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Selling the Land that her family once stood on..

Madame Unicorn

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Madame Unicorn looked over the map of her country. She sighed, and ran her finger around the bottom of the page, tracing the border between Annihilation and Taiwan on the southern coast. She hated uneven lines, and the border was annoying her. Of course, Taiwan was a peaceful nation, and they got along just fine, but she wanted to even out the land.

She copied the map and drew a new, straighter, line, smiling as she did so. Feeling generous, she send out a letter to Nebu II, proposing her new land deal

From the desk of Madame Unicorn, Leader of Annihilation

Dear Nebu II,

First off, how lovely is it for me to get in contact with you. I have a proposition for you, my friend.

I was looking over a map of my nation, when I saw the border that we share. I am wishing to propose a straighter border between us, which means more land for you.

Please find enclosed a copy of the map and my proposal.

Yours Faithfully,

Madame Unicorn


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As Nebu sat down at his desk he noticed a letter, it was from Madame Unicorn of Annihilation. He looks at the letter and then opens it to find a proposal from Madame Unicorn.

'Hm... I wonder...' Nebu said to himself, he looks over the letter and then folds it back up, he then has his Secretary send Madame Unicorn a phone call. As she gets Madame Unicorn on the line, she transfers it to Nebu.

'Hello Madame Unicorn, I have received your letter and I would like to meet with you in person in Ilam, would you be available for a talk?'

Edited by Ezequiel
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Madame Unicorn's phone buzzes as she runs along the pavement... Running through Ilam was a great excuse to see her city, meet people, and of course, stay in shape.

She stops, panting for air, leaning against a tree, pulling out her phone and hitting the 'answer' button.

"Hello? Oh Nebu, it's a pleasure to speak to you. You would like to talk to me personally? Hm, yeah that seems reasonable. I assume you've received my letter... How about tomorrow, over lunch?"

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'Sounds great, I will see you tomorrow.' Replied Nebu.

As Nebu gets ready to leave in his private jet, he asks for some fine wine to drink along the way.

As Nebu arrives in Ilam, he walks into The Okonomiyakiya. He see's Madame Unicorn waiting for him, he goes over to her and takes a seat.

'Hello Madame Unicorn, it's a great pleasure to finally meet you. I have brought the item, let us talk about your offer, shall we?'

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Madame Unicorn sits patiently, in her Yukata, waiting for Nebu to arrive. As he walks in, She stands up and greets him,

'Good evening, Nebu. I hope you travelled well?' She points over to the hotplate, where a chef starts heating it up,

'Please feel free to order anything you want, this place has fantastic Japanese cuisine.'

She waits for Nebu to order, whilst looking at her own menu.

'Ah, Takazashi-san, one okonomiyaki please. Usual toppings.'

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Madame Unicorn smiled

"Now, I want to explain why I did this. I believe that we can co-inhabit this island quite peacefully. I took a look at the border and it just seemed to confusing. So I decided to straighten it out. I hope you don't mind."

As the waited arrived with the dishes, Madame Unicorn ate slowly, engaging in polite conversation with Nebu, enjoying her meal.

"I do hope you like Japanese..." She smiled and pushed the map towards Nebu.

"So, have we come to an agreement? I'm happy with the new border, and I hope you are too"

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'Thank you, Madame Unicorn. For such a great time and for giving the Taiwanese Empire some of your family's land, we would like to aid your nation. We are happy that you thought of us.' Nebu whispers to Madame Unicorn. 'I will give it to you when we leave, it contains 90,000 one hundred dollar bills.'

As Nebu finishes his meal, the waiter hands them the bill.

'Oh, let me cover it, Madame Unicorn.' Nebu pays the Waiter and leaves than a tip.

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