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Yacranian Military Movements, Operations, etc.

Markus Wilding

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OOC: For continuity's sake, all of this happens AFTER the rebellion. I consider it already over, I just need to wrap up the conflict.

IC: ***Classified***



Operation Last Stand is a GO. Repeat, Operation Last Stand is GO. Begin arming with experimental MG9.

Operation Defenders is also GO. Use experimental MG9 in this operation as well.

***Classified Research***


TYPE: Light machine gun

CARTRIDGE: 7.62x39mm

ACTION: Gas-operated

RATE OF FIRE(ROF): 650 RPM (rounds per minute)

MUZZLE VELOCITY: 735 m/s (2,411 ft/s)

EFFECTIVE RANGE: 100-1000m sight adjustments

FEED SYSTEM: Non-disintegrating 100-round segmented belt stored in a drum container

SIGHTS: Open-type sights with rear sliding notch and semi-hooded front post, 596.6 mm (23.5 in) sight radius



A Wehrmacht soldier testing the MG9.

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With the recent Russian rebellion, steps are being taken to ensure that such a horrid event will not happen again. The Wehrmacht is now moving to secure Wildingrad, Voroningrad, New Frankfurt and Yuta now.



Approximately 25,000 Wehrmacht soldiers and 150 tanks are moving to the Slavorussia/Yacrania border. Some MG42/34's on the Voronin Wall (now completed) are being replaced by the MG9.


The black dot is Wildingrad. White is Voroningrad, blue New Frankfurt, gray Yuta.

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In an effort to stop any more violent Russian rebellions, the following laws have been put into effect applying only to Russians:

NO Russian may obtain a firearm above the 7.62X22mm Parabellum ammunition

NO Russian may hold a government seat (excluding already existing seats such as Assistant Director Voronin)

NO Russian may join the Heer

ANYONE found to be assisting a Russian in any way is to be found guilty of TREASON and promptly executed.

All Russians in the Heer have been honorably discharged and a conscription has taken effect to replace the men discharged.

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This practice of ethnic politics may not end well for you.

edit: lol mistakes.

OOC: To be honest, you kind of let me down there. I half-expected a MUCH longer post full of death-threats on my leaders and positioning of artillery crews. :awesome:

IC: This has been noted by Director Wilding.

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Operation Der Reise has been laid out, it is now in effect. FULL mobolization of ALL available troops.

Wehrmacht, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Armored are to move to the Voronin Wall ASAP. Load at least 3/5ths of a division onto the next transport. Your plans will be given later. For now, make SURE that Der Reise (The Giant) does not notice the buildup. If Der Reise notices and strikes first, this all goes to hell. All Kar98k's are to be shipped back to the Rechstag and replaced with the Gewehr 43, MP40/STG 44 or the MG9. No exceptions.

Kreigsmarine, you will have the new MG9 on board every boat, and will help in the landings. Like the Wehrmacht, all Kar98k's on board are to be sent back to the Reichstag immedietly and replaced with either the Gewehr 43 or the MP40/STG 44. Admiral Dosch will handle the transition. Kreigsmarine station on FlaK 88's, keep a sharp eye out for any naval ships that could hinder the operation. If any warships are spotted, fire on all markings excluding the listed:

White Cross


Chimairan Republic

Kreig Empire


Luftwaffe, prepare high-explosive bombs. Prep all fighters with MG42 ammunition and train the gunner crews, espechially those on ball turrets. Make damned sure your bombs hit their intended targets.

Remember men, suprise is of the essence. If Der Reise notices and strikes first, then we will have nowhere left to run. The Voronin Wall won't hold off Der Reise. We have to win by any means necessary.

OOC: This experiment will fail. Will not be developed, just an interesting thing I wanted to RP.

IC: ***Research Corner***



A prototype of the WunderWaffe DG-1 has been completed. A discovery near a Russian stronghold grants us use to a powerful element - but only for a short time. - the element itself, Ununpentium, or 115 on the periodic table, has what Markus believes are very useful properties. A crude design, yes, but for now it'll have to do until we can find a larger source of 115.


Markus believes that this device can shoot something at a high velocity - perhaps even faster than the most modern tank. - what that something is, we do not know. All we know is that if we can harness the power of Ununpentium and transmit that power into this gun, then it will give us an invaluable advantage in Operation Der Reise. Even more so if we can use an anti-tank round with it.

*Day 1 of testing*

"Begin WunderWaffe DG-1 test...now. Fire it Fredrick."

Fredrick pulls the trigger on the gun, but it does nothing, only fizzles and emits a weak spark.

"Damn. *sigh* WunderWaffe DG-1 test complete, no results. WunderWaffe DG-1 has failed to do anything. Weapon fizzled then emitted small spark."

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Operation Der Reise is ready. The 3rd Armored has been pulled back due to unforseen fuel problems, so the 1st and 2nd Wehrmacht have been sent instead. Total manpower consists of:

200 tanks

35,000 men

10 ME-109s

10 Junkers bombing aircraft

Precise plans of invasion will be done later. For now we only have a vague outline of attack.

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"I am disgusted with the news coming out of Yacrania. This Wilding claims to have brought Russians and Germans together, but all I see is the beginning of another Apartheid government, separating and stomping on the native Russian population. These racist policies must end. You give a bad name to the German people and the Rheinmark condemns any naiton who cares to treat with Yacrania."

-Reichsmarschall Hendrik Wareheim

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