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An announcement to the people of the Former Hanseatic Commonwealth


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Following the decision of Lady Sarah Tintagyl to abdicate her position as Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth, and her last request that nobody stepped up to replace her, we are broadcasting this message to all Hanseatic Citizens. Anyone listening who wishes it shall be allowed free and permanent passage to New Cymru, to live as citizens, where they shall enjoy all the liberties they enjoyed under Lady Sarah's leadership. While we accept that many will not want to leave their homes, the offer shall remain indefinately. In the mean time, the Cymry Construction workers aiding in the reconstruction efforts in Brisbane will remain there until there job is completed, at which point they shall be recalled, unless the people request otherwise.

*Transmission ends*

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Many citizens would accept the offer, however an every greater number would stay in Brisbane and the surrounding areas. Many of them were shocked to hear the announcement that the Lady Protector had disappeared. Her enemies called that she had abandoned her people, but those unlucky few were quickly shut up by various means. Most people looked up at the sky in hope, they had plans to build a statue of their heroine in the center of Brisbane, constructed by citizen money, and citizen hands. Their tears flowed as it was build, but on its completion, the word angelic would only be used to describe it, and even when the country was no longer the Hansa. Their flag still few at half-mast over the buildings. Now and forever, they were proud to be Hanseatics, they were proud to be citizens of one of the greatest leaders on earth, and they were proud that they had each individually changed the world. Perhaps a golden age had ended, but the memory, and the legend would live on. Of that, they would make sure of.

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"In a move that we hope will be followed by many other nations, Zargathia would like to issue a Guarantee of Independence to what is now called the World Protectorate. We urge other nations to do the same, and in doing so turn the area into a living example of everything Sarah worked so hard to achieve."

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