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The Eagleian Broadcasting Company, more commonly known simply as

EBC, broadcasts the latest in news and events from Eagleia nationally and internationally. It is currently the largest and most trusted media agency for news in the nation.

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News Headlines for August 7th 2009:

New session of Congress to open soon: As the Summer holidays for Congressmen end and legislators return back to work, a new session of Congress will be opened by the Governor General, who will deliver the traditional Speech from the Throne, outlining Her Majesty's Federal Eagleian Government's intentions, and will also notify Congress of any important developments across the nation.

Eagleia begins new diplomatic relations: Just recently the Foreign Minister officially announced the beginning of formal diplomatic relations with nations across Planet Bob, of which Disparu was the first.

Premier shocks Parliament with expensive plan: Sir Rabbitisterdon, Premier of the Eagleian Province of Einea shocked the provincial parliament earlier today by stating he intends to massively expand several of Einea's cities and "technologically advance them". Critics of the plan included Leader of the Einean Opposition in Parliament, who said "It's easy enough for him to say he wants all this, but who's going to pay for this plan which runs into the billions, maybe trillions of Eglots? The taxpayers of course!".


More to come, stay tuned!

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Congress Opening; Surprise Royal Visit

August 8th 2009

It was a gloomy day in Eagleton International Airport, but crowds were gathered all around Runway Number One. At late night yesterday the Governor General announced that The Queen will pay a Royal Visit to the nation and she will open Congress personally. Airforce One, the official plane of the Government, came out the sky and the people cheered. About the same time the plane carrying Queen Elizabeth II landed on the Runway, the clouds cleared and Sun rays burst out. A good omen.

The joyous crowd was stopped from getting too close by Security, but as the Sovereign stepped out onto the steps a cheer went up into the air, along with many flowers. Not far away, a the gun salutes could be heard. People lucky enough to make it close enough made sure that their flowers and gifts were handed to the Sovereign, who needed several assistants to carry them all.

Excited as always to see their Sovereign, Governors and Premiers of Federal and Provincial level alike lined up to greet Her Majesty. The Governor General welcomed the Sovereign and Prince Phillip and introduced them to the Governors and Premiers, much of whom have already met the Queen.

The Queen, after reviewing a Guard of Honor, proceeded to the Motorcade which will take her to Eagleia Palace.


Quick Facts:


*Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) is Queen regnant of 16 independent nations.

*The Queen is also symbolic Head of the Commonwealth of Nations, made up of 53 independent countries.

*The countries of which she is Queen and Head of State are includes the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and even Jamaica.

*Although the Queen is vested with vast power, and may use them whenever she deems it necessary, she rarely uses them without the advice of Her Government in the country where it will have effect.


*The Queen is also Head of State and Queen of Eagleia. She is the first person to occupy the position of Monarch of Eagleia.


--Congress is Opened by the Queen--


Amidst much pomp and ceremony, The Queen opened the Congress of Eagleia and delivered the Speech from the Throne. The main part of the State Opening began as the Sovereign drove out of Eagleia Palace in the Royal Carriage. She arrived at the Capitol Building in front of about 2 million people who had flocked to the green in front of the Capitol to see her. The guns fired, the soldiers saluted, and the Government welcomed her.

For the first time since the creation of Eagleia, Provincial Governors and Premiers, Federal Ministers and the Governor General and his Deputy, VIP guests from the Provincial Parliaments, and Lord and Representatives, etc gathered together to hear the Speech from the Throne in one place.

After it was done the Queen declared the new session of Congress open and proceeded out, escorted by her consort. After listening to the National and Royal Anthem be sung by the 2 Million strong crowd, she did a final wave of the hand, to which the crowd screamed and cheered, and got into the Royal Carriage and departed for the Palace.


Stay tuned for more.....

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Message to the Eagleian Government

Donna Phillips, Disparuean Ambassador to Eagleia

On behalf of Disparu, I would like to congratulate the Eagleian government for the successful opening of the Congress of Eagleia, and the safe arrival of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

The Disparuean Government wholeheartedly supports Sir Rabbitisterdon's plans to technologically expand several cities in the province of Einea. Yes, this endeavour will cost millions, even billions, worth of Eglots, but these advancements will eventually pay off.

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Message of Reply to the Disparuean Government

George Hanover, Eagleian Ambassador to Disparu

On behalf of Eagleia, I thank the Government of Disparu for your thoughtful message.

Sir Rabbitisterdon has also asked me inform that he is pleased that the Government of another nation thinks well of his plan, and asks me to thank you on behalf of him. As the Disparuean Government has expressed interest in this issue, here are latest developments about it: (1) The Premier intends to introduce the bill to Parliament tomorrow, his party along with his allies together hold a majority in the House, it is expected the bill will pass, as long as the people of Einea approve. (2) A recent poll taken by EBC in 5 cities across the Province, a good majority of the population appear to support the bill. (3) If the bill is successfully passed by Parliament, all which shall remain is for the Governor of Einea, The Queen's Representative in Province, to sign the bill into law. Although it is unlikely he will reject it, he might on grounds that it is too much for the Treasury of Einea to handle. We shall see soon the outcome.

George Hanover

Ambassador of Eagleia to Disparu

Mary Mackenzie

Deputy Ambassador of Eagleia to Disparu

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Parliament of Einea passes Expansion and Technological Advancement Bill

August 9th 2009

The Parliament of the Eagleian Province of Einea passed the bill proposed by Sir Rabbitisterdon today.

Full story:

It was about 9:00 AM in Columbia, the Capital of Einea. Members of the Provincial Parliament were gathering to meet and finish the final debate on the bill proposed by the Premier. As it was the final debate, the Governor of Einea (who is directly appointed by the Sovereign) presided over the meeting, as it is he who will decide whether or not the bill actually passes into law by granting or withholding Royal Assent.

The Speaker of the Parliament officially allowed the debate to begin at about 9:15 AM. Among the issues about the bill raised were about the objection of a good amount of Einean taxpayers who would find the amount of money the bill demands outrageous. Rabbitisterdon's Economist Party and it's allies responded with their main argument that it will pay off well in the long term.

The debate was over at 10:45 AM, the Speaker did not however announce an official winner for the debate, instead going on straight to taking out the details of the bill. At around 11:15 AM the final details of the bill were decided for if it were to pass.

Whilst taking a break from the heated debate, MPs watched on the main screen the results of an official independent poll and survey on the matter come out. It appeared that a healthy majority of people would support the plan, but was it enough to sway the opposing MPs?

At 11:30 AM the voting in Parliament began. Many could clearly see Rabbitisterdon sweating, probably out of fear that the bill would not pass. His worst nightmare nearly came true when the results of the vote came out, showing on the screen that a majority of MPs had voted against. However, luckily for him, this was only a technical fault, quickly corrected. The final result was: 10% neutral; 20% against, 70% for. The bill had just made it through the vote, as Parliamentary guidelines state that it is recommended to have at least a 70% majority for a bill concerning a large amount of money pass. Yet, the Premier and his allies could not yet rest. 5 minutes before Noon the bill was handed over to the Governor, who was present in Parliament, to inspect, and grant or withhold Royal Assent. 5 minutes passed and the Governor softly said: "By Her Majesty's Command, on the advice of the Parliament of Einea, this bill is passed". Royal Assent was officially granted, the bill passed. The Premier, his party and allies cheered, along with interested supporters watching the whole thing live on TV.

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Message to the Eagleian Government

Donna Phillips, Disparuean Ambassador to Eagleia

The Disparuean Government is happy to know that the technology bill passed. We hope that the bill will be beneficial to the people of Einea.


Donna Phillips,

Disparuean Ambassador to Eagleia

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News Headlines for August 12th 2009:

*The Order of Eagleia was officially created today. Due to it's high standards, it is recognized as one of the most prestigious and valued awards in existence. Read about the Order here.

*Eagleia Palace opens to the public tomorrow with a display of the Crown Jewels of Eagleia.


As always, stay tuned for more!

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