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Rebels in Bringdom


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At 3:32PM today a group known as ACIB or Anti Communism in Bringdom bomb several building in an attempt to assassinate me . We know at the minute the the FADF has been deployed to crack down on the rebels . We have reports that 29 civilians and 13 congressmen have died . There are no reports of any injuries and i have not been harmed . I have deployed all of our Armed forces to deal with the rebels and hopfully no more blood will be spilled

Thank you

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Reports in that an all out war has broken lose in the streets on Bringdom today . As the rebels opened fire on a truck carrying Bring soldiers . President Yahoda has not been reached for comment , Looking at the action now we can see that the Bringish armed forces are beating back the rebels . We have a loose number of almost 300 casualties . We hope that we can reach Yahoda for a comment later

Edited by yahoda
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This just in we have received a radio signal with president Yahoda we can not say his whereabouts but we have him live on the air .

People of Bringdom this is your President speaking , i am here to tell you everything is being done to cease the rebel attacks . If you are inside your homes stay there do not go outside , do not help the rebels . We have given the rebels every chance to surrender and stop this bloodshed an they have refused , so i have declared that all rebels and anyone caught helping talking or even interacting with these rebels to be imprisoned and executed . We are now at Defcon 1 people there will be soldiers patrolling every street and the FADF will be searching homes daily if you know anything about the ACIB then please go to your wait in your home until an FADF soldier is near you and tell them . WE CAN STOP THIS BLOODSHED

Thank you goodbye

That was President Yahoda people and this is Bringdom national radio

Edited by yahoda
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We now have some images of the rebels and the Bringdom armed forces

Here we can see the FADF patrolling the streets


Here we see the Bringdom armed forces outside a barracks


Here we can see some rebels fleeing from the FADF


Here is a big event happening a warehouse with over 14 rebels was raided and all were imprisoned.


Two armed rebels dressed in casual clothes were fleeing a house were they had assassinated 2 police officers when a patrol caught them the two men are now in prison


Thank you and goodbye this was Bringdom Nation Television broadcast

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This just in it seems that the The Grand Palace (Where the president lives ) has been bombed by the ACIB . We have rumours that President Yahoda may have been killed in the blast , But no official reports have been made . We also have reports that the ACIB have also taken control of the capital city of ZulZuxdom . The Bringdom armed forces have either retreated from the capital or joined the ACIB , several congressmen have joined ACIB in a bid to try impeach the president .

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Reports in that an all out war has broken lose in the streets on Bringdom today . As the rebels opened fire on a truck carrying Bring soldiers . President Yahoda has not been reached for comment , Looking at the action now we can see that the Bringish armed forces are beating back the rebels . We have a loose number of almost 300 casualties . We hope that we can reach Yahoda for a comment later

OOC: Oh, man, please pick a different color. that one hurts my eyes and is difficult to see.

IC: Promised Land wishes Bringdom the best in dealing this uprising, but warns that it should be careful in how the situation. If civilians get harmed by government forces in the conflict, it may fan the flames of rebellion.

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News just in the president Yahoda has just been impeached . The now new president Togimo has been voted by the people to become to new leader of the now Republic of Bringdom . This ends the communist rule of Bringdom , the rebels have left the streets and now Bringdom hopes to rebuild .

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We hear that at this very moment the New President of the !REPUBLIC! of Bringdom is talking with his newly elected Senate and Cabinet about the rebuilding of this nation . We have suffered many loses in this short civil war and over 700 people have died and us with only a population of 5780 . The President has promised to improve Brindoms Infrastructure , Army , Agriculture and Economy

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While a civil war is a horrible way to accomplish one's goals, and we are sorry for the families of the deceased, we are glad that Bringdom has broken free from Communism.

OOC: Also, if you want to make a country more realistic, a generally accepted multiplier for population is x100.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Yes a civil war is wrong but it was a necessary evil in order to end the suffering of and entire nation . As the new President i hope to restore greatness to Bringdom

ooc: I will remember that

Edited by yahoda
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While a civil war is a horrible way to accomplish one's goals, and we are sorry for the families of the deceased, we are glad that Bringdom has broken free from Communism.

OOC: Also, if you want to make a country more realistic, a generally accepted multiplier for population is x100.

OOC: Along with a multiplier of x10 for the soldiers. Tanks are as is.

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