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Regarding the ToS at the Donation Screen

Imperial Empire

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Um yeah let me get to the point.

If you go here (And yes, that is the Donation Screen for my nation) and scroll down to the ToS then you can find that you can do interesting things with it.

Here is what Term 25 states:

25. Nations caught trying to fill opponent’s aid slots by sending unsubstantial joke aid packages will receive an ingame warning. Such activity is not only senseless as the recipient is able to cancel the package, but it creates extra traffic which puts unneeded stress on the game servers.

Now have a look at this picture and see what I did to Term 25.

I was able to drag bits of the ToS around into other sections.

Basically, it's the equivalent of hightlighting some text in a word document, holding down Ctrl and draging text around - you're just copying and pasting it.

I don't think I should have been able to do that somehow.

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