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Operation Rick-Roll


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With the RoB forces in the Republic of Tennessee defeated and our troops near the area, we offer our forces as a third front against these terrorists. We can also offer air, special forces, and missiles against areas. Let us know if this is desirable. If not, we will simply withdraw our forces back through Tennessee to our territory.


While we are capable of eliminating the terrorists on our own, we accept your offer of assistance. Your military forces are allowed to cross through our lands to get to the GLS, though how you do it is up to you. But we caution you: the terrorists may use unconventional methods of warfare.

Classified to Disparu and New England:

This war with the TUO doesn't look like it's gonna end sooon if you don't do something about it. May I offer my military to assist?


Yes, you may. Your forces are allowed to cross through our lands. A word of caution, though: the terrorists may use unconventional methods of warfare.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The Government of Disparu would receive both messages, but would not respond until they have discussed them with New England's Government.

***PRIVATE : TO New England***


You may or may not have received a message from Pravus Inguro and/or the Commonwealth of Texas, offering their assistance to defeating TUO. While we appreciate both nations' offer to help, we would first like to know your position on this matter.


Wallace Muddkip

Minister of Defence

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While we are capable of eliminating the terrorists on our own, we accept your offer of assistance. Your military forces are allowed to cross through our lands to get to the GLS, though how you do it is up to you. But we caution you: the terrorists may use unconventional methods of warfare.


If it is too much of an issue, then we can pull our troops back and support your efforts with air support and missile strikes. If you give us targets, we can provide the fireworks.

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Minister Muddkip would receive a response from Secretary Gates.


Yes, I received a message from both Pravus Ingruo and the Commonwealth of Texas, and I have deemed it best to accept their offer of assistance. We need all the support we can get.

With regards,

Robert Gates,

Secretary of Defense


If it is too much of an issue, then we can pull our troops back and support your efforts with air support and missile strikes. If you give us targets, we can provide the fireworks.


We can provide you a list of targets. Here they are:

  • Grand Rapids
  • Lansing
  • Kalamazoo
  • Saginaw
  • Traverse City
  • Mt. Pleasant
  • Midland
  • Grand Haven
  • Marquette
  • Flint

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Yes, you may. Your forces are allowed to cross through our lands. A word of caution, though: the terrorists may use unconventional methods of warfare.

Classified to New England:

Alright then, we have a strategy to propose. We will "ally" with this TUO group. Once we can get in, we can try to devise a strategy that will destroy them. We'll report their actions to you. What do you think?

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Minister Muddkip would receive a response from Secretary Gates.


After receiving a reply from New England, Wallace would proceed to reply to Pravus Ingruo and the Commonwealth of Texas, privately and separately of course.

We appreciate your help. Your forces may enter Disparuean territory and cross over to the GLS. But I'd like to remind you that these terrorists likes to play dirty.
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In the outer space:

Yep, the GLS satellites' transmitters were fried very well from New England satellites' data flooding attack. However, the backup transmitters activated around 30 minutes after the main transmitters were fried. The last order was sent from the TUO HQ just before the backup transmitter were shut-down, attack the New England satellites with viruses designed to force some power supply controllers to suddenly let out ALL of the power supply from the batteries into the circuits every 30 seconds.

If that failed, then the viruses would simply force the satellites to mass-produce more of the same viruses and transmit them into New England, Disparu, and other satellites.


In the western part of GLS:

Most of the TUO's massively overcrowded labor camps were under riots or destroyed. The enslaved civilians noticed the reduced amount of guards in the camps and the constant air raid sirens going off, and took that as a chance to beat the crap out of the guards and escape as fast as possible.

The invading military forces would notice hordes of malnourished civilians running from the west side of GLS, but the TUO used that to their advantage. They dressed some of their soldiers as civilians and provide with light weapons and a few medium-heavy weapons (such as sub-machine guns, automatic shotguns, semi-auto shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols), since some of the real civilians were carrying weapons they stole from the labor camps.


In Detriot, the TUO forces that are visible took cover and hide.


Detroit, GLS

The same private who notified General Ortega would receive a reply from GLS-SEF, confirming their presence in Detroit. Unfortunately, the same source that broadcasted the help signal never replied, and their broadcast was suddenly cut.

"Uh...sir, we received a reply from GLS-SEF.", said the private.

"Good. Anything else?", replied the General.

"Well, we never received a reply from the GLS Base, plus they cut off their broadcast. That's probably because they're already here or GLS-SEF has reached them, but I'm not sure.", said the private.

"Okay. Continue to communicate with GLS-SEF.", replied the General.

"Yes, sir."

General Ortega had a feeling that something was amiss, but he still tried to be optimistic. He returned to the "GLS" soldier and said, "We're clear. Let's go and help your comrades. Lead the way.", said the General. EVen though he was optimistic, he still kept his guard up and did not trust these "GLS" soldiers.

"Alright, we head into the sewer system and march all the way forward until we reach a massive hole in the ceiling. Hopefully we don't meet any of those sneaky idiots marching around with their flamethrowers in the sewers." the "GLS" captain said as he jumped down into a crater leading into the sewers and was lighted on fire by flamethrower (OOC: who was a real GLS soldier that simply got lost :OOC). "Hostiles!" the "GLS" soldiers screamed as one of them threw a flash grenade into the hole.

Right after the grenade exploded, two of them jumped and opened fire, killing the lone flamethrower. The rest of the "GLS" soldiers jumped into the sewers and proceeded while walking past their extra crispy roasted captain.


In Detroit, as the ground began to shake from the New Englander artillery attacks and the gunfire could be heard more clearly, the GLS-SEF was in communication with both their Disparueans and their New Englander counterparts. They roamed the city’s streets, eliminating any opposition in the way and looking for the GLS loyalist forces as well as the Disparueans.

Meanwhile, Colonel Price and his squad continued to follow the ‘GLS’ captain toward the alleged ‘GLS’ base. Little would they know was that they were heading toward a trap—but they would keep their guard up as they didn’t fully trust the ‘GLS’ captain.

"I am hoping that those cowards ran for cover, since I am tired of having to shoot at them when they are holding civilians hostages." the "GLS captain mumbled as he continued to walk toward the base when a tank buried under rubble blew up a chunk of concrete that was blocking it's path and fired at the group of GLS-SEF operatives while the "GLS" soldiers screamed, "Take cover!".

One of the "GLS" soldiers loaded a rocket into his portable anti-tank rocket launcher and fired it at the tank, but the tank seemed to be unaffected by the blast.


All over Great Lakes State:

The TUO made their last desperate attempt. They emerged from their underground bunkers and attacked any any invading forces. All of the remaining TUO air crafts were launched. Two different strategies were used. The first one was clump hordes of chained civilians around tempting targets, such as artillery guns and vehicles. There would also be two rows of chained civilians used as disposable meat shields so the TUO soldiers can fire between the civilians through the gaps.

The second strategy was used by TUO soldiers spiked with steroids, get so close to your enemy that they can not use artillery, grenade, missile strikes, or air strikes without hitting their buddies. That means close combat fighting, which is why all of them are armed with Pancor Jackhammer automatic shotguns and melee weapons, such as battery powered chain saws (they get clogged up with gore easily, so they are simply used to spread fear throughout the enemy soldiers), 25 pound spike hammers and 14 inch large combat knives. Plus, some of the tanks were loaded with canister shells and others were modified with giant flamethrowers, highly devastating to enemy infantry and light vehicles. Some of the tanks were loaded with anti-armor shells to stop enemy tanks from attacking TUO's anti-infantry and light vehicle tanks.

It would be a messy fight, no defined front lines.

Edited by HHAYD
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Detroit, GLS

General Ortega kicked a pebble into the crater. "Why the sewers? Help has arrived, we can just go straight ahead in the open. Besides, the sewers would probably the worst place we could be in."


Throughout the GLS, Disparuean soldiers would notice the malnourished civilians who managed to escape from TUO's labour camps. The Disparueans would inform them that they were friends, and requested to surrender any weapons. The soldiers would try their best to help these civilians by providing food, clothes and shelter, even those that were actually TUO operatives.

TUO's first plan could've worked when the Disparueans were still reluctant to shoot at innocent civilians, but the orders were to shoot (or blast into pieces) all threats. The Disparueans continued to blast vehicles and guns, while soldiers shot the meat shields down before shooting down TUO's men.

The second plan though, or at least some of it, was kind of a success. Since the landscape was pretty much flattened, the soldiers could spot the spiked TUO soldiers from afar and shoot them down. However, the flamethrower tanks caused a lot of damage to the mission, giving third-degree burns or death to soldiers hit by the flare.

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Detroit, GLS

General Ortega kicked a pebble into the crater. "Why the sewers? Help has arrived, we can just go straight ahead in the open. Besides, the sewers would probably the worst place we could be in."


Throughout the GLS, Disparuean soldiers would notice the malnourished civilians who managed to escape from TUO's labour camps. The Disparueans would inform them that they were friends, and requested to surrender any weapons. The soldiers would try their best to help these civilians by providing food, clothes and shelter, even those that were actually TUO operatives.

TUO's first plan could've worked when the Disparueans were still reluctant to shoot at innocent civilians, but the orders were to shoot (or blast into pieces) all threats. The Disparueans continued to blast vehicles and guns, while soldiers shot the meat shields down before shooting down TUO's men.

The second plan though, or at least some of it, was kind of a success. Since the landscape was pretty much flattened, the soldiers could spot the spiked TUO soldiers from afar and shoot them down. However, the flamethrower tanks caused a lot of damage to the mission, giving third-degree burns or death to soldiers hit by the flare.

"You want to play with snipers that are expert at hiding, avoid stepping on land mines and hidden bear traps, and avoid meeting with hidden tanks?" replied one of the soldiers as they continued to walk through the sewers.


The spiked TUO soldiers stopped charging, they deployed dozens of bomb trucks as escorted jet bombers flew toward the Disparu military forces.

After the bomb truck and air strikes stopped the spiked TUO soldiers would charge again with hordes of civilians being forced to run or killed and heavy armored vehicles in between the TUO soldiers and the civilians.

For the TUO soldiers that were using the first stragety, they deployed bomb trucks while jet bombers flew toward the Disparu forces.

In the forests however, the TUO soldiers would hide in places where they would not be spotted and attack with close range melee weapons or Pancor Jackhammers. Tanks were partially buried into the dirt and cleverly covered with re-planted plants to avoid attracting much attention. Any groups of enemy soldiers that came close enough would see a tank open firing at them and roll out of its hiding place. Bear traps and land mines were laid everywhere.

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Classified to New England:

Alright then, we have a strategy to propose. We will "ally" with this TUO group. Once we can get in, we can try to devise a strategy that will destroy them. We'll report their actions to you. What do you think?


Hm, that sounds like an interesting strategy. You may do that, if that will do the best job.

In the outer space:

Yep, the GLS satellites' transmitters were fried very well from New England satellites' data flooding attack. However, the backup transmitters activated around 30 minutes after the main transmitters were fried. The last order was sent from the TUO HQ just before the backup transmitter were shut-down, attack the New England satellites with viruses designed to force some power supply controllers to suddenly let out ALL of the power supply from the batteries into the circuits every 30 seconds.

If that failed, then the viruses would simply force the satellites to mass-produce more of the same viruses and transmit them into New England, Disparu, and other satellites.

What part of firewalls, security programs, and superior technology did the terrorists didn’t understand? The satellites, insulated by military security programs, were able to repulse the attack. In response, the satellites mounted reprisals, launching another swarm of viruses and Trojans aimed at disabling the backup transmitters—and eliminating the terrorists’ space warfare capability.

In the western part of GLS:

Most of the TUO's massively overcrowded labor camps were under riots or destroyed. The enslaved civilians noticed the reduced amount of guards in the camps and the constant air raid sirens going off, and took that as a chance to beat the crap out of the guards and escape as fast as possible.

The invading military forces would notice hordes of malnourished civilians running from the west side of GLS, but the TUO used that to their advantage. They dressed some of their soldiers as civilians and provide with light weapons and a few medium-heavy weapons (such as sub-machine guns, automatic shotguns, semi-auto shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols), since some of the real civilians were carrying weapons they stole from the labor camps.

Indeed, the New Englanders did notice swarms of malnourished civilians coming in from the west. The troops paused to handle the civilians, escorting them to makeshift hospitals behind the front lines for treatment—and disarming these that had weapons. However, they still remained on high alert, fully aware of the terrorists’ methods. After all, they were going to fire on anything, anything, that fired at them.

"I am hoping that those cowards ran for cover, since I am tired of having to shoot at them when they are holding civilians hostages." the "GLS captain mumbled as he continued to walk toward the base when a tank buried under rubble blew up a chunk of concrete that was blocking it's path and fired at the group of GLS-SEF operatives while the "GLS" soldiers screamed, "Take cover!".

One of the "GLS" soldiers loaded a rocket into his portable anti-tank rocket launcher and fired it at the tank, but the tank seemed to be unaffected by the blast.

We’re under attack! Find cover!” Colonel Price roared as he jumped into cover, his squad doing the same. He could see a ‘GLS’ soldier launch a rocket at the tank. However, he didn’t notice that the tank seemed to be ‘unaffected’ by the blast.

All over Great Lakes State:

The TUO made their last desperate attempt. They emerged from their underground bunkers and attacked any any invading forces. All of the remaining TUO air crafts were launched. Two different strategies were used. The first one was clump hordes of chained civilians around tempting targets, such as artillery guns and vehicles. There would also be two rows of chained civilians used as disposable meat shields so the TUO soldiers can fire between the civilians through the gaps.

The second strategy was used by TUO soldiers spiked with steroids, get so close to your enemy that they can not use artillery, grenade, missile strikes, or air strikes without hitting their buddies. That means close combat fighting, which is why all of them are armed with Pancor Jackhammer automatic shotguns and melee weapons, such as battery powered chain saws (they get clogged up with gore easily, so they are simply used to spread fear throughout the enemy soldiers), 25 pound spike hammers and 14 inch large combat knives. Plus, some of the tanks were loaded with canister shells and others were modified with giant flamethrowers, highly devastating to enemy infantry and light vehicles. Some of the tanks were loaded with anti-armor shells to stop enemy tanks from attacking TUO's anti-infantry and light vehicle tanks.

It would be a messy fight, no defined front lines.

Messy, it was. But then, what war in history wasn’t messy? As they advanced forward, the New Englanders blasted the opposition with everything they had, utilizing artillery guns, missiles, bombers, and self-propelled guns to clear the way. By then, the New Englanders were in control of over eighty percent of Detroit, and were rapidly converging upon Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Grand Rapids. In the east, they were approaching the town of Chatham and was about to link up with their friends at Detroit.

Up in the air, in a series of fierce dogfights, the New Englander interceptors and fighters was able to inflict heavy casualties upon the TUO aircrafts, shooting down a good number of them—but not before sustaining some casaulties. But the New Englanders now had control of the skies above the GLS and had overwhelming numbers.

The terrorists thought they would stop the New Englanders by using civilians as meat shields, but they thought wrong. Oh, how so wrong they were. The methods the terrorists were using only served to further enrage the New Englanders further and harden their resolve. Recalibrating their artillery guns and self-propelled howitzers, the soldiers unleashed a furious barrage toward the TUO forces. As the destruction and gory ensued, the New Englanders pressed on, some soldiers turning their heads away from the terrible scenes. However, as they marched on, they noticed TUO soldiers—of which some looked to be laden with steroids or something—charging at them. They had all types of weapons, including but not limited to chainsaws!

These cowards want to mess with us! Let’s show them what we’re made of!” A sergeant roared as his troops readied their weapons. “CURBSTOMP THEM!

Midst a huge barrage of shells launched from the Abrams and Panther tanks, and while swarms of cooked grenades were up in the air and hurtling toward the enemy, the New Englanders charged forward the enemy, their guns blazing. While the frontline troops were swarming toward the terrorists, the rear troops—snipers, artillery crews, gunners, etc—aimed at the enemy and unleashed a furious barrage of lead. It would be a messy battle, indeed, but the New Englanders would win.

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Hm, that sounds like an interesting strategy. You may do that, if that will do the best job.

What part of firewalls, security programs, and superior technology did the terrorists didn’t understand? The satellites, insulated by military security programs, were able to repulse the attack. In response, the satellites mounted reprisals, launching another swarm of viruses and Trojans aimed at disabling the backup transmitters—and eliminating the terrorists’ space warfare capability.

Indeed, the New Englanders did notice swarms of malnourished civilians coming in from the west. The troops paused to handle the civilians, escorting them to makeshift hospitals behind the front lines for treatment—and disarming these that had weapons. However, they still remained on high alert, fully aware of the terrorists’ methods. After all, they were going to fire on anything, anything, that fired at them.

We’re under attack! Find cover!” Colonel Price roared as he jumped into cover, his squad doing the same. He could see a ‘GLS’ soldier launch a rocket at the tank. However, he didn’t notice that the tank seemed to be ‘unaffected’ by the blast.

Messy, it was. But then, what war in history wasn’t messy? As they advanced forward, the New Englanders blasted the opposition with everything they had, utilizing artillery guns, missiles, bombers, and self-propelled guns to clear the way. By then, the New Englanders were in control of over eighty percent of Detroit, and were rapidly converging upon Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Grand Rapids. In the east, they were approaching the town of Chatham and was about to link up with their friends at Detroit.

Up in the air, in a series of fierce dogfights, the New Englander interceptors and fighters was able to inflict heavy casualties upon the TUO aircrafts, shooting down a good number of them—but not before sustaining some casaulties. But the New Englanders now had control of the skies above the GLS and had overwhelming numbers.

The terrorists thought they would stop the New Englanders by using civilians as meat shields, but they thought wrong. Oh, how so wrong they were. The methods the terrorists were using only served to further enrage the New Englanders further and harden their resolve. Recalibrating their artillery guns and self-propelled howitzers, the soldiers unleashed a furious barrage toward the TUO forces. As the destruction and gory ensued, the New Englanders pressed on, some soldiers turning their heads away from the terrible scenes. However, as they marched on, they noticed TUO soldiers—of which some looked to be laden with steroids or something—charging at them. They had all types of weapons, including but not limited to chainsaws!

These cowards want to mess with us! Let’s show them what we’re made of!” A sergeant roared as his troops readied their weapons. “CURBSTOMP THEM!

Midst a huge barrage of shells launched from the Abrams and Panther tanks, and while swarms of cooked grenades were up in the air and hurtling toward the enemy, the New Englanders charged forward the enemy, their guns blazing. While the frontline troops were swarming toward the terrorists, the rear troops—snipers, artillery crews, gunners, etc—aimed at the enemy and unleashed a furious barrage of lead. It would be a messy battle, indeed, but the New Englanders would win.

The GLS satellites' backup transmitters failed from the attacks and they were infected with the viruses.

Sadly for the New England government, the GLS satellites activated their rocket thrusters due to misfiring in the circuit board and flew toward the New England satellites.


The spiked soldiers retreated and unleashed the last of the civilians and bomb trucks. The civilians were forced to run toward the New England's positions or will get killed by the angry TUO force.

In between the spiked soldiers and the civilians/bomb trucks, armored vehicles were deployed.

Including anti-armor, flamethrower, and canister shell (turn tanks into giant mobile, armored shotguns) tanks...

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The GLS satellites' backup transmitters failed from the attacks and they were infected with the viruses.

Sadly for the New England government, the GLS satellites activated their rocket thrusters due to misfiring in the circuit board and flew toward the New England satellites.

On the ground, military operators (these maintaining the military satellites) immediately went about recalibrating the satellites to move away from the GLS satellites as to avoid collision. For the most part, this succeeded as the satellites managed to move to a different position, but a couple were crashed and exploded, scattering debris in outer space.

The spiked soldiers retreated and unleashed the last of the civilians and bomb trucks. The civilians were forced to run toward the New England's positions or will get killed by the angry TUO force.

In between the spiked soldiers and the civilians/bomb trucks, armored vehicles were deployed.

Including anti-armor, flamethrower, and canister shell (turn tanks into giant mobile, armored shotguns) tanks...

Regarding the bomb trucks and armored vehicles, the New Englanders used artillery guns and rocket launchers to deal with them, wreaking destruction. They, however, were careful not to fire at the civilians that were swarming toward their lines. The soldiers took them in as they approached them, and quickly brought them behind the lines.

In the sky, swarms of bombers escorted by fighters appeared above the battlefield. The bombers duly unleashed their payloads, scattering napalm and highly-explosive bombs at the terrorists...

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We’re under attack! Find cover!” Colonel Price roared as he jumped into cover, his squad doing the same. He could see a ‘GLS’ soldier launch a rocket at the tank. However, he didn’t notice that the tank seemed to be ‘unaffected’ by the blast.

The tank turned toward the "GLS" unit and fired, missing the "GLS" unit by about a meter. It then rolled toward the GLS-SEF unit's position while firing canister shells, a highly devastating weapon against infantry.

The "GLS" soldier knew the tank belonged to them and the anti-armor rocket was actually an anti-light vehicle rocket, but loaded and fired another rocket to avoid looking suspicious. He then shouted, "Does anyone have a better anti-armor rocket launcher? This one isn't cutting the job!" while ducking.

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"You want to play with snipers that are expert at hiding, avoid stepping on land mines and hidden bear traps, and avoid meeting with hidden tanks?" replied one of the soldiers as they continued to walk through the sewers.


The spiked TUO soldiers stopped charging, they deployed dozens of bomb trucks as escorted jet bombers flew toward the Disparu military forces.

After the bomb truck and air strikes stopped the spiked TUO soldiers would charge again with hordes of civilians being forced to run or killed and heavy armored vehicles in between the TUO soldiers and the civilians.

For the TUO soldiers that were using the first stragety, they deployed bomb trucks while jet bombers flew toward the Disparu forces.

In the forests however, the TUO soldiers would hide in places where they would not be spotted and attack with close range melee weapons or Pancor Jackhammers. Tanks were partially buried into the dirt and cleverly covered with re-planted plants to avoid attracting much attention. Any groups of enemy soldiers that came close enough would see a tank open firing at them and roll out of its hiding place. Bear traps and land mines were laid everywhere.

OoC: What happened to Ryan Jake?


Detroit, GLS

"And you want to play with crazy flamethrowers or get lost in the sewers? I think not. We would be at a disadvantage if we go in there.", said General Ortega.


TUO's fleet headed towards Operation Enigma was seen as more of a joke than a threat. These guys would've been better off if they just surrendered to the Disparueans. Disparu's fighter jets above began shooting down TUO's jets, with artillery guns supporting them from below. After the attacks, the spiked TUO soldiers, along with meat shields and vehicles, charged towards the Disparueans. The soldiers reluctantly shot down the civilians before attacking TUO's force.

Fortunately, the Disparuean soldiers and tanks never bothered to enter any forests they encounter, aware of the possible attacks. Instead, Disparuean bomber jets blew up any forests that were suspected of being an enemy base.

Edited by Pikachurin
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Current TUO situation:

They were vastly outnumbered now. The air force was completely mowed down and only about 9,500 soldiers are still alive and able to fight. Only a few hundred vehicles including helicopters were still operational.

Shortly after their failed final attack, they were given their final orders, fall back to Detriot if possible. If too far away, then dress and act like civilians.

In the President House:

Ryan ducked the masked TUO agent's punch as he pulled himself back up. "I wanna play." Ryan mumbled as he kicked both of the masked TUO agent's ankles, sending him falling down and doing the side way split. "Damn you son of a (insert inappropriate word)!" roared the masked TUO agent as he falls backward and attempts to get back up, only to get hit in the head with a fire extinguisher thrown by Ryan. Meanwhile, a helicopter appeared in front of the hallway's window with an opened door. The pilot was waiting for the TUO agents to smashed down the windows and board the helicopter, but failed to realize that they were all dead or knocked out.

When the agent attempted to get back up again, the security guards opened fire and filled the agent's chest with dozens of bullets. "Be right back, I need to hijack that helicopter in front of me." said Ryan as he dashed toward the window, smashing through it, and landed into the TUO helicopter.

"ZOMG! Hijacker! Get off!" yelled the pilot. "Mine!" replied Ryan as he unbuckled the pilot's seat belt, hauled him out of the seat and threw the pilot out of the helicopter, leaving the pilot to fall four stories toward the ground.

"What are you guys waiting for? Get on the helicopter." asked Ryan as he takes over the controls.

After all of the surviving security guards boarded the helicopter, Ryan piloted the helicopter toward the south, in hope of finding somewhere safe to land.

Back in the building...

The masked TUO agent who took dozens of bullets into his chest slowly pushed himself back up and screamed, "(insert inappropriate word) you stupid kid! I am Kale Rak, undefeatable!"

(OOC: Kale Rak was the blood thirsty manic who attempted to hijack an airplane: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62983 :OOC)

Several days ago in New City:

"Do you know how to pilot a helicopter?" asked one of the guards. "Erm, just enough to avoid looking suspicious." replied Ryan as he begin to fly toward Detriot while increasing the helicopter's altitude to avoid being seen.

After about 15 minutes of flying, a problem struck. The radio barked, "Damn, what the heck are you guys are doing way outside of New City?! You were suppose to report to the TUO military after you have finished raiding the President House!"

Ryan simply turned off the radio, knowing if anyone in the helicopter spoke, it would spark serious attention. "We got busted. Any ideas?" he asked.

"We can try landing and escaping on foot or keep on flying after changing course." replied one of the guards.

"Both of them are risky. We might run into enemy units on the ground, and being stuck with hostile tanks without any heavy weapons would be devastating. If we kept on flying, they might pick up our location with radar and shoot us down." Ryan replied as the sky begin to dark and thunders were roaring.

"Thunderstorms ahead. Buckle up for a rough ride." he said as two helicopters appeared on the radar.

"Who are they?" asked one of the guards.

"Maybe the GLS military?" replied another guard.

Dozens of bullets slammed into the helicopter, shattering some of the windows...

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Greetings. I am President Chris Nguyen of the Commonwealth of Texas. Like you, we despise the GLS and ant more power. What do you say to an alliance? Together we can unite and conquer the world!

OOC: Erm, TUO's communication systems that connect them to the outside world are completely blown. Their satellites were fried, infected, and blown up, and there is no way of contacting the TUO without meeting one of their soldiers, which would be asking for a death wish.

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OOC: Oh right, well just assume that I sent someone to one of the soldiers with the message. Don't really care what you do with him.

One of the TUO soldiers noticed someone walking toward him that was asking about joining alliance or something.

Well, the soldier simply charged at the person while pulling out a piece of rope, thinking that person was an insane civilian or something.

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Detroit, GLS

"And you want to play with crazy flamethrowers or get lost in the sewers? I think not. We would be at a disadvantage if we go in there.", said General Ortega.

"We know our way around here. You want us to step outside, fine." the "GLS" soldier replied as they climbed back out, just as a building toward their left exploded into debris, dust, and concrete chunks. An unusual looking GLS tank rumbled from the dust cloud just as it was struck by a 90 mm anti-armor shell while turning it's turret toward the direction of the dust cloud. The explosion slightly rattled the tank, but nothing more.

Another unusual looking GLS tank appeared from the dust cloud just as the first strange tank fired a 90 mm anti-tank shell at it. But the same result occurred. The tanks had extremely thick armoring, heavy weight, were equipped with 90 mm guns that can destroy weaker armored tanks a long distance away, and their turrets' armoring and reinforced bullet/shatter-resistant glass was even thicker than the rest of the tank' armoring. Their turrets were armed with a 30 mm gun and two .50 caliber machine guns. However, the tanks' max speed is 20 mph and can only travel around a max distance of 49 miles before needing to be refueled.

Both tanks parked in front of each other while continuing to fire. The "GLS" soldiers shouted, "Back into the sewers!" and jumped into the sewer.

"GLS Heavy Destroyer V1 tanks, they are nearly invincible if there are no bunker buster missiles laying around." the "GLS" soldier mumbled.

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One of the TUO soldiers noticed someone walking toward him that was asking about joining alliance or something.

Well, the soldier simply charged at the person while pulling out a piece of rope, thinking that person was an insane civilian or something.

As the soldier was being tied up, he hysterically shouted, "Texas wants to help!" over and over again until they duct taped his mouth.

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The tank turned toward the "GLS" unit and fired, missing the "GLS" unit by about a meter. It then rolled toward the GLS-SEF unit's position while firing canister shells, a highly devastating weapon against infantry.

The "GLS" soldier knew the tank belonged to them and the anti-armor rocket was actually an anti-light vehicle rocket, but loaded and fired another rocket to avoid looking suspicious. He then shouted, "Does anyone have a better anti-armor rocket launcher? This one isn't cutting the job!" while ducking.

It was a devastating weapon, indeed, to some soldiers unfortunate to be near the blast when it occurred. ‘Swarms’ of shrapnel suddenly struck the soldiers, hitting their arms and legs.

MY ARMS AND LEGS! I’M HIT!” One of the soldiers howled out in pain as several shrapnel pierced his arms and hands (they narrowly missed his face). Several more soldiers were also hit, falling to the ground in pain. “Men, take them to safety! I’ll cover you!” Colonel Price shouted as he readied his weapon. The unharmed soldiers nodded and made their way to their wounded buddies, midst covering fire, and brought them to safety.

By this time, the shelling and bombing was a lot closer now; billows of smoke could now be seen in the distance as several buildings either shook or collapsed from the New Englander artillery and aerial bombardment. New Englander troops were now blocks away…

Current TUO situation:

They were vastly outnumbered now. The air force was completely mowed down and only about 9,500 soldiers are still alive and able to fight. Only a few hundred vehicles including helicopters were still operational.

Shortly after their failed final attack, they were given their final orders, fall back to Detriot if possible. If too far away, then dress and act like civilians.


The TUO was in tatters. The New Englanders could see that. The interceptors and fighters had done their job wonderfully, shooting down the last of the remaining TUO air force. New England had attained complete superiority of the air above mainland GLS. The New Englanders could now move about with impunity—save for any remaining anti-aircraft defenses—and this was to be catastrophic for the terrorists.

After crushing the TUO forces in open battle, the New Englanders flooded into Kalamazoo, flushing out all resistance along the way. The bombed out cities of Flint and Lansing fell in turn as New Englander soldiers marched through their streets. The troops and tanks were now converging upon Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Sarnia, and Grand Haven with overwhelming force. By this time, the New Englanders controlled well over ninety percent of Detroit and had entered Windsor.


The ground shook as New Englander tanks and self-propelled artillery rumbled on toward Chatham as troops rushed forward, crushing any and all opposition in the way. After fierce fighting, the town was in New Englander hands, and the New Englanders were now rushing westward toward Detroit and Windsor to finally link up with their counterparts and the Disparueans. At the same time, they concluded their operations in Toronto, fully occupying the city and instituting law and order.


The S-22 Hawkeyes descended to the ground in many points in the GLS capital, and tens of thousands of GLS-SEF troopers filed out, taking defensive positions as they were briefed by their respective squad leaders.

Okay, this is it, men. Time to get rid of these terrorists for once and for all!” Sergeant Brick Wall stated to his troops in the northern portion of New City as he readied his weapons. “Move out!” They duly did so, moving toward the downtown portion of the city. They were to utilize GPS technology to try to locate the terrorist base—and high-powered weaponry to eliminate anyone in the way. They were also to neutralize terrorist strongholds and take over strategic buildings, such as communication centers, post offices, government buildings, etc. A couple of squadrons headed off toward the Capitol building.

Tens of thousands of GLS-SEF troops were now in the GLS capital, and it seems the days of the terrorists were now numbered…

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