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Tyga: I declared on 2, one being Bossk and the other was the guy which posted in this thread, i'm too lazy to go check. :P I also didnt think I portrayed it as a barbarous attack, but its all relative to the reader.

Well you said this:

The UJP war, or the war of Lulz was a war the STA was able to get into. We were to attack Gen[m]ay. Together with Tyga, Moridin, someone else and myself, we were to attack the leader of Gen[m]ay; Bossk and 2 other targets. We charged into this war hard, harder than most.

Which is what I was getting at. You were not assigned 3 targets and we did not charge into war harder than most. We were actually very calculated and rationed our forces accordingly which is why is was such a successful campaign. :P

I can state that Karma is as bad as the hegemony. Any and every power sphere ever has been made on one purpose: Power. This fits in with Karma, the Hegemony, the Triple Entente, the Allies, the Axis: everyone. Even the "good guys" use blocs as a leverage of power from one side to their side. But you gotta pick your poison on which side you support, 'cuz its life.

You can state the moon is made of cheese, it doesn't make it true. Karma existed as long as the war was fought and therefore is not a power bloc in the Cyberverse at all and never was. It was a war-time coalition. The "punishments" meted out by Karma alliances are not even remotely as harsh as those the Hegemony handed out. This is not to say that future power blocs that do fill the power void will be better or worse than the Hegemony but Karma is not and never was going to be that power bloc. But, this argument has been done to death.

Power is hardly something to use as a statement that blocs or groups are the same. I'd hardly consider the Allies and the Axis as being as bad as each other. But by your measure the government of a democratic and free nation would be as bad as a totalitarian death cult regime that slaughtered thousands or millions of its citizens by the simple fact they both had power in their respective nations. That is absurd.

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Which is what I was getting at. You were not assigned 3 targets and we did not charge into war harder than most. We were actually very calculated and rationed our forces accordingly which is why is was such a successful campaign. :P

Well is it a crime to liven up a post with some heroism? :P But as most things, this is bias, and it isnt perfect, but I just wanted an interesting read, so stop getting boring facts in the way. ^_^

You can state the moon is made of cheese, it doesn't make it true. Karma existed as long as the war was fought and therefore is not a power bloc in the Cyberverse at all and never was. It was a war-time coalition. The "punishments" meted out by Karma alliances are not even remotely as harsh as those the Hegemony handed out. This is not to say that future power blocs that do fill the power void will be better or worse than the Hegemony but Karma is not and never was going to be that power bloc. But, this argument has been done to death.

Pro or Con Karma, it doesnt matter. Everyone has a valid opinion on the matter and will assume what they want to assume.

Power is hardly something to use as a statement that blocs or groups are the same. I'd hardly consider the Allies and the Axis as being as bad as each other. But by your measure the government of a democratic and free nation would be as bad as a totalitarian death cult regime that slaughtered thousands or millions of its citizens by the simple fact they both had power in their respective nations. That is absurd.

That happened to also be the USSR, which were part of the Allies under Stalin's command, which killed thousands if not millions of its citizens. I would also like to point out Hitler was voted in democratically, and that yes, Genocide is bad, but 10-20 years prior, there was also Anti-Semitism all over the world. In the US, in the U.K., and everywhere. While not as extreme like the Nazi regime, there was still the same mutual hatred for the Jewish community. What I mean is that supranational agreements like blocs assert their collective power. What I am saying is even the heroic portrayed have empirical ambitions. The British and French did a hundred years before the WW2, Spain, USSR and Portugal. The Axis wanted to create their own empires and the Allies wanted to defend their homeland and the territories they took over through empirical ambitions. So if you see what I am getting at, the point is that it takes two to tango. In the WW2 analogy, the Hegemony was the allies who were just defending an attack, and Karma was on the offensive trying to end the Hegemony's empires. While unlike WW2, the "allies" in this case lost, I think my point kinda makes sense.

but this is too much OOC stuff, so I'm not going to continue ^ this conversation about Karma=/=Hegemony anymore. :P

Edited by Dr.Gamer
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Overlord Shinnra: I cant tell if it is sarcasm, but perspectives on events is always a good way to learn and understand different angles of the same situation.

Well, he directed me here and told me to read it because it was good so I'm assuming he was being sincere ;)

I like reading coherent stories.

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