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Trip to Bavaria

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Sergey sighs as his plane flies out of Helsinki airport, heading toward Bavaria. He was relieved that things went so well, so many things are said about fascists, but Finland’s government seems to have broken the mold.

A few hours later his plane arrives in Munich. As he’s driven through the city to the meeting place he remarks at how different the city is from Moscow. It’s very much a modern city, but it’s kept much of it’s old world allure. Every building has it’s own story to tell, but that was for another time, he had arrived for his meeting with the Bavarian government.

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Sergey sighs as his plane flies out of Helsinki airport, heading toward Bavaria. He was relieved that things went so well, so many things are said about fascists, but Finland’s government seems to have broken the mold.

A few hours later his plane arrives in Munich. As he’s driven through the city to the meeting place he remarks at how different the city is from Moscow. It’s very much a modern city, but it’s kept much of it’s old world allure. Every building has it’s own story to tell, but that was for another time, he had arrived for his meeting with the Bavarian government.

In this case, 'the Bavarian government' was Lord Vetinari personally, by coincidence having the time to meet with the Slavorussian ambassador.

As many others, Sergey was led through the impressive halls of the Königsbau, the residence of Bavarian Kings, until a simple wooden door was reached, which led to a similarly simple office. There alreay was a chair ready for the Russian, Vetinari sitting on his site of the oaken desk and waiting.


"Welcome, Mister ambassador. Please sit down.

I trust you had a comfortable journey?"

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“Yes, I had a nice calm flight, and when I landed there was plenty of sights to take in. I really liked driving through the city. It gives me a different feeling than most cities I‘ve been to.” Sergey takes a seat in the chair provided for him and continues talking. “Anyway, should we get down to business?”

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“Yes, I had a nice calm flight, and when I landed there was plenty of sights to take in. I really liked driving through the city. It gives me a different feeling than most cities I‘ve been to.” Sergey takes a seat in the chair provided for him and continues talking. “Anyway, should we get down to business?”

"Business it is, then.

From what I have gathered, your government seeks to establish better relations with Bavaria. At the same time, we would gladly work together with you in the event of another powerful Nordic state rising.

Thus, one can already guess that only a defense pact, perhaps with trading options would satisfy both our and your ambitions. Trade would quickly better our relations and strengthen the economies of both our countries while the defensive treaty furthers safety in Europe and lets us all live with a bit less fear. What do you think?"

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“Lord Vetinari, what you said, is exactly what I was thinking on the plane. As a matter of fact, I had one of my assistants draft a treaty with those exact parameters in mind.”

Sergey takes a piece of paper from his assistant and places it in front of Lord Vetinari.


The Kingdom of Bavaria and the Empire of Slavorussia, two countries who wish strengthen ties and forge a long lasting friendship and mutual cooperation in international affairs, hereby agree to this pact.

Article I: Non Aggression

Both nation pledge not to initiate any form of hostile actions against the other, and shall keep an open line of communications between both governments.

Article II: Mutual Defense

Both nations agree to aid and defend one another in times of war. If one nation becomes the victim of an outside aggressor the other is obligated, by this pact, to aid with political, monetary and military resources.

Article III: Intelligence Sharing

If either signatory of this pact receives sensitive information concerning the safety and security of the other they are required to share it and when applicable the source of said information.

Article IV: Trade

Both signatories should endeavor to reduce or eliminate tariffs, and pledge to increase trade between both signatories.

Article V: Withdrawal

Either signatory may withdraw from this pact at any time, but they are required to notify the other signatory forty-eight (48) hours prior.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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“Lord Vetinari, what you said, is exactly what I was thinking on the plane. As a matter of fact, I had one of my assistants draft a treaty with those exact parameters in mind.”

Sergey takes a piece of paper from his assistant and places it in front of Lord Vetinari.

"Well, that treaty looks just perfect.

Let me just sign it..."

Signed for Bavaria,

Lord Havelock Vetinari


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Great! Lord Vetinari, I thank you on behalf of the Prime Minister, His Majesty and the Slavorussian people.

"Not a problem. I have to thank Slavorussia and its leaders in the name of Bavaria.

Additionally, if you don't mind, I shall make this treaty public."

OOC: Means, if he agrees, you all know about it. :v:

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"Yes, please do, that'll save me some work when I get back to Moscow."

"I'll do that, then."


Some time later

Public Announcement

"Bavaria and Slavorussia have signed a mutual defense pact.

That is all."

Those who requested it were sent a copy of the treaty.

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