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Invandrare Sämhalle - An Adventure

Elrich von Richt

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The Promised Land settlers were greeted easily, and the lead Norman settler, Stian Jean-Phillipe, directed them to Invandrarestad. They could clearly see the city as it was being constructed, and the beauty of architecture and friendship it was becoming. Though the Rakatan and Norman settlers had their own districts, they intermingled and bartered often. Community was real here. They passed by the developing commercial block, and the Town Hall, whose interior was almost finished. They also passed by the statue of friendship in the middle of Invandrarestad. They directed the settlers finally to a region right near the Rakatan and Norman districts, that was open, and had a good landscape for the building.

Only one word came out of Jean-Phillipe's mouth: "If you wish, we shall help, for here we are brothers."

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The leader, one Frederick Lloyd, thanked him personally.

"We would gladly accept the help, and in turn we will help with the construction of rest of the settlement."

He smiled, and he wasn't the only one smiling. They could tell that though each nationality was seperate, they intermingled freely. it was just like back home--except much colder, of course.

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After reviewing the research, an independent think tank has been forwarded the results of the climate and ice studies and the results are quite interesting. Much of the rumors related to global climate change and CO2 emissions seem to have been rather off base. The ice appears to be at a stable depth and thickness in most areas around the settlement. Whether this is true around the continent remains to be seen however. It is clear that further study is certainly warranted.

In other areas, Rakatan and Norman civilians were seen playing a friendly match of ice soccer, with the Rakatan team narrowly losing to the Normans in a heated but friendly spirit. Afterwards, the Rakatan district hosted a party at the HQ of the Rakatan delegation. Vodka, fish and other foodstuffs were readily available.

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the Promised Land settlers cheerfully set to work with a will, doing their best to construct their living quarters quickly yet efficiently.

Of course, they weren't used to working in the cold, so even with the help, it went more slowly than they expected, but still, they didn't let the climate stop them.

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The Normans worked hand in hand with the settlers from the Promised Land, and worked hard. Some of them felt frozen, and disliked the harsh climate, but had learned to live with it. While life was hard here, knowing you could create your own living, and feel almost complete freedom was the best feeling of all. As the Promised Land sector continued closer towards becoming finished, the settlers were overjoyed.

The commercial sector was finished two, and shops were beginning to spring up. They sold various fish and meat, and through a controlled temperature greenhouse, vegetables and fruits were sold. Water was plentiful here, as ice could be melted and drank.

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