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Final Acts of War


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The troopers also trained their weapons on him, and Harley lifted his heavy weapon, one that would normally require two men to carry. He was a large enough man that he could carry it on his own if he had to.

"I don't think you're in any position to demand names," Stone said. "We're the ones with the weapons. We want your name, rank, serial number...and which forces you belong to."

"Gen Jarsh, commander of the Great Lakes State 134th infantry unit which was completely destroyed. I don't remember my serial number." he replied as he shuffles slightly closer to the wreaked jeep, hoping to grab his Daewoo USAS-12 automatic shotgun. "Are you part of the Aperture Infantry?" Gen asked.

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A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

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George Romero's Survival Guide to Diberia - Zombie Apocalypse Edition

First Part of Chapter 2 - If you see Someone...

Diberia is not a safe place to make new friends, even with zombies attempting to hug you. If you do see someone, you should always hide nearby and watch them for a short bit of time. If you can discern that they are not either a) a zombie, or B) an Aperture Science employee, then you need to go up towards them saying "I Surrender! Please don't kill me!". Anything else, and they may just shoot you. But always be cautious, because there are looters and greenpeace fanatics running about; especially if your female.

Now, if they have Gad

Rest of chapter has been torn out.

OOC: Just dropping by to say you've been doing a terrific job with your RP (despite it featuring Zombies), JR. :) Excellent read thus far.

OOC: :awesome: Thanks! /OOC

"Gen Jarsh, commander of the Great Lakes State 134th infantry unit which was completely destroyed. I don't remember my serial number." he replied as he shuffles slightly closer to the wreaked jeep, hoping to grab his Daewoo USAS-12 automatic shotgun. "Are you part of the Aperture Infantry?" Gen asked.

"If we were, you would have been shot already." Jerrey chuckles. He lowers his pistols...

A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

Jerrey flys to the ground to avoid any flying ammunition, along with Kalmerg and another man. The remaining four men that did not step forward ran.

Once the hail of bullets stops, Jerrey brushes off some debris and gets up. He gives an eyebrow to the soldier. "I'm sorry, but we have no idea if you are who you are. I'll get someone to send you back to security, and if you are indeed not a Aperture soldier then you will be given one of our jeeps. Ix, keep an eye on him." Jerrey gets on a radio to get someone over here ASAP.

(edit: below)

Then Jerrey continues to talk of his plan, "We will be taking these jeeps behind us to get there because they are fast, reliable, and have a secondary ability to move through water, alas not fast. Now, who wishes to go with who?"

Edited by JerreyRough
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A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

The troopers ducked to avoid the shrapnel. Stone turned an annoyed look on Sentinel once it was safe. "Dammit, next time warn us, will ya? I don't want friendly fire."

"If we were, you would have been shot already." Jerrey chuckles. He lowers his pistols...

Jerrey flys to the ground to avoid any flying ammunition, along with Kalmerg and another man. The remaining four men that did not step forward ran.

Once the hail of bullets stops, Jerrey brushes off some debris and gets up. He gives an eyebrow to the soldier. "I'm sorry, but we have no idea if you are who you are. I'll get someone to send you back to security, and if you are indeed not a Aperture soldier then you will be given one of our jeeps. Ix, keep an eye on him." Jerrey gets on a radio to get someone over here ASAP.

(edit: below)

Then Jerrey continues to talk of his plan, "We will be taking these jeeps behind us to get there because they are fast, reliable, and have a secondary ability to move through water, alas not fast. Now, who wishes to go with who?"

Perez immediately raised his hand. "Can I go with Sentinel, please?" The man had an ulterior motive. Long before, he'd saved the trooper's life. Perez intended to follow him until he'd repaid the deed Sentinel had done for him.

"I have no problem with that," Stone stated.

Harley Pole remained silent.

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A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

"You just blew up the only emergency radio that I had in there. Great Lakes State forces are pulling out out Diberia in exactly 96 hours, that is 4 days. All I know is that they are launching the last of their search and rescue helicopters which are painted red and white. The helicopters are suppose to search the southern central and western part of Diberia." said Gen Jarsh after he ducked.

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Once the hail of bullets stops, Jerrey brushes off some debris and gets up. He gives an eyebrow to the soldier. "I'm sorry, but we have no idea if you are who you are. I'll get someone to send you back to security, and if you are indeed not a Aperture soldier then you will be given one of our jeeps. Ix, keep an eye on him." Jerrey gets on a radio to get someone over here ASAP.

Ix'Chimalxochitzin nodded, and looked somewhat disappointed as she kept the barrel aimed straight at the General's heart. There was a chance the prisoner was Aperture but she doubted it, this wasn't the first time something similar happened. Her eyes glowing a faint green in the sunlight, she waited for confirmation to fire... Or confirmation that he was a friendly. She hoped he was Aperture though, she hadn't eaten since this morning.

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A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

Vesker blinked and Steve cocked his head at the display of aggression that unfolded in front of them.

"You know, despite all the unpredictable garbage in this hellhole, it's nice to see a few things stay the same. Your exceptional attention to detail comes to mind." Vesker said to Sentinel as he strolled up to the pair of Imperium soldiers. "Bummer about the radio though."

Steve declined to join Vesker and instead inched his way towards the Amazonian woman, Ix'Chimalxochitzin. He knew she was different even before he'd seen her. He could, for lack of a better word, feel the power Ix wielded. And Steve felt drawn towards it. He suddenly found himself feeling very awkward. The only other person he had really ever talked to at length was Vesker. Banishing the strange emotion he felt, Steve strode the last few paces up to Ix and introduced himself.

"Hi. Name Steve. You are Ix'Chima...Chima-ma-ma...Ix?" He asked, figuring if he couldn't pronounce her last name, best to not try and murder it. Before the amazonian could respond, a shout rang out through the crowd as five men stepped forward.

"There you are freak! You have any idea how much crap we had to go through to find you?!" The voice demanded. Vesker and Steve spun around to face five ragged men all toting various weapons. SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, NCOIC of an operation to find and recover Steve that had been ordered months ago, had finally found his target. Nick was completely ignoring Vesker, who decided to step in.

"Who might you be?" He asked.

"SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, commanding this little FUBAR mission. You must be Steve's traveling buddy, whats-the-name? Oh right, SFC Wilhelm Vesker. Well I sure am happy ta' meet cha!" Sarcasm oozing from his tone. "Well, I'm incharge of this outfit now, so pack up all you little keepsakes and what not so we can get out of here." The time in the Dilberian wasteland had not gone well for Nick, and he wanted out ASAP.

"Hang on a minute." Vesker interjected, not liking the other man already. "A friendly government has asked for military aid and being the senior most ranking individual in the Eggman Army around, I pledged to help him. Now under the Uniform Code of-"

"Screw the code! I know the code! And you know what the code says? The code says that the orders given to me from the Executive office of our government allows me to countermand orders issued by NCOs and Officers up to the rank of Lt. Colonel. Therefore, I override your orders, and replace them with my own!" Nick replied.

"I will not except that!" Vesker fired back.

"Like I care! My orders say I gotta bring that nutjob back! You can go jump on a mine for all I care." Nick retorted.

"Steve is under my command and he's staying here to help win this fight!" Vesker said heatedly.

"Like freak he will! My orders are clear! Now if you want to make things difficult, I can! Like I said, my orders said nothing about Steve's companions, so nobody will care if you wind up facedown in a ditch somewhere. As for Steve, I was never told he had to be brought back alive!" Nick was done brandying words. He hated this place, the brass that had stuck him here, Steve for being the reason he was here in the first place, and now he hated this fellow E-7 who acted like he owned the place. The two men snarled at each other, hands slowly inching towards their weapons. If something wasn't done quick, Jerry would be losing two, if not more of his volunteers.

Edited by DrKintobor
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Jerrey was now wondering how the hell everyone was getting through the Rebellion's front lines without being caught, saving it for another day. Then he turned over to the angry Nick.

"So where will you go after? If you go north, the aproaching Imperium forces will think your Aperture soldier and shoot you, especially with that kind of talk. I also have a requirement for these men. There is no shown proof you need him, other than your ballsy claim, so I don't care what the hell you say." Jerrey redrawed his pistols, but kept them low for the moment.

The destroyed jeep created a small fire that was now burning quite fast, and sirens went off as an emergency vehicle was on its way. About 800 meters away two black-with-orange striped jeeps drove over to the crew of men in the clearing, the security team coming to pick up Mr. Jarsh. They drove down the isle upon isle of vehicles, with all types ranging from jeeps to Diberian tanks to GTI tanks to the currently custom built Ne67 (the tank of Diberia's future). Kalmerg slowly walked towards a jeep, eying its machinegun for the possible gun battle.

"So I advise you leave now without Steve. It would not be in your best...interest to stay here. Of course, you could always join the Rebellion."

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Vesker blinked and Steve cocked his head at the display of aggression that unfolded in front of them.

"You know, despite all the unpredictable garbage in this hellhole, it's nice to see a few things stay the same. Your exceptional attention to detail comes to mind." Vesker said to Sentinel as he strolled up to the pair of Imperium soldiers. "Bummer about the radio though."

Steve declined to join Vesker and instead inched his way towards the Amazonian woman, Ix'Chimalxochitzin. He knew she was different even before he'd seen her. He could, for lack of a better word, feel the power Ix wielded. And Steve felt drawn towards it. He suddenly found himself feeling very awkward. The only other person he had really ever talked to at length was Vesker. Banishing the strange emotion he felt, Steve strode the last few paces up to Ix and introduced himself.

"Hi. Name Steve. You are Ix'Chima...Chima-ma-ma...Ix?" He asked, figuring if he couldn't pronounce her last name, best to not try and murder it. Before the amazonian could respond, a shout rang out through the crowd as five men stepped forward.

"There you are freak! You have any idea how much crap we had to go through to find you?!" The voice demanded. Vesker and Steve spun around to face five ragged men all toting various weapons. SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, NCOIC of an operation to find and recover Steve that had been ordered months ago, had finally found his target. Nick was completely ignoring Vesker, who decided to step in.

"Who might you be?" He asked.

"SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, commanding this little FUBAR mission. You must be Steve's traveling buddy, whats-the-name? Oh right, SFC Wilhelm Vesker. Well I sure am happy ta' meet cha!" Sarcasm oozing from his tone. "Well, I'm incharge of this outfit now, so pack up all you little keepsakes and what not so we can get out of here." The time in the Dilberian wasteland had not gone well for Nick, and he wanted out ASAP.

"Hang on a minute." Vesker interjected, not liking the other man already. "A friendly government has asked for military aid and being the senior most ranking individual in the Eggman Army around, I pledged to help him. Now under the Uniform Code of-"

"Screw the code! I know the code! And you know what the code says? The code says that the orders given to me from the Executive office of our government allows me to countermand orders issued by NCOs and Officers up to the rank of Lt. Colonel. Therefore, I override your orders, and replace them with my own!" Nick replied.

"I will not except that!" Vesker fired back.

"Like I care! My orders say I gotta bring that nutjob back! You can go jump on a mine for all I care." Nick retorted.

"Steve is under my command and he's staying here to help win this fight!" Vesker said heatedly.

"Like freak he will! My orders are clear! Now if you want to make things difficult, I can! Like I said, my orders said nothing about Steve's companions, so nobody will care if you wind up facedown in a ditch somewhere. As for Steve, I was never told he had to be brought back alive!" Nick was done brandying words. He hated this place, the brass that had stuck him here, Steve for being the reason he was here in the first place, and now he hated this fellow E-7 who acted like he owned the place. The two men snarled at each other, hands slowly inching towards their weapons. If something wasn't done quick, Jerry would be losing two, if not more of his volunteers.

Jerrey was now wondering how the hell everyone was getting through the Rebellion's front lines without being caught, saving it for another day. Then he turned over to the angry Nick.

"So where will you go after? If you go north, the aproaching Imperium forces will think your Aperture soldier and shoot you, especially with that kind of talk. I also have a requirement for these men. There is no shown proof you need him, other than your ballsy claim, so I don't care what the hell you say." Jerrey redrawed his pistols, but kept them low for the moment.

The destroyed jeep created a small fire that was now burning quite fast, and sirens went off as an emergency vehicle was on its way. About 800 meters away two black-with-orange striped jeeps drove over to the crew of men in the clearing, the security team coming to pick up Mr. Jarsh. They drove down the isle upon isle of vehicles, with all types ranging from jeeps to Diberian tanks to GTI tanks to the currently custom built Ne67 (the tank of Diberia's future). Kalmerg slowly walked towards a jeep, eying its machinegun for the possible gun battle.

"So I advise you leave now without Steve. It would not be in your best...interest to stay here. Of course, you could always join the Rebellion."

Nick would also find himself having the business end of five different sets of weapons aimed directly at him.

"This man is our friend and ally," Stone said. "It will be his own choice on whether he leaves or not. Just like you have the choice to leave, braving the hostile jungle and risking death by Aperture, Impirial, or undead forces. Or you can join us, and improve the slight chance you have of surviving the coming battles."

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Roxas chose that moment to speak up. "Not only would they kill you, they would torture you for information according to the Inquisition's whims. Even after they realize you aren't part of Aperture, the attitude you have displayed will result in your purging as a Heretic against the Imperium's crusade through Diberia. In fact," Roxas leveled his grenade launcher at Nick, "I don't particularly like your attitude."

Sentinel hissed lowly in agreement and pointed his laser cannon at the man's companions. One false move and they would be reduced to chunks of flesh and component atoms.

"Thus, under authority from the Imperial Code of Honor I am forced to demand you either surrender and face the might of the Inquisition or flee without your prize. Your choice." The launcher cycled, bringing a fragmentation shell into the firing chamber. "Personally, I'd like to feed your remains to whatever still lives in this hell-hole."

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"And if you don't want to go north, you have to walk all the way toward the east toward the much smaller, and slightly less aggressive force of the GLS military. However, you only have around 4 days to reach one of their bases since they are pulling out soon, letting the Imperium of Man take over the warfare." Gen Jarsh said as he stared at his wreaked, and blown jeep.

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"Hi. Name Steve. You are Ix'Chima...Chima-ma-ma...Ix?"

- "Ix'Chimalxochitzin, yes. Ix is fine too."

She didn't look to see who was talking at her, though that wasn't due to the fact that she didn't want to. The simple truth was that her gun was still pointed at the General, and would continue to be pointed at the man until Jerrey would give her the word on whether or not he was considered 'huntable', or shots would be fired at her. Though the shouting at her side reached her ears, she still didn't look up, though a small change in her stance would tell those that knew what to look for that she was getting ready to dodge for cover in case of trouble.

Afrter which she'd get to kill the offender, of course... She may not be an official part of the Rebellion he had going, but together with her troops the Pact was still a bit too valuable to shrug off someone attacking her. Jerrey gave her suggestions, not orders.

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Nick glared at the men and women who surrounded him. Doubtless, he and the Smilers under his control could inflict a high casualty percentage, but in the end he would be dead and the torment he'd gone through these past few months would be for not. He made a rather frustrated facial expression, growled helplessly, then relented.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. The Gen#1 can stay and participate in this madcap quest you're all so gunhoe for. And since I can't leave until he can, I might as well come with you." He strode forward up to Jerry, and saluted.

"Sargent First Class Nick Haymaker, 3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, A Co." Nick gestured to the four men behind him. "Bob, Jack, Mills, and Chuck. Currently attatched to my unit. Originally part of the 1st Happy Smilers Division." He clasped his hands together. "Well, now that we're all friends, mind telling me what suicide mission we're embarking on?"

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OOC: This hasn't been forgotten; I've been gone and my internet does not work. So I'll bump it for now, and if anyone has any questions then ask away.

EDIT: I really need to speed up this RP...

Edited by JerreyRough
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Information on Diberia: Recap on Events and The Commoner

Diberia's population has been through massive amounts of death and devastation, leaving only those who could survive in the aftermath. Before the Rebellion, survivors and remains from different armed groups were scattered around Diberia, striking out on their own and calling their own shots. But that all changed when Vutomo returned to Diberia from the DSCC island, coming forth with a small army and working his hardest to unite all of the anti-Aperture forces and people in Diberia. Aperture did nothing at first, but soon they were wreaking havok and bringing more rogue groups to their cause. Aperture attempted to destroy it with several assaults against their united enemy, but were only successful in destroying the ancient communication towers. That was when Aperture's new stream of recruits started coming in, so Aperture engaded in a stalemate war untill they had enough forces to destroy the Rebellion. In a nutshell, nothing much more of long-term importance happened; other than Vutomo deciding in engaging in the stalemate as well instead of attacking the very weak Aperture Infantry.

This has lead to very irregular common men in Diberia: soldiers and armed civilians. Nearly everyone had a weapon, even the farmers hidden behind small unclimable walls. Young children are shown how to shoot a weapon and are taught some basic skills on how to survive in the jungle (plus a copy of George Romero's survival guide to Diberia). But even with the very militaristic atmosphere of Diberia's Rebellion, the war created strong bonds inbetween those who never knew one another before the wars, connecting the different military groups together to achieve their goal of a new Diberia. The "international" nature of this rebellion helped with this opinion, thus making a Rebellion that did not favor any race, culture, or religion (due to the diverse nature of the Rebellion). There were significantly lesser amounts of laws as well...

[To be continued!]

"Hi. Name Steve. You are Ix'Chima...Chima-ma-ma...Ix?"

- "Ix'Chimalxochitzin, yes. Ix is fine too."

She didn't look to see who was talking at her, though that wasn't due to the fact that she didn't want to. The simple truth was that her gun was still pointed at the General, and would continue to be pointed at the man until Jerrey would give her the word on whether or not he was considered 'huntable', or shots would be fired at her. Though the shouting at her side reached her ears, she still didn't look up, though a small change in her stance would tell those that knew what to look for that she was getting ready to dodge for cover in case of trouble.

Afrter which she'd get to kill the offender, of course... She may not be an official part of the Rebellion he had going, but together with her troops the Pact was still a bit too valuable to shrug off someone attacking her. Jerrey gave her suggestions, not orders.

Nick glared at the men and women who surrounded him. Doubtless, he and the Smilers under his control could inflict a high casualty percentage, but in the end he would be dead and the torment he'd gone through these past few months would be for not. He made a rather frustrated facial expression, growled helplessly, then relented.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. The Gen#1 can stay and participate in this madcap quest you're all so gunhoe for. And since I can't leave until he can, I might as well come with you." He strode forward up to Jerry, and saluted.

"Sargent First Class Nick Haymaker, 3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, A Co." Nick gestured to the four men behind him. "Bob, Jack, Mills, and Chuck. Currently attatched to my unit. Originally part of the 1st Happy Smilers Division." He clasped his hands together. "Well, now that we're all friends, mind telling me what suicide mission we're embarking on?"

Jerrey nodded in return, "If you do indeed have several Smilers, then they are perfectly suited for this, ah, suicide mission." He takes out an old folded map with some tears in it, "The Imperium of Man has been marching south, destroying Aperture's forces. While a good thing, they have also destroyed rogue groups that did not wish to join us." Sighing, Jerrey crosses his arms and continues. "We assume that they were indistinguishable from Aperture's troops, since all of the rebellious groups have been using their weapons for who knows how long. I think this will happen when they reach us, and although they would figure out that we are not of Aperture, it would be too late by then."

"Thus we are embarking on a mission to reach the Imperium's forces before their faster left flank reaches the northern parts of the Rebellion's forces. With any luck, we won't have much problems going through the weak section of Aperture's front lines. My plan is to use this," A small handheld reciever appears from Jerrey's pocket, "And the comm frequency given to me by Roxas to contact the Imperium's forces and not be shot at on approach. Once I give them my map of the Rebellion's front lines, then there shouldn't be any conflict inbetween us, or at least I hope." Jerrey jumped ontop of a jeep.

"So I think it is time for us to leave, so we do not become interupted again and have better chances at saving the lives of the frontlinesmen in the North from a useless slaughter. Get in the jeeps in whatever combination you think best, just remember that we have a day's drive ahead of us."

OOC: The war has been raging for long enough that they do not know the new name of the Holy Imperium :P.

Heh, and to think I wrote this all previously a few days ago and accidentally closed the tab >.<.

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Ix'Chimalxochitzin scratched the back of her head as she looked at the map, not really understanding what was so useful about the thing. Sure, it showed the lay of the land a little, but what was important could only be seen from the ground. What use was a map when you were looking for a place to hide anyway?

Regardless, she stepped into one of the jeeps, waiting on the others to get in as well so they could get underway. She had heard of these Imperium troops before, apparently killing everything in their path so thoroughly there was barely anything edible left behind in their wake. It would come in useful if they would be kept from attacking her as well, since even though her allegiance lay with the Rebellion she recognised the effects of superior firepower when she saw it.

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"Well, looks like we're going back into the fire. Which Jeep you want to take, Steve?...Steve?" Vesker looked to either side of him and saw the Happy Smiler wasn't there. "What the..." He looked around and saw Steve get in the same jeep that Ix'Chimalionwhatever chick had climbed into.

"Isn't that cute? He's got a crush." Vesker whirled around to see who just spoke. He wasn't surprised to see it was Nick. Vesker made a sour face. "And here I thought the older versions where incapable of showing that sort of emotion." Nick said condescendingly.

"What do you got against Steve?" Vesker asked.

"I believe the real question is what do I have against the Happy Smiler program." Nick replied. "They're savage, brutal, sociopaths who're bad attempt at replacing people like you and me. I'm surprised he hasn't dismembered you and wore your bones like a necklace." Nick continued. Vesker gave him a disbelieving stare.

"You're a real jerk." Vesker stated.

"And you're gullible and/or in denial. Now if you'll excuse me, my men and I have suicide mission to attend." Nick shot back, before promptly turning away and getting into another jeep. Vesker glowered at the man for a few seconds before turning away and joined Roxas and Sentinel in their jeep.

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Seeing that Sentinel had chosen a ride, Perez hopped into the vehicle with a deft bit of acrobatics--if he wasn't a professional, one might have thought he was showing off his agility.

The other troopers, including Pole, got into their jeeps in a more dignified manner.

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OOC: Argh, sorry I havn't replied yet. Busy & was planning out my nation a bit (I really, really want to become a nation and not just this character RP :P). But again, this needs to be finished.

Oh, and I'll ret-con the police vehicles to make them emergency vehicles (explosions tend to catch peoples attention, especially in the middle of a military vehicle depo :P). Still questioning how he got by the Rebellion's defenses (its hard to drive anything offroad in the middle of the amazon, thus the major importance of roads), but I'll let it slide.

Character RP will come tomorrow. /OOC

Map Detail

Here is George Romero's self-made map of Diberia, a map only he has access to. He has traveled all over Diberia, evading detection of Aperture personel and that of the zombies; it was rumored he found a cloaking device, but that is unconfirmed. The current map, shown below, shows what is happening at this very moment...


Pink = territory secured by the Imperium. Red arrows = Imperium troops marching forward.

Blue = Rebellion. Black lines around Rebellion = Aperture's front lines.

Green = Aperture's stronghold. Black arrows = Aperture troop movements within the last few weeks.

The Holy Imperium's greatly armed and hugeley advanced infantry plow through the forest, decimating anything that is Aperture and capturing those that surrender. Their progress is only slowed by dense areas of the Amazon, rivers, and occasional zombies. Their firefights with Aperture are shortening in length as time wears on, with Aperture's tired and undertrained troops running from battle, surrendering, or going crazy and killing their comrades. Aperture's food supplies were getting low, their leaders have left, ammo is running low, and there are gaps in their ranks. With so many negatives and lesser amounts of positives, the Aperture Infantry has ordered an immediate retreat to their final stronghold, "protected" in the Rebellion's shadow. Although some were ordered to stay and slow down the Imperium to buy more time for the Aperture Infantry, most retreated and hoped for the safety of the final and largest Aperture stronghold.

New of this will soon reach the old King Vutomo, and his decisions show his old style of thinking quite clearly, like dropping dirt into a clear glass of water. If there was a fire, an extinguisher, and a fireproof blanket, Vutomo would not risk the extinguisher blowing up and instead use the fireproof blanket to take the fire out. His decisions usually save the lives of many, but in many cases King Vutomo will ignore the better & long-term choice; as such, this has earned him many enemies, most just wanting him to retire. But his inability as a good leader stems from his old age of 73 years, not because he is a bad leader (he is in extreamly good shape as well).


"What is your stance on the matter, King Vutomo?" Questioned a very distressed young officer, within the currently deserted Command Room inside of one of the Rebellion's old bunkers. It was late at night, and the night crew was small.

Vutomo was just looking into space, thinking of times when his biggest worry was a cut on his arm during sword dueling practice.

"Sir? Siirrr? You ok?"

Vutomo blinks and returns to reality. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Give me time to think, please." The officer rolls his eyes and sighed, but sits down to wait the responce.

Vutomo places his index fingers on his chin, briefly glancing at the young officer...


With his fingers still at his chin, Vutomo responds to the question. "We need food, and we can plant more plants after we pull what little we got this year. Letting it grow more will give us more food, but we can have more if we pull it early. Besides, our supplies are running low and we need to be sure we'll survive this summer, even with the minor drought this year."

The young man raises an eyebrow, his hands also 'talking'. "But the food might not be ready to eat! There is no sence in picking what isn't ready! We would have enough for another year if we rationed it right as well."

"Thauw ioount eough," Vutomo's yawn stops him from finishing his sentence, then his eyes close and soon he is snoring. He fell asleep. Once more, the young officer rolles his eyes and smirked. He pats Vutomo on the shoulder, leaving the room. He would tell the farmers to uproot the crop. But before he left the room, he made a final comment.

"Oh, old King Vutomo. You are far too old to choose our fates..."


OOC: I planned on talking about Aperture's stronghold, but I'll do that tomorrow. Shadowsage, you can RP the assault of your troops on the Aperture front lines. Note that Aperture now has better weapons that were planned on being uses on the Imperium's powerarmor eventually, but were forces into production. I'll RP more about this after you attack.

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"Brothers, victory is within our grasp. By the grace of the Imperator, these Aperture Infantry scum have had the good grace to die before our guns. Recent intelligence from our Divining Instruments indicate that the final line of resistance stretches before us. I will not lie to you brothers, a cornered beast is one that fights hard before it falls. But these apostate heretics hold themselves away from the kind light of the Imperator, and for that they must die."

The Chaplain bowed his head in prayer as waves of applause crashed over him. His soldiers punctuated their approval with shouts of approval and heartfelt declarations directed to Aperture Infantry and the fidelity of their mothers.

He smiled beneath the grinning skull of the Chaplain Power-Armor.

"We march to war!"


Artillery pieces spat out their defiance as the Imperium brought the full force of the Guard to bear. There was a sense of finality about the whole ordeal, and that lent strength to the Aperture Soldiers as well as the Imperium's storm-troopers. Steel Rain blasted countless soldiers apart and blew gaps in the earthen works of the defenses, even as the few remaining marksmen of Aperture Infantry picked off Stormtroopers with reckless abandon.

Imperial Aircraft swarmed above the positions, dropping tons of high-explosives on the already bombarded walls, blowing wide lanes for the Stormtroopers to assault. A crashing Bomber exploded on impact, sending scything shards of metal to cut down even more of the defenders.

And then the Imperium Attacked.

The charge was led by the far more numerous (and admittedly expendable) Stormtroopers. Their Combat-Armor protected them from most shots, and only a handful of troops fell to long-range shots. The counter-volley blasted dozens of Aperture soldiers apart in clouds of gore.

Power Armor equipped Imperial Soldiers stayed back from the swirling melee, firing shots with precision as they came. A few fell to laser shots which punctured the Newtonian Armor and evaporated the occupant. These captured weapons in Aperture hands lasted only as long as the Stormtroopers took to rush them in a mad series of stabbing bayonets.

The fight for possession of Diberia reached its' final, frantic chapter.

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