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Scotland Divides Iberia

Proxian Empire

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With the German occupation of south-eastern Spain, the Scottish Empire has found itself no choice but to protect the integrity of the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal.

"The German invaders are unwelcome in Iberia," said King Douglas of the Scottish Empire this morning. "We will not stand for a fascist state to plant itself upon our doorstep against the will of the Spanish people who suffer under their oppressive regime."

Scottish military forces are being moved en masse to northern Spain and the city of Lisbon. King Douglas has taken extra precautions against the aggressive Krieg Empire that has unlawfully enslaved the Spanish people to the southeast by ordering the creation of a wall to divide Iberia.

"We must take the necessary steps to prevent illegal immigrants and spies from fleeing into Scottish territory. Henceforth, I authorise the construction of a wall to divide the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal and the rogue state known as the Krieg Empire. Let it be known that we will not stand for injustice and we watch these fascist wretches with open eyes. No one under the protection of Scotland shall be allowed to fall victim to your evils, and this includes our allies in Euskadi," announced King Douglas.

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"The Krieg Empire haven't been here for very long, and yet you distance yourself from them just because they are 'fascist'? Wouldn't it be better if both nations put aside their differences and establish relations and understanding of each other?"

Unlike New England, the Scottish Empire does not possess an ocean that distances itself between the evils of fascist regimes and her people. We request New England understand that we must protect the integrity of those under Scottish protection just as New England would be expected to protect her own.

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Unlike New England, the Scottish Empire does not possess an ocean that distances itself between the evils of fascist regimes and her people. We request New England understand that we must protect the integrity of those under Scottish protection just as New England would be expected to protect her own.

"We do understand and honor Scotland's integrity and her concern for the protection of her lands and protectorates. Thus, that is why we are asking for both sides to calm down, to avert the possibility of war. We wouldn't want one to break out in Europe because of misunderstandings, wouldn't we? This is only our two cents, of course."

Edited by JEDCJT
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We thank everyone for their support, and invite Euzkadi to join us in the extension of the wall throughout Euzkadi territory along the Krieg border.

10,000 Top Gearian soldiers have just departed TG Intl. Airport, heading for your bunkers.

If you could find a suitable runway for our men as soon as possible, we would be grateful. More men will be dispatched in 16 hours.

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Lisbon has an extensive airport that is welcome to be used by Top Gear in these dark times. Upon landing, troops can be dispersed throughout the region and settle in bunkers that protect key strategic points. We give our most sincere thanks to Tog Gear for their support in containing this fascist threat.

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--Secret Communique--

TO: HQ for Scottish troops in Iberia.

FROM: Rep of Euzkadi Armed Forces High Command

Our ground forces have ensured the southern Basque frontier is fully garrisoned, and our air force is mounting round the clock patrols in order to prevent any surprises and to ensure a steady flow of reconnaissance information. You can count on us to be proactive should the shooting start.

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**Private message to Euzkadi and Top Gear**

We appreciate your support for our people for the duration of these hard times. Our 'friends' to the south-east are borderline insane, and we do not trust their sudden change of heart. We will continue to monitor them closely and construct the wall.


Construction of the wall continues and edges near completion due to high productivity and volunteers. The Scottish government expects the 50m high wall to be completed within a matter of days.

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IC: The Empire is sad to hear that even though we have apologized and tryed to make amends, the Scottish government still holds resentment to our Reforming country. We would like to direct you to an offical statement declared in our constitution:


(Copy paste isnt working atm)

We hope this clears up any modern misconceptions that you might hold to our peaceful, reforming country, we hope the Scottish can mature and realize we wish to coexsist in peace.

We would also hope that no military actions will be carryed out on a Peace/reforming declared country. We are taking steps to insure we set an example in europe for peace.

EDIT: OOC: Also, no need for name calling, OOCly or ICly, I apologized, lets move and grow up.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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We too remain ambivalent, and will continue to police our frontier with the utmost vigilance.

The Empire supports the right of the soveirgn nation of Euzkadi to do so and asks to please remain away from our side of the country and respect our Peaceful isolationalist stance.

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The Imperium of Poliz encourages both sides to start yelling at each other, and threaten nuclear war, because everyone knows that war is the most important and potent instrument of state.

The Empire will decline such an offer. I will also safely say that neither us nor the Scottish have been throwing Immature remarks back and forth (After my offical apology and reform statement.)

I will also not let 80,000+ troops sit on my Borders without responding. I am going to take steps to insure my country isnt destroyed.

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