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Operation Hurricane


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OOC: I've decided that since I'm going to be leaving CN in 12 days (when my nation will be automatically deleted), I might as well go out with a bang. To my allies, I would like for this to remain between myself and Xaristan, none of my treaties require mutual aggression (and I'd like to have this war over when the 12 days are up). To Pravus Ingruo, I had a great time RPing with you, but you're the only one I can fight a reasonably balanced war against, so...



"Are all of the pieces in position?"

"Yes, everything is in position. The Navy has brought the ships back from the exercise in Bermuda. Air Force is ready to begin missions in half an hour, and all of the Army units are in positions."

"Alright, commence Operation Hurricane Go to DefCon 1."

***A Short and Very Much to the Point Announcement from the Ardorian Foreign Ministry***

Effective immediately, the United Republic of Ardoria is in a state of war with Xaristan.



(OOC: Nobody besides Xaristan will be able to respond to stuff marked with these tags unless they are involved in the war or have a plausible and common sense way of detecting the movements and PLEASE LIMIT OOC ONLY TO RELAVENT INFORMATION. Goodbyes are alright as long as they do not derail the thread.)

A little less than a minute after the announcement was made, 60,000 troops crossed the border into Xaristan in their APCs and tanks along I-95, I-75, I-10, as well as smaller highways like Ardorian Route (AR)-29, AR-331, AR-27, AR-319, AR-19, and AR-221. Thier first task was to capture the Xaristani border stations just beyond the walls of the Ardorian border defense system. The Air Force launched 3 squadrons of FB-38 Vengeance strike fighters to target (OOC: PI, i need you to supply me with the names your using) Jacksonville, Pensacola, and Lake City (which controlled the interchange between I-10 and I-75). Behind the border, FM-35 Hawk IIs took off to fly Combat Air Patrol to defend against retaliatory air strikes. The Navy's amphibious assault carriers Birmingham and Charlotte sortied into to Task Forces, one on each side of Xaristan. The AACs embarked FV-28 Intruders for Sea Control duties and took positions off of Pensacola and Jacksonville to support the infantry advancements.

OOC: I have one request that I'd like to see respected. It is that I am allowed to use the stats that I saved from my IG high water mark from just before the Karma War (they are here. I estimate 200,000 troops and whatever is in my factbook for this RP). While I know this will be controvertial, if all of the parties (right now, Xaristan) agree, I would like to be able to do this. This is why I ask that my allies stay out (and part of the reason why I chose Xaristan: no treaties). However, if that's not possible, I would at least like to be able to have tanks and aircraft (I am currently under surrender terms from Karma) as I will be departing CN (and as a result, CNRP) after this is over. I will do my best to lose but still put up a good fight. Thanks to all who I've RPed with here and though I don't plan on returning, the possibility remains. May the fireworks begin.

EDIT: I may disappear without notice, my computer and internet are unreliable right now. If my nation gets deleted, I will no longer visit this board and my land returns to being white on the map.

Edited by Raritan
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OOC: Your 200,000 troops/tanks/planes are fine by me, man. Let me gather myself and write up a post in response. Hopefully this will be fun.

Oh, and in terms of Florida cities, just use their RL names. I'll post with their Xaristani name and RL name in parenthesis in my post.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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"What?!?!" The shout could be heard through the soundproof door of the control room. The security agent's aghast face looked stunned for a moment as all color drained from it and he started barking orders to the crew in the television station control room before throwing the door open. "We're moving now. Prepare the bunker complex. Get a squad from Grancen (OOC: Jacksonville) Military Base over here to escort him. Get the dedicated microwave communication line open and keep it ready. We should be there in fifteen minutes... yes, I know that'll be too late! Don't !@#$@#$ tell me that! Keep the goddamn streets clear then!" The agent grabbed Director Egon's arm, dragging him off the set, not caring if the televisions from his interview concerning the Louisiana expansion were still going on. "Sword is moving, repeat, Sword is moving."

"What the hell is going on, Vic?" Louis allowed himself to be pulled along, grabbing his phone and checking for updates, which there were none.

"Ardoria, sir. They've attacked. We've got border breaches at multiple points, including along most of the major highways."

"Any estimate as of yet as to how many?"

"Negative, sir. Project Sparta was only 75% completed. It may slow them down some, but not as much as we'd hoped."

"Where are they heading?"

"The troops? South. We've got reports from Project Eye of naval forces off the coast of Grancen and Vinson (OOC: RL Pensacola). And we've got three squadrons of planes identified by Project Weasel... one heading for Vinson, one for Lake City (OOC: no Xaristani name for it) and here sir."

"How long do we have?" They were both running down the stairs now. Louis was no longer being pulled.

"The planes, sir? None." (OOC: Dramatic liberties here, Raritan... if you don't like it, just ignore this part.) The scream of jet engines was heard overhead, along with the firing of AA emplacements within the city itself.

Louis and Vic burst out onto the street to see the tail end of the squadron that had just buzzed the city. Deep in his stomach, Louis felt hate, a hate he had not felt since his days within the Green Flag. This... backstabbing would not go unpunished. He checked his cell phone again as he was shoved into a Bat APC that was waiting for him. He still had his secure line. He dialed the number for Supreme General Francis McCutcheon.


Red lights flashed through the main military control in Redemptio and Supreme General McCutcheon observed the limited data reports he was getting with incredulity. It was exactly what they had feared. Ardoria had kept them cut off from the outside world by travel, Director Egon's largely unpopular policies had kept them isolated politically, and now they were here, a single peninsula, being attack.

There was good news, however.

First off, they were on a peninsula. They would fight to the last man, all the way down to Oculus (OOC: RL Key West) if need be. What was left of the navy that had not been deployed to New Zealand was separating the two Ardorian task forces, keeping them from combining by being stationed at Wahler (OOC: RL Miami). Project Searchlight was 75% complete at the time of the attack, meaning that the krakatoa mines littered Xaristan's territorial waters and the eastern portion of their EEZ. The fleet moving towards Grancen, once it hit the EEZ, was going to be dead from hundreds if not thousands of krakatoa mines.

Beyond that, there wasn't much good news.

"Activate all 20mm anti-personnel cannons in the border corridor. Activate any parts of Project Sparta that are completed, including krakatoa mines along their advance path. Updates on Weasel and Salvation?"

"Salvation online, sir. Operational capacity estimated at 50%, though they haven't fired anything yet. Weasel is coming online now in the north, Grancen stations already firing." The General noted the clock. A three minute response time was not bad at all.

"Border stations on the highways?"

"Overrun, sir. We're looking at one hundred percent casualties with either death, wounded, or capture." McCutcheon nodded. Those men were never expected to hold out against an invasion force. Xaristan only had approximately two hundred men at those border stations period, and they were considered a pretty cushy assignment... unless, of course, you got sneak attacked.

"Move to DEFCON 2, Captain. Alert all active troops to move to their assigned stations. Alert all reserves that they have been officially called up and to report to their base of operations. I want all planes moved south of the Central Line as soon as possible. Tell the pilots in Grancen, Vinson, and Kascex (OOC: RL Panama City) to eliminate the planes in the air now, and then fall back south. We will conduct all operations from behind the Central Line."

"And on the ground, sir?"

"Any reserve troops north of Samarja, hunker down and initiate Operation Urban Stalker. Any reservists from Samarja and south, get to the Central Line to begin fortifications. That is where we will hold the line."

"Sir, you've got a phone call. It's the Director." McCutcheon grabbed the phone.

"Sir, glad as hell to hear you're still alive."

"Can the pleasantries, McCutcheon. Move to DEFCON 1. Directorial Order number N1SP666D."

"Understood, sir. We're you able to make it out of Grancen?"

"Negative, General. Is Operation Urban Stalker active?"

"Yessir. The orders are going out now."

"I'll keep in touch, General."


OOC Numbers:

Total Military Strength:

423,540 troops (active and reserve)

2,376 tanks

2,376 other vehicles (APCs, MRLS, artillery, etc)

2 squadrons of Bombers (14 planes, no picture yet)

35 squadrons of Air Superiority Fighters (420 planes, AS-37 Mamba)

3 squadrons of Cargo Planes (36 planes, CT-76 Grizzly)

7 squadrons of Troop Transports (84, TT-41 Spooks)

13 squadrons of Fighter/Bombers (156 planes, FB-66 Hellfire)


The 5th Home Defense Squadron, callsign Whiplash, rose to meet the attacking planes in Grancen. They would be assisted by 10th and 11th Interceptor Squadrons, callsigns Dragon and Stick. The 9th Home Defense Squadron, callsign Knuckle, rose in Vinson, assisted by the 17th and 18th Interceptor Squadrons, callsigns Moonshine and Zeke. Planes in Arkanis (OOC: RL Tallahassee) and Kazcex would be flying south to bases behind the Central Line. Project Weasel anti-aircraft batteries opened up. 75mm automated guns targeted lower flying planes, while 90mm autoflak guns concentrated on the midlevel planes. SAMs also came online and began picking up targets.

Troops within the cities north of Samarja (OOC: RL Gainsville) hunkered down. Reservists scrambled to military bases in and around those cities, quickly gearing up and taking up defensive positions in the cities themselves and around them. A main Xaristani strategy due to the fact that there was little natural terrain to use to their advantage, was urban warfare. Their troops were trained in it and they were experts at it. The troops would let the completed defenses of Project Sparta antagonize the enemy until they reached the cities, they they would extract their revenge. Approximately 10,000 troops and 10,000 reservists occupied Grancen, 10,000 active and 8,000 reservists for Arkanis, 13,000 active and 5,000 reservists for Vinson, and 4,000 active and 7,000 reservists for Kazcex. Samarja had 1,000 active and 3,000 reservists who would be leaving, giving the city just 1,000 defenders.

Along the border, 20mm auto cannons targeting the infrared signatures of Ardorian troops opened fire with hellish volleys. Weight sensitive krakatoa mines, no bigger than soda cans, built into the roads would explode when driven over. A small continent of troops moved through the hidden tunnel system that extended back fifty miles from the border to harass Ardorian troops with small ambushes before disappearing again.

Active troops and reservists in the south were all called up, many moving the to the Central Line to begin fortifications. Many also were stationed at the beaches for a possible assault by sea for any ships that managed to survive Project Searchlight. The fortresses near the cities for Project Linebacker had been completed, and those fortresses prepared for possible sea landings, including deploying pillboxes, barbed wire, and mining the beaches with anti-personnel and krakatoa mines.

**Xaristan Public Statement, Issued by Bill Worthington**

Xaristan has been attacked without warning or provocation by the forces of Ardoria. This dastardly attack shall not prevail, and we as a people are prepared to fight to the last man. We will not surrender, we will only know victory.

OOC: The Central Line I keep talking about runs from RL Daytona Beach to RL Clearwater, just north of the I-4 corridor. Think of it as the Korean War strategy... get your enemy to funnel themselves into a smaller area, bend but don't break, and then push back. We'll see how it goes.

EDIT** !@#$, sorry, forgot to post casualties.


200 dead, wounded, or MIA.

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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OOC: ...no, no! Don't leave, Raritan! I will miss you. :(

IC: New England is wholly shocked by this turn of events. We didn't expect Ardoria to act like this. As such we will be closing our southern border and placing our border troops and Army border troopers on alert. Our armed forces are placed on heightened alert (DEFCON 4) and we will be watching this closely.

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OOC: Aw, good luck man :( If I may ask, why is your nation being deleted? And this may sound very impolite, so know that I ask this with much respect. Mind giving me your country when you're finished? That area is personally very special to me.

IC: The Church greatly condemns this declaration of war for no apparent reason whatsoever. This poor action reminds us of the once existing Fasci Empire. The Pope grapped a blank sheet of paper, drew a giant sad face, and sent it to Ardoria.

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OOC: Aw, good luck man :( If I may ask, why is your nation being deleted? And this may sound very impolite, so know that I ask this with much respect. Mind giving me your country when you're finished? That area is personally very special to me.

OOC: No iz mien. :ph34r:

IC: Aiginor is utterly shocked at the actions of Ardoria, a long peaceful and stable American nation.

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OOC: No iz mien. :ph34r:

OOC: Excuse me, but who's the homeless group? Aiginor or the Catholics? And excuse me, but it will be very difficult trying to get that land when all the Church cares about is peace, peace, peace! The Crusades are history!

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OOC: Excuse me, but who's the homeless group? Aiginor or the Catholics? And excuse me, but it will be very difficult trying to get that land when all the Church cares about is peace, peace, peace! The Crusades are history!

OOC: Catholics have a home. They're all over the place. :v:

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OOC: Excuse me, but who's the homeless group? Aiginor or the Catholics? And excuse me, but it will be very difficult trying to get that land when all the Church cares about is peace, peace, peace! The Crusades are history!

OOC: Aiginor will not exist for much longer.

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OOC: Heh, seems that there will be a clash of claims... :awesome:

OOC: Tiem to start preparing my IC messages to make it look like you don't need anymore land and I do.

OOC: Yes indeed Oh shush you :P

OOC: Don't deny it JEDCJT, I know what you are planning on doing. :ph34r:

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OOC: Guys, cut the OOC or I will report you for spam. Also, Arodria said his land will revert to white once he leaves, and we are going to respect his wishes or I will claim it as a protectorate after the war as a buffer for myself and decide who gets the land. We're not going to carve it up before he even leaves.

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*Over Jacksonville*

"Targets are in sight, weapons armed."

"Top Hat Leader, all components, check six."

The flight leader got acknowledgements and proceeded to their targets, the military garrisons in Jacksonville and any SAM sites that lit up would promptly be dealt with with HARM missiles each FB-38 carried.

"Leader, Two, SAM launch, repeat, SAM launch. Break left. Launching HARM."

But it was too late. By the time the flight leader was able to get the plane to turn, the missile was less than a thousand feet behind him, to close to do much of anything. Meanwhile, the HARM missile locked onto the emissions from the SAM site outside of Jacksonville that had fired and bore in on it.

"Top Hat flight, this is Two, commence attack, commence attack."

Each of the three remaining fighter bombers dropped two 2,000 pound JDAM guided bombs. Two were aimed at the military base and three headed for the airport. The final missile failed to arm properly and dropped into the city and failed to detonate.

The other flights had similar stories. The Lake City strike had the best success, it neutralized a small group of troops at the intersection and took out several SAM and AAA sites. There were 3 FB-38s lost, two over Pensacola and one over Jacksonville. They would probably end up being the first prisoners of war in Ardorian history.

*I-95, north of Jacksonville*

The 10,000 troops assigned to cross at the I-95 border crossing took a detour just south of the border. Instead of continuing down the wide interstate highway, they turned off to take Xaristan Route 17 (OOC: I'll refer to all Florida state highways and US highways as XR). It was a gamble, since the state highway was much narrower and it created a larger flank, but anyone with half a brain would know that the interstate was the easiest route south, and thus, put their strongest defense forces there. The general in command of the brigade hoped to catch the defenders by surprise by appearing behind them.

*I-10, east of Pensacola*

The drive into Pensacola was even shorter than the drive to Jacksonville. The city was a mere 5 miles from the border. 10,000 men and thier tanks, APCs, and fighting vehicles crossed via I-10. A smaller force of 5,000 men crossed a few miles south at AR/XR-90.

OOC: This is basicall a set up post. I need to know how long it took for you to start up the defense systems, since 5 minutes (quite literally) is all that's needed to get from the border to Pensacola.

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*Outskirts of Pensacola*

The leading unites of the brigade assaulting Pensacola had just entered the city and most of the vehicles left I-10 for the northern branch of XR-90. From there, they spread out into the city, firing on any Xaristani combatants they saw. Anyone with a weapon was liable to be shot at by either a tank round or the vehicle mounted machine guns. Behind the leading elements, however, were lightly armored infantry carriers and artillery to support a tank battle. The 20mm rounds ripped through most of the vehicles and whoever wasn't already dead would soon be by way of the mines planted into the highway. Much of the artillery was lost and remained on the highways, not letting anything behind it pass. Engineering crews who had expected the road to be blocked at some point started working on an alternate route into Xaristan a few hundred feet away from the highway. They would try to open a clear route to the smaller country roads which were less likely to be mined and guarded. Of the initial 15,000 men that were tasked at taking the city, only 10,000 or so made it to the city, most in tanks and other tracked fighting vehicles. They were entirely without artillery or infantry support for the taking of the city. The engineering crews were expected to take at least a day or two to clear the 2,000 feet between the I-10 bridge and the nearest minor road. The tanks slowly made their way across the city from west to east, or tried to. Troops with anti-tank weapons were all over the city a losses quickly piled up, though the urban setting helped and hurt both sides just about equally. The rubble that began to pile up offered shelter to both tanks and men. Like the old saying went, nature doesn't discriminate, and neither did the buildings. In the first few hours, nearly 100 of the 200 tanks in the leading elements of the assault were destroyed.

"I need air support, the tanks are getting murdered by the antitank infantry. I need at least four Mirages down here to take care of the poeple on the roofs," the general in command shouted into his radio.

"Air supports on its way. A whole squadron got moved from Columbus to Brookley just a few days ago. Expect it in one-zero minutes."

Minutes later, four CS-23 Mirages came from the west and began firing on known enemy positions, directed by men on the ground. They carried unguided rockets, HARM missiles, and air-to-air missiles for defense. They flew low over the city using the 76 unguided CRV7 rockets and the 30mm Gatling Gun to target ground targets.

The battleship Mississippi also fired on Pensacola from Ardorian waters with her 12 16in guns firing rocket assisted and guided shells. The shells were high explosives and designed to take out men on top of buildings and on the ground while keeping the tanks alive.

*North of Jacksonville*

Things weren't much better on the east coast either. Some of the group turned west to follow a railroad while most continued down XR-17. When the defense systems came back on line, many were lost immediately. Those who were able to get off the road were faced with trying to drive through pockets of dense forest. Aircraft were called in to try to clear routes through the forrests. Until that could be done, the assault on Jacksonville wouldn't happen.

At the same time, while still staying out of Xaristani waters, the 24 16in guns on the battleships Georgia and South Carolina began shelling Jacksonville at a range of about 25 miles. Unguided high explosive and incendiery shells as well as rocket assisted and guided shells that had been tested in Bermuda a few years ago were used to soften up the ground forces.



10,000 dead, wounded, or MIA

100 tanks

300 other vehicles

3 aircraft

0 ships

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**Vinson (OOC: RL Pensacola)**

The border defenses weren't totally completed, but they had been doing their job. The loss of the artillery was a huge boost for the 18,000 defenders of Vinson. Throughout the city, groups of active soldiers and reservists operated, ducking in and out of buildings, moving through the sewers, and entering the tunnel system that had been built back from the border. A pocket of approximately three hundred regulars and reservists made for the place where they had been told by recon that the Ardorian forces were bogged down. Their job was to harass the engineers and remaining troops, delaying them further with hit and run tactics and ambushes.

Inside the city itself, the troops used anti-tank weapons, grenades, and handheld krakatoa mines to bog down enemy tanks. Intersections were prime targets as the soldiers used Ardoria's own tanks against them, creating blockades and roadblocks to funnel opposition where they wanted. While most civilians cowered in basements or away from all windows, the soldiers went to work, many dressing in civilian clothing. It was what they had trained for. The regular army's urban print uniforms gave them excellent camouflage in the city landscape.

Still, the news was not all good. A number of reservists reporting to the military base in Vinson were killed in air strikes, and others were killed while being targeted by tanks. Still, snipers were making short work of troops trying to take cover, the tall buildings and reflective windows giving them excellent angles and cover to shoot from.

Then the planes came.

Many troops on the rooftops were dead before they heard the planes. Frantic calls went out to Xaristan Military Command for air reinforcements as the 9th HDS Knuckle raced after the planes. The 17th IS Moonshine was redeployed to deal with the intruders. The four Mirages were also targeted by ground forces with SAMs and AA guns. The twenty two planes should make short of the four interlopers.

The Mississippi off the coast was also posing problems, sitting just outside of Project Searchlight range. The 4th and 8th Assault Squadrons, callsigns Chaos and Scissors, deployed from Egon (OOC: RL Tampa) armed with anti-ship missiles. Their sole mission was to overwhelm the Mississippi and give relief to the defenders of Vinson.

Casualties in Vinson:

987 soldiers killed

1,300 wounded

2 planes destroyed (on the ground)

**Grancen (OOC: RL Jacksonville) Front**

The success of the 20mm guns gave the troops more time to prepare, including moving civilian vehicles to block the entrances to roads into the city, along with setting up quick tripwire booby traps with C4 and grenades for anti-personnel and anti-vehicle purposes. A large contingent of aircraft, including the 1st and 13th Assault Squadrons, callsigns Bruiser and Slaughter, the 2nd Bomber Squadron, callsign Zombie, and four squadrons of interceptors, the 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 15th Interceptor Squadrons, callsigns Black Knights, Dueces, Shamrock and Yodel, were deployed. The 1st and 13th AS would assault the bogged down troops from a low altitude, with the 15th IS flying cover. The 2nd BS would be escorted by the 1st, 2nd, and 7th IS as they bombed the units from high altitude.

(OOC: The mined area for Project Searchlight is my EEZ, or 200 miles) The Georgia and the South Carolina both slid into the EEZ zone of the east coast of Project Searchlight. As the krakatoa mines activated indicating they were attached to ships, Xaristan Military Command in Redemptio started receiving detailed GPS information on the two ships. When the commanders there felt they had enough mines to severely damage, if not sink, the ships attached, they activated them. The krakatoa mines would send melted copper bullets shooting into the ships, opening holes in the bottoms of their hulls. The 5th AS, callsign Red Dawn, was dispatched to make sure the ships stayed down for the count.

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OOC: The Atlantic fleet is sitting just north of the sea border. That leaves Jacksonville just barely in range of the guns, so you probably couldn't sink them just yet, but they'll soon be moving south so you'll get your opportunity, or you could just sink them with missiles.



"Enemy fighters coming in, we need fighter protection!" one of the Mirage pilots called out.

"24 Hawk IIs are en route. 5 minutes."

The Mirages continued to strafe at the ground troops on the roof, while trying to dodge enemy SAMs, AAA, and air-to-air missiles from the Xaristani aircraft. Their robust construction was invaluable, but was not enough to save 2 who were shot down by repeated AAA hits and a missile each. They both managed to get locks on other enemy fighters and both fired 2 missiles each at a target. The last two Mirages turned back towards the border as the two squadrons of interceptors arrived in the air over Pensacola. Each carried eight air-to-air missiles to counter the Xaristanis.

Meanwhile, off the coast, the amphibious assault carrier ANS Birmingham began launching FV-28 intruders off her flight deck to counter the incoming attack aircraft. Ship launched SAMs were also prepared to be fired as soon as the attacking aircraft came within range.


"Enemy aircraft overhead! We can't move and we're going to get killed unless someone pulls them off our backs!"

"36 aircraft are inbound to your location. Hold them off as best you can until they arrive."

The Hawk IIs that had ben flying CAP over the border immediately turned south to meet the northbound Xaristanis. FB-38 Vengeances were getting ready for a second bombing run on Jacksonville if the air north of the city could be cleared. SB-11 Ravens were also loaded with cluster munitions and smart bombs to target bases and industries farther from the border. A few anti-aircraft vehicles managed to get off the road into the fields intact and immediatley began targeting the low-flying aircraft with anti-aircraft rounds and the few SAMs they had. The Navy also launched 12 Intruders off the ANS Charlotte to assist the Air Force fighters. Each Intruder carried 6 air-to-air missiles.

OOC: How many missiles are going to be launched on the two fleets? That way I can properly RP the damages and such. Also, how many aircraft are north of Jacksonville? I have 48 aircraft moving in on the area where the battle is going to occur.

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