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Clarification of Protection


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Well that's all fine and good but other people are allowed to have their opinions on an alliance's actions. The fact is most of the time an ally will ask another not to enter a losing war and say they still considered them to act with honor, because they're friends. To most others, though, it's clear that the alliance didn't fulfill its obligations. TPF was VA's first and most steadfast ally, and while they were fighting a losing war for three months VA bowed out of the war after a week and went on with their lives. Some people are bound to not respect those kinds of actions. Again, I'd rather not discuss this here. It's not the place to do so.

You don't know anything about VA. And it's hilarious to me to see someone who criticized TPF for taking part in the Continuum mass-cancel criticize VA, whose resolve never wavered.

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Well that's all fine and good but other people are allowed to have their opinions on an alliance's actions. The fact is most of the time an ally will ask another not to enter a losing war and say they still considered them to act with honor, because they're friends. To most others, though, it's clear that the alliance didn't fulfill its obligations. TPF was VA's first and most steadfast ally, and while they were fighting a losing war for three months VA bowed out of the war after a week and went on with their lives. Some people are bound to not respect those kinds of actions. Again, I'd rather not discuss this here. It's not the place to do so.

I'm impressed how you're able to say your piece, how bad of allies we are, and then say we shouldn't discuss this after you've discussed it. Quite impressive.

But again, I also find it impressive to have someone who's government of one of my allies to publicly criticize our actions as we've been nothing but honorable. And the alliance in question, TPF, had their MoW come to our defense saying how they don't hold ill-will nor consider us dishonorable.

Just amazing.

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