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Combating the river Lethe


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It was fortunate indeed that her own room was on opposite ends of the hallway from her mother's. Otherwise this would never have worked.

As it was...

"You'll never be able to move to properly defend yourself in all that lace. DO you have something less bulky you can wear?"

The maid looked almost scandalized, until Roselyn told her to go outside and keep watch. She did so without voicing a word of protest, though her expression spoke volumes.

"Well, I could always borrow some clothes from my older brother. He's away in the army, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

When she came back, Anthony nodded. "If those fit, and it looks like they will, they will do nicely. Now, I assume you don't want me in here while you change--" both of them couldn't help but blush "--so other than out that door," (he pointed to the one leading to the hallway) "where can I go?"

Wordlessly, she pointed to the bathroom door.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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  • 2 weeks later...

At least she was used to physical exertion. How could she not be, Anthony thought dryly, with all the weight she carried around every day in her clothing?

But he still had to remind himself to be patient. Not everyone learned as quickly as he.

"No no, remember, you have to put your entire body behind that strike. To put in in perspective..." he took an fighting stance to demonstrate, then performed the punch in slow motion towards Roselyn. "You don't aim for the skins...you aim for a point just behind it."

As he ended his instruction, his fist made contact with her chest, forcing her to take a single step back.

"Now, try again."


His attempts to get closer to the mother had stalled--though not for lack of trying. At least he didn't believe anyone was suspicious of anything they shouldn't be, he thought one night, as he engaged in a sparring match with Roselyn. Though not as fast as himself, she had made relatively good progress compared to what many would have done. But as usual, the outcome was never in doubt--and he pinned her to the floor.

She growled in frustration.

"Will I ever be good enough?" she asked, her eyes staring into his from only inches away.

He smiled. "You're already learning faster than many would."

Her frown slowly turned to a smile, and before it had really register with either of them, she bent her neck up and kissed him on the lips...

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For a few moments, Anthony was too shocked to react, but then he began returning the kiss. Almost too soon, he broke away, and the almost pouting expression on Roselyn's face indicated she felt the same way as he released her and sat up.

"That could get us both in trouble, Miss Roselyn," he said, reverting to formal speech. He knew she hated it, but he didn't know how else to talk right now. His mind was a jumble of confused thoughts, almost completely incoherent.

She in turn sat up, unconsciously adopting the same cross-legged position as he. She frowned at the form of speech she so disliked, but let it go for the moment. "We could already get in trouble for you simply being here to teach me. After all, what would my mom think if she saw us alone together? Even with the maid out in the hall like that?"

He cocked his head as he studied the girl, finally getting his thoughts organized. He'd been so in the moment, that hadn't even occured to him. He'd have to learn to think more logically before making such statements in the future.

"Now, where were we?" Roselyn asked, leaning toward him again. Anthony's eyes grew wide...

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  • 3 months later...

There is a saying about all good things. They may last a while, for some a lifetime, but sooner or later, all good things...

Upon reflection later that night, after returning to his own room, he considered what had just happened. A smile formed on his face as he fell asleep, not the least bit aware of the chain of events this would set in motion.

And for a while, indeed, nothing happened. While it was clear she would never be as skilled as he was, she was proving adept at learning how to defend herself. And what came after...well, it wasn't hurting anything, was it? Unwittingly, he found himself growing, as his handler would say, 'growing too emotionally attached to the subject.'

He made the mistake of mentioning the affair in his report, the same night her mother got suspicious...

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