanders and soldiers, they found pits of mass graves, of which some was partially uncovered. Some soldiers threw up at the terrible sight while some shot captured TUO soldiers out of disgust. This only served to fuel the New Englanders’ resolve as they marched on forward.

IC: Occasionally, the New England military would see few unarmed labor camps' guards (they ran out of ammo for their guns) attempting to flee from hordes of weaken yet pissed off civilians that were enslaved.


OOC: What about TUO's "little" now-functioning present parking in the GLS Civil War memorial in New City?

Building's structure (note that the videos, computers, electricity, and other services don't work. It's also one of the few buildings in New City untouched by the war):

GLS Civil War Memorial:

The GLS Civil War memorial was massive. Outside of the memorial, massive reinforced, unbreakable glass tiles covered the area of 150x150 meters. Beneath the glass, one meter, Gar Fan's military helmets laid on the concrete ground, some of with name tags on them and others marked, "Unknown". There were actual weapons that Gar Fan's military used, and fake grenades (used to replace the real unused grenades to avoid tourists being blown up). Plus, almost all of the destroyed/damaged Gar Fan's military vehicles were sitting on lowered concrete pits, and even all of Gar Fan's air planes that were shot down were lying on the lowered concrete pits. Each helmet meant a soldier was killed at that spot.

The war memorial was actually the original GLS Legislative building that have been reinforced with hidden steel beams to keep the building stable, and a giant glass dome to protect the building. The concrete that was replaced (Why? The workers needed to place the reinforcement beams hidden from view) were aged and purposely yet slightly damaged to match the surrounding original concrete. There were raised glass flooring to allow tourists to see the GLS soldiers' helmets and original artifacts without causing damages. Each artifact in and around the building had a small stand that showed info about it.

Inside the lobby, the original GLS flag that was flown over the building during the war hung from the ceiling while covered with unbreakable and reinforced glass. The flag was in bad condition, it was full of holes from artillery shelling and gun fires, and parts of it was burnt, which is why it needed protection and reinforcing. There were small maps of the building, small books that held info about the war and the weapons/vehicles used. In fact, there was one room on the right side of the first floor lobby that displayed all of the weapons/vehicles used during the war.

The glass flooring covered the entire lobby. Beneath the glass flooring, it was obvious that the marble lobby flooring completely collapsed and was covered with GLS and Gar Fan's military helmets, destroyed and burnt out vehicles, burn marks, bullet holes, craters, rubble, and bits of dried blood stain. The ceiling was covered with holes (that are now covered with glass) that were drilled by the GLS soldiers as an attempt to stop Gar Fan's invading soldiers and vehicles by shooting from above. The large lobby wall that stood in front of the lobby entrance was gone, it was knocked down and reduced into giant pile of rubble with steel framing sticking out of the sides by Gar Fan's military vehicles that were too fast to stop, revealing the grand staircases. There were newly placed marble walls on the side of the lobby, with the names of the GLS, Bohovian, and Gar Fan's dead soldiers. The lobby also had pictures and videos of the battle in the lobby, and a large picture of the lobby before the war started. There were actual machine gun, rocket launcher, and mini artillery gun nests on the second floor of the lobby.

There were a total of 5 floors in the building and a single basement floor. Each room in the first floor was burnt from previous bloody battles, and had large machine guns with rocket launchers stationed at each window. As usual, there were helmets covering the floors beneath the glass floors. The grand stairways on the first floor was completely reduced to rubble and covered with burnt out vehicles and helmets, so there is glass stairways replacing the destroyed 1st floor section of the stairway.

The second floor didn't have any Gar Fan's soldiers killed, but there were heavy damages and lots of helmets lying around or in the rooms that were on the edge of the building. Due to heavy shelling and rocket attacks during the war, many of the second floors were heavily damaged, but there are still actual heavy machine gun nests stationed at the windows/opening of the rooms to the outside.

The third floor had similar damages as the second floor. In the middle part of the building, a makeshift hospital that was set up during the war remained. The makeshift hospital didn't have any helmets, but there were name tags on the wall in front of the beds showing who died while was in the hospital beds. Plus, there was a radio room, anti-missile defense control room, anti-air craft defense control room, the officers' room, and General Far's room.

The fourth floor had even heavier damages than the 2nd or 3rd floor, and one third of it was off-access since the damages was so severe. There were large amount of GLS military helmets scattered around the building. The sleeping quarter section was heavily damaged and was completely covered with helmets. Helmets sat on the bunk beds, indicating many soldiers were killed while still in the sleep, and more helmets on the floor beneath the glass flooring.

The fifth room was completely devastated. Helmets laid everywhere. There were counter-missile rocket launchers, heavy artillery guns, anti-air craft guns, anti-tank guns, and massive machine guns. Many of the guns on the 5th room were damaged or destroyed.

The building's basement also had damages. Since the lobby floors collapsed, part of the basement was off-access due to the damages. There were shelves after shelves of real food, medical, weapons, bullets, barbed wires, empty sand bags, and etc. The explosives, including artillery shells and rockets were fake. Why where the real ones replaced? The engineers knew that real explosives become unstable over time and it would be nasty if they all ignited while there were tourists in the memorial.

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OOC: I realized the civilian enslavement part was a bit unrealistic considering the starting size of the TUO's military (a little under 100,000 soldiers, including guards). Also, most of the enslaved civilians' deaths were caused by malnutrition. It's hard to do hard labor daily with no breaks yet only get around 500 calories daily from their crappy food they were served.


IC: A few towns were barricaded and turned into crudely built forts (a single heavily armored tank can easily ram their way in with their first try) by small amount of civilians that weren't caught by the TUO as a vain attempt to stop the TUO military from attacking. Most of the barricaded towns were located in the central or western part of GLS where TUO activities weren't as frequent in the eastern part, but some of them were located in the eastern part too. Luckily, most of them weren't bothered since the TUO had other concerns, such as the invading military forces and maintaining control in the labor camps.

The forts' residents heard many rumors about the enemies attempting to pretend they are a friendly military force and in some of the forts, it did happen. As a result, most of the forts' residents were very, VERY, paranoid. It would be hard for the New England or Disparu military to convince the forts' residents that they are friendly and are fighting the terrorists.

"We're too late then?", asked General Ortega, kicking another pebble into the sewer, accidentally hitting one of the Disparueans.

"Looks like it." was the last thing the "GLS" soldier replied before an smoke artillery shell exploded overhead. Under the disguise of the smoke, the "GLS" soldiers fled from the fake base and the TUO soldiers hiding in nearby buildings remotely activated the traps.

It would be a bloodbath in getting out of the base with all of the traps and snipers, and to make the matter worse, the TUO's flamethrowers in the sewers had already moved to close off all escape routes in the sewers.

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"Looks like it." was the last thing the "GLS" soldier replied before an smoke artillery shell exploded overhead. Under the disguise of the smoke, the "GLS" soldiers fled from the fake base and the TUO soldiers hiding in nearby buildings remotely activated the traps.

It would be a bloodbath in getting out of the base with all of the traps and snipers, and to make the matter worse, the TUO's flamethrowers in the sewers had already moved to close off all escape routes in the sewers.

"CRAP!", was General Ortega's last word before getting his body pierced by several bullets. Nothing about loyalty, family or any of that stuff that the media would later claim to say he had.

The soldiers basically had zero visibility, some kept on bumping into each other, while most of them got hit with a bullet somewhere. They were basically helpless, since they almost had no way out and they were cornered.

Operation Weavile's communicator managed to warn GLS-SEF before dying. "GLS-SEF! You may or may not be being lead into a trap! I re-"

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IC: Occasionally, the New England military would see few unarmed labor camps' guards (they ran out of ammo for their guns) attempting to flee from hordes of weaken yet pissed off civilians that were enslaved.

The fleeing labor camp guards were shot by New Englander troops. Meanwhile, New Englander troops and tanks entered Grand Rapids and Saginaw, securing both cities after brief but fierce fighting. They were converging upon Grand Haven and would soon have an outlet to Lake Michigan.

OOC: What about TUO's "little" now-functioning present parking in the GLS Civil War memorial in New City?

Building's structure (note that the videos, computers, electricity, and other services don't work. It's also one of the few buildings in New City untouched by the war):

OOC: Well, the New Englander troops hasn't reached New City yet and the GLS-SEF are currently on their way toward there, so... :P

IC: A few towns were barricaded and turned into crudely built forts (a single heavily armored tank can easily ram their way in with their first try) by small amount of civilians that weren't caught by the TUO as a vain attempt to stop the TUO military from attacking. Most of the barricaded towns were located in the central or western part of GLS where TUO activities weren't as frequent in the eastern part, but some of them were located in the eastern part too. Luckily, most of them weren't bothered since the TUO had other concerns, such as the invading military forces and maintaining control in the labor camps.

The forts' residents heard many rumors about the enemies attempting to pretend they are a friendly military force and in some of the forts, it did happen. As a result, most of the forts' residents were very, VERY, paranoid. It would be hard for the New England or Disparu military to convince the forts' residents that they are friendly and are fighting the terrorists.

IC: The towns the New Englanders encountered were barricaded, and New Englander troops did attempt to reassure the GLS civilians. But when several of them were attacked by paranoid civilians, the New Englanders lost their patience. Utilizing artillery guns, the New Englanders blasted the opposition away. The tanks did ram their way through the forts, but most of the time they simply lobbied shells at them, rumbling through the wreckages afterwards. They continued to advance...

Meanwhile, in the east, New Englander troops finally reached the outskirts of Windsor, where they linked up with their counterparts as well as the Disparueans in that city and Detroit. They also occupied Sarnia. Both Lakes Erie and Ontario were now completely under New Englander control. At about the same time, New Englander troops entered the city of Barrie, reaching the northern GLS border; the city of Peterborough fell to the New Englanders. Eastern GLS was now occupied.

Operation Weavile's communicator managed to warn GLS-SEF before dying. "GLS-SEF! You may or may not be being lead into a trap! I re-"

The GLS-SEF would receive this transmission. Growing concerned, they relayed this to their respective commanders, who ordered them to try to locate Operation Weavile and relieve them if possible. At the same time, Colonel Price would receive that same transmission.

"What the (expletive)?" The Colonel mumbled as the transmission fizzled out. He glanced at his soldiers, who were either firing back or looking back at him. He turned his attention to the 'GLS' soldiers. Could it be possible that he and his squad might be walking into a trap right now? Price readied his weapon...

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The fleeing labor camp guards were shot by New Englander troops. Meanwhile, New Englander troops and tanks entered Grand Rapids and Saginaw, securing both cities after brief but fierce fighting. They were converging upon Grand Haven and would soon have an outlet to Lake Michigan.

OOC: Well, the New Englander troops hasn't reached New City yet and the GLS-SEF are currently on their way toward there, so... :P

IC: The towns the New Englanders encountered were barricaded, and New Englander troops did attempt to reassure the GLS civilians. But when several of them were attacked by paranoid civilians, the New Englanders lost their patience. Utilizing artillery guns, the New Englanders blasted the opposition away. The tanks did ram their way through the forts, but most of the time they simply lobbied shells at them, rumbling through the wreckages afterwards. They continued to advance...

Meanwhile, in the east, New Englander troops finally reached the outskirts of Windsor, where they linked up with their counterparts as well as the Disparueans in that city and Detroit. They also occupied Sarnia. Both Lakes Erie and Ontario were now completely under New Englander control. At about the same time, New Englander troops entered the city of Barrie, reaching the northern GLS border; the city of Peterborough fell to the New Englanders. Eastern GLS was now occupied.

The GLS-SEF would receive this transmission. Growing concerned, they relayed this to their respective commanders, who ordered them to try to locate Operation Weavile and relieve them if possible. At the same time, Colonel Price would receive that same transmission.

"What the (expletive)?" The Colonel mumbled as the transmission fizzled out. He glanced at his soldiers, who were either firing back or looking back at him. He turned his attention to the 'GLS' soldiers. Could it be possible that he and his squad might be walking into a trap right now? Price readied his weapon...

OOC: I am assuming they are still fighting the tank, right?


IC: The "GLS" soldier armed with the anti-tank rocket launcher kept on firing while the other soldiers took cover.

Suddenly, five other tanks smashed through the crumbling buildings from all direction and fired at the GLS-SEF unit using canister or HE shells. Two smoking rounds exploded over the "GLS" unit and by the time the smoke cleared, the "GLS" soldiers were gone.


In the real GLS base:

They were simply overwhelmed by the enemies and forced to lock themselves in their bomb bunkers. However, they didn't realize their enemies had left the devastated base and the Disparu/New England forces had entered Detriot.

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OOC: I am assuming they are still fighting the tank, right?


IC: The "GLS" soldier armed with the anti-tank rocket launcher kept on firing while the other soldiers took cover.

Suddenly, five other tanks smashed through the crumbling buildings from all direction and fired at the GLS-SEF unit using canister or HE shells. Two smoking rounds exploded over the "GLS" unit and by the time the smoke cleared, the "GLS" soldiers were gone.


In the real GLS base:

They were simply overwhelmed by the enemies and forced to lock themselves in their bomb bunkers. However, they didn't realize their enemies had left the devastated base and the Disparu/New England forces had entered Detriot.

OOC: Yes, they are.

IC: “Oh (expletive).” Price muttered when five tanks appeared from all directions. “GET COVER!” The colonel screeched as he dramatically jumped for cover as the tanks began to fire. The soldiers heeded this, running for cover the best as they can. The GLS-SEF could feel the ground shake as the shells veered close to their positions, and soon their vision was obscured by smoke. By the time it cleared up, the ‘GLS’ force had disappeared.

What the (expletive) happened here?!” Price roared as he got up. The soldiers shrugged or looked around wildly.


As the GLS-SEF forces moved throughout the GLS capital, securing all strategic buildings along the way, it seemed deserted. However, what they could see was a massive structure looming in the foreground, in the area where the GLS-SEF presumed to be the GLS capitol building.

Something’s fishy going on.” Sergeant Brick Wall muttered as he held out a hand in a gesture to ‘hold on.’ “They must be up to something. Let’s go in slowly and carefully…” He readied his weapon as he and his soldier crept toward the building. By then, they were near the entrance.


Pushing on, the New Englanders entered and occupied Grand Haven, establishing an outlet into Lake Michigan. Soon, other port cities alongside the southern portion of the GLS were occupied by the New Englanders. In the north, the New Englanders captured Bay City, gaining access to the Saginaw Bay; marching forward, the New Englanders eventually occupied the entire southeastern portion of mainland GLS. New City was now a few miles away, and the soldiers prepared to launch a push to capture the GLS capital.

Detroit was virtually under New Englander control, with scattered resistance. The areas Price and his GLS-SEF force were in was only a few blocks away from New Englander troops.

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Seeing that Detroit had been secured, most of Operation Enigma left and began to follow their New Englander counterparts to New City. Some began to head towards GLS's northern and western areas, encountering fortified towns along the way. Some stayed to keep on helping the forces in Detroit, and to somehow locate and aid Operation Weavile.

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OOC: Yes, they are.

IC: “Oh (expletive).” Price muttered when five tanks appeared from all directions. “GET COVER!” The colonel screeched as he dramatically jumped for cover as the tanks began to fire. The soldiers heeded this, running for cover the best as they can. The GLS-SEF could feel the ground shake as the shells veered close to their positions, and soon their vision was obscured by smoke. By the time it cleared up, the ‘GLS’ force had disappeared.

What the (expletive) happened here?!” Price roared as he got up. The soldiers shrugged or looked around wildly.


As the GLS-SEF forces moved throughout the GLS capital, securing all strategic buildings along the way, it seemed deserted. However, what they could see was a massive structure looming in the foreground, in the area where the GLS-SEF presumed to be the GLS capitol building.

Something’s fishy going on.” Sergeant Brick Wall muttered as he held out a hand in a gesture to ‘hold on.’ “They must be up to something. Let’s go in slowly and carefully…” He readied his weapon as he and his soldier crept toward the building. By then, they were near the entrance.


Pushing on, the New Englanders entered and occupied Grand Haven, establishing an outlet into Lake Michigan. Soon, other port cities alongside the southern portion of the GLS were occupied by the New Englanders. In the north, the New Englanders captured Bay City, gaining access to the Saginaw Bay; marching forward, the New Englanders eventually occupied the entire southeastern portion of mainland GLS. New City was now a few miles away, and the soldiers prepared to launch a push to capture the GLS capital.

Detroit was virtually under New Englander control, with scattered resistance. The areas Price and his GLS-SEF force were in was only a few blocks away from New Englander troops.

In New City:

Surprisingly, there are no TUO soldiers in the GLS Legislative building. However, they would find piles of dead decaying bodies of the GLS and TUO military, and the building's security personals from a battle months ago. In the main conference room where representatives and senators meet in, was completely covered with the dead decaying bodies of many government officials. In the center of the room, a decayed, dead President Jake was hung from the ceiling with a thick piece of rope.

But two blocks away in the GLS Civil War memorial (a giant glass dome covering the original GLS Legislative building), a "little" present waited for the New England soldiers to enter...

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OOC: Yes, they are.

IC: “Oh (expletive).” Price muttered when five tanks appeared from all directions. “GET COVER!” The colonel screeched as he dramatically jumped for cover as the tanks began to fire. The soldiers heeded this, running for cover the best as they can. The GLS-SEF could feel the ground shake as the shells veered close to their positions, and soon their vision was obscured by smoke. By the time it cleared up, the ‘GLS’ force had disappeared.

What the (expletive) happened here?!” Price roared as he got up. The soldiers shrugged or looked around wildly.


As the GLS-SEF forces moved throughout the GLS capital, securing all strategic buildings along the way, it seemed deserted. However, what they could see was a massive structure looming in the foreground, in the area where the GLS-SEF presumed to be the GLS capitol building.

Something’s fishy going on.” Sergeant Brick Wall muttered as he held out a hand in a gesture to ‘hold on.’ “They must be up to something. Let’s go in slowly and carefully…” He readied his weapon as he and his soldier crept toward the building. By then, they were near the entrance.


Pushing on, the New Englanders entered and occupied Grand Haven, establishing an outlet into Lake Michigan. Soon, other port cities alongside the southern portion of the GLS were occupied by the New Englanders. In the north, the New Englanders captured Bay City, gaining access to the Saginaw Bay; marching forward, the New Englanders eventually occupied the entire southeastern portion of mainland GLS. New City was now a few miles away, and the soldiers prepared to launch a push to capture the GLS capital.

Detroit was virtually under New Englander control, with scattered resistance. The areas Price and his GLS-SEF force were in was only a few blocks away from New Englander troops.

In Detriot:

The GLS Heavy Destroyer V1 tank smashed through a building and into the New Englander troops. The massive 90mm cannon fired a canister shell while the heavily armored machine gunner nest (with two .50 caliber machine guns using large shotgun shells and a 20mm cannon firing canister shells).

The tank had an average of 30 cm titanium alloy thick armoring compared to the original GLS Destroyer V1 tank's 25 cm of armoring. The bottom side was designed to funnel explosions outward by making the center the thickest and the edges the thinnest. 3 cm of armoring covered the tracks' wheels so anti-armor shells have a harder time of disabling the tank. There was a single window in the front, it was a 40 cm thick bullet/shatter resistant glass (reinforced with layers of steel mesh) had a camera behind it. The camera brighten the visual information (due to all of the steel meshes) and relayed it to the video projector in the tank's nest..

The nest on top of the tank had an average of 35 cm armoring (40 in the front) and the same type and thickness of window, including the camera and video projector in the tank's nest.

However, the engine was slightly underpowered to handle all of the heavy armoring. It's max speed is 18 mph and can only travel 31 miles before needing to refuel. The only weak spots were the two windows.

Only two of those tanks was ever produced due to the difficulty of building, costs, and the time to produce ($5 million in IG-CN cash for each). One of them that belonged to the GLS military ran out of fuel...

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In Detriot:

The GLS Heavy Destroyer V1 tank smashed through a building and into the New Englander troops. The massive 90mm cannon fired a canister shell while the heavily armored machine gunner nest (with two .50 caliber machine guns using large shotgun shells and a 20mm cannon firing canister shells).

The tank had an average of 30 cm titanium alloy thick armoring compared to the original GLS Destroyer V1 tank's 25 cm of armoring. The bottom side was designed to funnel explosions outward by making the center the thickest and the edges the thinnest. 3 cm of armoring covered the tracks' wheels so anti-armor shells have a harder time of disabling the tank. There was a single window in the front, it was a 40 cm thick bullet/shatter resistant glass (reinforced with layers of steel mesh) had a camera behind it. The camera brighten the visual information (due to all of the steel meshes) and relayed it to the video projector in the tank's nest..

The nest on top of the tank had an average of 35 cm armoring (40 in the front) and the same type and thickness of window, including the camera and video projector in the tank's nest.

However, the engine was slightly underpowered to handle all of the heavy armoring. It's max speed is 18 mph and can only travel 31 miles before needing to refuel. The only weak spots were the two windows.

Only two of those tanks was ever produced due to the difficulty of building, costs, and the time to produce ($5 million in IG-CN cash for each). One of them that belonged to the GLS military ran out of fuel...


When the GLS Heavy tank appeared and shot at New Englander troops, the troops immediately ran for cover (some even leaped dramatically for cover).

OH (expletive)! RUN FOR COVER!” A sergeant roared as he leapt into cover. Grabbing his radio, he contacted artillery crews. “FIRE THESE SHELLS AT THESE (expletive) TANKS! DO IT NOW!” He bellowed so much that the radio literally short-circuited because of the volume of his voice.

But the artillery crews got the message, though, and troops immediately brought their artillery guns to the front on all sides of the tanks. While the front troopers provided covering fire, the artillery guns unleashed a devastating barrage at the same time, lobbying shells after shells at the tanks from all sides. The tanks joined into the fray, shooting heavy shells after shells at the GLS tanks and bombers could be seen in the air, poised to release their payloads into the tanks.

The combination of firepower from infantry fire, artillery fire, tank shelling, and aerial bombings would be too much for the GLS tanks to bear…

By then, Detroit was effectively 99 percent under New Englander control as few scattered resistance were being smoldered by overwhelming New Englander firepower.


Meanwhile, while New Englander troops dealt with the GLS tanks in Detroit, their counterparts had reached the outskirts of New City. However, the New Englanders decided to bypass New City and encircle it, trapping the city in a siege. This they did; continuing on, the troops and tanks cut off New City from the rest of the GLS, and marched relentlessly toward the north, capturing various cities and towns along the way. In New City itself, the GLS-SEF would meet Operation Enigma.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The New Englander advance slowed to a crawl as news of President Kennedy's assassination in Texas reached Army commanders and generals. Weeping commanders and generals announced the news to the troops, who broke down in tears. They had lost their great leader and commander-in-chief. Some of the troops didn't know what to do now; some committed suicide and others shot down captured TUO prisoners in cold blood.

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New City, GLS

Operation Enigma was shocked and disturbed by the scene they saw as soon as they kicked open the doors of GLS's legislature. Several decaying bodies of GLS and TUO soldiers covered the floor, while the debate chamber reeked of the smell of death and was covered by hundreds of dead bodies. A soldier recognized GLS's President hanging from the ceiling. Photographers reluctantly took pictures, which were immediately sent back to the Disparuean Forces' HQ.

Most of the soldiers threw up on the spot, while others immediately rushed outside into fresh air. The city was still surprisingly empty, and the only movements were from GLS-SEF, the New Englanders on the outskirts of the city or the large glass dome in the distance.

The Disparueans were quite surprised that some of the New Englanders were in tears, while some who were alive a while ago were now dead.

"What...what happened? A surprise attack?" asked one of the Disparuean soldiers.

"No...no surprise attack. Our great leader just got assassinated," whispered a New Englander before collapsing into the pavement.

This was bad news. The death of such a great leader would be a major blow to the force's morale. The Disparueans mourned with their New Englander brothers.

Detroit, GLS

Meanwhile, Operation Enigma troops still stationed in Detroit finally managed to locate Operation Weavile, but the only thing they found were several dead bodies, an injured person here and there, and lots of rubble, debris and smoke.

Since most of the bodies were unidentifiable now, the Disparueans merely picked up any bodies they found, friend or foe, and brought them back. They would be identified via DNA later/ Any Disparuean would be sent back to Disparu, ready for a military burial, while a TUO soldier would immediately be cremated.

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When the GLS Heavy tank appeared and shot at New Englander troops, the troops immediately ran for cover (some even leaped dramatically for cover).

OH (expletive)! RUN FOR COVER!” A sergeant roared as he leapt into cover. Grabbing his radio, he contacted artillery crews. “FIRE THESE SHELLS AT THESE (expletive) TANKS! DO IT NOW!” He bellowed so much that the radio literally short-circuited because of the volume of his voice.

But the artillery crews got the message, though, and troops immediately brought their artillery guns to the front on all sides of the tanks. While the front troopers provided covering fire, the artillery guns unleashed a devastating barrage at the same time, lobbying shells after shells at the tanks from all sides. The tanks joined into the fray, shooting heavy shells after shells at the GLS tanks and bombers could be seen in the air, poised to release their payloads into the tanks.

The combination of firepower from infantry fire, artillery fire, tank shelling, and aerial bombings would be too much for the GLS tanks to bear…

By then, Detroit was effectively 99 percent under New Englander control as few scattered resistance were being smoldered by overwhelming New Englander firepower.

OOC: Remember, its a single, super heavy tank.



The single tank fired a smoking round as it sped away and hid in another building under cover from the smoke. The bombs and shells fired from the New Englanders missed and managed to create a crater in the street.

The TUO's GLS Super Heavy V1 tank waited for everything to calm down before bashing into the street and ambushing again. The nest on top of the tank turned and pointed toward areas where enemy soldiers can sneak in.

And the tank's operators were using an ugly stragety. Get so close to your enemy that they can't bomb or shell without hitting their buddies and hid whenever your enemies are fleeing.

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OOC: Remember, its a single, super heavy tank.



The single tank fired a smoking round as it sped away and hid in another building under cover from the smoke. The bombs and shells fired from the New Englanders missed and managed to create a crater in the street.

The TUO's GLS Super Heavy V1 tank waited for everything to calm down before bashing into the street and ambushing again. The nest on top of the tank turned and pointed toward areas where enemy soldiers can sneak in.

And the tank's operators were using an ugly stragety. Get so close to your enemy that they can't bomb or shell without hitting their buddies and hid whenever your enemies are fleeing.

OOC: Ah, I thought there were several tanks... :blush:


The New Englanders continued to lobby shells after shells at where the tank was presumed to be at. When the smoke cleared, there was a series of craters in the streets where the tank was at. They had missed.

"(expletive) it!" A sergeant roared. "Where could that tank--" He was interrupted by a messenger soldier. He had tears running down his face.

"Sir, we've received terrible news. The President's-the President's-he's dead."

The sergaent gaped in shock. "W-what? You'd better not (expletive) me!" He grabbed the messenger by the front of his uniform. "Because I swear if you're--!" The messenger shook his head, tears still running his face. "No-no, I'm not...he was visiting Texas when he was-was-shot."

Sergaent Jack Brody's radio transmitter rang. Snatching it from his belt, Brody put it to his ears. After several seconds, he broke down sobbing. The messenger pulled him into a hug. The other soldiers and artillery crews paused their activities to look at them in concern and confusion. When the sergaent told them of Kennedy's assassination, the soldiers reacted in shock and disbelief. They, too, broke down crying.

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OOC: Ah, I thought there were several tanks... :blush:


The New Englanders continued to lobby shells after shells at where the tank was presumed to be at. When the smoke cleared, there was a series of craters in the streets where the tank was at. They had missed.

"(expletive) it!" A sergeant roared. "Where could that tank--" He was interrupted by a messenger soldier. He had tears running down his face.

"Sir, we've received terrible news. The President's-the President's-he's dead."

The sergaent gaped in shock. "W-what? You'd better not (expletive) me!" He grabbed the messenger by the front of his uniform. "Because I swear if you're--!" The messenger shook his head, tears still running his face. "No-no, I'm not...he was visiting Texas when he was-was-shot."

Sergaent Jack Brody's radio transmitter rang. Snatching it from his belt, Brody put it to his ears. After several seconds, he broke down sobbing. The messenger pulled him into a hug. The other soldiers and artillery crews paused their activities to look at them in concern and confusion. When the sergaent told them of Kennedy's assassination, the soldiers reacted in shock and disbelief. They, too, broke down crying.

And the tank came smashing out of the building, this time, using incidinary shells. The nest used 20mm canstier shells and large shotgun shells. The moment they notice the enemy is fleeing, the tank's operators are going to hide again.

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